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Mom's Penis Treatment Pt. 01


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The novelty of talking to his mom while she knelt before him, inches away from his stiff erection, had not lost any of its appeal for Nick.

"I know, Mom. Thank you for helping me. If it had gotten more infected, I could have become very ill."

"That's right. Now, tonight, after dinner, we need to talk more about what you can do to stay healthy."

"Okay." Nick had some time to contemplate exactly what she could possibly have in mind. Needless to say, he was excited to get through dinner.

Connie cooked vegetable lasagna for dinner, which Nick always loved. She poured two glasses of red wine for them (they eventually finished the bottle). Both mother and son were feeling relaxed and in a good mood.

Nick was dressed in a white T-shirt and a different pair of gray shorts, again, no underwear. His cock had been hard most of the day and looked like it was mostly hard now, tucked in his shorts. He kept it in that state by rubbing it back to erect whenever he felt it go flaccid. He enjoyed watching his mom look at it, and she had been doing this very frequently.

Connie had changed into a short nightshirt that barely covered her ass. The shirt did little to hide her thin thong or the fact that she was obviously not wearing a bra. This wasn't necessarily unusual for her, but considering the recent turn of events, contributed to Nick's desire for her. It also gave Nick a good deal to look at while she was discussing this issue of his penis.

"Come, Nick, sit down with me and let's talk." Connie motioned to the sofa and loveseat in the living room. She turned on the table lamp near where she was sitting.

"I want to talk to you about your injury to your penis. Can you help me understand how you came to damage the skin so badly?" Connie had a loving, yet serious look to her. Her beautiful, Audrey Hepburn-like facial features glowed in the soft light.

Nick was not too enthusiastic about discussing his masturbation rituals with his mom, although he realized that there might be a small chance that this could lead to future sexual encounters with her so he decided to play along.

"This isn't easy to talk about, Mom. You know, I have urges, lots of urges know, to masturbate. I have tried masturbation with just my hands and nothing else, but that didn't work, it hurt, it gave me abrasions and cuts."

Nick decided a sincere approach would work best to woo his mom.

"I understand, Nicky. Continue please."

"Okay. Well, I started experimenting with different lotions. I would borrow hand lotions from you, which you kept in the kitchen and bathroom. I would use them on me...while I masturbated. They were better than nothing, but they weren't slippery enough and ended up making my penis sticky."

"I see." Connie was listening intently to what her son was saying.

"One time I went to the grocery store and got some baby oil. That worked really well, except that the smell reminded me of babies and wasn't sexy enough for me."

"They make different scents now." Connie added.

"Yeah, I saw some the other day. Anyway, I knew I needed something to help me because of my size."

Nick noticed his mom looked at his crotch when he shared this. His dick was hard and the bulge was impossible to ignore through his shorts. His mother stared for several seconds.

"Anyway, I remember getting oil on my hands when I was helping you in the kitchen during Christmas and I had this thought that it might work as a good lubricant, so I took a small bottle of extra virgin olive oil back to school with me when I returned to college. It worked great! I liked the smell and it was slippery enough to make my hand slide over my penis without much friction."

"Okay, Nick. So what happened, because the penis I saw several days ago was very damaged. It couldn't have just been the oil."

"I don't know. I guess over time I became allergic to it, or maybe I was too rough. I don't know if there is a right way, or a wrong way, Mom. I just do what feels good at the time."

Connie looked at his crotch again...still rock hard.

"How often do it?" She asked.

"Usually between three and five times a day." He answered softly, knowing that was probably a lot in her mind.

"Oh! That' you think about sex that often?" She asked, blushing.

"I guess I do." He confessed.

"Well, maybe we should look at your technique. That is, what you are actually doing when you masturbate. Why don't you show me how you do it...using a banana or something? I mean, I think you may be too rough on it. Maybe you're doing it wrong." Connie was genuinely curious. She actually wanted to see him demonstrate using his own penis, but did not want to ask for fear it would make him too uncomfortable.

"Banana?! Seriously? No, it's not the same, Mom." Nick had a raging, throbbing, hot, hard-on now. He wasn't used to being so hard for such an extended period of time without relieving himself by jacking off. His cock was outlined by the gray fabric of his shorts leaving not much to the imagination.

Connie was having a nearly impossible time trying not to stare at her son's giant erection. She knew he could see her looking at it, but she simply could not help herself. Now he was leaking pre-cum and the whole scene was driving her crazy. She could even smell the musky scent of his cum.

"Well, I'll tell you what, why don't you show me how you do it, and I can give you my opinion about whether you are doing it right, or if you are too rough on it. I have seen your dad do it, maybe I can give you some pointers."

Nick felt like he was going to cum in his shorts. 'Did my hot mom just suggest that I jack off in front of her? No fucking way!'

Nick thought he had better follow his mom's suggestion or he may never get the chance again.

"What should I use?" Nick's hands were at his sides, standing up in front of his mom, his full erection created a snake-like shape in his shorts. Connie had a difficult time trying to avert her eyes.

"Wait here." Connie got up and nearly ran up to her room. A minute later, she returned with four small, clear bottles. She set them on the end table under the lamp. One bottle was coconut-scented baby oil, the other three seemed to be special, sexual lubricants. They looked like the bottles she got at the store a few days ago.

"Oh. Where do you want me to show you?"

"Why not in the kitchen? Just in case we...if something spills." Connie was excited and it showed, despite her efforts to act as if it were no big deal. She took the bottles into the kitchen and placed them on the table.

"Okay, I guess." Nick's mind was a flurry of thought. 'What should I do? How should I do it? I can't believe this is happening! Fuck!' He thought.

He was now in the kitchen. Connie had seated herself in a chair and was facing the open, tiled area toward the center of the kitchen itself. She had turned the bright florescent lights on. It was now brightly lit. Nick took a few steps toward his mom. He slowly pulled his shorts down.

She watched as the veiny base of his thick shaft came into view, nestled in his short, wiry pubic hair. He slowly revealed inch after inch of his amazing penis, until the waistband caught on his wide head. Nick shifted slightly and his bare cock sprung free. It bobbed at eye-level with her. The bright kitchen lights made it look even bigger.

Looking at her son's cock, Connie realized she was wet. Not just a little wet, but very wet...leaking wet. She could barely keep herself from squealing when she saw that Nick had no underwear on under his shorts. All of her touching and caring for her son's penis had created a sexual fascination on her part. She had come to love his penis, the feel of it, the naughty fatness that was so unique to it. She told herself she wanted to help her son, to prevent anything like this from happening ever again. Deep down she just wasn't ready for it to be healthy and out of her life.

Nick thought he would narrate the process to give more of a step-by-step approach. He took a step closer, closing the distance between himself and his mom to about three feet.

"First, I feel the urge. Usually, I have something to look at in order to focus my sexual feelings on, it hurries the process along."

Nick looked around the room but found nothing.

"Do you need a magazine or something?" Connie offered.

"That might help." Nick answered.

Connie got up and opened a drawer in the kitchen and pulled out a Victoria Secret catalogue. She felt his eyes on her the whole time.

"How's this?" She smiled.

"Uh...okay, I guess. It might work." He shrugged.

Connie sat back down in her chair. She pulled her legs up to her chest and in doing so, exposed her ass and crotch to Nick as he stood right in front of her. Nick had an amazing view, much, much better than any lingerie magazine.

His dick had been sticking out waiting for attention for several minutes, but was still rock hard.

"After I see, or think of something that turns me on, I squirt some oil in my hands."

He reached over and nervously fumbled with the baby oil bottle. He squeezed a good amount in his hand.

His mother watched every motion he made as he filled his cupped hand with the oil. She was relieved to be able to stare at her son's sexy cock without feeling like she shouldn't be looking at it. She looked upon it without blinking, noticed every vein, every curve and wrinkle. Her mouth was salivating.

"Next, I quickly pour more of the oil onto my penis and spread it around like this."

Nick turned his hand over and poured the oil, then stroked it a few times slowly. He worked the oil into every square inch of his dick. The slick sound of his stroking his cock echoed in the large kitchen.

Connie noticed that he wasn't looking at the Victoria Secret catalog at all, but was instead looking at her crotch!

Her heart seemed to explode in her chest as she continued to watch her son stare at her as he stroked his penis. 'Oh my God! Is he attracted to me?!' She thought excitedly. She kept her legs up against her chest and subtly scooted her ass out a little. This caused the thong underwear she was wearing to crawl up her ass and further separate the lips of her pussy. She had intentionally given herself a wedgie and the course material of her thin thong nestled right against her throbbing clit. 'Fuck, I need to cum...' she thought.

Nick noticed this, and continued with even more vigor. The greasy stroking sounds became more rapid.

"Now I think about what it is that is turning me on and I imagine having sex with that woman."

Nick's thick wad of a cock was a lot for even his own large hand to handle. His slow stroking was causing it to turn a darker shade of flesh-colored red. Connie noticed that he could not wrap his entire hand around it.

"Then I stroke it faster and grip it harder."

He was blatantly staring at his mom's nearly exposed pussy and asshole. She seemed to be pulling her legs toward her and pushing her lower body out. He could see the tight creases in the skin of her sphincter as the thin material of her thong barely covered her. He sensed that she was aware of his eyes staring at her crotch.

Nick was furiously jacking off now. Pumping his hand up and down on his cock as he stood firmly planted right in front of his mom. He was making loud noises and began to breathe more rapidly.

Connie couldn't believe how hard and fast her son was stroking his penis. He was giving it a rough, fast fucking with his muscular hand, which was almost a blur. She was hypnotized by it. She had never seen anything so sexy in all her life. It was extremely difficult for her to keep her hands off of her pussy and masturbate with him. She felt the urge to cum.

Suddenly, Nick stopped jerking himself and thrust his cock out. Connie looked at his dark red cock head. It seemed to swell right before her eyes.

"Oh...oh...Mom! I'm sorry!"

"For wha..." Connie began, only to see a burst of white cum jump from his cock and fly straight at her face. "Oh!" she cried in response, closing her eyes just in time to feel the hot spunk splatter over her eyes, nose, and mouth.

"Ahhh! Oh God!" He squeezed and yanked, stroked and pushed until no more semen was left. He purposely targeted his mom aiming straight at her pussy as best he could while his orgasm wracked his body.

Connie felt the warm, clumpy semen hit her, covering the back of her legs, her pussy lips, thong, arms, and chest.

She was surprised by his orgasm, seemed to laugh a little, then she put her legs down and smiled. A few tears came to her eyes. It was an incredibly emotional and intense experience.

"Wow, Nick! That was really impressive! Let me clean off and I will share what I think." She didn't seem in the least bit angry.

Nick watched his mom get up and go quickly to the guest bathroom in the hallway. He sat down, totally sated. The sight of his mom's crotch on display like that had given him an epic orgasm.

Connie closed the bathroom door and took her night shirt off. She scraped the warm cum off of her legs and looked at her face in the mirror. She raised her cum-covered hand to her mouth and licked her son's semen off of it as if she was craving it, which, actually, she was. She savored the flavor of her own flesh and blood as she ate his sweet cum. She closed her eyes and exhaled deeply. "Good God, that was good." She whispered.

She finished the job of cleaning herself with a washcloth and put her night shirt back on. She pressed her hand into her hot, moist pussy. It slipped in easily and Connie fucked herself briefly. After making her hand wet, she used it to rub her clit to a quick, intense climax. She bit her lip and stifled her moaning but could not remain standing. Her knees buckled and she fell against the bathroom door causing a loud 'thud.' She rolled to a kneel on the floor and enjoyed the warm glow of her own orgasm. She kneeled there catching her breath.

'That was intense.' She thought.

Nick was sitting down where she had been. His dick was deflated, but not flaccid. There were drops and small puddles of cum still on the floor. As Connie returned to the kitchen, she thought he looked quite relaxed.

"Nicky! That was crazy!" Connie was smiling, to Nick's relief.

"My first thoughts are that you are a very sexual young man. You seem to have a high sex drive."

"Thanks, Mom, I guess."

"In fact, you are so into your masturbation that you are being too reckless, too hard on your penis."

"You think so, Mom?" Nick was feeling embarrassed, but this was dissipating as he continued to speak with his mother.

"Absolutely. You need to stop trying to have an orgasm so quickly, and instead, work on slowing down your pace and lengthening the time it takes you to achieve the orgasm."

Nick listened intently.

"Shoot for quality over quantity." She suggested.

"I guess I can try it like you said next time." He offered.

"Why don't we go to bed and try it again, more slowly, tomorrow?" Connie rubbed his back.

"Good idea, Mom." Nick pulled his shorts back up and reached out to hug his mom.

Connie hugged her son and relished how wet he had made her. She was giddy with lust and needed some more time alone to take care of her own needs more completely. One orgasm after that show simply would not do! She needed more. She and her son kissed on the lips, but unlike her normal one-second pecks, she pressed her lips fully against his and kept them there for six or seven seconds. She felt butterflies in her stomach as she broke off their kiss.

Nick walked up to his room, lied down on his bed and fantasized about his mom. He tried jacking off again, but decided he should wait until tomorrow. He tossed and turned in his bed for a good while thinking about when he was going to jack off for his mom again. He felt like he did when he had a new girlfriend, only, there was something different about this. There was an unashamed feeling of love behind his lust. He loved his mother like, well, like his mom, but he also lusted after her like a hot college coed. It took him a good while to get to sleep that night.

Connie went to her room and played with her wet pussy. She rubbed herself through three more back-to-back orgasms. As she lay on her back in the middle of the bed she wondered how far she was willing to take this fooling around with her son. She also wondered whether she would be able to stop herself from going too far, or if she even wanted to, or if there even was a 'too far' where her son was concerned. She too, like Nick, felt in love as well as in lust.

She soon fell asleep fantasizing about when she would be able to see her son's beautiful cock again.

(To Be Continued in Part II)

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AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Personally idv been happier if it had been an auntie, it would still be incest of course.

But of course the only real memories I have of a loving mother is an older bitch who cast me aside just after I had been born & would have zero to do with me.

Having said that it's a funny old world & everyone has their own little quirks lol

bigdaddyg123bigdaddyg12311 months ago

"Mom's Penis Treatment Pt. 01:" - The stories that "float my boat" for the most part, for the satisfying my prurient ego and emotions, is Incest/Taboo genre. However this story is piqued my interest more so than I anticipated. It might be the mesmerized condition that Mother Connie is under and her draw to her still-nurturing (in Mother Connie's) mind. Her son has set her libido on fire, particularly because she has not being "serviced" sexually by her carousing husband.

The theme is rather unique, but yet quite the draw of Connie being enamored by her adolescent son's dick, that she's "falling in love" with. The fact that her son is taking advantage of his mother's freedom handling his dick adds a lure of different aspect of a mother and son's sexual foreplay!

Stories such as this where there is limited chance(s) for a long-term love/familial incestuous affair, and particularly no pregnancy , is not something that I normally prefer reading; however, I'm drawn like a moth to a light bulb to the concept of Mother Connie's attraction to her son's "hose" to her womb. Mother Connie's attraction to her son's cock IS unique, which in turn makes me love Connie''s character so deeply!

For quite some time I've been of the opinion "Anonymous" comment posters should be restricted from making comments. However.....that would be unfair to writer/author's views of readers worthy opinions. Possibly "anonymous" reader's comments could be limited to maybe twenty (20) or so words, or maybe fifty (50) characters; at least that would concentrate their opinions to less negative criticism.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

for;Anonymous5 months ago

The one "complaint" I have is that when the mom is holding her son's cock as she pees, she shakes it to get the last few piss drops off. A woman wouldn't do that. A man would do that but a woman would take toilet paper and wipe/dab at it are some sort of an authority on the subject or just spouting off something you thought up in your feeble little mind?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

also all that cum needs to be inside Connie. Pregnant by her own son

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

The one "complaint" I have is that when the mom is holding her son's cock as she pees, she shakes it to get the last few piss drops off. A woman wouldn't do that. A man would do that but a woman would take toilet paper and wipe/dab at it

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Think I'll take a pass on part 2.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

For some reason it seems that in every story no matter the author, they lied down on the bed or lied down on the carpet etc. You LAY down. L.A.Y.

LIED is to tell a lie, an untruth!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Why is a woman instructing a guy on the right way to jerk off? That'd be like a guy telling a girl the right way to finger herself. It's stupid.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

All that potent seed…she would want his baby in her belly

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Advice. Don’t start with a disclaimer that your story is completely made up. Readers want to imagine that it’s all true. It’s a major part of the appeal and allure. I don’t even bother to read the story once I see that.

CockholeCockholeover 5 years agoAuthor

I've had some problems with this story being copied on a couple of sites before. If you could please let me know the sites, I would appreciate it.

ROCKY70ROCKY70over 5 years ago
IT A COPY OF VICE~VERSA ????? ^*!^*!^*!



CockholeCockholealmost 6 years agoAuthor

I just saw that. It was from a post a couple of years ago. Wonder why it's back? Some of the comments were funny!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

I saw this tweet on Fanfiction_txt that was your comment on someone plagiarizing your story and it was hilarious. I had to check if you were real. I hope you sorted out the plagiarism tho

4yourpleasureiam4yourpleasureiamover 6 years ago
I wouls so much love being her

Knowing I will soon be sucking my sons cock and drinking his gift and then having him lose his virginity in my vagina. Alas though I am a lowly sissy fagot and will never be her.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
BRAVO! VERY EROTIC. I LOVE THIS STORY, & I AM NOT ALONE IN THAT REGARD: 325,472 views & 510 favorites - impressive!

Now I am going to read Pt. 2!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
LOVE IT, gave it a 5/5 (100%)!

This story mirrors one of my favourite erotic fantasies.

My mom was in 75% of my jack-off fantasies.

pooky12349pooky12349almost 8 years ago
Mom's Penis treatment

I just finished part 1 and 2 of this story and loved them. Well told, well written, character development was awesome, and an all around damn fine story. Will there be more adventures of Connie and Nick? But then you have more stories to read and if their as good as this one, then I'm all over them.

Thanks for the pleasure!


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
one word superb story

well done

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