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Modern Motherhood - Prom with Mom


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My mother starts meeting my thrusts, pushing forward to meet my advancing cock. The expression on her face changes again. We are submitting to our primal feelings. Then she surprises me by uttering words in a language that I hadn't heard her speak for many years. "Amor, bebe. Que rico." I start varying my thrusts a little bit. "Mas duro. Uff tan grande. Ay te quiero." My mother's vagina seems to be holding on to my penis when I retract.

Unfamiliar with the overpowering feelings, I lose control over my orgasm already after a few thrusts. I feel my jizz making its way up my dick and I swiftly pull out. Just in time. I shoot a massive load on my mother's belly and breasts. I almost lose my balance in the process.

The feelings and emotions almost knocking me out, it takes me more than a minute to regain my senses.

"Mom, you are amazing. Did you feel that too? Thank you for being the best mom in the world." I am jubilant but conversation feels very awkward. Victorious and fatigued at the same time. Testosterone is battling exhaustion.

"Honey, you are amazing. You are the best. Your cock is the hardest I have ever felt inside me. It is the best."

Realising that I came all over her, I say: "I am so sorry mom. I don't want you to think that I used you." It feels disrespectful and dirty. I love my mother very much, even more now.

Mom hushes me and says: "I love you son; this is a magical moment. I have never seen anyone cum as much as you just did. I feel so proud that you saved that all for me. I cannot describe how nice it feels to be covered in your sperm."

"I came way too soon. I am so sorry mom. Did you like it though? Am I doing it right?"

Mom smiles. "It is your first time, darling. It is overwhelming, not only for you. I think you did wonderful son. You make me feel really good."

I want to know everything but the more I ask, the dumber I feel and the more fearful I get that I crossed a line that mom did not want to cross with me.

"It was sexy to hear you speak Spanish, mom. Do you often speak Spanish when you uhh... When you have sex?"

That sounds like a dumb question. I immediately regret asking her. Fear is entering my head that she may start feeling remorse of our incestuous act.

I am physically and mentally exhausted.

Mom leans over and grabs a towel to mop up the sperm. She kisses and touches my face while she says: "Honey, you are great. I love feeling you inside of me. It feels truly magical. Your thrusts are so good. You push so deep, I love it. And our bodies naturally find a rhythm. Did you feel that too? I want more. Do you want to try again?"

My dick is still hard, but I am unsure and honestly a little bit afraid that I will again cum so soon again or that I cannot cum at all. My mother lies down with me. She wraps her arms around me and says: "Next time will be longer, I promise."

Spooning and feeling mom's warm body is comforting. Mom kisses my head and I hear her say that she loves me. Her breasts rest on my body. Her embrace feels natural, especially naked. I feel safe. Exhausted from the long day, crazy emotions, and of course sex, I fall asleep in my mother's arms instantly.

After drifting off into a deep sleep, my mother covers me with the bedsheet and goes to the bathroom to clean herself with water and soap. She puts her thong back on and joins me in bed again.

Exhausted, I dream about my mother all night, sweet loving dreams in which we are both naked and running around on a field.

I wake up in the middle of the night as I need to go to the bathroom. I quietly release myself from my mother's grip, slide out of bed and go to the washroom. I silently wash my hands after peeing and return to bed. Before crawling back in, I look at my beautiful mother. She has a peaceful smile on her face and is breathing rhythmically. Her breasts look deformed but beautiful as she lies on them. Her nipple is no longer hard. Instead, it is much bigger and flatter. And light brown. I feel my penis stirring and I long to be back in her arms. Or in her pussy.

Sliding back into the position that I was before, I wrap my arms around her, kissing her softly on her forehead and allowing my hard cock to rest against her warm thigh. In response, my mother instinctively closes the gap between our bodies.

For a while, I think about the doubts that I had last night. Being with my loving mother now, I realise that I have nothing to worry about. Relieved and horny I fall back asleep, looking forward to what tomorrow will bring.


Something tickles my belly. At first, I believe that it is one of the butterflies that escaped from my stomach yesterday during prom. But it is persistent, so I open my eyes.

When I realise that it is my mother's hair that is tickling me, my penis responds immediately. She softly kisses my belly looking at my growing cock. "Oh mom. Good morning." Mom looks up and smiles when our eyes meet. "Good morning lover." She slowly sits up. Her breasts fall into place again, firm, big, and protruding, high on her chest. I love the sight of them. They are perfect.

My mother notices that I am looking at her tits and she dangles them closely to my face on purpose as she puts an extra pillow under my head. "You may want to see what I am going to do to you now."

She pulls her hair back, making sure that I have an unobstructed view of her face and chest.

She leans forward and approaches my penis. She looks at me one more time and announces: "You are going to like this, honey." Anticipating nice things to come and feeling her warm breath on my sensitive dick feels divine. I moan. My mother kisses the tip of my penis. Soft short kisses that Mom described as butterfly kisses last night.

Then she opens her mouth and licks the tip of my penis. She circles it slowly with her tongue. She looks up at me. Our eyes meet, provoking me to say: "I love you mom." She smiles. "I love you too, son." The tip of her nose trails my penis from tip to base, slowly and sensually. Then she licks the base of my hard cock. She cups my balls as her flat wet tongue ascends from base to tip. I feel light-headed. She slowly rolls my balls with her left hand as her tongue makes its way back to the base of my penis.

The seductively painted nails of my mother's right hand catch my attention as she unhurriedly grips my cock. Subtly, her hand starts moving up and down, lightly masturbating me. She takes one of my balls in her warm wet mouth. Her tongue starts playing and her mouth sucking. I shiver and mom drops my balls.

As she points my penis up, my mother looks at me again and says: "I am going to suck your cock, son. Warn me before you cum, please." Paralysed, I monitor how her lips descend on the tip of my penis again. To my shock and surprise, I see that she spits on it first. But the feeling of warm saliva is surprisingly pleasant. Then she enwraps the head with her lips. Tongue to the side, she starts sucking.

Her hand is putting pressure on my cock and her mouth creates sensational suction on the tip. I feel everything. It is wet and intimate like her vagina. But the sensations are varied and different. As she had predicted, I indeed really like it.

The synchronised movement of mouth and hand is stimulating. I feel serviced and connected, enjoying her playful tongue. Lubricated by her saliva, she starts bobbing her head. "Oh mom, so good. Like that, yes. Go faster." She increases speed. "Deeper. Please." She takes more of the length of my shaft in my mouth. Saliva escapes from her mouth. Faint slobbering sounds, the power of soft lips, a mischievous tongue and the hard palate, combined with vigorous suction by my hot mother drive me crazy.

I feel the temperature suddenly rising and warn my mother that I am close to cumming again.

My mother pulls back and releases my dick from her mouth while she increases the pressure on my yearning cock. "Cum for me, son. I want you to cum for me." It only takes two or three jerks before I erupt. Like last night we make a mess of ourselves. Her hand and my belly and chest are shining of what would have flooded her mouth had I not warned her.

I drop my head on the pillow and look at the ceiling. I exhale deeply. "Oh mom, ..."

We need a couple of minutes to recover. Then we look at the mess that we made. My mom drops her naked body on top of mine, trapping the sticky sperm between us. She kisses me on the lips and says: "God, honey, it feels amazing to touch you and feel you in my mouth and in my hands. I really like feeling your cum on my skin. Sweetie, I love you so much. You are making your mom so happy."

Enjoying the skin contact, we rest in each other's arms a while longer. We are happy, content with our newfound bond. "I love you, mom. I never imagined that I could be as happy as you are making me now." Mom smiles and tells me that she still has so much to show and teach me. This is only the beginning of our journey.

"It feels so natural to be with you. It makes me feel so good to see you grow hard for me. And so wonderful to satisfy you and make you cum. You make me happy. You make me hot. You make me want to have sex with you, all the time."

After enjoying the blissful skin on skin feeling, mom finally lifts herself. We see the shining streams of cum connecting our chests. The physical bond makes us smile. "The blowjob made me so wet, sweetie. I want more of you." Mom kisses my nose. "I love you so much, son."

"Mom, I never thought anyone could make me feel so good. You are so special."

She kisses me on the lips again. It feels nice.

Then she asks if I want breakfast. Confused I answer: "I think so?"

Mom gets up. A cart with breakfast items is standing next to our bed. Mom apparently wheeled that in while I was still sleeping.

Mom disappears into the bathroom but returns with two wet small towels to bed. She uses the first towel to wipe the sperm off my belly and chest before using the other one to clean herself. "You came a lot. I don't think I have ever seen your father cum this much. I hope that you have another big load left for me for the next round."

Enjoying her remark, mom drops the used towels next to the bed on the floor.


We put the tray with food on the bed but don't eat much. I keep ogling my sexy mother. Mom says that she felt my hard cock pressed against her all night and that it kept her wet. I confess that I feel so safe with her, especially when our skins touch.

"I think that I am hungrier for you than for food," my mom says. I nod in agreement.

She clears the food from the bed and goes to the bathroom to fetch a few more towels. "We may need those later."

Standing topless next to our bed and seeing me eyeing her swaying breasts, mom lifts them and says: "I want you to fuck my tits. Do you want to try that?"

I nod. She crawls back onto the bed, into my desiring arms. Our naked bodies embrace. We tightly hold each other for a while, letting passion and my penis grow. Slowly sliding my hand up her body, giving my mother ample time to stop me if she wanted to, I reach her chest. I grab one of her boobs and knead it a little bit. I confidently take the nipple between my fingers. We kiss. I pinch lightly and she purrs "Yes sweetheart, that is how you seduce me...".

She releases my grip and rolls over onto her back. She asks me to hand the bottle of massage oil that is on the nightstand. She opens it and pours a generous amount of oil into the valley between her tits. As I place the bottle back, she explains that the oil not only improves the friction, but that it also increases the temperature.

Coaching me, she indicates how I can best straddle her. She pushes her breasts together and nods for my penis to come over. "Do you like my big tits? They are yours to play with, son."

I slide my curious dick forward over her belly towards her breasts. They find the gorge between her colossal mountains and glide in what feels like a tunnel. I start stroking instinctively. Her breasts are soft and warm, but not at all tight and wet like her pussy. Feeling the skin wrapped around my penis is delightful. Seeing her breasts move up and down with the speed of my strokes is very stimulating. And seeing her beautiful face, looking into her loving eyes while fucking her is mind-blowing.

It feels so different, but again amazing. I feel powerful.

"Mmmm. I love how you are moving my mountains. Do you see how they move around your penis? Do you feel how warm they are? Yesterday you washed them. Last night, you kissed and sucked on them. And now you are fucking them. You own my boobs, son."

Hearing my mother say those words, I increase speed. My sexual induction is a lightning-fast trip through the stages of surprise to amazement, lust, and finally pleasure. "Your tits are supernatural mom." My dick is engulfed between my mom's breasts. "Your soft skin feels so good." I am finding a good rhythm with the right pressure and soon I feel my jizz come up. Knowing that my mother does not mind, I let go of my inhibitions and concerns and keep fucking her tits selfishly until I come, hard. Long. Deliciously. Pumping my sperm between her 38D sized boobs.

My mom's gorgeous dam cannot contain my ejaculation despite the size. A small amount slowly trickles down her neck; some drops reach her long brown hair. When she releases her breasts, they fall to the side, and sperm streams down her neck like a flash flood.

I enjoy the view as I quickly recover. Mom's nipples are soft and are not pointy and hard as before. Her breasts are flat out beautiful.

I grab a towel and carefully wipe the sperm off my mom's chest and neck. "You are so beautiful mom," Is all I can say appreciating her body.

"That was so wonderful son. You make me feel like a woman. No one has ever cum so much on my chest."

Remembering that it is my first time, she explains to me that what we just did is called titfucking. "We should practice that a lot. Younger girls in college often have smaller breasts, which may make them feel insecure. It gives young women a lot of self-confidence when a man can fuck her tits and jizz all over them. Especially the passionate way you do it." I take mental notes and smile.

Surprisingly my dick remains hard resting on my mother's belly. Although all sperm that I could possibly remove is absorbed by the cloth, I continue to softly caress her neck and shoulders and underarms with the small towel. I try wiping my semen out of her hair but cannot.

My mom's hand mischievously travels towards my balls and her red nails comb through my pubic hair. She looks at my manhood, her stare giving it an energy boost. She tops it off with my favourite question: "Do you want to take my thong off again?"

Instantly hard, I lift myself off my mother. "Honey, I want you to take me from behind. It is called doggy style. You will feel that you can push even deeper into me from that angle. Try to hit my cervix which is at the end of my vagina. I think that with your large penis, you can."

Mom flips over to be on all fours. I follow her closely. When she is in position, I grab the sides of her thong and peel it down. Although driven by lust and wanting to enter as fast and hard as I can again, the sight of her naked ass makes me hit the brakes and stops me so that I can admire her from a different angle.

My mother's hips are wide, and her bum is curved. She has a big ass, but it is shapely and sexy. Very faint tan lines are visible. "Do you like my butt honey? You can grab my buttocks and spread my cheeks to better see my pussy and anus if you want."

With the permission granted, I spread her cheeks and see not only her asshole, but also her shining pussy lips. "Oh mom, you are so sexy." Horny, nearly losing my cool, I grab my hard cock, line it up with my mom's tantalising pussy and push it slowly all the way into her soaking wet hole. In response, my mother starts rocking back and forth, setting the tempo and leading the way. All the way in and almost all the way out. Slowly moving.

Familiar with the amazing feeling, I start meeting mom's see-sawing movements with my own thrusts. I enjoy the slow rhythm. I am now able to sense my mother's heat every time I push in. And I feel how her pussy is gripping my penis as I am pulling out, preventing it from leaving. I am experimenting a little bit with the angle at which I fuck my mother and quickly learn that the subtle changes make a huge difference.

My mother is bringing one hand over to her clit to stimulate herself. "Ay mi bebe. Rico." Hearing her voice Spanish words again and feeling her enjoy my thrusts, I speed up.

Soon, my mother's movements become erratic. Her breathing shortens and I feel her pussy contract, trapping my penis deep inside her. She bucks, gasps and growls. She grabs the sheets and announces: "I am cumming!"

Not knowing what to do, I quickly reduce vigour and speed. I observe how my mother drops her head onto the bed. Her chest falls flat on the sheets while she rests on her arms. I hesitate and pull out, unsure if I had hurt her and clueless on how to continue.

Mom rolls over to her back, spreading her legs wide. She needs a moment to compose herself, but then asks: "Please fuck me now. Cum inside me, please. Don't pull out this time."

I enter her drenched pussy again. It feels natural to be inside her now. I am finally comfortable with my actions. "Mom, you are so beautiful and sexy." I love seeing the expression on my mom's face as I drive my shaft deep inside my mother. I see joy and satisfaction. I see the love in her eyes as we express words of love and affection. Driven, I speed up again. I love seeing my mom's tits roll violently as I deeply bottom out inside her.

Looking down, I see us knotting. It amazes me to see that my dick disappears all the way inside her. Our glistening pubes touch on every stroke. Strands of our mixed body fluids stick to my retreating dick as I prepare for another assault. It is terrific to see and feel us fuck.

The bond between us strengthens on each thrust. Sparks shock me each time our skin makes contact. Naked and vulnerable and surrendering to our inner desires, our connection becomes unbreakable. "Amor, te quiero!"

Even as she moans of pleasure, I hear care and love in her voice. She encourages me, telling me that I am making her feel terrific. She wants me, allowing me to take her as I please. I ram my manhood harder into her womanhood.

The smell of sex is filling the room. I am addicted and feeling high.

"Make me cum again baby." Instinctively, I speed up and start pounding my mom with even more desire. We feel our orgasms approach, I feel hers and she feels mine. "Hijo, te quiero tanto. Cojeme duro."

When we finally cum, our orgasms are simultaneous. I fill my mother's womb for the first time with my seed. I feel how I cum inside her. I feel how her vagina receives every spurt. I feel how I am filling up my mother and feel a tickle as she overflows. Just minutes after I had given mom's first orgasm, we come in synch the second time.

We ride our wonderful orgasms out together. "Mom, you make me feel so good. I love you so much."

Cumming together is the greatest feeling in the world. I have never felt so connected to my mother before in my life. Our heart rate, breathing and even sweating synchs. We are truly one. I am feeling closer to her than ever before.

We catch our breath, resting in each other's arms. We stay embraced leaving my triumphant penis inside mom's beaten pussy. We kiss each other softly, gradually coming down from our orgasms.

Fully aware that everything we do is new for me, she studies my face. "Are you happy, son? Am I a good mom?" She wants to make sure that I am OK. That we are not going too fast. I smile; I cannot be any happier or more satisfied than I am right now.

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