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Mom Cleans House Again

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Mom visits again but she isn't alone.
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Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 02/12/2014
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A continuation of the fantasy. I hope this part of the story is as much fun to read, as it was to write. I do plan to add another chapter or so. Your comments and feedback are greatly appreciated.


The warm sand felt good on my bare feet, as I walked over to a small hill overlooking the beach and sat down. It was close to 4pm on a very nice Friday afternoon but must have been too early since there were only a few people out on the sand. Most were jocks, but there were a couple of fine looking young women, including one in a green string bikini with enormous, although I suspect fake, tits. She smiled warmly in my direction as she passed and I let my gaze linger on her round tight ass until she was too far away to see it clearly. But my mind wasn't on scoring a beauty from the beach crowd. Been there, done that. Several times since I moved here, as a matter of fact.

No. Today my mind was occupied with the knowledge that my Mother was going to be here tomorrow. She had called this morning to let me know that she would drive up to visit and was looking forward to seeing me again. Since her call time just seemed to slow to a crawl. Tick-tock, tick-tock the clock in my head chimed mockingly. My head was filled with memories of her last visit nearly five weeks ago. It had been two weeks of the most intense sex I have ever had. After coming to grips with the idea of us becoming lovers, she had turned into a fiery dynamo full of passion and heat. It was like she had been dying of thirst, and riding me damn near into exhaustion was the only thing that would quench that thirst. Tick-tock, tick-tock. Yes, it was going to be a long night.

By 9pm I had cleaned the place spotless just to keep myself busy. I also made sure my replenished cooking-oil supply was safely tucked in the cabinet under the kitchen sink. Better safe than sorry I figured. I tried to watch some TV but my excitement was only growing with each passing minute. Mom was coming. Sleep proved to be a fleeting thing. Memories of how she had sat on my stiff rod while I sucked on those hard nipples of hers bounced around my head until I was left with only one thing to do. Getting out of bed I went to the bathroom and pulled on my cock until I was left drained. This seemed to help a little and sleep finally came.

The next morning I was just finishing my first cup of coffee when the front door opened and Mom rushed in. Quickly standing I rushed to her. She threw her arms around my neck and I cupped both her small round ass-cheeks and lifted her three inches off the floor. She was giggling as I spun us around in circles before I noticed the figure standing in the doorway. Freezing in my tracks, Mom's feet dangling and my hands filled with her ass-cheeks, I stared at the smiling face of Grandma Elsie, my Mom's mother.

"That's some welcome there boy," was the first thing out of her mouth, followed by, "Don't I get a hug?"

Placing Mom down, I walked to Grandma and put my arms around her waist then squeezed her to me. She hugged me back and whispered in my ear, "What, no ass grab for your dear ole granny?"

I knew she was only joking but I reached down and grabbed both her buns in my hands and squeezed. She squealed like a little girl and called me a naughty boy, before breaking the hug. I was completely surprised by the firmness of her butt.

"What a nice surprise," I said, turning to look at Mom with a wondering look on my face.

"Why don't you get our bags Tom, then we'll explain," Mom stated.

They each had only an overnight bag apiece so I put them in the bedroom, I returned to find both women in the kitchen fixing themselves cups of coffee. Hearing me Mom turned and asked if I wanted one too, a sad "I'm sorry" look on her face. I told her sure then stood there and watched them work.

Mom was wearing her favorite pink summer dress and having already felt her ass I knew she wasn't wearing panties. I could see her hair had been lightened and there were blonde highlights added in. I thought it made her look younger somehow. There was a healthy glow about her that I found appealing. Grandma Elsie had on a maroon floral print skirt that went to her ankles, and a light tan blouse that barely hid the color of the black bra she was wearing.

Standing there looking at the two women I couldn't help but compare them. Grandma was about four inches taller than Mom's five-one, and she probably weighed around one-thirty or so. I can positively say that her ass is a little meatier than Mom's, but not fat by any stretch of the imagination. Another thing about Grandma Elsie is her hips are wider and she has fairly large breast. About a 36D cup would be my guess. Her wavy shoulder length hair was dyed a bluish-silver, which I thought gave her an air of upper-class society. When she turned to face me I was pleasantly surprised to see her face was smooth and tanned a golden bronze.

"You're looking fabulous Grandma," I told her.

She beamed at my compliment and said, "Not bad for a sixty-six year old, huh?"

"Not bad at all Grandma," I replied.

"Takes a lot of work when you're my age, but you don't have to worry yet boy," she said.

She hardly ever called me by my name. It was always "boy", and I suspect always would be. I just put it down as being one of her quirks. We only saw each other on the holidays that she showed up for, usually Christmas or Thanksgiving, but never both in the same year. When Grandpa Jack suddenly died ten years ago she sold off their sizable farm next to Dad's, moved to Arizona and never looked back. As her golden tan can attest, life in the desert was good to her. She had invested smartly and was now comfortably well off. The whole family was happy for her and told her to enjoy life, something that I'm pretty sure she did. She did stay in touch with everyone, even calling me a few times to see how I was doing.

Since I only have two dining room chairs, we took our cups into the front room and settled on the couch. Mom told me that Grandma had been at the farm when she told Dad she was coming to see me. Wanting to see the ocean and lay on the beach was too much to pass up so she had decided to come too.

"So, what have you been up to Grandma," I inquired.

"Working on my tan and spending time at the gym," came her reply.

"How much time are you spending in the gym," Mom asked her.

"Enough time to stay in shape, and window shop all the hot young studs there," Elsie laughed.

"You're terrible Mom," my Mother said to her.

"You only live once Doris. Best to grab life by the balls while you can," she snickered.

We all cracked up with that. I asked how long they could stay and was told only for the weekend. When I asked if it was a problem for them to share the bedroom Mom said she wanted to sleep on the couch, and Grandma could take the bed. Both argued a little about who would sleep where until Mom finally got her way. With that settled we made plans to stroll over to the beach later and have an impromptu picnic on the sand. We would get some fried chicken from the vendors near the beach, and a couple bottles of wine from the store down the street. I stayed on the couch while they went and put away their stuff. I was wondering if Mom had brought her power toy.

After they finished and came back into the front room we chatted some more, catching up on what was new with everyone and everything it seemed to me. Time wasn't going tick-tock, tick-tock anymore. If anything it was speeding up, something I definitely didn't want to happen. Mom wanted to stretch her legs so she volunteered to walk to the store for the wine since it was in the opposite direction as the beach. Grandma said she was going to change into her swimsuit and headed to the bedroom.

"Do you want me to come with you Mom," I asked.

"No sweetie, you stay and keep your Grandmother company. I won't be long," she said.

When Mom left I got up and seeing the bathroom door shut, I figured that Grandma was in there, so I went to the bedroom to get some beachwear. The door was ajar and I pushed it opened and stepped inside. Grandma Elsie was not in the bathroom. She was standing right in front of me by the bed, completely naked and holding the bottoms of her swimsuit. The first thing that ran through my head was, "Holy shit. This woman can't be sixty-six years old." Her bronze tan didn't cover her breast or hip area and the skin was white as snow. Her sizable tits had only a little sag to them, the dark brown areolas and pointy nipples in stark contrast to the white of her large globes. Lowering my eyes I saw her tummy had a small bulge but looked solid, and over her mound was a neatly trimmed bush of grey and brown pubic hair. She stared at my slag- jawed face but made no effort to cover herself. A sly smile played on what I saw were very full lips. With my face burning red hot I apologized profusely, while backing out and closing the door behind me. I ran to the couch and flopped down on it waiting for Grandma to come and ream my ass.

When she came out all she did was smile and then asked, "Well boy, what do you think of your old granny?"

"Very impressive Grandma," I managed to stammer, still waiting for her to come unglued.

She just walked into the kitchen and got some more coffee instead. My sigh of relief hung there in the air. The semi-transparent white cover-up she had on did nothing to hide her modest beige swimsuit from me prying eyes. The bottoms covered the swell of her ass quite nicely and her large breasts were completely encased in the cups of her top. It was while I watched her ass cheeks bounce with each step she took that the word juicy popped into my head. A smile crossed my lips. I now knew for sure that I hadn't outgrown my adolescent perv stage after all. Hell, I might have even started to drool if Mom hadn't chosen that moment to get back from the store.

After figuring out what we would need at our picnic I put it all in a large canvas tote that had been lying around unused in my closet. We had paper cups, napkins, wine, suntan oil and towels in case anyone decided to swim. I knew it was going to be a bitch to get all the sand out of it, but I grabbed the comforter that Mom and I had started our incestuous relationship on. I found it oddly titillating that Grandma would be lounging on the spot were I had stuffed my cock into her daughter.

"Are you going to change into a swimsuit," I asked Mom.

"No. I think I'll just wear what I have on. Besides, I don't even own a one," she answered.

"They sell those butt floss thong ones by the beach. We can stop and get you one of those, I'll pay even," I teased her.

"Not on your life buster," she replied aghast. Her reaction caused both Grandma and I to bust out laughing.

"Oh you are a naughty boy aren't you," Grandma said when her laughter died down.

"Just trying to help," I said, trying to put a serious look on my face. I failed miserably and burst out laughing again when I saw the horrified look on Mom's face.

After I changed into cut-offs and a polo shirt we headed out. I did buy all three of us a wide-brimmed straw hat when we reached the beach. Mine was more of a cowboy style one, theirs was larger and floppy, like something you would wear to work in the garden. I took them to the same little hill I had been on yesterday and spread out the comforter. We had gotten a small container of chicken from one of the vendors, and since alcohol wasn't allowed on the beach, we sat in a circle to block anyone's view as the cups were filled. After we each had some chicken and a couple more cups of wine, Grandma said she was going to stroll through the waves. Mom and I watched her drop the cover-up and head to the water, her tanned and toned figure catching several guys' eyes.

"I'm sorry that Mom came along Tommy," she said when we were finally alone.

"That's okay. I understand," I told her.

"I couldn't just tell her no, without some reason why she couldn't come," Mom persisted.

Stretching out on the comforter I reached over and took her hand in mine, looking up into her eyes I said, "Don't worry, as long as I get to see you I don't mind."

"Yes, but I wanted us to be alone. I even got my doctor to give me birth control pills."

"You mean..." I asked hesitantly.

"That's right sweetie. No more condoms," she replied with a big smile.

Off in the distance we watched Grandma wading waist deep in the ocean, the floppy brim of her hat flapping in the cool breeze. Mom picked up the suntan oil and asked if I wanted her to put some on me. I told her no, but I would gladly spread some on her if she wanted.

"I would love to feel you doing that baby, but I don't think we should be too obvious with my Mother nearby," she said in a sad tone.

"Bummer," I said gazing longingly at her sitting there with her legs straight out and the sundress tucked in.

She started applying oil to her arms then moved to her legs. Working her way up, she raised her knees and began to oil her lower thighs, causing her dress to slide up on them. She quickly tucked the hem of her dress under her before I could get a peek of anything. I watched intently as her hands caressed the oil into her smooth creamy thighs. When she started rubbing it on the inner parts of her thighs, I felt that familiar tingle deep in my groin and my cock began to inflate. Abruptly standing I removed my shirt and headed to the calming ocean water to deflate.

It took some time for my dick to shrink in the cool water. I swam around and out as far as I dared before finally feeling secure enough to return to our spot. When I got there Mom was lying on her stomach with her arms under her head, Grandma was on her back and she had the straw hat covering her face. The bottoms of Grandma's suit was soaking wet, and I could see the wet material had wedged itself into the cleft of her pussy giving her a perfect cameltoe. Back to the water I went.

The sun was just going down by the time we headed home. We had killed off the wine so I continued to the store while Mom and Grandma went inside my place. Mom was in the shower by the time I got back and Grandma was sitting on the couch waiting her turn. I went to the kitchen and got three tumblers then sat on the couch with Grandma. Turning on the boob tube I handed the remote to her and said to put it on anything she found interesting. A few minutes later Mom emerged from the bathroom and Grandma went in to take her shower. Mom put her clothes in the bedroom and joined me on the couch. I was happy to see she had on the satiny black slip she'd worn on her last visit.

Grandma didn't take long and soon came into the room wearing an almost identical slip as Mom's. I now knew where Mom's penchant for slips came from. The swaying of her large breast as she moved let me know that she was braless, and the way the slip tucked itself into her butt crack made me think she wasn't wearing panties either. Yep, the return of that tingling feeling was my cue to take my own shower. I grabbed the only pair of pajama bottoms I owned from the dresser in the bedroom and went to the bathroom. How I reframed from stroking out a good one is something I'll never know.

Both of them were sitting on the couch at opposite ends slowly sipping wine and idly watching TV when I returned. I was struck by how much they seemed to be alike. Their feet were tucked under them and the black slips showed off an abundance of leg, Mom's a little pale compared to Grandma's. Seeing me in my thin cotton pajama bottoms and white t-shirt they each patted the spot between them and told me to sit. I picked the glass of wine from the coffee table someone had poured for me and nestled myself between them on the soft couch.

"I had a lovely time today boy," Grandma said without looking away from the TV.

"So did I," Mom chimed in.

"Glad to hear that. What do you ladies want to do tomorrow?"

"Whatever you two want to do is fine with me," Grandma said, looking at us while placing her hand high on my thigh and patting me. When she turned back to the TV I was very aware she hadn't removed her hand.

Mom put her arm around my shoulders and snuggled up against me before saying, "Well I don't care what we do, I'm just glad to spend some time with my son."

My wine fogged mind was having difficulty trying to understand what was going on here. Was there some sort of signal that I missed? Maybe it was just the effects of the wine I told myself. Whatever it was I didn't want it to stop, the perv in me was having way too much fun.

It took almost awhile to finish the bottle of wine and by then the effects were showing on each of us. I knew that Mom and I weren't going to get any alone time tonight. When they were at the sink rinsing the empty glasses I scooted in-between them and gave both a sideways hug. My arms encircled them underneath theirs, and being daring, I allowed my fingertips to graze the sides of their breast briefly.

"Well ladies, I think I'll go to bed," I said, squeezing them to me before turning away.

"That sounds like a good idea. Think I will do the same," Mom said.

"Me too," Grandma added yawning.

"Goodnight Mom, goodnight Grandma."

"Goodnight son. Goodnight boy," I heard them say as I entered the office.

I left the door partially opened, stripped off my shirt and laid down on the couch. I could hear them putting things away and conversing in hushed tones as I lay there trying to will myself to sleep. Several times I heard the patter of bare feet coming and going from the bedroom. Must be Mom getting covers and a pillow for the front couch I thought as I nodded off.

I don't know how long I'd been asleep before waking suddenly. Getting up I quietly went into the front room on my way to get something to drink; my tongue felt like dry cotton. Some light from the streetlights filtered into the room but not enough to really see anything. As I passed close to the couch I was barely able to see the sleeping form on it. The head area was in darkness, but as I strained to see I was able to tell that Mom's knees were up and were parted almost obscenely.

Straining to hear any noise coming from the bedroom I crept over until I was right next to the couch. It was too dark to make out any details as I slowly lowered myself to the floor on my knees. Thinking that Mom and I could have a little fun finally, I began to run my hand over the smooth flesh of her outside leg. Bending over I started kissing her ankle softly, working my way slowly up to the calf. A soft moan nearly scared the shit out of me before I realized it came from the couch. Encouraged I continued planting kisses till I was kissing the outside of her thigh.

"Mmmmm..." came another moan.

Not hearing any other sounds in the house I carefully positioned her outside leg over my shoulder with the back of her knee resting on it. Lovingly I let my lips work over the creamy softness on the inside of her thigh until I was almost at my prize. I held her leg on my shoulder with one hand while the other stroked the supple softness of her other leg. I wanted desperately to see her but there was only darkness. Pubic hair tickled my nose just as I stuck my tongue out and licked the outer fringes of my Mother's cunt. A louder moan escaped her as soon as my tongue found the lips of her labia and pressed in-between the meaty sweetness of them. Her pungent odor was nectar to my nostrils as I licked up through her slit and reached an already engorged clitoris. It felt big enough to be sucked on like a nipple, so I clamped down on it with my lips and assaulted the hard nub vigorously.

"Yes. Yes. Yes," her soft moans echoed in my ears.

I had just started to wash her clit with my saliva-coated tongue when her thighs clamped together over my ears and her ass pushed up pressing her steaming pussy onto my mouth. Breathing through my nose I forced my tongue in her slit and straight up into her tightly contracting hole.


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