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Mom, Aunts & Gran are Strippers Ch. 03

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Son blackmails his Mom to strip naked and have sex with him.
9.7k words

Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 06/28/2019
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Val confesses his sexual attraction to his mother

Author's Note:

This is a true story as told to me by Valentino that he wanted me to write about his mother, Elizabeth, his aunts, Victoria and Isabella, and his grandmother, Mary.

# # #

Continued from Chapter 02:

As if he had tasered her, Elizabeth looked at Val in stunned silence after he confessed that he masturbated over her lingerie and wanted to have sex with her. She looked at him as if she didn't even know him. She looked at him as if he was insane. She looked at him as if he had suddenly lost all of his senses. She looked at him in the way that his mother had never looked at him before. Yet, what did she expect? Two of a kind, like mother, like son, they were both perversely, perverted, sexual animals.

Now, instead of looking at him as her Sweetie, she looked at him as if he was a deranged, sexually perverted man instead of her loving son. Surely, with her once a stripper, a prostitute, and a whore, she had heard much worse than her son asking what color and style panties and bra she was wearing. Surely, she was used to men, even if that man was her son, trying to put the sexual moves on her. Surely, she was used to men, even if that man was her son, sexually lusting over her and masturbating over her.

"Well, I'm glad you told me of your sexual attraction to my lingerie," she said calmly albeit with a nervous, little laugh. "I'm glad that we can discuss personal and otherwise private, sexual things openly and honestly. At your age, it's normal for a 22-year-old man to masturbate over women, even if that woman is his mother. I understand that," she said with a warm and understanding smile. "Yet, you need to find a girlfriend, Val. You need to have an outlet for your horniness and sexual frustration. You shouldn't be looking to your mother for sex."

He rolled my eyes and sighed while shrugging his shoulders.

"I've had plenty of girlfriends, Mom. Only, when they see the car that I drive and the address where I live, all they see are dollar signs. They don't see me. They only see money," he said. "It's hard to find a nice girl, a sincere woman, someone who likes me for myself and who's not a gold digger.

No doubt, with her having been a gold digger with his father, and her sisters' gold diggers with their husbands, seemingly, with them all trophy wives and with their men for the money, they were all gold diggers. Trapping their men with sex by sexually teasing them and flashing them, they were all exhibitionists, strippers, and whores. Immediately agreeing with him, she nodded her blonde, pretty head as if she understood exactly what he was saying.

Now, he knew that sex, specifically blowjobs, was how his mother trapped his father. Fucking was how his Aunt Victoria trapped her husband. Being stripped naked and taken was how his Aunt Isabella trapped her husband. Playing the Dominatrix with bondage, pain, punishment, and sex was how his grandmother trapped his deceased grandfather. Seemingly, sex and money were the common factors in all of their marriages. Forget about love, it was all about sex and money.

Sex and money, other than power and influence, seemingly everything was about sex and money. A fair exchange, women have their beautiful bodies and are willing to surrender them, if men are willing to pay for the sexual pleasure, one way or another. Alas, in the way of fading beauty, relationships only built on sex and/or money never last. Once their sexual attraction is given to someone younger, prettier, and sexier, the men are gone along with their money.

"What about your friends? Maybe you should go out with them more. You stay home too much," she said. "You'll never find someone by hiding in the house and ensconced alone in your room watching porn, masturbating, and playing video games."

He shrugged.

"All my friends want to do is to drink and get drunk or take drugs and get high," he said. "All they want to do is to go clubbing, drink champagne, and have sex with a different woman every night. That's not me. I'm looking for one, special woman," he said.

Or four special women, he wanted to say but he didn't say that. Truth be told, he not only wanted to have incestuous sex with his mother but also that he wanted to have incestuous sex with his aunts and with his grandmother, too. With the thoughts of having forbidden sex with his mother maintaining his erection, he continued to sexually leer at her.

With her working in a strip club and seeing the worst of men, again, she nodded her head as if she understood his dilemma. With most men unimaginative, perversely perverted pigs, no doubt, and with them all wanting the same sexual things, she had heard every line in the book numerous times. No doubt, comparing notes, between her sisters and her mother, with them having been in every sexual situation many times before, they were four, very experienced and savvy whores.

"Tell me. Maybe I can help. What interests do you have? Perhaps, you should explore what's important to you. Maybe, you need a hobby. Maybe, you should take out the boat or take a long vacation in the Caribbean before working for your father. Tell me what excites you," she asked seemingly unaware that she was asking him such a loaded question?

He couldn't believe he finally had his mother's attention. He couldn't believe she finally asked him not only one question but two questions. She wanted to know his interests. She wanted to know what excites him. No doubt, with her thinking that her question wasn't sexual, Val gave his mother his best, shit eating grin.

"What interests do I have? What excites me?" He laughed.

Accustomed to her lack of empathy, it took him to confess his sexual attraction to her and to her sexy lingerie for her to show any interest in him. Finally, she gave him her focused attention. Finally, showing her interest in him, she asked him questions. Finally, she wanted to know what interests he has and what excites him.

"I'll tell you what I'm interested in and what excites me, Mother," he said pausing to leer at her while undressing her with his eyes again. "Incestuous sex is what interests me and excites me, Mom," he said.

With him continuing to go down this road of debauchery without embarrassment, shame, or remorse, she looked at him stunned.

"Val, really. I'm trying to have a serious conversation with you about your interests. Surely, you're interested in more than sex, incestuous sex," she said.

He laughed again; this time louder.

"If it was up to me, Mother, I'd have sex with you, with Aunt Victoria, with Aunt Isabella, and even with Grandma Mary," he said. "I'd strip you all naked and after I gave you all multiple sexual orgasms with my fingers, my mouth, and my cock, I'd have you all blow me. I'd cum in all of your mouths. Then, I'd make love to all of you before fucking you all."

As if she was about to faint, she put her hand to her lips.

"Oh, my," she said.

# # #

Chapter 03:

Elizabeth looked at her son with wide-eyed shock as if she was ready to have him committed. She looked at him with fear as if she was ready to ask him to leave her house. Yet, with her having been around the block more than a few times, his mother was a tough broad. No doubt, with plenty of men asking her for sex when she worked as a stripper, a man asking her for sex was nothing new. The only wrinkle was the he was not just any man. He was her son and she was his mother.

"You listen to me, Mr.," she said raising her voice while pointing her manicured finger at him. "If it wasn't bad enough that you went through my lingerie drawer and masturbated over imagining seeing me in my sexy lingerie and having sex with me, your only interests is to have sex me, my sisters, and my mother. How dare you? What's wrong with you?" She stared at him as if he was a rapist. "Mark my words, Valentino. You will never see me without my clothes. Never! Do you hear me? Do you understand?"

She looked at him with anger while he looked at her with love, lustfulness, and horniness.

"Never say never, Mom," he said with a dirty laugh. "You never know what the future may bring. Stranger things have happened than a son having sex with his mother, a nephew having sex with his aunts, or a grandson having sex with his grandmother. Believe it or not, Mother, incestuous sex happens every day."

She stared at him with her eyes bugging out of her head and her vein protruding from the side of her neck.

"I will never have sex with you. Never! Do you understand what I'm saying to you? Just the idea of you wanting to have incestuous sex with me, your mother, is repugnant," she said verbally abusing him as if she was slapping him across his face over and again. "A mother having sex with her son and a son having sex with his mother is disgusting. It's criminal. Incestuous sex is not normal. The work of the Devil, it's immoral. It's sick."

Not angered by her words or discourage by her threats that he'd never see her without her clothes and/or have sex with her, he smiled while nodding his head. Ready to blackmail his mother, he knew that she'd relent to his sexual desires and give him what he wanted, and what he wanted was incestuous sex. Now, that she had her say, he couldn't wait to have his say.

"Yes, Mom. I understand," he said. "I will never see you without your clothes and I will never have sex with you. Is that it?"

She paused while waiting to see if he'd answer her further before continuing and when he didn't, she continued.

"Speaking for my sisters and for my mother, you will never see them without their clothes and/or will never have sex with them either. Never. With all of the available women in the world, a son having sex with his mother, a nephew having sex with his aunts, and/or a grandson having sex with his grandmother is nasty," she said with rage. "The nerve of you. How dare you solicit me, your mother, for sex? What's wrong with you, Valentino? You used to be so good, so nice, so kind, so polite, and so well-mannered."

He laughed.

"No matter, Mother," he said with a wave of his hand and another shrug. "Hold onto your panties with what I'm going to say next," he said with a laugh. "If you thought you were shocked before, you haven't heard anything yet."

She looked at him as if she was seeing him for the first time. She looked at him as if she was trying to analyze him. She looked at him as if he wasn't her son but a stranger.

"I beg your pardon? Hold onto my panties? How dare you? What is it with your sexual fetish for my underwear all of a sudden," she asked giving him the evil eye? "What more could you possibly say that you haven't already said to offend me," she asked? "How else could you possibly insult and anger me?"

He smiled as if he had checkmated his mother. He smiled as if he had backed her in a corner. He smiled as if he had barged in her bedroom without knocking and caught her masturbating. He smiled as if he had barged in her bathroom without knocking and caught her naked. He smiled as if he had caught her having sex with someone other than his father.

# # #

"No matter, Mother," he said again as if whatever her protests were of no consequence. "I've already seen everyone without their clothes and I masturbated over all of you a countless number of times while imagining having sex with you, your sisters, and your mother. I've already seen everyone topless and naked," he said with a loud laugh. "I saw you, Aunt Victoria, Aunt Isabella, and Grandma Mary topless and naked," he said. "I've already seen and masturbated over all of your naked tits, your naked asses, and your naked pussies."

Shocked and angry, Elizabeth looked at her son with stunned surprise.

"You did," she asked while looking at him with disbelief? "When did you see us without our clothes?" She looked at him dumbfounded. "How could you possibly see us all topless and naked? Have you been spying on us? Have you been watching us? Oh, my God," she said making a sour face as if she had just swallowed a bug and was going to be sick! "Have you wired our homes, our bathrooms, and our bedrooms with spy cameras," she said looking around the living room? "How dare you invade our personal privacy with your sexual perversity?"

Enjoying the moment while watching his mother squirm on the couch under the pressure of his sexual leer, he laughed again. Obviously, with them all exhibitionists, strippers, prostitutes, and whores, she surprised him by her embarrassment with him seeing her, her sisters, and her mother naked. If it wasn't enough that he snooped through her lingerie drawer, she seemed violated that he confessed that he masturbated over their naked bodies numerous times while seeing them naked and imagining having incestuous sex with all of them.

"Nothing like that, Mom," he said. "Don't worry. Trust me, I've never spied on you. I have more important things to do with my time than to watch you all dress and undress but I do know your secrets," he said.

He paused again for effect before confessing the treasure trove of sexual secrets that he uncovered about her, her sisters, and her mother. While thinking about his mother's topless and naked photos, he thought about his aunts' naked and topless photos before thinking of his grandmother's topless and naked photos. Even if he never had sex with any of them, he'd be masturbating over their naked pictures while imagining having sex with them for the rest of his life.

If their photos weren't enough, he had their diaries. Jam packed with X-rated, personal information and reading like excepts from X-rated, Penthouse Forums magazines, their confessed words painted as much of an image as their photos. He imagined his mother on her knees and sucking the cocks of her customers. He imagined his Aunt Victoria fucking a multitude of men. He imagined his Aunt Isabella being stripped naked, taken, and forced to have sex. He imagined his Grandmother Mary dressed in black leather and disciplining and punishing men with her whip before having sex with them.

Yet, instead of believing him, his mother looked at him as if he was talking nonsense. Obviously, never taking the time to understand him, she didn't know him as much as he didn't know her. She didn't know her own son as much as he didn't know his own mother. She had no one to blame but herself for the man he is now. Perhaps, had she taken the time with him and given him the love, attention, and affection that a mother should have given her son, he wouldn't have turned out to be such a perverted bastard.

Yet, what did she know? She didn't know any better. Raised by a mother who was an exhibitionist, a stripper, and a whore, she and her sisters became exhibitionists, strippers, and whores. In the way she raised her son to be an incestuous pervert, her mother raised her and her sisters to be a cocksucking whores.

"Secrets? What secrets?" Feigning her innocence, she looked at him as if he was imagining things about her. "I don't have any secrets. I have nothing to hide. My conscience is clear. My life is an open book," she said with a snicker.

He returned her snicker with his snicker.

"We all have secrets, Mother. We all have things that we don't want anyone to know," he said.

She shrugged her indifference to his implied accusations.

"I never had a sexual affair, if that's what you mean and if that's what you think. I've always remained faithful to your father," she said with pride. "Even though I knew he had sexual flings with women half his age, the pig, I never cheated on him and I could have," she said. "Plenty of men were after me."

He gave his mother a righteous smile while imagining the look on her smug face when he told her all that he found. He wondered what she'd say when he told her that he found topless and naked photos of her, her sisters, and her mother. He wondered what she'd say when he told her that he found their stripper costumes. He wondered what she'd say when he told her that he not only found their diaries but also, he read their diaries, too.

'No secrets,' he thought? 'An open book? Her conscience is clear? Never cheated on him? That's because you've had enough sex with hundreds of men to last you ten lifetimes,' he thought. 'No doubt, you sucked enough cock and swallowed enough cum that if you regurgitated all of the cum you swallowed, you could mold it into the image of a man.'

Ready to detonate his devastating bomb, while continuing to imagine seeing her without her clothes and having sex with her, he smiled lovingly at his mother. Ready to put her back on her heels and panic her in a defensive posture, he was ready to tell her all that he knew. Now or never, this was the moment that may change everyone's lives for the better or for the worse.

All up to her, it all depended if his mother wanted him to keep her secrets and sexually embraced him in the way that he wanted to sexually embrace her. It all depended if his aunts and his grandmother wanted him to keep their secrets too, while willing to have sex with him, too. For him not to share their secrets publicly, all they needed to do was to give him was what he wanted and what he wanted was incestuous sex.

# # #

He took a big breath for courage before telling his mother what he found. With her always acting so high and mighty, he couldn't wait to see her reaction. With her such a work of perfection, he couldn't wait to see the look on his mother's face.

"I found your trunk with topless and naked photos of you, your sisters, and your mother in the attic," he said while allowing that devastating blow to settle before continuing. "I found the key to the trunk taped to the underside of your lingerie drawer," he said with a dirty laugh.

She looked at her son speechless.

"Oh, my," she said, finally.

Recalling seeing his mother's naked breasts, her naked pussy, and her naked ass, he smiled while staring at his mother as if she was sitting across from him naked.

"Not only did I find your sexy, naked photos but also, I found your diaries, too. What you, your sisters, and your mother wrote made for interesting reading," he said with a dirty laugh. "I read them all, every sexually, salacious word. I masturbated more over your diaries than I masturbated over your photos. I may know more about all of you than you all know about yourselves and what little you know about me," he said with a vindictive laugh.

She clutched the top of her blouse as if preventing him from seeing down her top when, with him seated on the other side of the room, clearly, he couldn't see down her blouse.

"You found our topless and naked photos," she asked while looking at him shocked?

He stared at her while wildly smiling.

"Yes, mother, I found your topless and naked photos," he said proudly. "You all looked so beautiful and sexy without your clothes," he said with another dirty laugh. "I can't wait to see all of you again without your clothes."

As if he had stripped her naked in front of everyone at the country club, she looked at her son with embarrassment and shame.

"You masturbated over our topless and naked photos," she asked while looking at him incredulously? "How dare you? Why would you do that?"

He rolled his eyes and sighed while fingering his growing erection through his pants.

"I'd have to be dead not to be inspired to masturbate over you, your sisters, and your mother topless and naked," he said with a dirty laugh. "As soon as I saw the topless and naked photos in your trunk of you all, I couldn't believe my eyes."

Seemingly still trying to understand all that her son confessed, she eyed him fingering the head of his cock through his pants.

"You found our diaries, too? You read our diaries. You masturbated over our diaries, too," she asked while turning pale?

He smiled while nodding his head at his mother.

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