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Mom's New Family Affair Ch. 20

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Mom shows us what Dad's been up to...
10.5k words

Part 20 of the 24 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 04/01/2015
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As we entered the great room area, we saw Beth and Darla on the couch cuddled up watching an old black and white movie on the TV. With the sound up, they didn't seem to notice us at first. Beth had gone up and got her short robe Mom had bought her and her beach cover (light sheer beach robe for over a swimsuit but much shorter). Beth had given the kimono style robe to Darla who was now tucked in the end seat at the corner of the couch while Beth wore the cover. Darla's knee was bent and leaning against the back of the couch and Beth lay between her legs with her head resting on her chest as her legs entwined themselves with Darla's other leg that lay outstretched along the edge of the seat.

They looked comfy, happy and secure. The hair on both of them was slightly disturbed and gave the indication that they too had had some fun as they waited for us to come down.

As Mom approached she said "Hey!" in a cheery voice and they both looked up looking a bit surprised.

Darla was the first to say "Hey yourself! Wow, such a change, you really do look refreshed! John must have worked some magic on you..." she said with a giggle.

"Oh he did! John's magic always works wonders on me. I highly recommend him!" said Mom with a smile as she made her way to the breakfast nook, took her flute, rinsed it and drew the champagne from an ice bucket Beth had made up to store it in. As she poured herself another flute she asked "Anyone else?"

Beth was the first to answer... "No Mom, we left the rest for you. We know how you like it and you may need to wind down a bit more to relax" she said with a grin then nodded toward the coffee table at two half full wine glasses. "We opened a bottle of white anyway."

Mom looked at me and I said, "Go ahead Mom, help yourself, I think I'll make up a Bloody Mary in a few minutes" as I set the laptop down in front of the TV. I took the HDMI cable and reached behind the TV and connected it then connected the other end to my laptop. I connected the power supply and turned on the laptop to let it boot as I set the keyboard down on the coffee table with the mouse and then left it to make my drink.

Mom eased onto the edge of the breakfast nook's corner stool and took a sip as Darla asked "What's all that for? Do you have some pictures to show us?"

Mom answered "Well, I could go upstairs and unpack my camera if you want or we can connect to the net and I'll retrieve my email and show you some of the emails I stole from Eric... Which would you rather see?" she said with a bit of a crooked grin.

Darla's eyes went wide in surprise "Oh hell, we can always see the pics later. Let's see the videos!" she said with a short laugh. Beth perked right up into a sitting position and said "Oh my god, Yes!"

I was now fixing my Bloody Mary and I could see from the laptop, it had finished booting and was showing the desktop. Mom slid off her stool and went to the end of the couch where the keyboard and mouse sat on the coffee table where Beth's feet had been moments before. Mom looked at them and asked... So how do I get this to show on the TV?

I was half way through fixing my drink when she asked and I saw Beth was the nearest to the TV's remote and said "Beth... Find the Source button on the TV remote and scroll up to PC, then hit enter."

She quickly did and the laptop's desktop appeared on the TV screen. Mom proclaimed "Ahhh, there it is!" and started working the mouse to bring up the browser to get to her email account. As she finally signed in, her inbox appeared. With a long list of emails that had been forwarded to her account. The forwarded emails almost filled the page. There were about 15 of them grouped together before her regular mail was listed. All but about 4 had paper clip symbols indicating attachments.

I took a seat in the easy chair to sip my drink as Beth got up and said, "Scoot on down here closer to Darla, Mom. I'm going to cut up some fruit and cheese for some snacks as we watch them. Mom thanked her and slid down the couch. Darla lifted her leg lying next to the edge of the cushion for Mom's legs to slide under it before settling it down across Mom's thighs, once settled, Mom used Darla's thigh to use as a surface to control the mouse.

Mom went to the first she had sent, which was showing up as the last on the second page of her email browser page. Mom clicked on it and it popped up. The subject was in Chinese but the text was in English and said "Good Saturday"

Mom clicked on the attachment and the mp4 file started playing. The screen filled with a young looking Chinese woman sucking Dad's cock as he lay on a bed while leaning his shoulders and head against a stack of pillows as he looked down watching her. Her hair was long and draped over her other shoulder thus exposing the side of her head to show her mouth and jaw line open wide to fit the size of Dad's cock in. Her head bobbed rhythmically up and down as she blew him with her hand gripping to base to keep it vertical.

"Oh yeah young lady, suck that big white cock... you do love a big white diao, don't you... I know you love it to fill that tiny mouth of yours with it!" said Dad.

The girl said nothing but continued to suck even harder. You could tell she was getting more excited hearing my dad's words.

Then a voice with an accent from behind the camera said "That's right "Wang Xiu Lan" you love sucking big cock too like your mother does!"

The younger one's head slid off the head of Dad's cock and she started jacking him off fast and hard as she said something in Chinese with a smile. His cock was wet with her saliva. We could all see the head of Dad's cock when hard was mushroom shaped like mine and I knew for sure that that trait was from him and not Mom's side. Then she went back to sucking him.

As we started the video I remembered hearing the knife as Beth started to slice up the fruit and cheese but it soon fell silent and I heard a faint giggle and a soft musical "Oh my god!" from Beth as she watched.

The one with the camera got up and did a close up of her pleasuring Dad's cock as her head bobbed up and down the top third of his length. Dad wasn't as long as I am, but he seemed to be almost as thick. The person operating the camera moved around the end of the bed and focused on the girl's ass from behind and went to another close up of her ass and rear view of her lower pussy.

She was hairy with black hair which was damp and flattened from moisture. The tips of her labia were swollen enough to peek out of her slit. They were a darker brown in color and glistened as they did and a hand came into view from the lady taking the shot. She extended a finger and wiped it in the upward direction as the tip cleaved between them and when she withdrew her finger, it glistened with wetness before disappearing from the camera's view at which time we heard a soft "Mmmmmmm" before the person taking the shot continued around the bed.

I took a sip of my drink and let my head turn must enough so I could take a quick discrete glimpse towards Mom and Darla. Both of their eyes were wide glued to the screen and I noticed Mom's nipples were rock hard as they poked against the material of her robe and I also caught some movement of Darla's hand as it was slowly making its way toward her pussy.

Once on the side of the bed, the person with the camera focused on the mirror above what looked like a dresser or make up stand to capture the complete image of the young woman kneeling down and sucking Dad's cock. She had her forearms resting crosswise on Dad's hips and we all saw her petite breasts moving beneath her as she her head and upper torso engaged in the bobbing motion.

The scene was sexy, but what I think drew all of our attention was the reflection also included the person taking the video. She too had what was probably long black hair but was pinned up into a bun in the back with strands hanging down giving her a disheveled look, but a very sexy one at that.

She was using a phone to record the video and had it positioned in front of her face hiding most of it. Her body was slender and she had an ink black triangle of pubic hair covering her pussy which stood out in sharp contrast to her lighter skin. I could tell she was a bit older from her breasts which seemed to be pancake shaped with just a hint of sag. Her nipples were a darker color and we could clearly see her tips were hard and extended.

A few moments later the older one said something in Chinese as she started making her way back around the bed. The younger one stopped sucking and grinned at her answering her in Chinese as we saw her extend her arm to take the camera.

The video went wild for a second or two as the camera was transferred showing shot's of the ceiling, bed and room before it settled down on the older of the two starting to straddle Dad and steer his cock to her awaiting pussy. She let herself lower taking only an inch or two into her before moving back up only to sink a bit farther down next time as Dad exclaimed "Oh yeah, that's it mama slip that hot wet pussy around this cock of mine!"

Mom quickly clicked on the screen and said "What did he say?" as she tried to put the mouse pointer just behind the ball on the progress line at the bottom of the screen. It started again just as she was lowering on it and we heard Dad's voice say "Oh yeah, that's it mama slip..." before Mom paused the video again.

"Did he say Mama? Or was he saying something else..."

Before anyone could answer she went back and played it again.

Darla was the first to comment. "It sounds like a mumble to me or maybe something in Chinese but in way it sure sounded like "Mama"."

Both Beth and I agreed and Beth added "Do you think they're mom and daughter? How hot is that?"

Mom responded with "I don't know, it could be... Maybe it is."

"Ooooh, that would be kinky!" said Darla with a giggle. "But we haven't seen the older one's face yet. We'd almost need a side by side shot to tell."

Mom said there's some pictures attached to a few emails that show them together. I never realized the possibility until now. I watched these on his phone and the sound wasn't all that good.

I then remembered something and said "It probably is her Mom. Didn't she mention earlier to the younger one in English about liking to suck cock like her mother?"

Mom said, "You're right, she did. It didn't register though because we didn't know the one shooting the video was older, so maybe you're right..." and then after a pause "Hmmm, that would be something if she is" as she thought that maybe Dad had already been introduced to another family angle. Mom clicked the play symbol and the video started again and we watched the woman fuck Dad quite enthusiastically as he continued to verbally urge her on.

Mom was right Dad was doing a lot verbally and was nothing like she described to us before her trip. Toward the end of the video Dad declared he was going to cum. I couldn't tell if she had or not, but his cuming seemed to be a big deal.

I heard the English word "fountain" exchanged between the two women several times and as he got really close, the older one slid up off his cock and started rubbing her clit as the one taking the video started jerking Dad off. She was fairly good trying to hold the camera steady as she stroked his cock but the screen did bounce a bit in time with her jerks, but in the end she efficiently got the first couple of spurts as they shot from the tip of his cock and landed on his stomach with both ladies "ooohing", "ahhing" and giggling he spewed shot after shot.

The older woman licks one of the globs from his stomach, tastes it and says something in Chinese to the younger one who's still filming who seems to laugh then the video comes to a sudden end.

"My god, are they all like that?"Beth said with nervous sounding giggle as she brought the cutting board with sliced fruit and cheese and offered them to me before offering Darla and Mom the same before putting it down on the coffee table. She came over to my chair and sat on the arm of it with her thigh running the length of it and her other foot on the floor as she nibbled on the ones she picked for herself.

"They vary" said Mom, "But I have to admit, the majority of them are hot, even if it is my husband you all are seeing" said with what sounded like an abbreviated chuckle.

"So that's Eric, huh..." Said Darla in somewhat of musical tone.

Mom turned her head to look at her with a grin and said "Yes... that's Eric... I thought you'd like that and I was sure it would get your attention" with a bit of a grin.

Beth then said "I'll never be able to think of Mr. C the same way ever again!" trying to hold back her giggle.

Mom looked at her hand laughed as she said "I think you lost that ability when I sent you the pic in your email, didn't you..."

Beth laughed and said "Yeah I guess I did, but I always thought he was hot, even when I was a kid.

Darla was the next to say with one eyebrow arched "So, do you think our darling Beth will ever get to encounter her future father-in-law?" glancing at Beth momentarily but letting her eyes return to Mom.

Mom looked at her and said with big grin "What you're really asking is if you'll get a chance of that too, aren't you" but before Darla could reply Mom went on with "First of all he needs to be punished for shocking me like he did. Then secondly he has to open up verbally with me, and third he has to prove to me that he understands that our sex though may sometimes seem gratuitous and kinky, is actually based on our mutual love for each other... opening up in a fun way, exposing our little sexual wants and desires while wanting to please each other... But, like I said, out of love, not just because we're available to fuck. If he can prove that, I'd be willing to let him on our group if you all agreed."

Darla looked at Mom and gave a musical "Mmmmmmmmm, I could go for that" giving her a knowing wink, then added "So, do we get to see more of the attachments?"

Mom pivoted from her position and said "Of course you do Sweetheart" and gave her a peck on the lips adding "I knew you'd like them..." Mom then tossed the mouse our way which Beth caught and as she handed it to me Mom said "Why don't you do the honors Hon, I feel like getting a bit more comfy..." as she snuggled into Darla a bit.

I clicked on the next email and then again on the attachment. The screen shot showed the two ladies in 69 and it took a moment to make sure since their bodies were very similar, it looked like the younger one was on top. Dad worked the camera back and forth over the length of their bodies then moved toward the end as he focused on the older one lapping her clit while using two fingers to fuck her pussy. The woman's eyes lit up and she grinned and then nodded her head in such a way as to say come here.

I heard a barely perceptible "Mmmmmm" from Beth and out of the corner of my eye saw her touching herself. It seemed to be easy for her to do with one leg on the arm of the chair and the other barely touching the floor. I had gotten half hard watching the video which was hard enough to lift the material of the robe top I had on but now seeing this, I was really starting to stand erect and my cock had risen through the overlap of material exposing itself. My hand slipped around my shaft as I started slowly stroking as I continued to watch the images on the TV.

Sure enough, a moment later Dad had set the camera down on the makeup table and aimed it at them and then he moved up onto the bed on his knees and started pressing the head of his cock into that young, wet pussy. We saw the younger woman's head come up from eating the other and we heard a moan as her mouth opened and turned to the side as her head dipped a bit while Dad started working his cock in and out, bit by bit, going deeper each time. It wasn't long before she really got into it as he had her hips and started fucking her good and hard. Her head then quickly disappeared between the other's legs and from the motions of her head; she must have been eating her with a passion while getting fucked.

I noticed Beth's breathing getting a bit faster too and heard an occasional light smacking sound she gives off when she gets really wet masturbating. As I looked up at her she nodded her head to the side and I saw Darla actively rubbing her own with Mom looking down at it. Then Mom's hand pulled Darla's robe to the side to expose her outer breast, then took Darla's hand from her pussy and steered it there, then manipulated her hand to squeeze her breast to make her nipple stand proud.

We saw Mom's head lower and her tongue start to tease Darla's nipple tip as her own hand approached Darla's pussy. As Mom's lips surrounded her total nipple, we could see her cheeks go hollow and we knew she was sucking hard. Just as she did this, we saw her hand, palm up ease two fingers into Darla and start finger fucking her. Darla's eyes remained open on the screen before her and moaned as soft moan openly as she continued watching with Mom sucking her tit and fingering her.

It wasn't long before Dad proclaimed he was going to cum, pulled out and started stroking. The young girl's head shot up and with an "Ahhhh" quickly moved and turned as Dad started shooting his load over the older woman's chest and face from his position kneeling above her head. The younger one quickly moved up, straddling the older and sucked Dad quickly to clean him before focusing all her attention to the woman below her.

She licked at some of the cum scooping it up and sharing it with a kiss and did it again and again as she cleaned her face. As she did Dad got up and grabbed the camera to take a closer shot as the younger one laid on top of her, chest to chest, breasts to breasts and as the other's face became clean she slid up and offered her breasts and chest to the lower one to clean and lick.

Dad continued filming until both were clean and then the video suddenly stopped like the others.

Darla sounded a bit out of breath as she said "Oh my god that was so hot, god, all of these are hot so far!"

Mom lifted her head and gave a low, soft, erotic giggle as her lips released her nipple and raised her shoulders and head a bit, but continued working her fingers in and out slowly and rhythmically as she said "I thought you'd like seeing them especially with it being Eric..." She looked down with a sultry smile as she watched her fingers slide in and out slowly then slide up to her clit to rub it before sliding back down into her.

I found it incredibly hot to watch Mom doing this as Darla sat back totally exposing herself for both Moms' access and for us to see as her hips began rocking ever so slightly to fuck Mom's fingers back. It was times like this I could swear I was dreaming watching my mother and her best friend, so openly touching, feeling, and talking is such a hot, intimate and oh, so lewd manner in front of Beth and I. My hand tightened around my cock as stroked watching it.

Mom looked over at me and said, "Go ahead, Hon. Start another..." as Mom head started kissing Darla's breasts and going lower down her stomach. As she went lower Mom's outside leg slid off the couch where she supported herself on her knee in the narrow space between the coffee table and the couch, straddling herself on the edge of the seat as her other remained bent kneed on the cushion.

I had to laugh to myself as I thought 'Looks like Darla's going to get a special treat watching the next one...' as the video suddenly started. My attention divided between watching the scene in front of me and the video.

This video was about the older woman and Dad in a car. From the looks of it, they were on a highway somewhere out in the country, thus probably on a road trip. He was doing the filming and she was sitting in the passenger's seat with her hand up her skirt. Not much was being said but she was looking at the camera and Dad in a playful manner when Dad demanded to see more. She put one foot in the seat, pivoted toward him, spread herself and masturbated for the camera.

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