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Modern Lesbian Marriage Ch. 00

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Mainly intro. Jen and Laura consider an open marriage.
11.2k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 08/06/2023
Created 08/28/2022
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Laura Pearce and Jennifer Lander had only been married for 7 years when they hit a bump in their relationship. More specifically, it seemed as if the love and passion in their love making had dwindled.

Jen had met Laura in college, when she was only a college freshman. Laura, on the other hand, was already in the final year of her finance degree.

They met through Jen's older sister Lisa, who was the same age as Laura and had been friends with her since starting college. Throughout their friendship it wasn't unusual for the girls to go back home with the other for weekends or holidays. And it was during one of those visits that Jen met Laura for the first time.

Upon first seeing her, Jen could not help but be mesmerized by the way Laura looked. She was a tall brunette with long straight hair that cascaded down past her shoulders and a slender body that was, at that moment, only covered by a tank top and some tight shorts. Laura was particularly impressed with the girl's brown eyes, a brown so light that they almost seemed green. Her smile was shy, despite being so close to Lisa and having been to her house before (when Jen wasn't around), but it was also warm and beautiful all at the same time.

After Lisa introduced them, they became fast friends and the three of them frequently hung out throughout the summer after Jen graduated high school. Jen had never before been attracted to girls and had actually dated two guys during high school. However, she couldn't deny her attraction to Laura for long and ended up developing a huge crush on her sister's friend.

Whenever they did stuff together, Jen would always try to get closer to Laura and would often do stuff that left her feeling embarrassed afterwards. Like subtly choosing to sit next to her at the movies or during meals, act a little annoying and cute so she could touch her arms or hands, and even sleep in her sister's room with them after a movie so she could share the floor with Laura.

For her part, Laura was constantly fighting the feelings she had for Jen because she was her friend's younger sister.

Laura had always known she was a lesbian, in fact, she never had the need to come out to her family because her parents picked up on it right away. When she was younger, her attraction to girls came so naturally that she would often talk about how much she liked one of her friends. Her parents were always supportive of her as she grew up. She had had a girlfriend through high school but they broke up during her freshman year at college due to the complications of long distance. Afterwards, Laura had decided to let herself go a little and got to experiment quite a lot during her next couple of college years (though she didn't do anything with guys because she never felt any attraction towards the opposite gender).

During her visits to the sisters' along the summer, Laura had to contain the urges she felt whenever the younger of the Pearce sisters would lightly trace her hand down her arms and could barely sleep through the nerves whenever they shared the floor of Lisa's bedroom. She lived a couple hours away and would frequently find herself missing Jen's presence whenever she went back home. She even masturbated on a few occasions to fantasies involving the younger sister's body. Jen was quite shorter than either Lisa or Laura and her body wasn't as thin as Laura's. And in Laura's mind, this only meant that Jen's breasts looked even bigger on her short yet toned frame. Surprisingly, it wasn't the pair of firm and perky boobs that were at the forefront of the tall girl's fantasies (though they were a close second), but the beautiful set of deep green eyes that seemed to pierce through her soul even if the memory didn't do enough justice to the real pair.

Once the summer was over and Jen attended college with the two older girls, the friendship between Laura and Jen only grew stronger. They saw each other everyday and frequently hung out in each other's dorm until late into the night. The girls came to trust each other with some of their most profound secrets and were soon talking to each other like they had been friends for their whole lives. Even when they weren't talking, they would still keep each other company while studying, simply enjoying the other's company.

As they got to know one another better, Jen even confided in Laura that she was confused about her sexuality and the image she had of herself. Eventually, after many evenings where Jen would ask Laura questions about what being a lesbian was like and her experiences with being out, they finally confessed their feelings for the other. That night, Jen not only had her first kiss with another girl but they actually ended up passionately making out for almost an hour before they decided that they wanted to take things slower. In fact, it would almost be a month after they started dating before they had sex for the first time. Being Jen's first time, Laura wanted to make it as special as possible. So it only happened until winter break in a night that both girls described as the best of their lives (up to that point).

It was another month before Jen's sister, Lisa, found out about their relationship. Both Jen and Laura had both dreaded the moment she would find out, but after taking a few days to reflect on how she felt about her best friend and sister dating, she eventually told them how happy she was for them and how much she loved them both.

The first months of college after Laura got her degree were some of the hardest times for the relatively new couple. They got to see each other a lot less than they would have wanted and had troubles dealing with the emotions of being so far apart, since Laura was already working at a pretty big business in her hometown. However, the love they had come to feel for each other was strong enough to get them through these hard times. Even during the months when they couldn't see each other but once, their encounters were as intense and as passionate as they had always been, their mutual love for each other was always evident in both girls' hearts.

Once Jen graduated, it wasn't long before she moved in with Laura and found a job working for a local newspaper. The next years of their relationship were as wonderful as the girls had always hoped, they were the perfect couple and could always manage their way out of any conflict or issue they encountered in their relationship. Furthermore, the girls lust for each other had only grown due to the long time they were forced apart and they fucked like rabbits during their first three years together. Their sex was pretty vanilla, only involving some basic sexual toys from time to time, but this was more than made up for by the raw passion and pure love that they had for each other.

This honeymoon period was only prolonged by their actual honeymoon, once they were able to get married 3 years after Jen's college graduation. Their relationship blossomed after the wedding and they were already beginning to consider the possibility of adoption after only 4 years of being married. However, their plans were put to a halt as both women progressed further in their respective careers and their professional responsibilities kept growing and growing.

Of course, their professional success meant that the couple was now living very comfortably and had even afforded them a beautiful penthouse in New York, where Laura's company had relocated her for a huge position as a branch director. Jen was happy to move to the big city and eventually became one of the most important research journalists in the city.

The downsides to this dreamlike success were happening in their relationship. It wasn't that they were fighting or anything of sorts. Though of course it's hard to fight when they barely even talked to one another. Maybe they had grown so used to each other's presence that they almost didn't bother to acknowledge each other all the time. They still spent a lot of time together, but even the most intimate moments of their relationship felt like they were just going through the motions. It was as if they were robots, fulfilling the same little pieces of conversation every single day. Their lovemaking was now part of a ritual they had came up with to "keep the spark alive" not realizing they were putting out the last of the flame their sex used to have.

It started out as a date every single week to make sure they still had time for each other amongst the chaos of their respective jobs. But increasing responsibilities for both of them eventually brought the frequency of "date night" down to twice a month, and then to just once every month. Of course, these little dates weren't even special anymore. They'd try to have dinner together but were constantly interrupted by work related emergencies that took any romance out of the evening. Again, they didn't even fight about this since it happened to both of them and they even seemed to place their professional careers above their relationship these days.

The problem was only acknowledged as such by Jen after two consecutive months in which they had to skip their date night. It wasn't anyone's individual fault, Jen had to go to Europe during the second half of February to do a story on a war that was bursting in the East. When she came back, it was only a couple of days before Laura was summoned to a series of conferences across the country, where she was even supposed to be one of the main lecturers.

Neither of them suspected that after this time apart, their relationship would never again be the same as it had been before Laura left for her trip.


Once Jen came back home from her trip to Europe, and before Laura left for her conference tour, they acted as if they hadn't been apart for two weeks, namely, they both kept the same indifferent attitude they seemed to have towards anything that wasn't work related. Jen worked tirelessly on her article about the war for four days so she could have it ready for publishing at the start of the week. She didn't even notice when Laura left for her trip early on Saturday.

Jen intended to go to work on Monday but was ordered not to by her boss. Apparently, she had accumulated so many vacation days after through the last years that her boss was forced to give her a week off after writing her big article. Jen never minded working with no vacations, she was determined to succeed and had grown acostumbre to putting everything else in her life on the background while she achieved her dreams. But now, she found herself with the problem of having the most amount of free time she'd had in years.

It wasn't a problem at first, Jen loved to read and now she finally had time to read some books that she'd been looking forward to for a while. She didn't have anything else to do so she read one book in the mornings, another one for the evening, and even a third romance novel she read before bed. Particularly for the latter, she'd prepare a bubble bath in the huge and beautiful bathroom that the main bedroom of her penthouse possessed. She'd light scented candles and dim the lights before relaxing in the long bathtub and reading by the candlelight.

The book she was reading was about a heterosexual marriage that tried to open up their marriage in order to reignite their passion. At first, Jen's journalistic curiosity made her really interested in the book's depiction of what she considered an "alternative lifestyle", which she didn't know much about. She was only reading it because a colleague at work had recommended it. As the story progressed, the sex scenes got increasingly more erotic and explicit, and Jen got turned on to a degree she had not felt in years. She read the book in just two days, unable to put it down before her first read; and, rather than picking up another book to read at night, she used the time before bed to play with herself.

She realized it had been over a month since the last time her and Laura had sex. And even if their sex was mild and monotonous, they both usually achieved an orgasm before they finished. Sure, they were relatively small orgasms, nothing compared to the earth shattering feelings that they provoked in one another at the start of their relationship, but it kept them satisfied. Or at least, it used to keep Jen satisfied.

Jen's parents were extremely religious and they didn't take it well when she came out to them. This falling out had made Jen very self conscious about her sexuality. She loved Laura and wanted to spend her life with her, but somewhere inside her a little voice remained that kept her from fully embracing herself. Even when Laura and her had the most amazing nights of love making, Jen would still feel a bit of self loathing for herself afterwards, despite not always knowing where the feeling came from. Perhaps the voice inside her head was the religious upbringing her father had put her through as a kid (since he was a priest), maybe it was her mother's voice as she reprimanded her for her life choices, or maybe it was her own voice.

Whatever it was, she had not spoken to her parents in over 8 years and their memory was the last thing on her mind as she inserted a second finger into her pussy on Friday night. She had already achieved an orgasm minutes before when she had been simultaneously rubbing her clit with one hand and massaging her huge breasts with the other. She had always had large breasts, and surely they were starting to sag a little, but Jen was quite proud of her body since she worked out so much for it. The stimulation to her nipples as well as the release she got from playing with her pussy was wonderful, but the orgasm was not enough.

The last couple of days she had been masturbating to fantasies inspired by her book. She'd imagine her and Laura had an open marriage and she fantasized about herself having sex with different women, mostly nameless beauties she made up in her head. Of course, she forced the thoughts of Laura with someone else out of her mind. Jen had always been quite jealous in that regard because Laura had been much more experienced than her when they first started dating.

However, after a week of having to rely on herself for orgasms and all the pent up horniness of the last couple of months, her excitement skyrocketed knowing Laura was to come home Saturday night. She fingered herself imagining it was Laura who was stimulating her pussy with their favorite pink vibrator. Though Jen had looked for the vibrator in their bedroom, she couldn't find it, it appeared Laura had taken it with her. Nonetheless, Jen was so turned on thinking about the possibilities of the next night that her middle and index finger were enough of a substitute. After her second orgasm of the night, she went to bed with a mischievous smile thinking about Laura. She couldn't remember the last time she'd been this excited to see her.

The week had also been pretty exciting for Laura, at least most of it. On her second night of the trip, she couldn't help herself and used the pink dildo to get herself off. Finally cleansing herself of the sexual frustration she felt since last months date night, and subsequent sex, had been canceled. She always thought of Jen when she masturbated of course. Though she had to refrain herself from letting her fantasies run as wild as they could. She knew Jen wasn't really into kinky stuff in bed and she respected it, but a girl could dream.

After the release of that night, her days of conferences were very successful. She always had a big audience and got rounds of applause afterwards. People from different branches of her nationwide company even came to ask her questions after her speeches. She was feeling very proud of herself and how far she'd come since graduating college all those years ago. On Friday night, when all of the conferences were through, she was so tired that she even hated the cold hotel room. She just wanted to be back home sleeping next to Jen, just feeling her breath through the night and enjoying the warmth of her presence.

Saturday morning she had breakfast with her colleagues, but it wasn't until lunch when she got the news. The company was being sold. The new owner, some American businessman from the west coast, had decided to terminate their New York division to cut down expenses. They were going to announce it next month but Laura knew that she was virtually out of a job.

The news devastated Laura. It wasn't precisely that she was worried about the money, her and Jen had saved up a lot of money and Jen earned enough to maintain them both. But money was never the reason she worked, it wasn't even the reason she'd moved to New York 3 years ago. Laura actually loved her job, she loved feeling she was important and her role in the company had always made her feel like an essential part of it. She loved the work environment and the way those who worked for her also looked up to her. She loved the feeling of accomplishment she got when she was promoted and was even currently excited about a potential raise in the near future. Well, she had been excited until a few hours ago.

Now all of it was to be gone and Laura didn't know who she was without her job. She'd studied harder than anyone else in college and worked even harder during her first job, that's how she got to where she was. Her parents had always been so supportive and they always told her how proud they were of her. Surely they would understand but her heart still broke as she thought of the disappointment she was sure they'd feel, even if they hid it. But none of this compared to the sorrow in her heart as she thought about what Jen would think.

In Laura's eyes, Jen was the most beautiful and dedicated woman in the world. And she was now fulfilling all of her dreams with her job as a journalist. Laura had sacrificed so much for her career but Jen had too. When she was told of the offer to work in New York, Laura had been extremely nervous about accepting, doubting herself for the first time in her life. But as soon as Jen found out she was immediately loving and supporting.

"If you don't believe you can do it now that's fine. Just take the leap now knowing I believe in you with all of my heart, I'm sure you'll eventually find the confidence you need to be the best of them all," Jen had told her while looking deep into her soul with her piercing green eyes.

That was all it took. Jen left her job and they moved together to New York City. Eventually, Laura grew into an outstanding leader, just as Jen had foretold. After that event in their lives, Laura had come to see herself in a whole new light as she now thought of herself mostly based on what she thought Jen saw in her. That's why the news of her imminent unemployment were so hard on her, she had let down the love of her life, she couldn't live up to what Jen saw in her. More importantly, she had let herself down and was now seeing the futility in all those years she had sacrificed for her career.

The rest of the day was uneventful after lunch, she just wanted to be home, even if it meant confronting Jen. She might dread telling her, but her arms were also the only thing in the world that could comfort her right now. And that's what she wanted to do, just lie down in bed and be held by Jen for as long as humanly possible.

Laura arrived at the penthouse around 9:00 pm. She found all the lights off save for the one coming from her and Jen's bedroom.

"Jen!" She shouted just loud enough to be heard across the apartment, "I'm home baby, are you up?"

She quickly heard a reply, "I'm in the bedroom, hone, come on up!" A light excitement could be heard in Jen's voice.

Laura left her purse in the living room and headed for her bedroom, wondering why she felt something weird about Jen tonight. She got up to their room and pushed the door, which had been left slightly ajar, open. Her mouth almost fell open from the surprise.

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