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Money Honey - Coming Soon

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An invitational story event about how money can (and can't) change lives.
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Coming Thursday, March 17th from the minds of The Art of Falling and The End of the Affair: an invitational event about moolah, bucks, cabbage, quid, bread - however you say it, baby, it's:

Money Honey

Here's more from organizer blackrandl1958:

* * * *

It is often said that money isn't everything. Everyone knows that, but money, or a lack of money, can change lives. I decided to round up a group of friends and great writers, challenging them with the theme. How does money, or a lack of money, change the lives of the characters you write.

This collection of stories is about that theme. I hope you enjoy them. Thank you to all the great writers, editors and especially Laurel, who has been kind and helpful, as always, in helping us get these stories collected and posted. Most of all, we thank the kind readers, without whom we would be writing only for ourselves. You can expect to see stories from the following people:
















Just Plain Bob



Lost Boy















* * * *

This event is an Invitational, which means it is not open to unsolicited submissions. If you're interested in participating in an open author challenge - or want to find out more about Author Challenges - please see .

A big thank-you to blackrandl1958 for the above text and for arranging this event. Another huge thank-you as alwayts to all participating authors!

Don't forget to mark Thursday, March 17th on your reading calendar!

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OzeminotaurOzeminotaurabout 1 year ago

I agree you should put the story title with the author so we know which story is in this event so we can compare them

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago


myassisdraginmyassisdraginalmost 2 years ago

It would be nice if you put the story title after the author's name. Asis I have go to the author's page and sort through a hundred or more stories and TRY to find the correct one...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

The link to the stories is directed to the Pink Orchid event, not the Money Honey event. Not that the stories there aren't great as well but it would be nice to read the rest of the Money Honey stories as well.

Thanks blackrandl for setting this up, has been enjoyable.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Other events have links to the exact stories. Updating this post to link to the story, not the author's list, is really helpful.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Randi and all the associated authors, thanks so much for this. It is so refreshing, reminds me of the old days when LW was the best written, most interesting genre on Lit. Good work by all!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Very exciting prospect. Wonder if any of these superb writers will pick up on the Jesse Stone reference, LOL. Randi is right. SS06 more or less stopped posting here after July 2016 ("8 Mile"), but then came back one last time for a BR58 invitational with "The BBC" a year later. That same July 2017 invitational also featured one of my all time favorite stories, "Jacob's Ladder" by dtiverson - who is on the roster for this one. What an array of talent - a true embarrassment of riches. Bring it on!


amygdalaamygdalaabout 3 years ago

Ohh wow I can imagine some of the scorcher these authors will publish. I think there is nothing worse than hard financial trials to stress test a relationship.

LiteroticaLiteroticaabout 3 years agoAuthor

This event is an Invitational organized by a Lit author. Anyone can organize an Author Challenge. Full details are here: / You can make the Challenge Open to anyone, or organize it as an Invitational - whichever you feel works for the theme of the Challenge. There are also many Author Challenges in progress which are open to any and all participants: / If you aren't interested in reading this Author Challenge, aren't interested in participating in the many Open Author Challenges, and do not wish to organize a Challenge of your own, then we suggest you find other works on Literotica that you enjoy - and allow those who do participate the freedom to enjoy these Challenges. There's something for everyone! Thank you all for reading and/or writing at Lit!

RussLandDutchRussLandDutchabout 3 years ago

Looking forward to it!

blackrandl1958blackrandl1958about 3 years ago

My apologies to BH76. His name should be on that list and I will add it. Sorry, dude. SS06 doesn't post on Lit. I, too, regret that. His last story was in one of these events.

cabbage01132cabbage01132about 3 years ago

jimbob44 should be invited and added to this list if he's willing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Wow, what a line up!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

No StangStar. It’s sad he doesn’t post here anymore.

Bh76Bh76about 3 years ago

I can’t wait to read them!

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