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Modern Motherhood - Prom with Mom

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Going to prom with my mom (a Modern Motherhood story)
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Note from author:

This is a sister story of my first submission: Modern Motherhood - Prom with son.

It is the same story, but now told by the son as opposed to his mother. I appreciate the comments I received earlier, even when some were harsher than need be. The few Spanish words in the story don't require translation to understand their meaning in my opinion; hope that does not bum you out. Also, the characters are not named to keep things as anonymous as possible. The story is fiction - do not try this until Modern Motherhood has become a reality. Or you live in a place where sex between related consenting adults is not illegal.


Modern Motherhood is the prevailing parenting style of the late 2020's in which mothers get deeper involved in the upbringing of their sons for longer than in the recent past. Due to the overwhelming power of social media, disruptive COVID-19 pandemic a decade ago and lack of oversight in the virtual universe, boys and young men need to be physically and emotionally supported by their mothers as they grow up and mature. Modern mothers counter and balance the pressure that virtual reality puts on their young men. They correct the misinformation that the boys are exposed to by pointing out facts and setting right examples. They listen, talk, touch, and love their boys to complement their impersonal and nonphysical virtual 'life'.

The distorted messages and curated images about sex and relationships prevalent in social media are most concerning. To mend them, modern mothers start dressing provocatively to evoke lustful feelings and educate their sons when they mature. Now at the end of the 2020's, it is the norm that mothers take their sons' virginity when they reach adulthood, often on their 18th birthday, Valentine's Day, on prom night or another suitable occasion.

Making and becoming a man is a milestone that mother and son look forward to in Modern Motherhood.


My school organised an info session where the senior year programme was presented at the start of the year. I attended with my mother. First, the dates of all main events such as the homecoming dance, mid-term exams, prom, final exams, and graduation were announced. Then the University application process was explained. The counsellor stressed that it was important to start early with that process. And finally, a psychologist and a sociologist discussed the challenges that the transition from the virtual to the real world puts on adolescents. According to the speakers, this is the most testing phase of growing up in today's world. The psychologist presented statistics showing the struggle and pain up that mostly boys face when entering adulthood. I was very surprised to see that suicide and mental problems were so prevalent. But given my own insecurities as a seventeen-year-old, I can easily relate to it.

The sociologist explained that a team of sociologists, psychologists, anthropologists, and social workers had researched the dangers and problems stemming from the virtual world and social media for many years. He described how the family structure, social norms and values, and sexuality are all strongly influenced and effectively deformed in the Metaverse. According to research, mothers are key to helping their sons during the transformation from innocent child to responsible and good young man. He concluded his presentation by announcing that a brand-new parenting philosophy called Modern Motherhood was developed recently as a result of the research.

We were listening very attentively, especially my mother.

Later that week, the psychologist returned to our school. She used the biology block to tell us more about the mental challenges that we are dealing with. She advised us to practice selfcare, have faith, stay open-minded, be strong, and especially seek help. The more help and support, the better. "Seek help from the school counsellor and especially your mother. Your mother is key in your transition. You'll love and need her more than ever, trust me."

The psychologist singled out the influence that the Metaverse has on us. She pointed out that there is no critical thinking in the virtual space and stressed that the algorithms are action oriented and nearly always push users in predetermined directions. She gave many real-world examples. I had to laugh when she said to the girls in my class that beauty is not being underweight, contrary to the messages they continuously receive. And I felt a sense of relief when she said that larger penises are not any better than normal sized ones.

At the end of her presentation, she gave practical advice: "Stay away from the Metaverse. Connect with real people, starting with your family and friends. Every day, ask your parents some questions to start meaningful conversations at home. Boys should approach their mothers after dinner, like when helping with the dishes. Ask her anything, there are no limits or taboos. Confide in her. Rebuild the connection that you had when you were a child or teenager. She misses her baby. Continue doing so even when you start seeing her as a sexy woman, not just your mother. She will always love and protect you; adult conversation and activities will strengthen and mature the bond. It is a good thing."

She continued: "With friends, engage in sports. Anything with a ball works. Get in shape again; it will make you feel physically and mentally stronger."

Finally, she reminded us that the school counsellor is available if we have any questions or concerns.

The day after, the sociologist had a long session for parents in which Modern Motherhood was thoroughly discussed.

The school counsellor scheduled a couple of sessions with us. In those sessions, she explained that mothers in Modern Motherhood also support their sons in their sexual development. They play a role that could be anything from a friend-to-talk-to to a mom-with-benefits. Which role depends on how mature the relationship is, physically and emotionally. It also depends on the needs of course. Most mother-son couples often don't know at first, but learn, develop and decide together. As the mother is much more mature and experienced in the relationship, sons should expect that she will lead the way and sets direction and boundaries in Modern Motherhood.

The counsellor also sent us the names of a couple of gyms in our neighbourhood where we could train at a discounted rate.

A week later, I signed up at a gym close to my house and agreed with my friends to meet every Saturday morning in the park. At first, I was sceptical, but I quickly learned to appreciate doing things with friends outside and away from a computer.

We played soccer and I started swimming, too.

Within weeks, I started feeling stronger. It felt good and I even sensed the building of some self-esteem that I did not have before.

At home, things also changed. Although my dad continued working long hours in an office downtown, we started spending more time in the kitchen together. My mother started using fresh ingredients when preparing breakfast and dinner for us. The meals are more varied and taste better now than before. I especially enjoy the long conversations that spontaneously start during dinner.

For my 18th birthday in February, my mother decorated the house, prepared my favourite food, and set the table very nicely. My father and mother were very chatty during dinner. They had put candles on the dessert, and we sang happy birthday together. Then they looked at each other and said: "Son, today you are turning 18. You are an adult now. This is very special and important to us."

They paused while I gazed at them in anticipation. I wondered if they had bought a car for my birthday.

"We have thought about how to make your entry into adulthood special. We did a lot of research on Modern Motherhood and spoke to a lot of people." My father swallowed and my mother looked at me with anticipation. Then my father spoke: "Would you like your mother to be your prom date?" The question surprised me. I blushed. I had not expected her to propose to be my prom-date. I looked at my parents, who were eagerly waiting for my response. Afraid that I would say no, my mother promised to be a good date and not be the boring old mom that I may think she is.

Remembering the presentations and discussions at the beginning of the school year, I realised that my mother had decided to elevate and extend our bond as in Modern Motherhood. Trying to manage my excitement and control my nerves, I replied. "Yes, I would absolutely totally love to go to prom with you, mom."

Mom shouted "Yes!!!" and smiled triumphantly. We raised our glasses and celebrated the moment.

The prom decision changed many things. More motivated, I boosted my gym workout. And I noticed that my mother was happier. She swapped bulky mom-clothes to fitting shorter garments, showing some cleavage and exhibiting her legs.

Although her joyful happiness and newfound beauty excited me, I was also confused and worried about my mother. More than before, I became aware of my insecurities. Outside of the Metaverse, I am shy and quiet. I feel awkward and inept around other people. It terrifies me to start a conversation with a stranger.

I also became aware of my 44-year-old prom date's big bosom and sexy body that my mother used to hide under unflattering clothes. Blaming it on hormones, I was genuinely concerned when I caught myself staring a couple of times. I love my mother very much, but I never expected it to develop into that kind of love, even though the counsellor had warned us about it.

At times, the changes scared me. Going to prom with my mother felt like taking a step that I was not prepared for. I am a boy who had never been on a date. I had never kissed a girl. I don't know how to act around people, especially not women as beautiful and important to me as my mother.

Over time, it became increasingly difficult to control my worries and insecurity for me. Knowing that we are going to spend prom night together terrified me.

Although I was advised to stay away from the Metaverse, I ran a couple of prom scenarios with the characteristics and physical appearance of my mom and me. The experience was horrifying! Group sex, rape, blood and screaming, even death came up. It honestly was hell. I love my mother and she does not deserve any of the violence projected in the Metaverse.

Disturbed, I returned to the counsellor at school. We had a long talk about what I had seen in the Metaverse. The counsellor was shocked and claimed that such scenario is not reality at all. She recommended that I read some mother son prom stories which are based on actual experience instead of letting the Metaverse push bizarre fiction.

Then, the counsellor asked about how things were at home. She smiled when I described our new routines and wardrobe changes. "It looks like Modern Motherhood is working out well for you and that you both will have a great prom." She winked when she said that.

Back home, I browsed on the Internet and found on trusted websites that for most, the prom experience is indeed very romantic and loving. Most boys seem to feel like I do about their mothers. But I found it hard to reconcile the adoration and respect that I feel with the images of the horrible son and the victimised mother that is prevalent in the Metaverse.

As prom was nearing, my mother asked if it was OK that we prepare for the prom separately. She wanted to buy a dress with her friends and surprise me with it on prom night. I responded saying that I think that it is a great idea. Renting a tuxedo and ordering flowers by myself is easy anyway. I had also begun finding it intimidating to prepare for prom with her. Creating some distance literally gave me space to breathe.

Knowing that my mother likes my hair best when it is a bit longer on the top and short at the back and sides, I let my hair grow a bit before getting an expensive haircut days before prom. I also started shaving every day now. I wanted to be my best for my prom date!


After a restless night, I wake up an hour before the alarm was set to go off. Lying in bed, I picture my mother and me dancing at the romantic venue tonight. I wonder how it will feel to be dancing with her. What dress did she buy for prom? I secretly explored her lingerie drawer on a fact-finding mission a week ago. Her bra size is apparently 38D and I am trying to imagine what 38D looks like on my mother. Leisurely, I stroke my dick as sexy images come to mind.

Never have I danced with anyone. I should have looked for dancing at prom in the Metaverse or taking lessons in the past. Will I look like a rigid wooden idiot on the dancefloor? I sigh. My mother surely is a great dancer, I marvel.

Will our bodies touch when we dance? Will her large breasts be pressed between us? How do breasts move or feel when dancing? How do they feel anyway? Do they get hard like my dick if she gets excited?

I continue pondering about my date's large breasts. I wonder if my mother's boobs are crowned with big or small nipples? Light pink, dark brown or something in between? My mother is Latina of Colombian descent, so it could be anything. I try guessing the shape of her breasts, but I really have no idea what to expect. Unable to stop myself, I cum all over my shirt.

Engrossed with myself, I take my sticky shirt off and toss it on the floor. Staying in bed, I am unable to fall back asleep. I am excited about prom but also very nervous. I ask myself what my mother is expecting from the prom. I am especially scared about the night that will follow. My mother had told me that we will stay overnight together. Not knowing what she is planning for prom night, I feel very insecure and am worried that I will disappoint her.

A knock on the door startles me. "Time to wake up honey!" With my most chipper voice, I respond: "Sure thing, mom!" I yawn and stretch. Then I hop out of bed, freshen up in the bathroom, and put on some clean clothes before dumping the stained shirt in the hamper and heading downstairs.

The smell of scrambled eggs and toast welcomes me into the kitchen. Like any normal day, my parents and I sit at the table and enjoy a hardy breakfast that my beautiful mother has prepared with so much love for the three of us. It is strange to see my dad and my mother at the same table, knowing that she will be spending the night with me instead of dad. It makes me feel uncomfortable. Quicker than normal, I finish my breakfast and go to the school bus stop early to avoid being with my family any longer than I need to.

School feels different today. The seniors are quiet and not as rebellious and obnoxious as they usually are. I imagine that their mind is on prom and that they are imagining the events to come. Like me. In the afternoon, my friends and I rehearse the sketch that we had prepared for tonight. It is a good diversion on this awkward day.

The walk from the bus stop to our house is daunting. When reaching the front door, I take a deep breath. "Here we go," I encourage myself. I am nervous to meet my mother and start our prom festivities together. Despite the preparations, I feel inadequate, near certain to let my mother down tonight. I quietly enter the house.

We meet in the kitchen. The first thing that I notice is my mother's long brown hair. She had ironed it. Blond highlights stand out and make her look younger. Even though she is wearing the same old jeans and sweater that I have seen her a million times in, she looks different. Really good, I realise excitedly.

"Wow mom, you look great! You look ready for tonight." My mother smiles in appreciation. I notice that she had painted her nails fiery red too. I love it! This is great, I think breathlessly.

Mom serves lunch while I tell her about school. "All my friends are very excited about prom," I inform.

After enjoying our lunch, we divide tasks. Mom puts the dishes in the dishwasher, and I carry the suitcases to the car. At four sharp we leave and drive to the luxury hotel where prom will be held. Mom is very talkative and tells me that she booked a room in the same hotel to stay overnight together. It is a five-star hotel. I had not expected that and feel even more overwhelmed than I did before. I know that most of my friends are going elsewhere for the night with their mothers. I remain rather quiet not knowing how to respond.

Valet receives our car at the hotel and dispatches our suitcases to the room. Mom checks in and soon we buzz up in the elevator to the top floor.

The room is warm en comfortable. The view is amazing, you can see the school and even the airport in the distance.

Observing my mom, I am trying to guess how she is feeling. She looks very happy and self-assured. She is confident and calm. Prom does not seem to scare her, not even with her own son. That is good because I am petrified. I remain mostly quiet, keeping the conversation superficial. I feel very uncomfortable, but my mother's amazing strength helps me push forward.

Thinking that it would be good to tell mom about my friends and teachers that she will meet tonight, I suggest going for a walk in the hotel garden. The walk and familiar topic make me feel a little bit more at ease. Talking about my friends is less personal and feels less forced. Mom asks a lot of questions about them and really appreciates the additional information. She tells me that in preparation for the prom, most mothers had gone to counselling sessions together. She added that many also bought dresses and lingerie together. The word lingerie makes me blush.

When we arrive back at the room, it is time to get ready. Mom suggests that I take the bathroom first as I still need to take a shower.

Trying hard to be the perfect son that my mother deserves, I meticulously brush my teeth and shave my chin more smoothly than ever. I rush the shower, but make sure to apply ample deodorant and eau de cologne on my freshly washed skin. My tuxedo fits perfectly.

Appearing from the bathroom a short while later, my mom whistles when she sees me. She says that the colour and style of the tuxedo is matching my personality. I did not know that that was a thing, but the compliment and the accompanying approving look make me smile. She is very sweet. I would do anything to make my mother happy and proud, so all advice and guidance is welcome.

For the first time, I see my mother in the beautiful dress that she had bought for the occasion. It looks stunning on her! I love black on women, especially a mature woman like my mother. The dress is sleeveless, not short and not long. The cleavage is tempting but not sultry. I do not know if it is an optical illusion, but her breasts seem even larger now than before. 38D is my new favourite number.

While my mother puts the finishing touches on her dazzling look in the bathroom, I struggle with my tie in the room. I finally manage, but I will need to ask my mother for a final check. Although new, the shoes fit well and are comfortable.

When my mother re-joins me, we both look at each other in amazement. I admire my beautiful date. My mother has put some makeup on, but I cannot pinpoint what and where. Except for bright red lipstick of course. She is naturally beautiful, perfect in every way.

She asks me to sit down and wants to know if it is OK to touch a few minor things up. She hastily adds that I look great, but that there are a few things that she would like to adjust. I like the feeling of her hands brushing through my hair as she combs it differently. Then she clips my nails. Strangely, the rapid mini manicure makes a difference. Mom has tremendous eye for detail and perfection, not only regarding her own looks. I really appreciate her help. I trust my mother's judgement.

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