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Moment of Truth (Just Once, Please)

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Just Once - The Cheaters Request gone wrong.
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This story is an old theme here in LW genre. Thanks to for the Edits and suggestions. Any errors are on me as I added a few changes before I posted this. Remember, this is fiction and anything is possible.

Rating: NFCM (Not For the Closed Minded)


The Moment of Truth (Just Once - Please!)

The Cheaters Request

Janet's been a great wife since we married 5 years ago. Our sex life has been amazing and our marriage has been strong. And up until that one moment in time she's never given me a reason to be jealous or believe that she's been unfaithful. That's why I was flabbergasted by her request to go out with the EVP of her company.

Since starting with Global Connections three years ago she's worked her way up to Marketing Manager at this international entertainment firm. As you can imagine, she meets all types of people and attends a great number of events, conferences, consulting, and marketing meetings. Some of their customers are very well known, such as the NY Knicks, the Chicago Bears, and the New England Patriots.

Her high energy and bubbly personality combined with her athletic body, perky tits, blond hair, blue eyes, and intelligence made her a perfect fit for this company. She kept me updated with her plans, her successes, and her day-to-day activities and I was happy to listen and proud of her success. She has the ambition to become VP of Marketing and is working hard towards that goal.

Global Connection is a British-owned organization with offices worldwide, and her manager, Ian Wolsey, is the EVP of Marketing. A self-made man in his early 50's, married three times with 9 children and 3 with his current wife. I couldn't help thinking that it's a good thing he makes a big paycheck to support his philandering and divorces when she told me about her boss.

Janet brought up Ian one evening as she told me about her day, but only in a business setting, nothing personal. She explained that he was coming to the US for two months, and it would give her a chance to show him how valuable she was to the company and let him know she was interested in moving up in the organization.

That's my girl, motivated and focused on her future. We just started talking about children and I asked her if getting the promotion would impact our time frame for growing our family. She said that she wanted to get a feel for her position in the company while Ian was here, and then she would let me know if we should start the family or delay our plans for a year. I was fine with either way, as we were still in our 20s and not in a rush for children, but we wanted two — a boy and a girl. We spent many nights and hours picking out names and which universities they would be going to when they were older. We were in love and looking forward to raising our future children.

A week after Ian's arrival, I stopped by Janet's office to surprise her for lunch. When I went to her office, I saw Ian and my wife standing a little too close as she was giggling and flirting. She quickly stopped and walked away from him when she heard me say hello. Janet introduced me to Ian, and that's when I swear that I saw a smirk on his face.

"Ian, this is my husband, Brian. Brian, this is Ian, the Executive Vice President from our Corporate office. You remember, I told you he was visiting for a short stay."

Then I saw it again. A cocky smirk as he spoke, "Well hello. So, you're the little husband. Nice to meet you, but you'll have to excuse me, I'm late for a meeting," and quickly left the office, avoiding any small talk. I considered his greeting incredibly rude, especially for someone in his position.

"Janet, what the fuck was that about, and why were you hanging on him and giggling?" I wasn't laughing and had the urge to knock that stupid smirk off his face, but he was gone before I could do anything. She knew I was upset with the way we just met, and tried to calm me down.

"Calm down sweetheart, that's just Ian and it was a little harmless flirting, and besides he is old enough to be my dad. Look, all the girls swoon over him. He thinks he's a ladies' man with his charming British accent and likes to flirt, and we all know he's just a cocky jerk but he's the boss. Anyway, he's a family man and nothing to worry about. It's just a little flirting with the girls. A bit of fun, he calls it."

"Well, I don't like it. And he has the balls to call me the Little Husband. And why the hell were you flirting back with him?"

"Oh Brian, stop acting jealous. Ian's the 3rd in charge of the entire company and I need to be nice to him. Like I said, he thinks he's a ladies' man and that's just the way British men are."

"Well, I don't like it."

"Relax, he's gone in two months."

Things were tense for a few days at home after that and Janet was careful not to bring up his name or upset me more than I already was.

Brian's Moment of Truth

Then, on a Wednesday night, a week after meeting Ian in the office, Janet opened up a casual conversation over dinner.

"Honey, would it be OK if I went out to Dinner with Ian, you know, my boss from work?"

I tensed up a little as it took me a moment to understand her question and answered with a question.

"Do you mean like a business meeting thing?"

"Well... no. More like a one-time date, before he goes back to London."

I immediately felt my stomach tighten up and my heart beating faster. I sat there quietly for a long moment before replying.

"I see. This is the same Ian that had been flirting with you, and made fun of me in your office? The so called 'Family Man," married with a total of 9 children with 3 different wives?

"Well, yes. But he's turned out to be a very nice man. He won't be here much longer, and I probably won't see him again when he goes back to London, so I thought one date would be OK. Like I said, he's married and has children. This would not be a romantic thing, just a little fun. One night away is all I'm asking for. It might even help my career. I mean, really, you go out of town on business all the time, one night away shouldn't be a big deal."

"OK, so it's not just dinner, it's a date and you want to spend the entire night with him. Let me be clear Janet — NO FUCKING WAY will I allow you to go out with another man on a date as long as we are married. Do you FUCKING understand? In fact, just knowing that you want to be with another man makes me want to rethink our marriage."

She panicked when she saw my reaction, "Oh God, No!!! You have it all wrong. I love you and you're my husband. Ian is just a one-time thing, and I'll be back the next day. Nothing changes between us and he'll be out of our lives forever. My god, it's just one night."

I looked at her with rage in my eyes and just said, "FUCK YOU! I'll have divorce papers in the next few days." I then stood, walked to my closet, packed a bag of clothes, and walked out. She continued to beg me to come back as I drove away from my once happy home. In less than thirty minutes my once happy marriage became a nuclear wasteland.

The calls from my 'loving wife' started immediately, followed by non-stop texts expressing her love and insisting that there would never be anyone else. In the next text, she tried to convince me that I was her loving husband, that this was all a misunderstanding, and that I needed to come back home.

As I drove, I told myself that if she could be swayed so easily, our future as husband and wife was in jeopardy and would require serious effort to restore, if that was even possible. I stayed away for two nights, ignored her calls, and took time off work, instructing them to tell her that I was out of town on a business trip.


Ever since Ian arrived at the office, all the women in my workspace were abuzz about this powerful, handsome man with a captivating eye for the ladies. He was tall, well-built, and had a marvelous accent that was both seductive and hypnotic. From the moment we met, it was clear to everyone that he had eyes for me. The compliments, the private meetings, the lunch dates, and all the extra time he devoted to me made the other women jealous. Every one of them would have jumped at the chance to be with Ian, married or not. The married women were even more vocal, encouraging me to go for it.

"Janet, he's asked you out several times. Every girl in the office would change places with you in a heartbeat. He's so handsome, and that accent makes us all wet when he talks to us. Take him up on his offer, and get yourself laid by this powerful man. You may never have another chance. Brian doesn't need to know, and he'll be going back to London, so no potential problems in the future."

The office girls hounded me every day until one day, they finally convinced me to go for it. Deep down, I knew I could never go behind my husband's back, so I came up with the idea of asking Brian to let me go on one date. Just one time, and then everything would go back to normal. The girls assured me that Brian would understand and give me this one night — at least, that's what most of them told me. So, that night, when I told him, I was shocked by his anger and rage. It wasn't supposed to happen like this, and now he's gone. I can't believe he walked out like that! I never thought he would be this upset.

In my distress, I called Gail, one of the girls at work. Gail and I, along with Janet, started at the company in the same department on the same day, three years ago, and have been inseparable since then.

Sobbing into the phone I said, "Hello Gail, this is Janet. He's gone! He's left me!"

"Janet, what are you talking about?"

"I told Brian that I wanted to go to dinner with Ian and he just left me. He just got up from the table, packed his bags and stormed out of the house. He even mentioned divorce and now I'm afraid I've lost him."

"Nonsense! He's just angry. You've hurt his fragile male ego, but he'll be back. You haven't done anything yet and he knows it. He might be angry and pout for a few days, but he'll forgive you. We'll come up with another plan to get you and Ian together, trust me."

"I don't want that; I just want my husband."

"Janet, relax. Have a glass of wine. Get some rest. I'll see you at work tomorrow."

Planning her Betrayal progresses...

Brian came home two days later and moved into the second bedroom. Gail was right: Brian was furious, far more than anyone could have anticipated. Although Brian loved Janet, he was ready to divorce her if she mentioned Ian's name just one more time. At the very least, marriage counseling seemed inevitable.

Over the next week, Janet tried hard to earn Brian's forgiveness. After a week of seeing his attractive wife and having no sexual contact, Brian decided to set aside his anger. They had rough makeup sex, and Brian finally forgave Janet, but he gave her a stern warning: "Next time, I will not be coming back."

Janet dodged a bullet and promised Brian she would never make that mistake again. She shared the entire story with the girls at work, confessing how she almost lost her husband over her foolish idea. However, the girls were now undeterred and came up with, a foolproof plan to get Ian and Janet together. It became a group project, and the Marketing team was determined to meet their self-imposed goal of arranging a rendezvous between Ian and Janet before he returned to London. One of the women, Marsha, proposed an idea that the team embraced, taking their scheme to the next level.

"Girls, we have the year-end dinner party coming up in two weeks at the Hyatt. I know for a fact that they plan to have a nice dinner for the team along with a band and some dancing. This year they want the spouses to attend, and when I heard that I had a brainstorm."

"You know my husband, Clark, is a pharmaceutical sales rep with a specialty in anesthesiology. Well, his company came up with a new formula of Midazolam. For those of you that don't know what is, I'll explain.

Midazolam is a drug they give to patients to sedate them before surgery. It knocks them out in seconds and with a side effect of short-term amnesia. They remember nothing from that point forward, until they wake up. Now, Midazolam is given intravenously, but the new drug, S2-Mid, is given in a pill or liquid form. Well, hubby's new hottest product is S2-Mid and he's been selling it in large quantities and works like magic, better than the original formula."

"Well, how does that help us?" Gail asked as Janet listened with a puzzled expression.

"Gail, I'm glad you asked. Since they're Schedule 2 drugs Clark keeps his samples locked away in his car. He's careful to keep them safe and out of reach. However, he sometimes takes my little Mustang Cobra out for a fun ride. When he's gone, I can easily take his key and take a few pills or an ounce of the liquid and nobody will ever know."

"OK Marsha, that's interesting but what's your plan?"

"Girls, you're going to love this. At the party, when everyone is mingling, I'll spike a drink and hand it to Brian. I know from previous times out with him that he can't resist a Crown Royal, so I'll casually have two drinks in my hand and hand one to Brian when I see he needs a drink.

It might take from five to twenty minutes to work depending on how much he drinks, but he'll get sleepy, dizzy, and then finally pass out on one of the chairs that we will guide him to. Then, we'll tell everyone Brian wasn't feeling well and then we'll bring him up to your hotel room and put him to bed. He'll be out for at least 4 hours and most likely won't wake up until morning.

Turning to Janet, Marsha continued, "When we take him to his room it will be your cue to go with Ian. Go up to his room and fuck his brains out for a few hours. We'll cover for you here and tell everyone that you went up to be with Brian. After a few hours of fucking Ian's brains out, you make your way back to your room, take a shower, clean up, and then cuddle into Brian with thoughts of Ian's monster dick. I bet you'll have the best night of your life."

"Girls, I can't do that to Brian. Do you want me to drug my husband so that I can fuck Ian? Do you know how crazy that sounds? Brian would kill me if he even found out we were even considering this. Of course I know it would be a thrill and would help my chances for promotion but if I caught Brian would divorce me."

"Yeah, about as crazy as you not getting Ian's big cock inside you. Come on, it's safe and he'll never have any clue about what happened. Ian will be indebted to you and your promotion will be in the bag. The last thing Brian will remember is you asking him if he's ok and that you love him. Then when he wakes up in your arms, you'll have wonderful memories of your night with Ian. And you better share everything with all of us, sister!"

"I don't know. It's crazy. Look, let me think about it. Things at home have gotten better and Brian isn't mad anymore. I'll tell him about the party tonight and see how he reacts."

Janet Seals her Fate

Later in bed, Janet said, "Brain, we're having our annual dinner in two weeks, and spouses are invited. You'll need to get your tux cleaned and pressed, as it will be a formal dinner. We haven't been out dancing in a while and it will be fun."

"Janet, as much as I hate these events, but I'll do this for you because I know it's important to you."

I thanked him with an enthusiastic blow job that night. I slid down between his legs and took Brian's impressive cock into my mouth, licked the head, and started sucking for all I was worth. It never takes long, and within a few minutes, Brian shot several tasty loads on my tongue and down my throat. I smiled up at him, showed him my cum covered tongue, swallowed, and licked my lips. My man went wild, threw me down on the bed, and fucked me hard into the mattress. I hadn't seen him that hard and cum so fast in all our years. He went to sleep a happy and satisfied husband that night. However, my sexual appetite had piqued, and suddenly I was excited about a one-time fling with Ian to try something I would have never considered before.

I decided at that moment to put the plan into action and texted Marsha. "I'm in. Can you get the drug?"

The text came back a minute later, 'Leave it to me, no problem."

Janet was loving all the sex with Brian and was excited about doing it once with Ian. The thrill of stepping out just once, and never again, kept her on edge and constantly excited. She wasn't sure if it was the allure of doing something naughty or the idea of spending a night with her boss, but either way, she had committed to the plan. She promised herself it was a one-time thing and that Brian would never know. No harm, no foul... right?

Over the next week, Brian noticed Janet was much more active on her cell phone, texting her friends more often. He knew the party was coming up and had a nagging feeling that something was amiss. A few nights later, when Janet was sound asleep, Brian retrieved her phone, entered her password — their anniversary date — and opened her text messages.

For the next hour, he read in horror about what they had planned for that night, including the drug, the timing to slip it into his drink, how long to wait, and how to get the key to his room to drop him off. He learned everything: who was getting the drug, who was going to give him the drink, and worst of all, how Ian was in on the plan and was going to take his wife to his room while Brian was unconscious.

Then, after they finished their playtime, Janet would then leave Ian and come back her hotel room, freshly fucked, and pretend everything was right with the world as Brian would still be unconscious and unaware from the drugs still in his system.

That was all he needed to know. After uploading all the text messages to the cloud, he put her phone back and tried to get back to sleep. It wasn't easy. He was horrified to learn that the woman he loved was plotting and planning to drug and betray him all in the same night. This was war, and he was going to be prepared. They would all pay for their treachery.

Brian continued to act as the loving husband, monitoring her messages and getting updates on their plan up until the day of the party. During this time, he called his Uncle Bob, his godfather, and a retired cop. Brian told him what was going on, and together they came up with their plan. With some good timing and a little acting skill, they could turn the tables on the entire team of jackals.

The clandestine group they put together included Uncle's Bob's old partner from the force, Ellie Johnson. Ellie joined two of Brian's army buddies, Craig Marks and Jimmy Jones, to assist with their plan. Ellie would be in charge of diverting the drugged drink and watching over Brian at the party. Uncle Bob, Craig, and Jimmy would handle the heavy work to come later in the evening.

Brian recalls the work event

As I expected, Janet wore a very revealing low-cut dress, black seamed stockings, and very high heels. Her makeup and hair were immaculate and it hurt knowing the reason she was dressing this way wasn't for me. Knowing it was another man was a hurtful act, one that I would never forgive.

"You look extra sexy tonight darling. Was this all for me?"

"Of course, honey, I want you to show off your sexy wife and make you proud."

I almost choked hearing her lie to me so easily. The bitch was about to drug me and fuck another man right under my nose. She didn't care that I would be humiliated in front of every one of her coworkers, each one knowing full well what she was up to. No, all she cared about was being with this guy, and I still could not understand why she would risk everything for a one-time affair. Like my dear old dad once told me: women, just Can't Understand Normal Thinking.


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