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Mom's Panties Ch. 02

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Andrew helps mom make him some new panties.
4.8k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 04/07/2023
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Susan was uneasy as she sat across from Andrew at the breakfast table. She'd rehearsed the speech she was about to deliver about a thousand times, but she was still nervous to the max. But now was not the time to back down. She took a deep breath and started.

"Andrew, I need to talk to you about something, and it might seem a little strange at first, so I just need you to trust me. OK?"

Andrew felt an immediate knot in his stomach, but he managed to say, "Sure Mon, I guess so. It sounds pretty important."

"Well, it's about you sweetie, and there isn't much more important to me than you. I hope you know how proud of you I was when you told me what you'd been doing with my panties. That took real courage. And I told you I wanted you to be able to take care of yourself whenever you need to, and that I would always knock before just barging in."

Andrew was definitely grabbing his ass, wondering where this was going. "Sure Mom, I felt better after I told you. I'm glad it made you feel proud of me."

"Well, I'm wondering if you might have misinterpreted what I was trying to tell you. I got to thinking that you might have thought that I was saying what you were doing is somehow a shameful thing that should only be done behind closed doors, and that instead of giving you the freedom to do it whenever you want, I was actually sending a negative message."

"No Mom, that's not the way I took it at all. But what makes you think I did?"

This was the part Susan was most nervous about. "Well sweetie, it's been two weeks since we had that conversation, and I don't think you've done it more than once or twice during that whole time. Such a big change seems too abrupt to a coincidence. And the more I thought about it, the more I wondered if what I said was making you feel bad about it. And that makes me sad and worried."

Of course the real reason Andrew was hardly masturbating at home was that he was doing it (and much more) with Heather almost every day. However, the two of them had agreed not to tell anyone about their intimate relations because they didn't think her parents would approve. But he couldn't play that card now. Instead he decided to go on the offence.

"Wow, Mom, I didn't take it that way at all, but how would you know what I've been doing? Are you spying on me?"

"Oh Sweetie, I just want the best for you, and I couldn't help but notice that there've been way fewer "used" tissues in your trash the past two weeks. I really wasn't trying to snoop, but there was no way I couldn't notice. I debated long and hard about having this conversation because I don't want you to feel like I'm violating your privacy, but I just really, really want what's best for you so I decided to take the chance. I love you so much Andrew!"

"Well, OK Mom, I believe you're not spying on me, but it's not what you think. So just relax OK? I appreciate you're trying to look out for me."

"Thank you for understanding Sweetie. But I've got an idea that I think will make both of us feel better. The message I was trying to deliver is that masturbation is an essential, natural, healthy thing for boys your age. It should be celebrated; not hidden behind closed doors. And I realized that the best way for me to make sure you understand is for you to do it while I offer my support and encouragement. After all, what could be wrong with sharing such a beautiful and important part of your life with someone who loves you?"

Wow! Andrew was stunned. His mom wants him to play with himself while she watches!! The thought of doing so was off the charts exciting. But also really intimidating. Would it cross some kind of line? And what would Heather think? Would she be jealous of his MOM? Emotions were swirling in his brain. Finally he said, "Gee Mom, I don't, I mean, Uhm, I, I..."

"Now Sweetie, I know this might be hard for you, but you might like it too. And besides, it's important to me, and I know you want what's best for me too. I've got it all planned. I've already told them I'm leaving work a little early. I'll be here when you get home from school and we'll have a nice talk, and then you can show me how you do it. Afterwards, I guarantee you'll never feel guilty or ashamed about your masturbating again. And we'll be able to talk about it openly whenever we want. You probably won't even care if I knock!"

Andrew was on information overload. He remembered how thrilling it was when he did it for Heather the first time, but that was a girl his own age, not his MOM! Did normal people do this kind of stuff? He felt like a pervert just smelling her panties; wasn't this worse? Still, the idea of stroking his cock and squirting all over the place while his mom whispers encouraging words in his ear was unbelievably exciting. He needed time to process.

"God Mom, I don't know. I guess I need time to think about it."

"You've got all day to think about it Sweetie, but I know you won't disappoint me. Think about how much this means to both of us actually!"

Andy's day at school was a blur. The conversation with his mom was the only thing he could think about. Fortunately, he knew he'd see Heather in AP Physics and she could help him figure out what to do.

"You should totally do it!" was her immediate reaction. "Tell me it wouldn't be a huge turn-on to do it in front of your Mom! Besides, it sounds like she's only doing it to make sure you're OK. She must really love you Andy. I wish my Mom would do such a thing for me. It'll be so AWESOME!

"So you wouldn't be, like, jealous or something?"

"Jealous? Of you Mom! Get serious Andy. I think your Mom's giving you an amazing gift and you should milk it for all its worth."

"But I've got another idea! If you Mom's point is that touching youself is a natural, beautiful thing that should be shared, you should make her do it too! She can't say it's OK for you to do it, but not her. She'll have no choice! And it's not incest or anything; she's just showing you how she masturbates. Maybe you should even make her go first! Oh Andy, you've just GOT to do this! I wish I could be there too!"

Relief washed over Andy. He had a plan and suddenly he couldn't wait for school to be over. This was going to be a day to remember!

When he got home, his mom was sitting in the living room dressed casually in a pair of shorts and a tee-shirt. He wasn't used to thinking about his mom as a girl, but she still looked great. She was only 18 when she had Andy so now she's just 36. She had intelligent-looking brown eyes and a warm, embracing smile. Her trim body benefited from almost daily workouts and she had large captivating breasts. (Andrew happed to know that her bra size was 38D from a little snooping he had done in her underwear drawer).

"Hi Sweetie, I can't tell you how much I've been looking forward to this afternoon. Would you like a Coke or something?"

"No mom, I'm OK."

Susan didn't beat around the bush. As soon as Andy sat next to her on the couch, she said, "So Sweetie, tell me what you like most about masturbating."

Andy thought he was prepared for this, but the directness of her question took him by surprise.

"I guess I just like the way it feels Mom. I get these really strong urges and I just can't help but do it."

"Of course you get such urges Sweetie. All boys your age do. It's part of growing up. Do you think you do it more when you're stressed or nervous about something?"

"I guess maybe sometimes I do. And sometimes it helps me fall asleep."

"Have you ever been late for something important because you couldn't resist those urges, even though you knew it could cause you big problems later?"

"I guess so. I remember I just couldn't help but do it the day I left your panties on my bed even though I was late for a big math test. I just got to thinking how sexy your panties smelled and I just had to do it right then. I knew it could be big trouble for me, but I just couldn't help it."

"I love the way you're being so honest with me Sweetie. What do you like to think about while you do it?"

"I think about girls' breasts (Heather's specifically, but we wasn't about to admit that), and what it would be like to make love to a girl (lately he was reliving the first time he and Heather made love). And sometimes, I think about an older woman making me take my clothes off and inspecting me. And then she makes me masturbate." (This was one of his favorite fantasies before Heather).

Andrew realized he was pretty much describing the scene that was about to unfold, and the thought made him even more excited. He could feel his penis getting hard.

"Those sound like nice fantasies Sweetie, but we both know you like girl's panties too. How do they fit in?"

"I guess I use them to think about the other stuff. The way they smell makes me excited and I think about where that smell came from."

"That's simple biology Sweetie. The essence of a woman's vagina is irresistible to most men. It's part of how a woman attracts a mate. The oldest trick in the book for a girl who wants to have sex is to sneak into the bathroom, slip a finger inside and casually let her date get a whiff. I guarantee the poor guy will be totally under her control."

"Wow, did you do that with my dad?"

"Oh Sweetie, let's not get into that right now. Is there anything else you want to tell me before you show me how you do it?"

"Well, actually Mon, I've got another idea."

"Oh Andrew, I hope you're not getting cold feet."

"No Mom, but I was thinking, you've told me that touching yourself is a beautiful thing and nothing to feel guilty or ashamed about."

"That's right Sweetie, it certainly is."

"So how often do YOU do it?"

Susan realized that she should have seen this coming. She hadn't anticipated having to talk about her OWN masturbating. But she was immediately excited about this unanticipated turn of events. "You're right Sweetie; if I'm asking you to be open I need to be too. I guess it varies, but I probably do it about twice a week."

"And what do YOU think about?"

Susan wasn't prepared to fess up to the fact that her recent fantasies were all about Andrew, and what it would be like to watch him cum for her, so she reverted to one of her favorite old fantasies.

"One of my favorite things to think about is me riding naked, bareback on a beautiful white stallion. We're galloping through a field and my breasts are bouncing up and down with each step. The saddle is stimulating my vagina and my wetness is leaking out onto the brown leather. Suddenly, there's a muscular man seated behind me and he stops the horse and we magically find ourselves on a blanket in the field and he has a huge cock and I tell him it's too big and he tells me not to worry, and he enters me, and my vagina expands to accept his huge erection and I feel it going in and out, and my slippery hole has never been so full. He thrusts violently into me over and over until he practically drowns me with squirt after powerful squirt of hot, sticky semen. And my orgasm hits like a freight train as I revel in the feeling of being thoroughly and absolutely satisfied."

Andrew didn't know what to expect, but it sure as hell wasn't that. He never imagined his mom could think such things. But he managed to say, "Oh my God Mom, you've got to show me!"

They moved to her bedroom and Susan retrieved Henry (her penis-shaped vibrator) from its hiding place and pulled back the covers. She'd been fantasizing about watching her young son masturbate for months, but the prospect of doing it for him was making the whole encounter even more exciting. And she could rationalize it by thinking it was for Andrew's own good. After all, she's only trying to help him understand that masturbation is a beautiful thing -- something even his mother indulges in! She took a deep breath and pulled the tee-shirt over her head. She looked at Andrew while she reached back, unhooked her bra and let it fall away.

Andrew was mesmerized. He loved Heather's small breasts, but there was something about his mom's huge ones that was incredible.

"Do you like my breasts Sweetie? I remember when you used to suck on them."

Was that an invitation? Andrew wasn't sure. Instead he just said, "They're beautiful, Mom. I can't believe how big they are!"

"I'm glad you like them Sweetie. And you know what? I like showing them to you. Like it or not, a woman's breasts are a big part of who she is. I usually start by caressing my breasts and my nipples when I masturbate. I feel it all the way to my toes."

Andrew remembered that Heather said pretty much the same thing.

Susan's hands moved over her large, firm breasts and caressed them gently. Her fingers moved to her nipples where they began gently rolling and pinching them.

Andy was mesmerized. His mom's breasts were so different from Heather's small ones! He knew how much pleasure Heather's incredibly sensitive nipples gave her and he hoped his mom's did the same for her. They were clearly getting erect, even though they didn't poke out as prominently as Heather's.

Abandoning her nipples for the moment, Susan placed her hands under her breasts and playfully bounced them up and down -- showing them off for Andrew. She was reveling in exhibiting herself this way.

But it was time to move on. She slipped off her shorts and leaned back against her propped up pillows. She wore brown cotton panties and there was already a dark wet spot in the front. Her fingers moved to that sweet spot and used circular motions to stimulate herself through the moist cloth.

"I like to tease myself by rubbing the outside of my panties while I think about how wonderful it'll feel when I move underneath."

The wet spot was getting bigger and the intoxicating aroma of her increasingly aroused body filled the air.

"I think it's time for you to see my vagina, Sweetie."

She slowly slid the deliciously wet panties down her legs and handed them to Andrew. The forbidden nature of displaying herself to her own son so explicitly gave her a bit of pause, but it was also electrifyingly exciting. Besides, she didn't know how much experience Andrew had with vaginas, and she rationalized there was no one better to educate him than his own mother!

"Why don't you slip off your shirt and shorts Sweetie, and then come over here so you can get a good look."

Andrew sat cross-legged wearing only his underpants. Susan stole a glance at the prominent bulge between his legs and thought about how amazing it was going to be to see what was underneath.

I'm not sure how much you know about female anatomy, Sweetie, but let me show you. The entrance to the vagina is surrounded by inner and outer lips called labia. Some girls like it when you gently caress the area between them. Susan used her fingertips to demonstrate. She explored the moist folds while Andrew enjoyed the show. The feeling down there was electric.

Of course, the vagina itself is a long tunnel designed to accommodate an erect penis. When a woman is sexually exited, her vagina produces arousal fluid that lubricates itself so the penis can slide in and out easily. Some women have a spot in the roof of their vaginas just behind the urethra called a G-spot. For some women, it can be highly pleasurable to be stimulated there.

Susan inserted a middle finger and touched her own G-spot. Sometimes I like to use Henry, or another penis-shaped object, to stimulate it. I've even had orgasms that way."

Of course, the most sensitive part of the vagina is the clitoris. It has a little covering called a hood protecting it. You need to be very careful when you touch a girl's clitoris because it can be very, very sensitive. It's best to go very slowly and ask the girl what she likes before you try to touch it directly. The clitoris is a little like a miniature penis because it gets erect when a girl is excited.

Susan opened herself so Andrew could get a good look at her lovely little prize. The clitoris is perfectly positioned at the entrance of the vagina to be stimulated by a nice hard penis going in and out. She let him admire her clit for a few moments and then retracted the hood so he could fully examine the protruding little button.

Andrew's erection was now complete and he subtly positioned it to point up towards the waistband of his underpants so could be more comfortable. (A maneuver not unnoticed by Susan). The fact that his own mom was giving him this show made it incredibly hot. His heart was pounding.

"That's enough for the tour Sweetie. Now just watch while I show you how I like to be touched."

Susan spent a few minutes revisiting her lovely breasts and nipples before moving to her opening. She spent some time caressing the area between her lips, moving up and down both sides. She may never have been wetter. The fact that Andrew was riveted to her every move made her all the more excited. She was taking her time, appreciating every precious moment and anticipating what was yet to come.

Andrew loved watching his mom caressing herself so provocatively. He thought about how Heather also liked to be touched like that. But her technique was a little different than the one his mom was demonstrating. He too was savoring every second!

Abandoning her labia for the moment, Susan began using circular motions to stimulate the top of her. She loved this technique because it helped her control the rate at which her excitement built and to savor the delicious feeling growing within her body. After a few minutes, she began exploring inside while continuing this stimulation with her other hand. She caressed the roof of her canal and lingered over her G-spot. She couldn't believe she was doing all of this under the intense scrutiny of her young son.

Before long it was time to move on. She spread her legs as wide as she could and reveled in the excitement of exhibiting herself to Andrew so completely. She pulled back her clitoris hood; fully exposing herself for his inspection. She continued to retract her hood with one hand while using the fingers of the other to provide direct stimulation to her bright red nub. She urgently needed to show Andrew how hard she could make it.

She continued to rub her clit; pausing only to spread lubrication from inside to keep it moist and slippery. The feelings of pleasure building in her body were profound, but she needed something more. She grabbed Henry and began to move the penis-shaped vibrator towards her opening when Andrew put his hand over hers and said, "Why don't you let me do that, Mom?


Susan certainly hadn't expected that! But the thought of her young son fucking her with her own vibrator was too much to resist. She managed to whisper, "Just be gentle."

Andrew couldn't wait to explore his mom's innermost recesses with her very own vibrator. Heather loved the way he did it for her, and Andrew was excited to try his techniques on his mom. He put Henry in his mouth and coated it with saliva. The taste and smell his mom's juices were an aphrodisiac (as if he needed to be more aroused). He used the now lubricated vibrator to gently tease up and down his mom's slit; allowing her anticipation to build. When he thought she couldn't take it anymore, he began to gently probe inside her entrance -- gradually inserting and withdrawing the slippery fake penis deeper and deeper. His mom was writhing in pleasure.

"Oh my God, that feels so good!"

"I like doing it too Mom. You should pretend it's my penis inside of you!"

Susan had often pretended that Henry was Andrew's penis, but the fact that he would suggest it made it even more forbidden and exciting!

Andrew continued to work the soft rubber toy into his mom's the deepest recesses. Heather loved it when he used twisting motions to fully explore her cavity, so he moved to the top of his mom's channel, hoping to find her G-spot. Her cries of "Yes! Yes!" suggested that he'd found it. "Turn it on!" she commanded.


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