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Mom, I'll Take Care of You Ch. 01

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Dad came to me in a dream.
4k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/28/2023
Created 10/19/2023
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"Mom, it's OK; I'll take care of it later in the afternoon."

She knew I was in class but couldn't resist calling me when she noticed the column of ants in the kitchen.

"In the meantime, the ants can penetrate the kitchen cabinets and reach our food!"

"They may be there already. I promise to work on it once I am done here."

I chuckled to myself - I loved Mom, but she could not think logically or solve simple problems. She relied on me for anything.


Mom married Dad 20 years ago. He was tall and handsome, and many girls went gaga over him. He chose Mom, one of the prettiest cheerleaders and extremely shy. It took him longer than expected to conquer her heart, but they were destined to be together for life.

In the first five years, everything seemed made in heaven - I was born a year after the wedding, and Dad found work as a mechanic in a well-paying company. Within two years, he became the manager of the service department. One day, an employee who worked under a car pulled the wrong lever, and the car crushed his legs. Dad took it very hard, and his social drinking turned into a habit to distract him from his sorrow. Unfortunately, about a year ago, after a long day's work, he drank too much and caused a fatal accident. He died immediately.

The car insurance covered most of our expenses. I checked my father's drawers and discovered he had one million life insurance. At least we had enough money to start over...

Mom was devastated. I knew the reason. All her life, she relied on others to make decisions for her. When she grew up, it was her parents, and later it was Dad. She was a typical old-fashioned homemaker. She cooked, did the laundry, cleaned the house, and helped Dad and me around the house. However, the hierarchy was well established - Dad ran everything. Every decision was his, from what movie we watched to what college I attended. Mom was happy this way, not needing to overthink or be responsible for making wrong choices.

I recall talking to Dad when I was in high school about the unique relationship he had with Mom. He smiled and told me he had to become the dominant figure because Mom was too submissive and needed constant guidance. Everything worked well until Dad began drinking too much alcohol, but they managed somehow. It all crushed like a house of cards when he died on the street.

I was a senior in high school and just turned 18 - Too young to be responsible for everything. I was never involved in the house affairs and had no clue about our financial situation (Mortgage, paying bills, other commitments) and had to learn everything from scratch. During the week we mourned my father, I skipped school, ran through Dad's drawers, and was able to grasp most of the urgent family needs.

Mom's life turned much tougher after Dad's untimely death. The person she had leaned on for decades was gone, and she was left alone with a growing son. She was clueless about what to do and how to move forward. I took over decision-making and paying the bills.

Initially, Mom cried a lot. I was unsure what to do and decided to leave her alone, assuming she'd eventually overcome her grief and find another suitable man to share her life with. After three months, her daily cries diminished, but several nights, when I went to the bathroom to pee, I heard her crying into her pillow.

I tried to convince her to subscribe to match.com. She refused, telling me she could not distinguish good from bad candidates. I offered to use her name and pictures to make an initial selection, but she was adamant she wouldn't go out with a stranger.

"But Mom, you are young and beautiful. You have many decades to live. Don't you want to share it with another person?"

"Honey, I have you. I do not need anybody else."

"And what will you do when I get married or move to another state because of job requirements?"

"I'll move with you..."

I knew I had to push harder but was unsure how to do it.


One early afternoon class was dismissed early. A teacher became sick or something of that sort. I arrived home unexpectedly at 12:30 instead of 3:30 pm. I didn't see Mom and watched TV in the living room. A short time later, the bathroom door opened, and Mom, naked, strolled to her bedroom. She didn't see me and didn't bother covering herself.

It was the first time I'd seen Mother naked. She was gorgeous! Her medium-sized tits pointed forward, and her large pink-brownish nipples protruded attractively. Her flat tummy displayed a feminine navel concavity, and her bush hair was trimmed nicely. I ogled her stroll until she disappeared inside her bedroom. To say I was surprised was a significant understatement. This was the pivotal sight that changed my life forever.

Until that day, my sex life consisted of watching porn online and masturbating several times a week. The subjects of my wet dreams and erotic fantasies were actresses (Most of the time Charlize Theron or Angelina Jolie), my voluptuous math teacher, and the pretty bitch who was the official girlfriend of a famous footballer. Previously, I dated two girls. We kissed and touched but never had a sexual act.

Starting that day, Mom's perfect body became my fantasies' new and only subject. I became obsessed with the idea of having her. If I only knew how...


I arrived home in the afternoon, and Mom hugged me, "Arti, I've never seen so many ants in our house before. I don't understand why they are here. Please take a look."

Five minutes later, I found the reason. A rotten, partly eaten peach was under the fridge, attracting the tiny, uninvited guests. I suspected it fell from the garbage can when Mom emptied it into a larger bag. I cleaned the area with Lysol and followed the convoy of ants backward to the point of entrance. I sprayed the whole area with Raid, and the 'huge disaster' was solved successfully. My reward - Mom kissed my cheek.

On Saturday, Mom reminded me that winter was coming and I better check the house was ready. I inspected the outer walls, doors, and windows - Everything was in top shape. I went on the roof and replaced two shingles.

Next, I climbed the ladder to the attic and checked every nook and cranny. I didn't see holes or signs of defects that would cause damage during snow storms. However, I found a small box I never saw before. It was covered with spider webs and likely was there for years.

I brought it down, entered my room, and opened the cover. There were a few postcards, a sealed envelope, and a videotape. I opened the envelope and saw pictures of Mom when she was younger. Most of her pictures showed her posing in bikini-type swimsuits, but the last three showed her in the nude. The first one she posed by the door, smiling and bending slightly with her fantastic breasts proudly extending toward the camera. The second photo displayed her lying in bed, facing the camera and massaging an ample tit. In the third photo, Mom was sitting on a chair with a lusty smile and her legs spread. Her exposed cunt looked delicious. My prick stiffened in no time!

I had to see the content of the tape. I remembered Dad had a video recorder we used to connect to our TV while renting movies from Blockbuster. We never got rid of it. After a short search, I found it in one of the boxes in the garage. Except for minimal dust, it looked in good shape. I brought it to my room and waited for the first opportunity to check it out.

The next afternoon, Mom went to her hairstylist. She smiled, "Arti, it will take an hour, but I hope to return prettier."

"Mom, you are plenty pretty now. I do not understand why you waste time and money when you are perfect the way you are."

She grinned, "Honey, you are so sweet... and handsome. I wish I were 20 years younger..."

I smirked, "I'd rather be 20 years older if I knew I had a chance..."

She laughed and drove away.


I connected the video recorder to our TV and hit 'play.' The initial part showed Mom's bedroom. The camera focused on the king-size bed and then on a chair.

Next, I heard my father call, "Lena, I want you here. You better be naked and ready!"

Mom appeared in her birthday suit on the screen, smiling, "Yes, my lord. What can I do for you?"

"Slut, as you can see, I am naked too. But my cock is deflated. I expect you to perform your weekly duty flawlessly."

"Master, why do you videotape our encounter?"

"I want to keep it for posterity. When I am old and decrepit, It will remind me how sexual we were."

"But, sir, thieves may enter the house, take it, and blackmail us."

"Listen bitch, stop worrying about things like that. I'll keep it hidden in the attic. Nobody can find it there."

She smiled, "Master, I trust you completely."

"You'll be spanked if you are not on your knees in the next 30 seconds. Do I need to remind you what happened three weeks ago?"

"No, sir." She moved forward seductively, kneeled, and grabbed Dad's pecker. "It's so cute when it's resting. Am I allowed to kiss and lick it?"

"You better!"

Mom grinned, kissed the mushroomed head, and licked the tip. The organ began engorging. She chuckled, "He likes me. Master, may I suck it for you?"

"I am not sure yet. Didn't I catch you one time dressed when you were supposed to be naked?"

"Sir, when Arti is not home, I am always naked for you. You saw me wearing a robe on a cold day when the heater didn't work."

"Didn't I specifically tell you that ANY change to the rules has to be approved by me first?"

She started crying, "But Master, I didn't want to bother you at work..."

"Bitch, I'll forgive you this time, but next time I'll use the paddle again. OK, you have my permission to suck my cock. And no misunderstandings this time - You swallow the first two ropes dutifully, pull out, and aim at your face. I want to paint it with my seed. I'll be leaving shortly after my climax and returning two hours later. You leave the cum sprayed on your face until I come back. Then I plan to fuck you. If I determine you are an exceptionally good slut, I might let you orgasm, but you better excel!"

She whispered, "Master is so good to me." Her lips spread widely to accommodate his growing member. She pulled it out and mumbled, "It's delicious!"

"Shut up whore and keep sucking. I know about your oral addiction. So if you want me to let you do it in the future too, better talk less and enjoy the reward."

Mom blushed and inserted it back into her hungry mouth. Dad's cock was by no means small, I'd say about 7", yet she was able to stuff down all of it effortlessly and without gagging. She started bobbing slowly and gradually intensified the pace. Mom closed her eyes and seemed to enjoy the grown-up pacifier drilling her oral cavity.

My cock started hurting. Until now, I haven't noticed how aroused this movie made me. My pole needed relief, and the sooner, the better. I continued watching as I lowered my pants and massaged my rock-yard prick. I came in less than a minute in my palm. I stopped the tape, washed my palm and pecker, and returned to the movie.

Mom was now blowing Dad as fast as she could. A few seconds later, his hands grabbed her head, and he growled as his cock jolted in her mouth. Mom swallowed the first two jets, pulled it out, closed her eyes, and aimed the cock straight at her face. The remaining three ropes landed on her chin, left cheek, across the left eye, forehead, and even two drops on her beautiful hair. When he was done, she grinned happily, "Master, I'd love to lick you clean. May I?"

"Go ahead, but don't forget to keep my seed on until I return; otherwise, I'll never let you suck me again. Bitch, do you understand me?"

"Yes, sir. I promise to be good. If at any time I screw up, please, punish me with the paddle, and don't deny me your tasty treat..."

"As long as you obey like a good submissive sex slave, I'll consider your request favorably!"

There was a short pause in the tape and later a picture focusing on the large bed.

Dad called her again. She reappeared. Her face was covered with elongated whitish dry stains. She smiled, "Your slut is ready to serve, sir."

"You kept my spunk as told. I appreciate it. First, I want to fuck your tight ass, but since you behaved nicely, for a change, I'll cum in your cunt and even help you climax."

She mumbled, "Master, you are very good to me today. How can I thank you?"

"When I am done, clean my cock thoroughly and return to the kitchen. You keep my goo on your face until a minute before Arthur returns. I do not want him to find out his sweet mother is submissive, craves sex, and an oral addict."

"Thank you again, Master."

Dad positioned her on the bed, resting on her elbows and knees. He placed the camera on the shelf, aimed it toward Mom, and moved behind her. His cock was partially erect. He spread her thighs and knelt behind her. Her labia glistened, suggesting her juices began lubricating the entrance. Dad rubbed his prick several times along her wet folds. Mom extended a hand between her legs and massaged his rod and her clitoris several times. He spit on two fingers and spread it on and around her puckered hole. Mom rubbed his expanding prick while he inserted a finger into her anus and moved circularly to enlarge the hole.

My dick hardened again and begged me for another relief session. I stopped the tape and moved to the bathroom to masturbate. I imagined myself being Dad and playing with Mom's fantastic assets. I climaxed in 30 seconds and returned to the movie.

Mom began to moan, and Dad bent on her back with his hand tweaking her swaying tit and later pinching the nipple. She groaned and whispered, "Master, please, insert it in my ass, I am ready for you. You haven't used my back hole for two weeks, and it missed you..."

"As I said, if you are a good slut, I'll fuck you a lot. I'll use every position, every hole, but the frequency will depend on you learning your place. I can't forget the time you were under my desk and Arthur came to ask me a question. You were scared to death he'd notice, but he didn't suspect anything. I recall you stopped bobbing. I continued talking to him while my hand pulled your hair until you resumed sucking. I loved it and came a moment after he left my room... Anyway, here it comes."

I saw him guiding his spongy head into her anus and pushing it slowly in. Mom groaned louder as her butthole dilated and slowly swallowed the big cock. A short time later, his member was inside all the way, and his sac kissed her ass cheeks.

He blurted, "Woman, it's time to go for a ride!" he began pounding her ass at increasing speed with a satisfied look. I wasn't surprised. His cock in her tight back hole - what could feel better than that?...

His pace increased further, and his breathing shot up, too. I saw Mom start to shiver. Did she experience a minor orgasm?

Then he pulled his stiff organ from her ass and immediately shoved it deep into her drenched cunt. She gasped. He rammed her pussy and used two fingers to knead her clit. Her breathing abruptly stopped, and seconds later, her body convulsed as if she had suffered an epileptic attack. She cried her heart out and started mumbling, "Oh god! OH GOD!... I caaan't; It's sooo good..." Dad slapped her ass cheeks a couple of times and ejaculated soon after.

Subsequently, Mom collapsed on the bed with her eyes closed. Dad lay on his back and slowly regained his breath. Mom raised her head a few minutes later and smiled at Dad, "Master, I love you. The way you treat your favorite slut is commendable." She moved closer to him, and her lips enveloped his shriveling cock, licking and sucking the remnants from his urethra. Next, her tongue traveled to his hairy sack and lapped it all around, ensuring no residual drop of semen remained. She inspected her cleaning work and was happy with it.

She gave the head a light kiss and grinned at Dad, "Sir, again, thank you for allowing me to serve you. With your permission, I'll prepare your favorite meal now."

She disappeared from the screen, and I heard Dad yell, "Arthur is arriving in an hour, so stay naked for at least 3/4 of an hour!"

"Yes, sir."

The videotape ended. I went to the bathroom and masturbated one more time.

Mom was submissive... She behaved like one, but I accepted it as her normal without thinking of submissiveness. And she was addicted to sucking a cock?! She loved every sex position?!!! Is this the woman I spent time with daily, not guessing her true character?...

I wanted Mom more than ever, and I started concocting a bold move to have her.


Saturday morning, I woke up early, shaved, and showered. Mom found me sitting with a calendar, making notes.

She approached me, "Arti, why are you awake so early? It's the weekend."

"Mom, I had an interesting dream. In retrospect, it felt as if it was real. Dad came to me and said, 'Son, now that I am gone, you are the man of the house. Your Mom is a wonderful person, but deep down, she is just a child with a beautiful, mature body. It's time for you to assume my responsibilities. I know you worked on the family finances and helped Mom with small things around the house. But that is not enough. She craves a strong hand. Mom is submissive, and as THE MAN, you must take care of her emotional and physical needs, too.' I didn't understand what he meant, and he elaborated, 'She is weak, and only a man with a strong hand can make her comfortable. You've seen it multiple times before, including when she was helpless to get rid of harmless ants. She has to feel you are there to be responsible for ANY issue. And don't forget she is still young. She needs you to control her physical needs as well. Yes, son, I mean her sexual needs. She loves and thrives on sex. She is addicted to sucking a cock and swallowing cum. She is too weak to admit it, but she'll happily accept any sex, so you can choose whatever you wish - vaginal, anal, everything goes! Just remember she craves eating cum, so you can use it as a tool to keep her in line, so to speak. Once you assert your dominance, she'll accept anything you wish, but from my experience, disciplining her once in a while is the best way to remind her of her role. Otherwise, she'd slip now and then. Son, I'll leave you now. Think seriously about what I said and... GOOD LUCK!' I woke up soon after and noticed the door was ajar despite remembering I closed it last night. Mom, I thought about the dream, which explained many things over the years. I have a simple question - Is it true?"

Mom blushed, lowered her head, and kept silent.

I approached her and gently lifted her chin, "Mom, is my dream a reflection of the truth?"

She closed her eyes and whispered, "Arti, what do you want?..."

"Mom, it's not what I want. It's what YOU need!"

"Arti, please, don't do it. I am your mother. You are not your father. You cannot be my son and Master at the same time. Let's forget about the dream."

"I am sorry, but I don't think I can. Sexless life is tough for anybody. Is it true you crave cum?"

"Arti, why are you doing it to me? Don't you have any respect for your mother?"

"The opposite is true. If Dad were right, my new duties would include making you more satisfied in your life! Mom, do you like being controlled by a strong person? Would you like to suck a cock to reward good behavior?"

"Even if I do, anything I do with you is incest. It's immoral, and I shiver even thinking about it."

I stared into her eyes, "Mom, kiss me."

She closed her eyes, "Arti, please, I can't..."

"Open your eyes!"

She opened them, and I saw tears starting to form.

"I told you to kiss me!"

She gazed at me pleadingly, but I didn't budge. She sighed, and her lips touched mine lightly.

"Mom, that's a good first try, but I want to feel how you'd kiss the man of the house!"

She gave me a desperate stare, and her lips latched to mine. She didn't seem to have a fighting spirit anymore. I gently opened her mouth, and my tongue licked her palate. Her mouth felt warm and sweet.


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