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Mom & Me Ch. 46

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An evenin & Mornin With Sandy.
8.6k words

Part 46 of the 53 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 02/27/2018
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An Evening & Morning With Sandy

When I awoke in the morning my face was nestled down in between Ginny's boobs. She still had her arm wrapped around my shoulders. We were both so exhausted yesterday that we slept together through the night without moving our bodies.

I whispered, "Ginny are you awake?"

She move her head slightly in the direction of my voice and said, "What did you say Baby?"

"I wanted to know if you were awake."

"I'm sort of awake Billy. Have you been snuggling my boobs all night Billy?"

"I guess I have. I probably couldn't move since your arm was wrapped around my shoulders all night."

"We must have been really tired after making love to one another. Would you like to fuck my Kitty this morning, Billy."

"I don't ever remember turning down an opportunity to enjoy a piece of your ass."

"That's what I like about you Billy. You always want to fuck me. I enjoy having you as a fuck buddy."

She rolled over onto her knees and said, "My Kitty is all your. I want to feel you pounding my ass so hard that your balls will ache for a week."

It never takes Ginny very long to get hot and wet. Her pussy was glistening wet and I put my hard penis up to the entrance of her kitty and slid it right into her pussy. I went as deep as I could and she made musical moans and groans as she felt my penis expanding inside of her. I began to move my penis in and out and soon she was in sync with me and we were both groaning and moaning and making load noises as we road our magic carpet through the cool morning breeze flowing into our bedroom window. It wasn't long before I began hearing more vocal noises from Ginny as she approach a whopping orgasm and I followed her two minutes later and shot my salty creamy cum into her awaiting Kitty.

She lay back on the bed and began to giggle. Then she said, "That was a lot of cum you shot up my ass Billy. It will be oozing out of my Kitty all morning. Maybe I'll cook you some Cream of Wheat Cereal and mix in some of our juicy cum for protein,"

"Well, its Saturday and you have a date with your girlfriend's mom tonight, what's her name?"

"Mom, her name is Sandy."

"That's right. Her daughter is Rachel. The one you fucked in our guest room, Boy she was really vocal when you were screwing her at 2 a.m. in the morning. I wonder if her mother is a screamer too?"

"Maybe you ought to sleep on the couch in the living room where you won't hear us fucking one another."

"No, it won't bother me Billy, I will just masturbate along with you as you fuck one another. Then I will get up in the morning and be sweet to her and fix us all some bacon and eggs."

"Thank you Ginny. You're a wonderful hostess."

"What are you going to do until you pick up Sandy to go to the Officer's Club this evening?"

"I thought I would go out to the Base and play a round of golf. Then I'll come home, shower, change into my suit and go pick Sandy up at her house."

"Where did her husband go so you have this amount of time with her?"

"He's on a fishing trip. He'll be gone through Tuesday.

"I'm glad you can make her happy. I think you told me before that she is pretty much neglected by her husband."

He doesn't take her anywhere. She's just stays home 24/7 as the cook and maid. She was very depressed the day I met her."

"I remember you sharing that with me Billy. I hope she enjoys a wonderful evening and night with you. Treat her like royalty. Before you take the car, will you go to the liquor store and get me a bottle of gin and a can of mixed nuts?


"Thanks Baby."

After breakfast I drove to the liquor store and purchased the items Ginny requested. I took them to her. Got my golf clubs out of the garage and loaded them into her car. Then I drove away.

I found a couple of Colonels at the first tee and they invited me to join them. I shot a four under par 68. The two Colonels I played with knew my dad and asked if I had heard anything from him. I told them that we were not privy to any information concerning his whereabouts when he is deployed. They seemed satisfied that my mom and I had no knowledge of his whereabouts or the duration of his deployment.

I returned home. Ginny was there. She left me a note informing me that she, and a friend of hers, went to Springtown to shop. She said, "Ginny said she would be home before 10 pm. so she could welcome Sandy to stay at our house for the night."

I took a shower, dressed and got Sandy's corsage out of our refrigerator and drove slowly to Rachel's house to pick up Sandy for the evening.

When I arrived, Rachel must've seen me drive up because she was out her front door and coming down the porch steps to meet me. She threw her arms around my neck and planted a kiss on my lips. Then she back away and said, "You look so handsome I just couldn't control myself; I'm sure my mom will have a similar reaction when she feasts her eyes on you."

Rachel took my hand and we walked up the steps to her porch. She opened the front door for me to enter and then she followed me inside. "I'll tell her you're here."

"Tell her to take her time. There's no rush to get to the Officer's Club."

I could hear Rachel talking with her mom but I couldn't hear their conversation."

When Sandy emerged from her bedroom my heart skipped a few beats and it began to pump harder. She looked absolutely magnificent! Sandy was wearing a beautifully designed evening dress that flowed nicely over her slender body. The dress was composed of maybe three shades of expensive looking blue material, and the front of the dress allowed for her to show off her wonderful cleavage. Sandy has a wonderfully shaped body and two beautifully firm and perky breasts. All I could say was "Wow! Sandy! You look terrific!"

"Thank you Billy. I'm glad my dress pleases you!"

"I really like the dress, but you look spectacular!"

Sandy said, "You look very handsome yourself Billy."

I asked Rachel to help place the corsage on Sandy's dress. I was delighted that Wendy suggested white flowers for her corsage.

"Oh, Billy I love the white roses you picked out for my corsage. They look so nice with my dress." She walked over and kissed my lips."

Rachel wanted to take some photos of her mom with the corsage and then she took several photos of us standing together, as well as some others with her mom sitting on my lap or standing in front of me with my arms wrapped around her waist. Rachel took a lot of photos of us.

I put Sandy's suitcase in the trunk and helped her get into my mom's car. Since Ginny owned an older model, the bench seat allowed Sandy to scoot over and sit close to me.

Sandy said, "I love it that your mom's car has a bench seat. I can sit close to my lover." She rested her left arm and hand on my right knee as we drove toward the Air Force Base.

When we arrived at the gate, I showed the guard my Base ID card. He inquired to our activity and I told him that we were going to the Officer's Club for dinner and dancing. He gave us a sticker to put on the inside of the windshield and we continued on to the parking area next to the Officer's Club. After we parked, I got out of the car and went around and opened the front door and helped Sandy get out of the car. She looked at me and asked, "Do I look ok?" I said you look terrific. I'm going to have to keep my eye on you tonight. There will be a lot of wolves inside the Officer's Club tonight who will want to meet and dance with you."

When we got inside the club, a woman named Beverly asked if we were celebrating a special occasion tonight. I replied, "Yes, this is my first date with this beautiful woman and I wanted to make this evening special by coming here to have dinner and dancing."

Beverly took us to a table next to the dance floor. "I hope you and your date have a wonderful night together. If I can be of assistance to you please ask your waiter to contact me."

Our waiter came and handed each of us a menu. He said his name was Gary. Then he asked, "Would you like to order a cocktail?"

Sandy ordered a Gin & Tonic and I ordered a Bud Light. After the waiter left to get our drinks, Sandy reached across the table and held my hands. "Billy, it's so nice to be with you. I've looked forward to this moment for days. Thank you Sweetie for asking me out for an evening of dinner and dancing. Thank you for this lovely corsage. You make me feel loved and appreciated.

A Colonel approached our table and said, "Good evening Billy. Do you remember playing golf with me earlier today?"

"Yes, Sir. Colonel Murphy, I would like to introduce you to my date Sandy. Sandy, this is Colonel Murphy. I played golf with him and Colonel Turner earlier today."

"It's nice to meet you Colonel Murphy."

"And it's nice to meet you Sandy. Your boyfriend is an excellent golfer. He beat both of us today. He shot a four under par 68! I hope you both enjoy a wonderful evening tonight." Then he returned to his table where his wife was sitting with another couple. Sandy said, "That was nice of Colonel Murphy to stop by and talk with you."

"I think he was astonished that I was dating a mature lady of extraordinary beauty."

"Oh, Billy, I think he was just being polite."

"Maybe you're right; or maybe he's a Cougar."

"She giggled and said, "There is only one person I want to be with and that is you Billy dear."

The waiter returned and took our order. Sandy ordered a rib-eye steak and I ordered wild caught salmon. We carried on several wonderful conversations as we enjoyed our dinner together. The band arrived and began setting up their instruments. Then I noticed Colonel Weaver approaching our table. "Billy, it's so good to see you here again. Will you introduce me to your lovely date?"

"Sandy this is Colonel Weaver, a close friend of my parents. Colonel Weaver this is my sweetheart, Sandy."

"It's a pleasure to meet you Sandy. I hope you two have an enjoyable evening together. Billy, give my regards to your mother."

"I'll do that Colonel Weaver. Is your wife with you this evening?"

"Yes, she is. We're sitting over there." He pointed to his table and his wife waved back at us.

"I hope you and your wife have an enjoyable evening too."

"Thank you Billy." He left and walked back to his table.

I whispered to Sandy. He's the one who is fucking Ginny almost everyday. His wife is unable to tolerate any sexual activity. She knows her man needs sex. I mean a lot of sex. She told her husband to have as much sex as he wants, but she wants him to bring his sexual partners home and have sex with them there in their quarters, not in a motel etc. His wife prepares the bedroom, provides a place for the woman to dress and shower, and she fixes a meal and eat the meal with her husband and his mistress. It's hard to believe, but his wife and Ginny have become good friends."

Are you serious Billy? That's unbelievable. He'll be back. He will want to dance with you. He danced a couple of times with Rachel when I brought her here. Be advised you may feel his cock pressing against your leg."

"Billy! You're not serious. I'm not going to like that."

"Yes, I'm serious. You don't have to accept his invitation to dance with him, but if you do I'll dance with his wife. This is the first time I've seen her. I want to talk to her. If you decided to dance with Colonel Weaver you can compare notes with Rachel when you get home tomorrow. I couldn't help but giggle.

Sandy said, "Ok, I'll dance with him once just so you can talk to his wife."

The band was ready to begin. The first two songs were slow numbers and we danced close together. I held her close to me as we kept time to the music. Sandy was an excellent dancer like her daughter. It was a joy to dance with her. I glanced up toward the area where Colonel Weaver and his wife were sitting with friends. I noticed him glancing our way several times. I told Sandy it won't be too much longer before Colonel Weaver will work his way down here to ask you to dance with him. We danced three more times together before heading back to our table. The waiter brought her another Gin & Tonic and I ordered another Bud Light.

Colonel Weaver came down as I told Sandy he would, and asked her to dance with him. She accepted and they walked to the dance floor. I got up and headed for Colonel Weaver's table to ask if his wife if she would dance with me.

She smiled, and said, "Thank you Billy. My husband told me that you were Ginny's stepson."

That's correct Mrs. Weaver."

"Billy, please call me Susan."

I held Susan's hand as we walked to the dance floor. The band was playing a romantic number so I knew the Colonel was probably enjoying his dance with Sandy.

Susan and I started off dancing with our arms stretched out and my right hand on her back, but she soon moved our arms in toward our bodies and she placed her right arm and hand up near my neck. A few minutes passed and Susan unclasped our hands and placed both of her hands together around my neck, and I placed both of my arms around her lower waist.

Susan laid her head on my chest and she began to breathe heavily. Soon I heard soft moaning sounds. She moved her lower body into mine and I slid my hands down and held both cheeks of her ass as we continued to dance. She whispered, "I love how you're holding me Billy. It feels so nice to be in the arms of a handsome man like you who knows and understands what a woman needs." As the song came to an end I noticed that Sandy and Colonel Weaver weren't walking back to the table, so I knew he had askd her to dance again.

I looked at Susan and said, "I want to dance with you again."

"Oh, I was hoping you would ask me to dance to another song."

I was happy that the band was playing another slow romantic number. She put her arms around my neck again and I placed my hands under her firm ass. She squeezed me and said, "I feel love and safe in your arms Billy. I'm having a wonderful time dancing with you." She looked up at me as I was looking down at her and she kissed me on my lips. Then she leaned back to see how I reacted, and said, "Your lips are soft and your kiss was wonderful."

I leaned into her lips and kissed her back.

"Thank you, I enjoyed receiving your sweet kiss."

"You enjoyed it then?"

"Yes, I did Billy. Did you enjoy my kiss?"

"Most definitely Susan. I really enjoyed how you kissed my lips."

Then she kissed me again. Her tongue pushed through my closed lips and she moved it about inside my mouth. I moved my tongue inside of her mouth and she sucked on it. Then she removed her tongue and smiled at me. "Did you liked kissing Susan? She inquired.

"Yes, I enjoyed kissing you a lot. I also enjoy how we dance together."

"I like how you hold me when we're dancing together Billy. You make me feel like a young desirable woman again. I can feel my body responding to your touches. I haven't felt like this in years Billy. I like how you made me feel while I was in your arms."

I noticed that Sandy and Colonel Weaver cut short the rest of their second dance and they were walking back toward our table. I said, "You're a very beautiful woman Susan and I hope this

isn't the last time we'll ever see one another. I really would like to spend time with you. You've touched my soul."

"I will see you anytime Billy. I feel a connection with you. I need what you have to give me. I want more of you. Maybe we can meet sometime when my husband is entertaining your stepmom."

"I would like that Susan."

"Me too Billy."

Colonel Weaver and Sandy were standing next to our table so I suggested that Susan walk with me over to the table where her husband and Sandy were talking. Susan walked next to me with her arm holding on to mine.

I introduced Susan to Sandy and they talked briefly together. Colonel Weaver began to talk interrupting Susan in the middle of a sentence and she didn't say another word.

Colonel Weaver continued talking, not realizing or caring that he had cut off his wife's sentence, but I wasn't really listening to his conversation anyway. I was thinking of Susan and how she must have felt when her husband interrupted her sentence. I wanted to see Susan's face and what kind of expression she had.

I turned my head to glance down at her. I noticed she was writing something quickly on a page in a small notebook. Then she tore the page out, folded it, and carefully placed it in my hand. I do not think her husband or Sandy saw her do it. I closed my fingers around the piece of folded paper and put it inside my pant's pocket. Susan looked up at me with a slight smile and I nodded. Colonel Weaver finally stopped speaking and turned to his wife and said, "Let's return to our table and let these lovers enjoy the rest of their evening together." The Weavers walked back to their table and we had no other contact with them for the rest of the evening.

Sandy said, "You were spot on about Colonel Weaver. He's one over-sexed man. His penis was solid before the first dance ended and I felt it throbbing against my leg. During the second dance I decided I had enough. I told him I needed to sit down. I'm glad you and his wife came over to our table after you finished your dance with her. I didn't want to talk with him anymore. How in the world does his lovely wife put up with him?

"Well, Susan is certainly an abused woman. She's also starved for affection. I think she's stuck in a marriage similar to the one you're in Sandy. Susan enjoyed being in my arms and dancing, and she said to me that she would like to see me again sometime."

"Really? I thought it strange Billy that she would host a relationship between your stepmom and her husband. Even stranger that she would provide clean sheets for their sexual encounters and then fix them food to eat.

Now you're sharing with me that when Susan started dancing with you, her sexual drive began to rekindle and she realized being touched by you is what she most desired.

I do see the similarity between Susan and me. We both are married to men who are more interested in other things than loving and touching their wives. Both Susan and I are starved for the affection of a man who cares about women and who wants to please them. I know you have filled the void in my life. I was living a miserable life until the day you came over to visit Rachel. I saw in you what Susan just saw in you. You're one wonderful caring man. I love you so much!"

Billy, I urge you to find a way to be with Susan. Maybe you can meet her somewhere or take her to your stepmom's house and spend time with her. I know I need to spend time with you in order to really live and be a woman again. Susan needs you as much as I do, and so does Rachel."

I said, "Let's dance Sandy. You're the one I'm with now, and I don't want to waste anymore time talking about Colonel Weaver's wife or my stepmom. I want to focus on you and that marvelous cleavage you are displaying before my starving eyes."

"Oh, Billy, I love how you make me feel like a sex-symbol"

The band was playing a jigger bug tune and we were really in sync with one another. She was as good of a dancer as her daughter, Rachel dancing the jigger bug. We pulled off several wonderful moves and when we finished we got a great ovation from the people sitting around the dance floor.

We also enjoyed many slow romantic dances together too. They played several fox trot and waltz tunes. We were enjoying a very good time together. When the bandleader announced the last song we danced like lovers. Sandy put her arms around my neck and I held her ass in my hands. We kissed numerable times as we kept dancing in a tight space. I was totally in love with Sandy during that dance and looking forward to fucking her when we got home.

After the last song was played, several couples came by and introduced themselves to us and many commented on how well we danced together, especially when we jitter bug. We walked slowly hand-in-hand to our car. Before I opened the door for her to get inside, but she kissed me passionately before she sat down. She slid over to sit next to me. We didn't say much on the way to my house, she just leaned her head on my shoulder and rubbed my right thigh with her left hand.

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