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Money Mella Makes Her Mark Ch. 04


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The truth was unknown, but Mella never had trouble spotting a pure bottom when she saw one; she was dead right about Nikki Bella, mind you. And that ass was so nice and juicy for such a petite woman; why else would she have such a big butt if she wasn't meant to be a bottom? In any case, if Sasha really was telling the truth, it really didn't matter because either way, Money Mella was going to break her. And the first step towards that goal laid right in front of, in the form of readying that hole for the annihilation that would soon transpire. The only question was, who? Who would get that honor?

Obviously, Mella wanted to do it herself, but she figured she ought to save her energy for the grand finale, especially after wrestling earlier in the night. Couple that with the fact that she had three bitches in the wings, just waiting to be put to use and the decision was clear. But, which was the best for the job?

Naturally, Brie was off the table. The bitch had failed to do her job earlier, so rewarding her with Sasha's ass juice was out of the question. Nikki was far more reliable, but was the usual suspect when it came to handing out rewards. Selfish and needy little whore she was. Which only left AJ, the newest of the bunch and the one Carmella had spent the least amount of time with. So far, The Black Widow had proven to be a fairly decent servant, messing up here and there but nothing quite as abhorrent as Brie's typical fuck ups. AJ was a good bitch, and had been since the day that Money Mella had claimed her. A prime candidate, no doubt.

"AJ?" Mella asked softly, the weak little bitch's eyes lighting up as she was called upon.

"Yes, my Money Mistress?" AJ responded without an ounce of vigor powering her words.

Approaching her sub, Mella prodded, "Eat Sasha's tight little butthole for me, please. Make it nice and loose for my cock? Can you do that, AJ?" What should've been an order or proclamation sounded more like a question, almost entirely out of spite for the one, the only, Brie Bella, the only bitch Mella had ever met who failed her mistress time and time again.

Thankfully AJ was far more reliable, a bitch worthy of subbing in and rimming that hole out. "Yes, I can. Thank you for the privilege, my Money Mistress," AJ gleefully accepted, nodding her head before walking over to Sasha. Her journey was short, ending only a few seconds after it began and bringing little AJ Lee within inches of The Boss, as well as that deliciously beaten butt.

So thick, so juicy, simply a marvel for a woman her size. Upon kneeling down, AJ just had to take a few handfuls of those bruised cheeks, enough to play with before spreading them apart. Obviously the view wasn't exactly as AJ, or anyone primed and ready to give out a rimjob would've preferred; Sasha's holes were covered by the soft, lace fabric of her panties. But, that was nothing that a skilled mouth technician couldn't work around.

AJ used her left hand to keep Sasha's meaty left cheek at bay while using her right to pull the tiny string out of the way, revealing those precious holes in all of their glory. She knew time was of the essence, and that Mella wouldn't take too kindly to AJ wasting it. So, after a brief observation, The Black Widow got to work.

Diving in tongue first, just barely managing to convince her little bi-sexual brain to skip the Sasha Banks snatch sampler in favor of the task at hand. The wonderfully beautiful puckered pipe in all of its wrinkly, supposedly untouched glory. AJ ran her slimy oral appendage against the opening, just getting a feel for The Boss's backdoor taste. As expected, her butthole's flavor was quite delightful, so much so, AJ just had to have more.

The tiny brunette pressed her tongue against the opening and slowly slipped inside, a soft moan regrettably escaping Sasha's mouth. AJ had barely gotten going yet, and The Boss already couldn't control herself.

Which gave credence to Mella's theory that Sasha was not only a pure bottom, but that this wasn't her first rodeo. But truthfully, Sasha's bottoming history or lack thereof wasn't what caused the moans. The small, inconsequential signs of pleasure were caused by the sudden relief of something feeling good after over an hour of brutal spankings. She couldn't help herself; for the first time in a while, Sasha felt relaxed, a fact that would prove to be her downfall.

If she truly wanted to stay strong, letting her guard down against an expert oral assailant wasn't the best way to do it. AJ's slippery devil never ceased to move this way and that, coating every reachable inch of Sasha's anal cavity in her slick, slimy saliva and lapping up as much of The Boss's butt juice as she could in the process. It was an easy task: make Sasha's backdoor as loose as possible to help ensure that when her Money Mistress does her thing, there isn't a chance in hell Sasha survives. And, as with any other bottoming task, AJ put her heart and soul into every second.

In a way, being completely submissive and subservient was still kind of new to AJ. Years and years of start-stop runs as a top led to a bevy of bottoming moments that had stuck with her, right up until she was broken by Charlotte Flair a few months ago. But even then, little AJ was lost, a broken whore without a top to guide her.

With an entire roster of bitches at her disposal, Charlotte wasn't interested in AJ long-term. And Sasha, someone AJ found afterward and the first person to show interest in claiming her permanently, wasn't someone AJ saw herself serving for the rest of her days. Sasha was fine, but their current relationship as rimjobber and rimjobee was proof enough that belonging to The Boss could only take you so far. She needed a real top, one like Charlotte who would actually appreciate and respect her as someone as loyal and trusting as AJ deserved. She needed Carmella.

The one quality that most of the tops in WWE lack that Mella has in spades is the caring touch she puts into her craft. Topping is an art form, and while most see it as a way to show their dominance over others, The Princess of Staten Island views that act as it should be. A twisted, maniacal art form, where women's asses are the blank canvas, strap-on dildos are the brushes and mixture of cum, sweat, and ass juices acting as the various colors of paints. Truly a connoisseur of the medium, and AJ was along for every thrilling minute of the ride.

Such was proven by the way she eagerly ate out that asshole, all in the name of fulfilling her mistress's wishes. Well, admittedly, AJ would've jumped at the chance to eat Sasha's ass whether Carmella requested it or not. Sue her, she didn't care! Not when that butt tasted as good as it did; AJ could've sat there, munching and licking away for hours on end but she knew sooner or later, her Money Mistress would grow impatient.

So, instead of beating around the bush, AJ put her gums, lips, and tongue into overdrive. She slurped, spat, licked, and that was only the beginning; AJ Lee put everything she had into the rimjob. AJ knew she wasn't exactly supposed to make it enjoyable for Sasha, that wasn't her job. But, she did her best to switch up the pace every now and again, from quick and shallow licks to long and deep penetrations, keeping The Boss on her toes, and doing a damn good job at it, too.

Not even Sasha could hide how great getting her ass eaten felt. That's not to say that she would anyway; there was nothing inherently submissive about getting rimmed, and many a top saw it as a way to show their dominance. But moaning and whimpering like a weak little bitch wasn't exactly top behavior, either. She couldn't help herself, though. AJ's tongue felt so good wiggling around inside of her asshole, lathering up her anal walls and making it nice and slippery for Money Mella's inevitable backdoor entry. Sadly though, it couldn't last forever.

Much to The Boss's chagrin, Carmella yanked her newest bitch away from the promising anal starlet's asshole, cutting the rimjob short for obvious reasons. "That's enough of that, AJ. Thank you, but I reckon her butt is plenty loose for me. Oooh yeah I do, which means somebody needs to strap me up immediately! Nikki, Brie? Fight for the right, will you? I don't care who, so long as there's a cock around my waist!"

Immediately, Nikki and Brie jumped at the chance to impress their mistress, the twins stumbling and bumbling over to the bag containing Carmella's belongings. Nikki, much stronger and healthier than her little sis, blazed past Brie thanks to the younger Bella's back troubles. Who would've guessed being in somebody's chair for over an hour could have long lasting effects?

Nevertheless, in true Brie Bella fashion, she fell down, allowing her older, bustier sister to steal all of the glory for herself. Without Brie standing in her way, Nicole quickly collected the largest strap-on dildo in Carmella's possession at the moment, a stunning 12-incher, and returned to her mistress. Like the smart, well-trained slut that she was proud to be, Nikki dropped to her knees and crawled on the way back, putting herself in the perfect position to arm her fabulous owner once she'd arrived.

Naturally to do that, Nikki had to attach the dildo to its harness first and then hold it in her mouth like a dog's bone. Unsurprisingly, Nicole did exactly that though, something Brie and even AJ would've failed to do. No wonder why she was Carmella's favorite; not only was she the first bitch to belong to The Money Mistress, but she was the best. A bottom who treats the cattle-like branding on her ass proudly, like a cop with their badge. Just like AJ's, the symbol was a darkly-inked dollar sign tattoo with a circle surrounding it. And boy, did Nikki adore it!

The tattoo was proof of who she belonged to, forever marked onto her body. It was irreversible, barring hours and hours of expensive removal treatments, but Nikki didn't care. It was a way for her to show her gratitude for her mistress for the rest of her life, other than simple ways like strapping Carmella up once she finally knelt before The Princess's feet.

Nikki wrapped the harness around Carmella's waist, tightening the strap and pulling the dildo that protruded from the center upright. Naturally, Nikki struggled to stop herself from selfishly accepting that cock into her mouth, but she ultimately prevailed long enough to see her task through and make her Money Mistress proud.

Stroking Nikki's long, flowing dark brown locks, Carmella praised, "Good girl, Nikki. Such a good girl for me. Always so grateful and considerate. You never let me down." The praising didn't last long though, as once she was fully equipped, Carmella abruptly pushed Nikki aside, setting her sights instead on the ass that she'd been lusting after for months on end.

The Boss, Sasha Banks, who'd run her mouth so aggressively the night their agreement was made. Somehow, Sasha had the gall to remain silent throughout the strapping process. No sly remarks or stubbornness to speak of, far from that which everyone in WWE had become accustomed to. The woman waiting quietly, dreadfully for her sodomization to begin wasn't the former NXT and Raw Women's Champion. The cocky, arrogant brat that had rubbed almost everyone the wrong way, and put too much stock into her own hype. Laying in bitch position and dressed from sexy nine to sexy nine, her asshole oh so wet and inviting. An invitation that Carmella was glad to accept.

With nothing standing in her way, The Princess of Staten Island, the rookie that Sasha had foolishly challenged several months ago, took her natural place behind the supposed anal virgin. "Oh Banksy, are you ready? If you're to be believed, then I'm about to take your anal cherry, right? Is that true?"

Begrudgingly, Sasha turned and answered back, "Yes. Congrats. I hope you savor it, 'cause it'll be the last cherry you ever take once I get my revenge." At the drop of a hat, her expression and demeanor changed. That...that was more like the Banksy Mella was familiar with. Which, made slapping that ass once again, bringing the stinging pain back in spades and making the defiant woman squeal for what had to be the thousandth time.

"Yeah, shut up, bitch. See, it's that kind of blatant ignorance that makes me feel like you're lying about this being your first time. It almost sounds rehearsed, you know? Like you've had to say it once or twice or twenty times before? But, whatever! Whether you're a virgin or not, Banksy, you're mine! I don't need an experienced asshole to break a bitch, and I'm gonna prove it! Oooh get ready and say your goodbyes 'cause soon, you'll be a whole new person!" Mella's viral speech was like listening to sharp fingernails skittering across a blackboard, penetrating Sasha's eardrums with the vilest of sounds. Of course, Carmella's velvet voice was far from effortless on the ears as she was easy on the eyes, but what made it truly insufferable was the subject matter.

Being told that soon she'd be a new woman, that the person she'd spent all 24 years of her life building would be gone. Poof, never to be seen again, replaced with that of another mindless anal sex slave for the older, bustier woman who'd just spread her butt cheeks apart to take a look at AJ's handiwork. It pained her to admit it, but the worthless bitch had done quite the job in loosening that hole up for her.

With all of the formalities out of the way, Mella took one last look at Sasha's asshole before doing just as The Tiny Terror had done earlier and pulling the g-string out of the way. Using her free hand, Carmella grabbed the base of her cock and directed the tip towards the object of her desire. It was time to test her theory: was Sasha Banks an anal virgin or not? With one fell swoop, the answer to that question no longer mattered.

Sasha screamed in pain, far from the first time that she'd done so in the last 24 hours, but this pain was far worse than anything she'd felt in that time span. The slow, agonizing stretching of her anal ring set all of her ultra-sensitive nerve-endings ablaze. Mella watched on with a sadistic grin Sasha's incredibly tight asshole widened and widened and widened some more until finally, it accepted its generous gift, marking the end of two very incredible runs. Sasha's anal virginity, and Mella's quest to claim her first cherry, the latter of which being a victory that The Princess of Staten Island couldn't help but celebrate.

"Ahh it! Haha, I got it, Banksy! If it wasn't gone before, it's fuckin' gone now! Hahahahahahaha," Mella cackled as the tip of her cock finally slipped inside that narrow chute, Sasha's bum feeling far more virgin than Carmella had initially suspected. God, maybe Sasha really had been an anal virgin? Maybe...maybe Carmella was...wrong? She could count on one hand how often that happened and, when something of the sort did occur, it usually bothered her. But now, in this moment and inside Sasha Banks' luxurious asshole, nothing could bother her.

Taking Sasha's strong, muscular shoulders into her grasp, Carmella began to push forward, bringing herself closer to the ultimate goal of filling that hole to the brim. Naturally she took things slow, as an experienced and skilled top usually did with a not-so experienced asshole. As THE top among other tops, Mella knew exactly how to handle a virgin hole, despite the fact that she'd never done so before. She truly was the pinnacle of all dominant women, and Sasha was feeling that first-hand.

That cock slowly impaling her, going deeper and deeper inside of her pipe. Brie's handiwork proved to be hardly worth the effort, as the entire ordeal was still incredibly painful. Thankfully, or sadly in Sasha's case, it wasn't quite as painful as it could've been, leaving The Boss without the crutch that many a "top" tended to cling to as their sodomization progressed. Without pain, pleasure reared its ugly head much faster; obviously Sasha wasn't completely devoid of suffering, but even the smallest of conveniences would've been nice.

Sadly it wasn't to be, and by the time most of Mella's rod was stuffed inside, Sasha's anal muscles had relaxed considerably, far earlier than that of the typical first-timer. Where most anal virgins would still be crying in pain, powerless again the crushing of their ass's nerve-endings, Sasha was strangely subdued. Not silent, mind you, but subdued.

Whatever the case, it wasn't long before Carmella achieved her short-term goal, filling that snug butt to the brim with man-made man-meat. And, as always, every small victory needed to be celebrated, first by grabbing hold of The Boss's neck with both hands and squeezing tightly, and then by taunting the clueless whore.

"Aw fuck, Banksy, you did it! You. Did. It. Just like a good girl...taking all that cock in your good for your Money Mistress," Carmella growled, deep in the zone but still managing to elicit her trademark swagger with every syllable.

"N-No-" Sasha struggled to respond, attempting to argue her alleged status but Money Mella's firm, powerful grip around her windpipe twisting everything else that stumbled out of her foolish mouth into a jumbled alphabet soup. Good, old oxygen, so vital for the small, insignificant human race became a struggle for Sasha to collect; her head grew light, but the feeling omitting from her opposite end was strangely unmistakeable. A slow, painful retraction, followed by a sudden thump like the pounding of a hammer on the top of a nailhead. Boom, boom, boom, over and over again. Mella had begun to fuck her, all while crushing her trachea.

Even with her sniffer as operative as ever, Sasha couldn't breathe, couldn't put her lungs to good use. All of that training down the drain, ripped to shreds by the garbage disposal as Carmella fucked her from behind like a primal gorilla. The Fabulous Diva's impressive dancer's body was put to great use; her legs were incredibly powerful, allowing her to keep the same position without faltering whilst also forcefully penetrating that butt.

For a brief moment, Carmella released her grip, allowing Sasha to take in as much as she could. Banks gasped deeply as the veins on her neck popped and pulsated, her face a shiny, beet red from the lack of oxygen. Sasha collected as much as she could but, sadly, her return to form was short-lived as, once she'd gotten enough to remain alive, Carmella tightened her grip again. And with the return of M-Squared's crushing, vice-like chokehold came an increase in force behind her thunderous strokes.

Hilariously enough, Mella barely had to try, barely had to put even a miniscule amount of effort in and yet, not a thrust passed without Sasha's tiny body getting completely rocked. Which was strange in and of itself because as it stood, Carmella wasn't exactly an Amazon. They shared roughly the same height and weight and yet somehow, Sasha was getting completely ragdolled. And even more peculiar, her asshole was taking it in stride.

The original tightness that had plagued Mella's initial penetration was non-existent now, disappearing without a trace remaining. Which could explain the lack of pain on Sasha's end for a supposed first timer. But unexplainable was how easy she was taking Mella's cock, despite the fact that The Fabulous Diva's thrusts had only gotten faster and stronger. Well, it was unexplainable to the dumb bimbos making up the audience of three, anyway.

Carmella knew exactly why Sasha's butthole had loosened up so fast, and why she was unaffected by the brash, volatile nature of her asshole's pummeling. The hands tightly gripping her throat, coiled and squeezing like a boa constrictor, forcing The Boss to focus on taking in as much air as possible and NOT the cock annihilating her once-tight little butthole. It's true what they say: pain is only in your head, and anyone can be trained to ignore it. Without even realizing it, Sasha Banks was already being prepped for her new life as a servant of the all-powerful Money Mistress.

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