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Molly's Fortune


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J.T. continued to rub and pinch Molly's breasts, though now with only one hand. The other traveled down to Molly's thigh and ran up and down it, occasionally slipping under the hem of Molly's dress. Molly, for her part, pressed her ass into J.T.'s crotch. She reached back with one hand to caress J.T.'s face and neck.

J.T. responded by shifting the hand that had been massaging Molly's breast and lifted it to the underside of her jaw, turning her head. A brief, but forceful kiss left Molly gasping for breath, after which J.T. said, "Just leave everything up to me, honey."

With that, J.T. bent Molly over the edge of the counter. The hand that had been caressing Molly's thigh slipped between her legs and again under her dress. Molly soon felt a finger tugging at the crotch of her panties.

"Hmmm, silk. And it feels like you've gone and got them all wet," J.T. whispered, her lips close to Molly's ear. The feel of J.T.'s breath as she continued to nuzzle at her neck cause Molly's heartbeat to double.

J.T. proceeded to slowly tug Molly's panties down her legs, using only two fingers. All the while, she continued to massage Molly's breasts and nuzzle her neck and face.

Molly could hardly stand it. She wanted to feel J.T.'s fingers invade her sex, invoking sensations dormant since her breakup with Evelyn. Her legs, which had parted almost of their own accord, now came back together to allow J.T. to slip the panties down.

Once they were around Molly's knees, J.T. bent down to continue removing them. Molly groaned when J.T. ceased her attentions at her breasts and neck, but soon let out a gasp of joy when one of the fingers from the hand that had previously been at her breast, slipped into her and began to lightly stroke her clit.

"Oh God, yes," Molly gasped as the speed of J.T.'s finger began to increase, causing that small tingle that had appeared at her first touch to quickly grow to a surging wave.

Faster and faster, J.T. finger-fucked Molly, her fingers hitting all the right spots until she could feel the tremors of the redhead's body reaching a fevered pace. She pressed her body hard against the younger woman, sharing the warmth of her skin as it exploded.

"Ooooooooohhhhh!!!!!!" Molly cried out, in a voice loud enough to cause the small group of women that had previously ignored them to pause their own play and turn in her direction.

The smiles that filled their faces in the brief moments before they returned to their own pleasures were reflected in J.T.'s face as well. She held Molly tight, sharing the joy of her orgasm, bringing her lips to the younger woman's, bringing with them the promise of even greater delights.

"You don't know how much I needed that," Molly finally said when she regained her voice. "I don't know what else to say."

"Say you'll come home with me," J.T. said as she took Molly's hand in her own and brought it up to her lips. "Say you'll spend the night with me."

"Do you really have to even ask?" Molly replied in disbelief, unable to imagine anything that would cause her to say no to that request.

J.T. just smiled, squeezing the younger woman's hand even tighter.

Still holding her hand, Molly quickly followed J.T. back up the stairs and into the main club. They crossed the dance floor, which now seemed to hold more than twice the legal limit. Glancing in the direction of the bar, Molly caught sight of Keisha involved in a quite intimate conversation with a large breasted blonde haired woman. Evidently she wouldn't be going home alone either.


J.T. had parked her car, a fire engine red 1995 Trans Am convertible in the parking lot across the street. She loved the car too much to leave in on the empty streets. She handed the attendant a twenty-dollar bill, picking up her keys without waiting for change. The sight of two women heading home together didn't even give the coverall garbed attendant pause. His boss kept the lot open on weekends just for the lesbian club across the street, making almost as much as he did from the business crowd during the week.

"Where do you live?" Molly asked as J.T. moved the stick into gear and roared out of the parking lot. "Not far," J.T. said, making a turn in the direction of the highway.

The roar of the wind as they raced down the asphalt road cut off any further conversation, leaving Molly to just admire the woman sitting next to her. Her eyes moved slowly down J.T.'s body, taking in every aspect of her face before moving on to the contours of her breasts. A view that renewed the tingle between her legs, the memory of what it had just been fresh in her thoughts.

With her pedal to the metal, as the old saying went, it was a short time before they found themselves on the coast highway. Out past the guardrails, Molly could hear, if not clearly see, the waves of the Pacific Ocean crashing against the shore. Every once and a while, she would catch sight of a house as they passed it, until finally J.T. veered off the main road toward one of them.

"You live here?" Molly asked, marveling at the large beach house at the end of the road.

"Not exactly," J.T. replied as she passed the turnoff for the driveway and instead continued downward to a much smaller structure down on the beach. "This is home," she added as she killed the engine.

"Nice," Molly said as she looked at what she guessed was a guest house of sorts.

"It's actually owned by an old friend of my grandmother," J.T. explained as she climbed out of the car. "That was his house we passed back there up the road. He's a retired actor and rents the guest house out to me at a pretty nice rate."

"God, what a beautiful view," Molly exclaimed as she stepped out of the car and looked out on the empty moonlit beach spread out beyond the end of the road. "It's spectacular."

"That it is," J.T. agreed as she walked around the car and up behind Molly. "There's almost nothing I love more than going for long walks down there."

"Could we do that now?" an excited Molly asked.

"I don't see why not," J.T. smiled. "After all, it's a beautiful night. Almost as beautiful as you are." she added as she leaned closer, put her hands on Molly's shoulders and kissed her softly.

Molly tilted her head back, returning the older woman's kiss.

Then, hand and hand, they proceeded down the narrow path that led down to the pristine sands below, pausing at the edge just long enough to lose their footwear.

It was a short walk to the water's edge and a few minutes later both Molly and J.T. felt the cool water of the rising tide splashing over their feet. The rolling waves continued onward until they finally crested a dozen feet behind them.

"The water feels great," Molly said as the last wave receded and another took it place. "So relaxing."

"Isn't it," J.T. agreed. "That's why I love living here so much. Some nights I've can't resist going for a late night swim."

"That must be heavenly," Molly added as she looked up and down the empty beach.

"It is," J.T. smiled, "want to try it?"

"I don't have anything dry to change into," Molly replied.

"Actually, I don't wear anything when I go for a swim," J.T. grinned.

Molly looked at her for a very long moment, then her own face filled with a smile. She'd never actually gone skinny dipping before, but if she wanted to now, this was as private as you could get.

Letting go of J.T.'s hand, Molly walked back up the beach a little ways, just beyond the limits of the surf. Undoing the restraints of her dress, she carefully took it off and folding it, setting it down on a dry patch of beach. She hadn't worn a bra with her dress and her panties had been left behind at the club.

"Very nice," J.T. said as she took it the full beauty of Molly's body as she walked back, especially her rounded breasts and the hard nipples that capped them.

"Hopefully, your grandmother's friend isn't at one of his windows watching us with a pair of binoculars," Molly quipped to cover her last bit of nervousness.

"Who told you?" J.T. replied, her tone one of unquestionable seriousness.

"What?" the redhead said in shocked reply.

"I'm only kidding," J.T. now laughed.

Molly now laughed as well, the joke dispelling her last tiny bit of hesitation. J.T. didn't bother telling Molly that even if the former actor had seen them, the celebrated star wouldn't have had the slightest bit of interest. Despite a long career playing leading men in romantic comedies, his real interest centered on bright and willing young men; many of who still continued to be overnight guests at the main house.

Another time, Molly might have found that interesting, but at this moment her attention was a lot more localized. Closing the distance between the two of them even more, she kissed J.T. softly on her lips.

As she did, her fingers dropped to the belt around J.T.'s waist and began to quickly undo it. After kissing the brunette a second time, Molly dropped down to her knees, immersing them in the warm surf, and pulled down J.T.'s zipper. A gentle tug pulled the shorts loose and they effortlessly slid down the older woman's legs.

Molly wasn't surprised by the fact that J.T. hasn't been wearing any panties. On nights when she went out with the intention of getting laid, underwear was a sometime proposition as well. What did surprise her was the large bushy path of dark hair between J.T.'s legs. It was the most hair she had ever seen on a woman and she considered it highly erotic.

Since J.T. had a full wardrobe just up the beach, getting her shorts soaked was of little concern. With a strong toss, Molly threw them up onto the beach. Then, starting at her water covered ankles, the teacher slid her hands up the dentist's legs, across her waist and then up and under her T-shirt, coming to rest against the soft flesh of her breasts.

"Mmmmm," J.T. purred as she felt Molly's fingers massage her mounds.

Just as quickly, Molly withdrew her hands and took hold of the bottom edge of J.T.'s shirt. An upward motion pulled the form-fitting garment over the tall woman's head and another hard toss sent it up onto the dry sand as well.

Now both completely naked, the two women came together, their bodies pressing against each other. Hands and soft lips explored exposed flesh, sending soft ripples of delight through each of them.

After being passive for the last few minutes, J.T. now took a more aggressive stance. She pressed Molly back down onto her knees and, placing her hand against the back of her head, pressed the redhead's mouth against her stomach.

Even as they stood there, the waves of the ocean continued to lap up against both of them. Cooling as they might be, they did little to quell the passions rising within both bodies.

Molly kissed the now wet flesh, running her tongue and fingers across J.T.'s stomach. Bit by bit she moved her attentions upward, her fingers reaching the brunette's large breasts and tracing the outlines of the dark circles. A target that drew her mouth a few heartbeats later as she added to the wetness covering her.

J.T. arched her body backward, her hands moving up and behind her own dark hair as she closed her eyes and enjoyed the sensations filling her. Molly moved back and forth between the two mounds, feasting on their ambrosia.

"Oh yeah, baby," J.T. , leaning over, whispered into Molly's ear just before she kissed her once more. "I knew from the moment I saw you that you and I were made for each other."

That same thought was very much on Molly's mind as well as she returned to her adoration of J.T.'s body. A homage that went on for a considerable amount of time until J.T. moved the two of them out of the surf and up onto the wet sand.

Stretching Molly out on the beach, J.T. dropped to her own knees and ran her hands across the redhead's form. She pulled Molly's legs open, moving even closer as the tide gently spread around them.

Bending down, J.T. kissed Molly. A second and third kiss followed, each more intense than the last. Kisses that continued as J.T. moved down Molly's body to her own ample bust. With a desire no less than that which the younger woman had just exhibited, J.T. brought forth much of the same pleasures. Pleasures that increased as she moved even further downward a short time later, bringing her talented tongue and mouth between Molly's legs.

Paving the way with her fingers, J.T. followed them with her darting tongue, pressing it deep within Molly. A thrust that brought a loud gasp from the prone woman's lips. A gasp that transformed into a series of happy moans under J.T.'s ministrations.

Molly's hands and head sank deep against the wet sands as she closed her eyes and drifted on waves of ecstasy. Waves that increased in scope as J.T. continued to bring all of her talents to bear. And with each passing heartbeat, the level of excitement within her continued to grow.

"Yes, yes, oh God, yes!" Molly cried out as she rocked her body back and forth, her motions now totally driven by her passions.

Passions that also filled J.T. as she lifted her head and pivoted her body, bringing it all the way around so that she could give Molly access to her own sex. An action that the smaller woman was quick to take full advantage of, quickly bringing her own not inconsiderable expertise into play.

They quickly fell into a rhythm that felt as natural as if they'd been lovers for years. An erotic ballet that went on for the next three-quarters of an hour, until the first spreading light of an approaching dawn appeared on the horizon.

In short minutes, the warmth of a new day passed over them, adding to the fires that consumed them. It acted as a tripwire as their mutual efforts brought on an almost simultaneous orgasm for both. One they each hoped deep in their hearts would be just the first of many.


"Who ever imagined that I'd ever love seeing my dentist?" Molly said an hour later as the two of them sat, still naked, on the now dry sand.

"It's a pity you only get to see her twice a year," J.T. replied, looking out onto the new day.

"What?" a stunned Molly gasped, snapping her head sharply in J.T.'s direction.

"Only kidding," J.T. smiled broadly as she turned her head as well and kissed her new lover. "I intend to see quite a lot of you."

"J.T., you are something else," Molly grinned after returning the kiss.


"Excuse me?" Molly asked.

"My name is Jennifer," the dark haired woman repeated with the broadest of smiles, "Jennifer Teresa actually. If we're going to be lovers, I'd really like it if you could call me that."

Molly's own smile got even broader as she leaned in to kiss Jennifer one more time. As she did, it suddenly occurred to her that the fortune teller had been right after all.


END (c) Ann Douglas 2003

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kathy2012kathy2012almost 3 years ago

What good fortune! Orgasms at dawn! How erotic! Loved the story!

All the best,


liz33ndliz33ndover 6 years ago
wel done

the setup was spectacular, the seduction not so much/ i really like this and it is a four star read for sure.

HiddenInTheOpenHiddenInTheOpenover 6 years ago
Another great story Ann!

Oh yes, I do love reading your stories. Thank you so much for sharing this with us!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Once again

yes, once again you have given us a lovely lez story. So believable and sensuous. Really enjoy your writing. Read your short description of yourself and I realize that even tho I am a male, and we are in the same age range, we have both lived interesting lives. Thanks for sharing. SS

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Great story

Up to your usual high standard

JoyJoy4MeJoyJoy4Meover 6 years ago

Simply delightful.

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