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Mom's Sweaty Ride Ch. 02


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"Oh my god!" My mom had just sucked my cock in a public place. I had almost cum in a restaurant with my dad sitting 3 feet away from me. This was the best day ever!

I couldn't believe how this day was turning out. I contemplated the day's events as I tried to finish eating my tacos.

Watching my mom's perfect ass walk away from the table towards the door I contemplated how this day could get any better. Oh if only I knew.


I crossed the parking lot and went to the driver's seat first. I rummaged around on the floor next to the driver's seat looking through the stuff I found what I was looking for.

Wielding one of my son's heavy Biology books, I hit the rearview mirror from the side a couple of times until it fell right off onto the dashboard.

I smiled: "Perfect." Next I looked down at the seat. Ben had it back far, as he was a big man, but I wondered if a notch or two would make a difference.

He would notice of course, but I hoped I could sweet talk him into leaving it that way. I then moved to the backseat.

Examining the bench seat, I saw that it too could be moved back a little. When we loaded the car we had never adjusted the seats.

I looked into the luggage compartment and there was some space between the rear hatch and the boxes. Pushing the automatic seat button, it groaned a little but moved back a few more inches.

Satisfied, I then hopped down into the foot well between the backseat and the driver's chair. It was tight but I definitely had more room than before. I could fit my kneeling body down there with not much of a problem.

"Check number two off of my evil plan," I thought to myself, again smiling at my sheer wickedness. Last thing was a change of clothes.

I went to the back and lifted up the hatch. The recently displaced boxes tried to fall out but I caught them in time.

I opened my suitcase and found what I needed after about 30 seconds. I removed the items and a small bag then I closed the case and the hatch.

Finally, I took a nail file from my makeup kit and ripped a hole in the shoulder of my blouse. Returning to the restaurant carrying the broken mirror in one hand, I placed it and the keys on the table near my husband.

He immediately roared. "What the hell happened, Kim?" "The piece of shit Jeep is what happened. I went to look for my extra makeup case in the glove compartment and when I sat up I hit myself in the shoulder with the fucking thing," I said, rubbing my shoulder.

His anger was replaced with concern for a moment as he asked, "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, but my blouse is ruined," I said, pointing to the rip on the shoulder. "I need to change clothes, plus it's too hot in the back for me to wear what I've been wearing." He looked down at the mirror again in dismay.

Ben looked as if he was going to say something sharp but then thought better of it, simply saying, "I couldn't see anything behind me anyway with all of the fucking boxes."

I went into the bathroom and latched the door. I removed my torn blouse, then my bra. Next came my skirt, exposing my pussy to the cool air of the room.

I examined my manicured landing strip with my hands. This sent a jolt of electricity through my body as I thought about what I was about to do.

Finally, I removed my sneakers and socks. As I stuffed my clothes into the bag I had brought, I noticed a stain on the inside of my skirt. No doubt left over from my earlier romp with my son.

I pulled out one of the three items I had gotten from my suitcase. It was a floral print summer dress that buttoned down the front, and it was short.

It covered enough to be decent. I was naked underneath and was showing a lot of leg. A pair of flip flops completed the summer look. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled. This was perfect.

The dress was sexy enough for my husband to think I'd worn it for him but it was definitely sexy enough to display my goods to my son. The main reason I wore the outfit was for easy access.

Something had been awakened in me that I thought was long buried. I wanted to try new things. Things that I had only dreamt or heard about from friends.

Sure, I had just sucked my son's cock in a restaurant but what I wanted to do was beyond that.

A few months ago my friend Lucy and I went out for coffee after our Pilates class. We soon got to talking about our husbands and inevitably, our sex lives.

I described our recent struggles in that area. After a quick look around the shop, Lucy pulled something from her bag.

It was a book called "The Art of Fellatio". I immediately blushed (if only Lucy could see me now). "Lucy," I exclaimed, and also glanced around the coffee shop.

"Trust me," she said smiling, "This might just save your marriage. Keep it."

After staring at the book for a few days I finally skimmed through it. It eventually piqued my interest and I read the book cover to cover. I even went so far as to practice a few moves with a banana.

Now, the skills I had read about and tried would not be used on my husband-- but instead on his only son. Smiling to myself I realized that the next few hours were going to be very exciting.

As I exited the restroom a few of the guys sitting at the counter glanced in my direction with very approving eyes as I returned to the table.

Even my husband gave me an admiring look, seeming to forget his anger at my breaking the mirror.

Tommy on the other hand reminded me of one of those old cartoon characters who sees a beautiful girl and their eyes pop out of their sockets with their tongues doing dances.

He couldn't take his eyes off his mother. I flushed with vanity, happy I was still able to make guys dream about fucking me.

Thankfully my Ben did not notice his son staring at his mom in a way that no son should ever stare at his mother.


God mom looked hot. I couldn't help but stare at her as she returned to the table. Maybe it was the fact that she had just been jacking me off under the table but I think it's more.

This was a different woman. She wasn't the same sweet timid mom that I had grown up with. She had a glint in her eye that I had never seen before today.

I really loved her in that moment and if this thing continued in the car I was going to show her just how much.

What she didn't know is that I have always been able to have huge orgasms. In fact, a few girlfriends who had wanted to experiment with facials had complained about how much cum I was able to shoot.

They would get mad and say things like "You motherfucker you got it in my eye" or "You son of a bitch you got it in my hair" smiling I realized that I was now both those things a "motherfucker and a son of a bitch" a son of a hot bitch that I was going to fuck the first chance I got.

Now between the move out to California and the fact that I hadn't had any alone time at my Aunt's house I must have had a huge buildup of sperm by this point. I was now hoping to find.


Ben ordered three Cokes to go and when we got them I said,

"Well boys, are we ready to continue our trip?" I smiled.

"You seem awfully chipper all of a sudden" Ben asked.

"I guess I'm just trying to make the best of this situation. You were right, it is no good for me to go moping around wishing I was somewhere else, let's all just try and enjoy the rest of the trip, we will deal with our problems when we get home, okay?"

I looked at both my husband and son. Holding my gaze for a second on my son, I knew he was going to enjoy the rest of the trip, I was going to make sure of that.

We all got back into the vehicle and were soon back on the highway. It was about 3:30 and the beating sun had made the car hot and stuffy.

"Damn broken air conditioning." We opened some windows but that did little to cool us down.

I sat on my son's lap but with my legs to the passenger side, leaving my right hand free and giving my son easy access to my pussy.

We now had plenty of room on the seat but Ben didn't know that he never even glanced in the back.

I once again suggested my husband put his music on, telling him Tommy and me were going to try to read our Kindle's back here.

Ben, being the jock he was, snorted and made some off-hand comment about nerds and their books. My damage control had put him in a better mood however, and he was soon humming away to his favorite songs.

The noise of the road with the window down and the music on the radio would hopefully be enough to drown out the noise in the back that I hoped my son and I would soon be making.

Looking down at him seductively, I carefully unbuttoned his shorts, followed by unzipping his fly.

I lifted myself up and motioned for him to lift his ass up too so I could continue the removal of his shorts and boxers.

He gave his dad a nervous glance and then allowed me to slide both his pants and boxers off. ***

I was so fucking nervous as I started to realize mom's plan. It was one thing to slyly fuck her on my lap in the backseat while dad drove.

But it appeared what mom had in mind was 20 times riskier, and sexy. The thought had my already rock hard cock swell even more. I thought for a second it might explode it was so hard.

I was still a little nervous about dad but now I was completely under my mother's spell. I would do whatever she wanted no matter what. I knew then that I was her lover now, and she was mine.

Nothing, not even us getting caught could change that now. We were incestuous partners in crime now and I lifted up my body so mom could slide my pants off. ***

As I slid his pants off. His already rock hard cock snapped straight up as his boxers slid over the top and past his dick.

I looked at it hungrily as I continued to slide both his pants and boxers down his legs and over his shoes before removing them completely.

Tommy again looked up front at Ben nervously. I just smiled and leaned in closely to his mouth, whispering, "Eyes on me, Thomas." I then kissed him ferociously.

We made out for a few minutes, our tongues exploring each other's mouths wildly. As we kissed I began to slowly stroke his huge cock with my left hand.

Our kiss was only broken when I let go of his cock and reached for the bottom of his shirt. He raised his arms up as I slowly removed it up and over his head.

My boy now sat on the seat looking up at me with lust and love, completely naked. He continued to kiss me, moving to the side of my neck because I was sitting sideways on top of him.

He gently bit my earlobe and kissed my lower neck sweetly. It was now my turn to get naked. I stopped his kiss by pushing him away slightly and placing my hand on his lips.

Provocatively I looked at him as I began to unbutton my dress. So lost in our passion we never heard the music being turned down. I got to the third button, still looking into my son's eyes not as a mother, not as just a woman but as a pure slut when suddenly

"What the fuck is going on back there?" We instantly froze, both of our eyes going wide and our mouths agape.

The Jeep began to slow and we felt the rough gravel of the side of the road as Ben pulled the car over. He brought the Jeep to a stop and put it in park. "I've got to check something," he said and he started to get out.

Quickly, and hoping against hope that this wasn't the end, I sat up, lifting my dress a little and sitting right on my son's lap, impaling myself on his still hard cock.

I let out a gasp as his engorged dick penetrated me deep into my pussy.

I still held out hope that the only thing Ben would see if he came up to the window was me sitting on Tommy's lap, just like we had the whole first part of the trip.

Ben got out and closed the door. There was an agonizingly long pause that felt like hours, but was really only seconds. Then he began to move towards the rear of the Jeep.

My heart was beating so fast I really thought I might have a heart attack. Then he continued past our door and went to the back wheel of the Jeep.

"Son of a bitch," my husband cursed from under the back of the truck.

Still not sure what to do I leaned out of the window and very nervously asked,

"Wha-what's the matter hun?"

*** "Oh Fuck he knows"! I thought as I saw him come towards my mom with a big stick. Shit he's going to fucking hit her.

What the hell could I do I was naked with my cock straight up mom's cunt. "If he hits her though it's fucking on I don't care how big he is".

I primed myself for the worst and waited as he approached the car. ***

He then appeared wielding a large stick in his hand as he walked toward me. As he got near my head he lifted the stick up.

I immediately winced, preparing for a blow. He never saw the wince though. His eyes were focused on the stick.

"Can you fucking believe that this was wedged up under the wheel well?"


"This big ol' stick was stuck under the wheel well on the back tire and rubbing against the tire." He chuckled.

"Probably some fucking kids playing games." His expression turned to a snarl as he brought the stick down onto his large hand with a crack. I flinched.

"Man I wish I could've caught 'em, it would have been worth them doing it just so I coulda caught 'em. Little shits. You know we could have gotten a flat tire," he said looking at me.

My heart was finally starting to slow down and I relaxed a little. Trying to avert his attention from what was going on in the backseat, I smiled at him and said in my best Minnie Mouse voice,

"Aww, my hero," and offered him my lips. Ben leaned down and gave me a little kiss. No tongues or fireworks, just a standard 'wife of twenty years' kiss on the lips.

As he did I couldn't help but feel a wave of naughtiness rush through me, knowing his son's cock was still well up my cunt. Tommy, realizing that everything was okay for the moment, reminded me of his cock up my cunt by thrusting up a couple of times, causing my eyes to go wide and me to let out a little shriek of pleasure as I kissed my husband.

"Yeah, yeah," he said, smiling to himself. The dumb son of a bitch thinks he made me squeal while I kissed him! Little did he know.

He threw the stick over the top of the car and into the underbrush beside the road and made his way back towards the driver's seat. He then paused for a second and turned back. Glaring at Tommy he said,

"Now I know you took your shirt off because it is hot out, but don't you get any sweat on your mother's new dress, she probably paid a lot of money for it and I don't want you to ruin it."

"O-Okay Dad," Tommy responded. "So-sorry, it was just so hot back here."

"That's alright," Ben nodded. "Remember what I said, okay?"

"Okay Dad, thanks."

"Alright, now let's make some time, we are already way behind schedule."

Tommy and I both looked at each other and let out a little giggle. The realization that Ben had seen Tommy sitting there with his shirt off and had in fact commented on it but never realized that he was in fact buck naked and had his cock way up his mother's cunt made us laugh.

"What are two laughing about?" Ben asked from the front, not really asking, just commenting on our laughter.

"Nothing," I said quickly. "Tommy just showed me a funny cat video on his phone."

"Yuck," Ben said. "I hate cats." And he did, in fact he was allergic to them. After that he turned up the volume on the radio and seemingly lost himself in the road.

It wasn't long before Tommy started to thrust his cock deeper into my pussy. Every so often he would give me an upward thrust with his pelvis urging me to do something but I remained still. I wanted to make sure Ben was indeed focused on the road again.

Frustrated, he smacked the side of my arm, not hard, but enough to get my attention. I turned and looked at him, whispering, "Just wait little boy." He started to say something, I smiled and shushed him with my finger on his lip.

My poor boy he had blue balls and needed a release, but I was enjoying the feeling of being full with his cock buried deep in my pussy.

After about fifteen minutes or so I was satisfied that my husband was paying no attention to the backseat. I reluctantly sat up and with a popping sound his cock came out of my pussy.

I then moved up to Tommy's knees and promptly kicked off my flip flops. I dug my bare feet into the carpet of the floor for a second, enjoying the sensation.

I climbed over onto the now open seat next to us kneeling in front of my son I started to strip. I began slowly unbuttoning my dress, giving my son a nasty porn star look as I continued with the buttons.

One by one I continued down until I finally released the last one. The dress, now free of the buttons that once restrained it, and it parted in the middle revealing my cleavage, belly button and of course my perfectly manicured pussy lightly dripping with anticipation.

Wanting to increase the suspense I leaned down and kissed Tommy again. Passionate and full, nothing like the little peck my husband and I had shared a few minutes ago.

Once again we tried to swallow each other whole with our kiss.

Finally breaking off, I smiled over at Tommy again and reached up with both arms and allowed my dress to fall off my shoulders. Now I too was completely and utterly naked.

As the dress fell from my shoulders the wind from the open window caught it, sending it out towards the window. I made a quick grab for it but was too late.

I realized that now I was not only completely naked but I had no way to cover up if my husband stopped the car again.

If somehow we were stopped by the police I would only be able to sit there naked as the inevitable cuffs would be placed on my bare wrists. I pondered the implications for about 10 seconds then made a decision.

I was going to have my pleasure and worry about the consequences later. "You are such a dirty slut," I thought to myself as I made my next move. I had an idea. Laying down on the backseat with my bare feet up in the air crossed over each other I placed my head in his lap.

Looking up at Ben driving I realized if he turned around at that moment he would see his wife lying completely naked with her head in her son's naked lap with his very hard cock sticking straight up in his wife's face. I silently giggled at the thought. Seeing Tommy's monster cock in all its glory jabbing straight up into the air dripping with pre-cum oozing out of the tip. My pussy began to drip even more creating a wet spot on the seat directly under my cunt.

This time with a much better angle I started from the top, enjoying the pre-cum treat dripping out of the tip then slowly working my way down the veiny shaft with my tongue and with my other hand holding and slowly jerking his cock.

My son moaned as I took first one ball then the other in my mouth, sucking and kissing each one. Barely able to keep his eyes open my son looked towards the front to see if my husband noticed anything. Ben was busy humming along to "Sweet Child of Mine."

I barely noticed as I kept licking up and down the outside of his shaft with my tongue. With my right hand holding it I lowered my head just a little. I smiled greedily looking up at his huge veiny cock.

Mentally preparing myself for a technique I had always wanted to try, I worked my way up the shaft stopping at the tip to lick some more pre-cum. Positioning my head over his cock, I then opened my mouth and dropped my head straight down, swallowing every inch of his cock I could.

I felt it hit the back of my throat immediately. God, it felt fantastic tickling the back of my throat. I celebrated my luck (I had read once that only 37% of woman do not have a gag reflex and it seemed that I was one of them).

Holding his cock deep in my throat, I finally lifted my head up and off his enormous dick, spitting saliva all over his engorged dick. Gasping and choking for air I coughed. The music went down.


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