Very weird. I liked the reluctance , stopping only to start again. There was a Muppet-esque vibe of the characters slowly seeing how life is crazy and therefore acting in moment impulsively with whoever was at hand.
Full marks*****
Are you in some strange cult that believe actual sentences are sinful to write? Other than you're an idiot who doesn't know much of anything about the English language are the only two reasons for writing so few actual sentences.
Go back to school. This time you should pay attention. If it's too difficult, I understand. You're obviously not the academic type and English is probably beyond your mental abilities.
Prove me wrong. I dare you.
sorry, only 1 because this is so crappy of a story, can't work out who is who........
Rediculous nonsense. Poor use of the english language.jumping from the moms perspecive to the son for no reason. Idiotic storyline. Couldnt read more than a 1/2page of this baloney.. 0.005 stars
"Close to one year of writing"
Where do you post your writing? It's definitely not on this site. Nobody with half a brain would consider what you put here is writing.
A rewrite of the story of the parents .And the kids having group sex with each other
im not sure how I, 1: finished all 3 pages without losing 20 IQ points and 2: how i actually finished to this...4/10 because I finished