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Mom, Please Don't Stop!

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Mom helps son out with a handjob ... and more.
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I hadn't seen him all afternoon. We need to leave soon for the dinner. I'm dressed and ready to go, I hope he is too.

He agreed to this dinner with his Dad and sister not me. But asshole Dad insisted I come along as he has news for both of us. Probably knocked up another 18 year old.

I don't know what Alain would do if he didn't have money. He has so many child support payments to illegitimate off spring.

And I have half of his wealth! That was the only good thing about the divorce. I don't need to work again.

Drinking my third glass of wine, no sign of Ken. OK, we are outside our window to get there on time. Not that I really care about being late for Alain, I am overall a stickler for punctuality.

I knocked on Ken's door and walked right in. Totally surprised with what I saw.


He was naked on his bed. an iPad between his spread legs. He was masturbating.

'Ken, stop that! You have to get ready for the dinner. Come on, Ken.'

I haven't seen his penis since he was out of diapers. I looked closely at it, beet red.

'Is that the normal color? Ken, it's so red.'

'Mom, no. It's just that I have been trying to cum and it hasn't worked. Now it hurts. Hurts bad.'

I kicked into Mom gear, let's fix this problem.

'How bad?'

'I don't know, it just doesn't feel right.'

'How long have you been... you know...'

'I don't know, hours, too long,' he said sheepishly.

'Has that happened before?'

'Yes, but I always managed to...'

'I will be right back. I have some ointment that might relieve the pain.'

'OK, thanks Mom.'

An 18 year old masturbating for hours seems so unusual. Something must be wrong. I found the ointment and returned.

'Here, use this.'

'How do I apply it Mom?'

'Squirt some on your hand and apply it.'

'A lot? A little? I am not sure.'

He can be such a baby. Can't help myself, Mom taking care of her baby.

'Give it to me, I will do it.'

'Thanks Mom.'

I squeezed a little on my hand, but when I looked at the size of his erection, I squeezed some on my other hand, rubbed them together spreading it evenly on both hands. Two hands will make it easier to apply. We need to get going.

A lightning bolt struck me. What am I doing? I will be stroking my son's erection. That's not right!

I can't stop now, I told him I would do it. It will help him and us to get going.

It's fine. I am his Mom.

But that thought opened a door to other thoughts. Look how big it is, look at the well defined head, look at the scrotum holding two large testicles.

I had a flashback to the night before I discovered Alain was cheating on me.

Just like Ken, Alain laying on the bed naked, his big erection standing straight up. I took it in my mouth to get it ready for me. I kneeled above him and guided his hard cock into my pussy.

I snapped back to reality.

I placed my hands one on top of the other on his painful erection and slowly applied the ointment. Gosh, it was so thick at the bottom, tapering up to the large bulbous head.

I moved up and down several times.

'Mom, I think it is coated now.'

I was possessed, not stopping the motion. Not believing how much I was enjoying treating my son's hurting erection. A Mom taking care of her off-spring. That's my duty, take care of my son's needs, all of his needs.

'Mom, Mom, this feels too good. Maybe you should stop.'

'Mom, oh my gosh, I... I.. am...'

What did he say? i was thoroughly enjoying touching a cock. It has been so long. I need to kiss it, I need to take it in my mouth. I moved down close to the head, my mouth wide open ready to take it in.

He groaned, he grunted, he... shot his cum up painting my forehead, my cheeks, my lips.

Another stream right into my open mouth. Another on my neck, another a direct hit on my breast, last spurt on my dress.

How did I not know he was going to cum? But on me?

Damn it! I have to clean up and change now. Why did I do that?

And I will be damned, I was going to do more!

'Mom, you gave me a handjob!'

'No I didn't, I was treating your... your big... I mean red penis. I can't help if you lost control.'

'But Mom, it looked like you were going to take it in your...'

'I was not! You are dreaming, disgusting dreams! I was looking at it closely to see if the ointment was working!'

I faked disdain for his statement. But, he was right. If he hadn't cum I would have wrapped my lips tight around the base of the head and made him cum in my mouth.

More bullshit for him...

'You know your skin is really thin when you have an erection. It would be easy to break the skin and get an infection if I didn't treat it. You should be thankful I did.'

'I am sorry Mom. It just seemed to me you wanted to take my penis in your mouth.'

'Now I am really insulted. Do you think I would really do that? Perform fellatio on my own son? I'm not one of those porn stars acting like they are sucking their son's cocks. Oh, excuse my language. Penis. Suck on their penises. Yes, suck on their big hard penises. till they cum in their mouths. And then they swallow all the cum and then they get on top of the wet erection and...'

'Are you OK Mom? You're rambling on.'

Ken gave me a weird look. What am I saying? I was voicing my fantasy out loud.

'Fine. Fine. I am OK. Sorry about that.'

'We need to get going. We are already late. Get dressed. Leave the ointment on please.'

I didn't tell him I was going to check it later. So fucking exciting!

In my bathroom, I took off my dress.

Naked in front of mirror I adimred his handiwork. Some cum dry already. Good! Some wet stuff.

I watched myself use one finger to pickup the good stuff, taking the finger into my mouth, closing my lips around it, sucking it clean and swallowing. I like the taste, always liked the taste. I want more.

Donning my sexiest dress I was ready to go. The dress for Ken not Alain.

I want the dinner to go fast and get Ken back here to check his penis. Yes, yes, this will work. So fucking exciting.

'Ken, ready to go?'

'Mom, isn't that dress too revealing? Your breasts are... you know.'

He noticed. Of course he noticed.

The top of the dress basically two swaths of silky cloth running from the neck down to the waist barely covering only the areolas.

The skirt of the dress, to say it politely - abbreviated. The hem higher than the mid-point of my thighs. Lace topped black stockings peaking out from the dress. The tall stiletto heels with above the ankle strap added to the look.

All in all, slutty at worst, sexy at best.

'I like my dress, it makes me feel good.'

'Are you doing this to make Dad, I don't know, make him jealous.'

'No, it is for me. Do you have a problem with it?'

'I guess not. I am ready to go.'

He offered me his arm in the old time chivalrous way. Maybe he wants to show me off. Maybe he will take me to bed tonight.


Not surprisingly, Alain picked one of the most expensive restaurants in the city. The way I see it, he is buying so I will order the most expensive wine they have, mass quantities of the wine too.

Ken drove us. I felt like I was on a date with my stud boy friend. I can't wait till we get home.

He did the chivalrous arm in arm for our entrance and the maitre d' walk to the table. We created quite the buzz. I could see people whispering to one another. Some audible.

'Look at that slut.'

'Robbing the cradle.'

'Fucking hot!'

'Don't you dare look at her.'

Love it, love it, love it. Haven't had this much fun since Ken shot cum in my mouth.

We approached the table. Alain and Barbie in an animated conversation.

To this day I don't understand why she chose to live with him. She was way smarter than all of us. Off to Harvard in the fall to study medicine to become a doctor and then her law degree.

Yesterday, my preference that she live with me is now doused. Glad she is not at home. I have plans for Ken.

They saw us coming. Barbie froze. Alain momentarily did, then stood up and met us in front of the table.

'Chloe, you look stunning!'

He took my hand and kissed it.

'Please, please sit next to me.'

Then in gruff voice he said, 'Hi Ken, sit next to Barbie.'

Ken is dead to him after Ken decided to live with me.

We settled in. The waiter came by in his classy black tail tux.

Alain was about to say something. I cut him off.

'Bring us three bottles of the Chateau Lafite-Rothschild 2010.'

'Madam, that is $16,000 per bottle.'

I looked at Alain, 'You are buying dinner - right?'

'Yes but...'

'He has a problem with that sir, so bring us a two liter box wine, maybe he can afford that.'

'No wait. Go ahead, bring us a bottle, let's start there.'

The waiter left.

Alain said, 'Can I please order given I am paying?'

'Running short on cash? Too many child support payments? Another on the way?'

'I was hoping we would have a civilized dinner.'

'Great! Let's be civilized! You called this meeting. What do you need from Ken and why am I here?'

I totally threw him off his game. He was flustered and frustrated. He is no match for me.

'Can we eat first?'

I said, 'Sure, but can I order what I want or will you order for me?'

Love giving him a hard time.

To be a total cunt when the wine came, I took a sip of the $16,000 wine and said it was disgusting. The waiter nearly fainted. Alain's eyes nearly popped out of the socket. He took a sip and picked up on my charade.

'Totally agree. We are not paying for this swamp water.'

The waiter knew he would eat the cost. He took the bottle away.

'Excuse me, I need to go to the ladies room.'

i caught up to the waiter in the back. He was leaning up against the wall looking forlorn.

'i need a Venmo or some other personal pay account, I need to send you the money for this awesome wine.'

'Are you kidding?'

'Nope, go along with me on this. Don't tell Alain.'

He shared a Venmo. I transferred $50,000.'

'It was only $16,000!'

'Tip for going along with me on this and sharing three bottles with your team.

I grabbed the one bottle. The chefs were hard at work.


'What's your name?'


'Attention, Claude is buying a round of Chateau Lafite-Rothschild 2010 for everyone. Just three bottles, so speak up if want a glass!'

The reaction was deafening. My job done, I returned to the table.

Barbie said, 'Did you hear that commotion from the kitchen? Like their team won the Word Cup or something.'

I said, 'I was in the restroom, didn't hear anything.'

'Thanks Chloe for dodging the $16,000.'

'You are an asshole Alain.'


Dinner and after drinks over.

'Alain, now what? Your show.'

He was reluctant to talk. Must be bad news.

'Chloe, do not go crazy. Please don't. Hear me out.'


He held Barbie's hand.

'She... we... we are pregnant.'

A million reactions flooded my mind. A thousand insults. My emotions bordering on totally out of control. Cool, keep cool. I looked at Barbie.

'True or false?'


I stood up.

'Ken, let's go.'

'Mom!' Barbie shouted at me.

I gave her my best icy stare. I shook my finger at her.

'You are dead to me Barbie.'


It was a good thing that Ken was driving. I was crazy. I couldn't see straight. Alain got my daughter. our daughter pregnant. I was in a trance.



Ken shouted a third time, 'Mom!'

That awoke me.

'Sorry Ken. I am in shock. I shouldn't be. Your Dad is a piece of shit.'

Long pause.

'I know it is different from what you did...'

'What the fuck are you talking about? We didn't do anything. Your Dad, your Dad, got your sister pregnant.'

Long pause.

I said fighting back tears, 'She... she... she didn't seem like it was a problem. She looked fucking happy about it! Her Dad got her pregnant and she was happy. Good bye Harvard, being a doctor, being a lawyer. I hate them, I hate both of them.'

'You don't mean that. Maybe Dad, but not Barbie.'

'She is a slut, a fucking slut. Fucking her Dad without protection. Maybe she isn't smart.'

I howled like a crazy person. I opened my door to jump out. i unbuckled my seat belt.

'I am done, I can't stand this.'

I looked at the ground moving by in a blur. One leg out...

Ken grabbed my arm, yanked me back and skidded to a halt on the side of the road.

i fell into his arms, he gently stroked my hair.

'It will be OK. It will be OK,' he said.

He gently pushed me back into my seat and buckled me in.

'It will be OK.'

He held my hand and kept saying that all the way home.


After dinner, later that night...

So worried about Mom. I have never seen her so distraught. I was shocked too but for some reason I just took it in stride. Dad runs his life totally outside norms. It was however very disappointing.

She went straight to her room when we arrived home. It's been more than an hour, I expected her to come out. I should check up on her.

I decided to get ready for bed. All of today's events wore me out..

I thought back to the incident in my bedroom. I still think she was going to take my erection in her mouth. I was OK with that even though I acted disgusted. Not sure why I did that. How exciting that would have been!

Damn it, I am getting hard just thinking about it. I pulled out my pajamas to look at my growing erection. It wasn't red anymore.

I have an idea. I shouldn't explore it, but I have talked myself into it.

I knocked on the door.

'Go away Ken.'

I ignored her and walked in. She was lying on her bed still wearing her slutty dress. Her skirt had ridden up to her waist revealing her black lace panties, more like a thong than panties. Her legs spread wide.

Both breasts free from the meager cloth coverings. Large areolas with small soft nipples,

Her hair splayed out on the pillow. One arm under the pillow.

All in all a look beckoning someone to take care of her needs. I wonder if I can. If she will let me.


'I told you to go away.'

'I will after you check it.'

'What are you talking about? Check what?'

'Check if my penis is healing. i brought the ointment in case I need more.'

That got her attention. She sat up.

Both breasts dangling down free from the cloth.

Maybe she will let me titty fuck her. I've never done that.

It's not the first time I have seen her awesome breasts. I snuck into her bathroom and videoed her taking a shower. She masturbated!

When she was finishing, I ran back to my room, locked the door and watched the whole thing. I came when she came in the shower. Fuck that was fun!

Earlier watching the porn in my room turning my cock red, I wasn't getting off so I launched my video of her. I was getting there when she came into the room,

She moved to the edge of the bed and motioned for me to stand in front of her.

'Drop your pajamas.'

I did a slow reveal of my growing your erection.

'You're already getting hard?'

'Yeah Mom. Your breasts, your breasts are a big turn on for me.'

With one hand she cupped my balls, the other open hand palm gently touching the underside of my penis.

She scooted forward, her lips now inches from the throbbing head.

Kiss it, touch it, tongue it Mom! I said to myself.

She closely examined it. I know it was no longer red so I wasn't surprised when she said.

'Looks good. You can go now. Please leave me alone.'

'But Mom, just to be safe, should you put some more ointment on it?'

'You can do it.'

'It won't be the same. I like your touch, it really turns me on. This time, can you lick it and take it in your mouth. I really do want that.'

'No!' she screamed at me!

'I am never going to do that again. After I heard about your Dad and Barbie I was disgusted. Having sex with your child? I can't be a hypocrite and do the same thing with my son.'

'Can you do it one more time and then I will never ask again?'

'What part of no don't you understand? Get out of here, leave me alone. Go back to your room, grease your cock and whack it till it falls off for all I care.'

Wow! What a change of heart. Thanks Dad.


Two months later...

Eventually Mom got out of her funk and started thinking straight.

She convinced Alain that Barbie should move back to our home. Mom insisted that she would make sure Barbie would have a good pregnancy and a healthy baby.

Mom took Barbie for her DNA test. She also had Dad do the same. Confirmed Dad is the Dad.

Barbie's female fetus checked for abnormalities. No issues found thank God but the doctor warned us that things can change.

Mom was looking forward to having a grand daughter, not her preferred way but she is excited about it.

We have never talked about the ointment handjob. I have not forgot it. Someday.

Mom went out to buy groceries, she was cooking dinner for us tonight. It's the first time I have been alone with Barbie in a long time. I planned to take advantage of that and quiz her about Dad and their sex life.

I was working at the kitchen table working on my online degree from Stanford.

Love doing this online. I can sit here at the kitchen table shirtless and commando in gym shorts, so comfortable.

Barbie sauntered in. She was wearing an oversized Harvard v-neck shirt that covered her shorts. I think she had shorts on. The v-neck plunging low, lots of cleavage visible. She was barefoot. Yes, barefoot and pregnant. So sexy.

She pulled a bottle of beer from the fridge and sat across from me. My eyes wide open staring at her breasts. A little blood rushing into my penis. I shook my head and realized she has a beer!

'What are you doing? Your pregnant! You shouldn't be drinking.'

'Who do you think you are? My father? It's fine, it's just one beer. It's not like a six pack. I'm not an alcoholic like Dad.'

'Who do you think you are? A doctor? Your baby will be at risk for fetal alcohol syndrome. Bad things can happen if she has it.'

'It won't.'

'You are so much like Dad.' I said.

'Yeah, heavy drinker and promiscuous, that's me and proud of it.' she replied and then added.

'You are so much like Mom, maybe you should hook up with her.'

If she only knew.

'Give me the beer Barbie.'

'If you want it, come get it Ken.'

I tried to reach it across the table and swipe it from her, she dodged me. I didn't need to stand up, I had an erection underway.

She popped open the beer, she stood and leaned across the table. Her breasts hanging down, I could see the nipples.

She raised it to her lips.

In a sing song voice she said, 'I am going to drink it.'

'Don't you dare!' I said

I tried to grab it again, not successful. She sat down.

'Come and get it!'

I had enough. I came around to her side.

'Oh my Ken, you have an erection! Is it exciting trying to get the beer from me or is this the reason?'

She put the beer on the table. She took off her t-shirt and then panties.

She said, 'I showed you mine, now you show me yours. You know like we used too. I won't touch it, just look.'

I was tempted to drop my shorts and see what she would do. I can't. But...

What if she did touch it? No one since the ointment incident with Mom has touched me. I am getting tired of masturbating. I'll just show it to her. I think she will be impressed.

'Come on Ken. I won't drink the beer if you show me yours.'

I pulled my shorts down.

'Jeez! Wow! Holy fuck! Ken is all grown up! Look at the size of that thing! You are way bigger than Dad.'

I reached down to pull up my shorts, she reached down and grabbed my wrists, stopping me.

When she did that, her face evened with my package. The base of my cock resting on her forehead, my balls resting on the bridge of her nose.

She didn't move.

'Not so fast. I didn't get much of a show.'

I let go of my shorts. She moved back, the head drifting down across her face, stopping in front of her mouth.

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