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Moneypenny of the Secret Service Ch. 04

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Moneypenny in 'diamonds are for foreplay'.
5.8k words

Part 4 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 11/28/2019
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Note- Another homage to the world of espionage and James Bond. Featuring Naomie Harris as Moneypenny.


Miss Moneypenny in 'Diamonds are for Foreplay.'


The rapidly dwindling Tanzanian jungle is close to the Lake Tanganyika, which is regarded as the second deepest lake in the world. Crystal clear water cascaded from the huge jungle falls right at the lakes edge, and filtered off into the Congo. A light mist rolled over the peaks as Miss Moneypenny traversed the tall grass in the late afternoon sun. As she ventured into the dripping green jungle, the British secret agent inhaled the dry smell of the African earth and the whole scene evoked countless emotions of her distant ancestry.

"This way, I think." Said she as she studied her precision engineered compass.

At first the path was rather wide, but gradually it grew narrower and steeper as the overgrowth get denser. The sky was clear yet the light became more faded the further down the vanishing path she walked. She had been advised by the Service Quartermaster, or 'Q' for short, to wear a long sleeved shirt to shield her arms from the harsh vegetation like sharp vines and prickly leaves. Likewise, instead of a welcome pair of ventilating shorts, Eve had been advised to wear long trousers to protect her legs from the underbrush. Both items were impregnated with insect proof repellent that would serve to dissuade any unwelcome mosquitoes. Alert and vigilant, she trekked on.


Eve had arrived just two days earlier at Dar es Salaam International Airport from Heathrow, London. The airport pick up had driven her to the Lari Hotel located in the so called technology district. where she had a room reservation under her alias, Miss Pat Myars. Thank you very much OO7, for that not so funny pseudonym, by the way. The room itself left a lot to be desired, and in particular the sheets didn't look 100% clean. The bath tub had seen better days, and there seemed tp be an odd lingering smell she could not identify. At least the air conditioning worked.

x After a fairly untroubled sleep, Eve visited the nearby Karambezi Cafe where she enjoyed a refreshing breakfast of masala octopus, calamari and prawns. The service was good, and the staff were overly friendly but nice. Later at the hotel reception, she hired a two seater Polaris all-terrain buggy with 700cc automatic engine and 12" alloy wheels. She prepared her special equipment supplied by 'Q' Branch, provisions for up to three days, and took off that same day for the national park. The drive took her 50 kilometers from the hotel, the route taking her past extraordinary sightings of giraffes and zebras. Sights not normally seen in her everyday life as a field operative in the British Secret Intelligence Service. Had it been only a week since she learned about her latest assignment?



Miss Moneypenny had dressed in a professional manner of a blue pleated skirt, matching blazer and flat heeled shoes, for her noon appointment with head of section, M. She had reason to be confidant and proud of her record as a Double-O agent as she opened the office door, as so far her missions had been accomplished without any drawbacks.

"OO5, do sit."

"Thank you, Sir."

Across the heavy duty desk sat Gareth Mallory, the latest in a unique line of carefully chosen characters to be appointed to that thankless position of head of MI6. Having a military background, he had the requisite neat and very short hair, up tilted chin and a lean, straight back. For what seemed several minutes he ignored the mocha skinned thirty something Eve, and when he finally spoke she actually snapped up in her seat.

"Ever been to a jungle, OO5?"

"No, Sir. Never."

"Africa? No. You're more of a West Indies girl, aren't you."


Despite her formal appearance, Eve had a tangible sexiness that had been a distinct advantage over men in her chosen position as a covert secret agent. Something not unnoticed by her chief.

"There has, in recent years, seen a significant campaign carried out by ourselves, the USA, France, and Spain against one of the greatest smuggling rackets in the world."

"Drugs, Sir?"

"Diamonds, OO5. To the tune of £100,000,000 a year. Out of Africa, and to be more precise, Tanzania. Thousands upon thousands of diamonds, from pea to walnut size have been seized and recovered in the joint op. Apparently Moscow have been sorely peeved, which leads one to suspect Russian Mafia involvement at the highest level of the operation."

Mallory paused and steepled his fingers as his brow furrowed. Eve thought he looked like the typical example of the English 'reluctant hero,' dedicated to his role, yet troubled by his actions.

"Smuggling has always gone hand in hand with the industry. In South Africa, the Gold Coast, and the Congo were found some of the finest mines in the world. I can recall Bond back in the early seventies, uncovering a similar smuggling ring in South Africa. Felix Leiter of the CIA got involved somewhere along the line somehow, if memory serves. The disreputable names Wint and Kidd spring to mind as well. Before my time, of course."

"What about the Tanzanian Government?"

"Do their best under the circumstances. The President has been actively stamping down on what he believes is corruption and exploitation of it's mining industry. But for every legal and respectful broker, there are as many illegal ones. These are the ones selling to the Russians, and in such quantities that Washington sat up got involved."

"Naturally. Trump hates Putin with a vengeance."

"Who doesn't? Awful man. Anyway, 006 has been investigating in Tanzania, and his last message suggested he had discovered the locals, aided by Russia, have stockpiled a large amount of the best stones in an attempt to depress prices by economic 'dumping.' This is a means being used by the Russian Mafia to significantly raise the price of diamonds to an artificially high cost, and then to be sold on for a big profit, after they have created a monopoly situation which they will exploit to the full."

Eve looked out of the window of the SIS Building at Vauxhall Cross on the London Embankment, and thought about 006. His name was Burrows, and he had obtained his license to kill years before her.

"His last message?"

"Quite. He has been silent for the last week. Captured or killed, presumably. Last message came out of the jungle. I want you to fly out there and investigate. And if there is a diamond stockpile, seize it and eliminate any opposition."

"Oh? What about 007?"

"Can't be spared. She's deeply involved in the 'Black Vulture Operation.' You look pretty fit physically, but I want you to undertake an intense work out with Jennings, our fitness coach. You'll need to be in tip top condition for all the rigours of the jungle. Strength, endurance, and willpower are what's needed to survive in any jungle. And plenty of water. Here's your folder."

Eve took the offered folder marked 'For Your Eyes Only' and left the office.


Miss Moneypenny turned out for her first day of training in her brand new black sports bra with the sweat wicking, and a pair of black seamless shorts with a high waist and a very short length that would allow her to exercise more freely. On her feet she wore her Nike training shoes with durable rubber outsoles and soft foam forefoot. She had awoken early that morning, had taken the DLR to Custom House for Excel and had quickly found the small gym run by agent Jennings.

"You're five minutes late," he snapped as he stood already kitted out amongst his well equipped gym.

"Sorry and all that. Signal failure at Beckton."

Jennings huffed and gave her a once over, first noting her lean legs with the fairly muscular calves. Her bared midriff showed that her stomach was flat for the most part, and her butt was taut and rounded, but due to muscles and not fat.

"Let's get you started."

The first day was the hardest. Eve was made to run two kilometres on a treadmill, and then made to lift the steel bar over and over to raise the heavy weights. Her heavy arms shook until Jennings finally made her rest.

"Look, watch me and note where I place my feet and ass."

Eve did so intently, and studied his flexing biceps and broad chest that expanded to the max beneath his thin white vest. Under his tight shorts his chiseled thighs knotted and he effortlessly pressed the weights with such ease that she guessed he could do so all day. When he stood up again her eyes were drawn to his firm butt with the hollow indents on the outside of each solid cheek. The squat thrusts came as some relief for her, and after a final stretching regime they were done for the day.

"See you tomorrow. On time, if you please."

Jennings turned his back on the nonplussed female and started out on his barbells. Back at her apartment, Eve took a welcome bubble bath and took to bed early. Her boyfriend of the last year, Robert and she had gone their separate ways, both admitting the relationship had run it's course. As she laid on top of her lonely bed she closed her eyes and masturbated as she imagined a sweaty Jennings jumping her bones and fucking her brains out.


The next morning was spent at the underground Service shooting range where she practiced with three different weapons. The Walther PPK, a L113A1 Glock pistol, and a standard issue 9mm Browning Parabellum automatic. She hurried off, after stopping off at a Pret A Manger for a chicken and avocado sandwich and double berry muffin, and made it to the gym with two minutes to spare.

"Right, Moneypenny. Two kilometres on the treadmill and then we hit the leg press."

As Eve worked up a sweat running, Jennings worked on his barbells next to her, until he had sweat soiling his vest. As her eyes lingered on his muscled arms bulging, the more she realised that it had been four months since her last fuck with Robert. And in that time since, her pussy remained wet but unfulfilled. As Jennings tore his damp vest off over his head, his eyes met hers for just a bit longer than was socially acceptable.

"Now for the legs."

"Sure thing."

Eve settled in the saddle of the machine as the topless gym instructor set it for fifty pounds. As she parted her thighs wide, her tight shorts stretched out, leaving absolutely nothing to the imagination. Eve smiled to herself as Jennings was clearly impressed by her flat midriff and toned legs.

"I just have to have him," thought Eve as she frigged herself to sleep for the second night in a row.

On the third and last day, Eve wore her skimpiest top and tightest pair of shorts, in a vain attempt to seduce the desired hunk. Again, Jennings stole glances at her as she worked hard, yet remained aloof and distant whenever she returned her longing gaze. Every chance she got, she shook her bottom in his direction and made no attempt to hide her obvious interest in him.

"He must be gay," she decided as they bade a frosty farewell.

Eve went to the locker rooms and stripped out of her gym gear. She padded naked to one of the four showers and turned on the hot water. She gasped as her tired body embraced the cascade of spray and she turned this way and that to fully appreciate the invigorating jets of water. Her darkly shaded nipples soon stood out on her perky tits as she soaped up her slender, tight frame. Her own body turned her on as she lathered her narrow hips and firm bottom. She moved both hands between her legs and washed her trim pubic region suggestively as she imagined Jennings naked.


Eve stopped the water as she heard the agent enter an adjoining shower and turn on the water. Curious, she stepped out of her own stall, dripping water onto the floor tiles, and saw her trainer next door under the shower head. The door had been left wide open. By accident? Or on purpose? His back was to her and his hands came around as he ran a bar of soap across his taut buns. His dimples were more prominent now that he was in the buff, and Eve ran her middle finger lightly along her vertical gash.

"Fuck this for a game of soldiers!"

She stepped in behind the ripped six footer and joined him under the hot spray. Eve ran her hands up and down his flanks, and then slid them inside from his hips to his hard stomach. His cock remained dormant as it hung down between corded thighs, but showed signs of life as Eve stroked the smooth organ.

"You took your time." He chirped as he shut off the water and faced the bemused naked female.

"You bastard!"

As they came into contact with each other, his stiff erection bumped against her loins again and again. She humped back at him with considerable urgency and let out a frustrated moan at the feel of his swollen cock head just avoiding the entrance to her moistened pussy.

"You knew I wanted you all along!"

"Of course. And I too. You're quite the filly, Moneypenny."

"I want you to fuck me silly, you bastard."


Jennings responded to her request by hugging her close and moving his hands behind her back. Her left leg went up and pressed into his right hip and her heart pounded as his upright pole swiped her soft slit. Between them they gyrated their lower bodies until with an assured swivel he entered a grateful Moneypenny.

"Fuck! You're big!"

Jennings grunted into her left shoulder as he brought her right leg up onto his thick forearm, thereby lifting her up into mid air, and Eve sank slowly onto his rigid length. She opened her mouth wide as she was loosened from his firm grip enough to let her slide on down until he was entirely inside her cunt.

"Holy shit!"

Eve was effortlessly held up and she yelped as Jennings moved her impaled form backwards to the wall of the shower stall. Slightly unbalanced, her arms wrapped around his neck as he bumped her back into the mirror surface. With her feet aimlessly flapping on either side of his thumping pelvis, Eve was fucked hard. Her tits mashed to the solid wall that was his hairless chest, and her legs came up and locked around him, as he thrust up inside her. He used her slim body to literally fuck himself and Eve was hoisted up and down on his log like his personal sex toy. His damp feet found sufficient purchase on the wet tiles as he banged her into the mirror rapidly.

"Lovely, lovely!"

Eve felt his powerful hands part her firm cheeks as he pushed upwards from the knees, forcing her to slide up against the mirror wall behind her back. He gave her one final lurch up and then slipped out with an elongated sigh. She also sighed and took a long look at his erect dick with the thick vein down one side and the purple swollen tip that pulsated blood.

"Let me suck that."

Eve knelt and pushed her dampened hair over her ears and snaked her tongue out to flick at his bell end. As Jennings pressed his hips forward his cock slid over her tongue, bringing that salty taste with it. Loving that welcome sensation of an aroused man in her mouth, Miss Moneypenny engulfed his sizeable glans and let her red lips stretch out over his thrusting hot shaft.

"Lovely, lovely!"

Jennings felt a frisson of excitement as Eve's warm and wet breath sent superb sensations of abject pleasure through his quivering spike. Her eyes looked up directly into his and her sultry gaze made the fit instructor to drive his prick deeper into her dribbling mouth. Her left cheek poked out with each inward stroke as his knob drove in faster and harder. They both paused for a moment and as they disentangled, a long unbroken string of Eve's spit joined her lips to his knob until it finally broke.

"Your turn."

Eve got up and bent at the waist and grabbed her ankles as Jennings held her by her hips and pushed his face to her upturned bottom. He gladly inhaled her scent and then poked his tongue out to lick her soft labia.

"Oh, my!"

His searching tongue licked her pussy from the bottom to the top of her succulent slit. As he did this, his teeth nibbled at her folds, and Eve ground her snatch back and forth on his face as she leaked juices in a veritable flood.

"Fucking hell!"

Eve bit her lower lip at the right corner as Jennings peppered her mons with dozens of butterfly kisses. He again braced himself on the still slippery tiles as he mounted her from behind, his slick tool gliding in fully to the hilt. Eve whimpered with excitement as he fucked her with steady and fast strokes. He looked down at his prick as it vanished inside her, pulling and pushing her inner folds with his rock hard organ. His hips swerved from side to side, stretching Eve's impaled cunt with his unrelenting and rhythmic lunges.

"It's so good!"

She welcomed the erotic slapping of his balls against her tight ass as she approached the sublime throes of her impending orgasm. Eve finally came and panted harshly as all her pent up frustrations were released. As she came, so he pulled out, and with his right fist he pumped his throbbing dick until he sprayed both of her nether cheeks with his thick hot cum. A torrent dripped down her rear crack and down the backs of her thighs, merging with her own juices that leaked from her convulsing pussy. Jennings gathered her up in his powerful arms and nuzzled the nape of her neck.

"Good luck in the jungle, Moneypenny."

"Thanks," she replied as she felt him pinch her erect nipples from behind. "I've a feeling I may need it."


The brush crunched under her Gore-Tex waterproof boots as she trekked to the last known location of the missing agent, OO6. She used her 22 inch machete made from carbon steel to cut a more suitable path as she grew closer to her target.

"Drop blade."

Moneypenny froze and raised her hands as she felt the cold steel of a rifle barrel press into the base of her skull.


She dropped her head to her left and out of the corner of her eye saw a tall African in light fatigues behind her. They walked just five hundred metres to a small clearing in the trees where she saw a wooden hut and five others. Four more Tanzanians and a light skinned female. Disoriented by the dense jungle, Eve had been this close to her intended target. One of the stockpiles of diamonds. The men were young, younger than her, and all were tall and very black.

"Search her."

One man stepped forward and frisked her entire body with a certain coarse manner. Once he had removed her Walther PPK he shook his head.

"Who are you?"

'I'm just a hiker. Got lost in the jungle. I won't keep you." Eve took a bold step back.

"Don't move a muscle." The woman spoke in broken English with an unmistakable Russian accent.

Eve raised her hands out at 45 degrees as ordered and sized up the situation. The woman, leader? Appeared to be in her fifties, with greying hair pinned back in a severe bun on top of her head. Her heavy bust sagged significantly under her lightweight blouse, and her hands showed signs of early liver spots.

"English. I despise the English. Always so fucking superior. Almost bad as the Americans. Why are you here?"

"I just said. Oh!"

Eve recoiled from a slap on the mouth.

"Lies! I can be nice if you cooperate. If you want trouble, I can oblige. You're packing a standard firearm of British Secret Service. Not some tourist. Now, who are you?"

"I'm cute, and you're ugly."

The woman's eyes bulged in fury as she gave Eve a quick punch to the guts. Eve doubled up and swore under her breath.

"You have a smart mouth. Not smart head. So, the hated British are on to us. Took you long enough. Idiots that you are. Putin too is an idiot. He despises the US, but spends futile amounts of money and time on technology and weapons. He is weak and has wealthy backers who give him useless advice as well as their money. The Mafia in Moscow realise that money can be made from diamonds. We can subjugate the West in the worst possible way. By taking their money. Americans love their money. The more we stockpile diamonds in this volume."


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