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Monster Girl Encounter: Alraune

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A roving trader comes across a horny, desperate plant girl.
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This is a reupload of my first story in the MGE series that's been taken down. I want to state more clearly that just because I don't always explicitly spell out the age of some characters, none of them are ever intended to be underage.


The land of the Order has seen a lot of change lately. With the human world slowly merging and accepting the existence of monsters we have enabled a lot more options with our travel routes.

My name is Mikhail and I am a travelling merchant from the land of the human Order of the Chief God and more importantly the village of Walakai within the forests around the center of our land.

I was a young man when I began to find the idea of travelling all around the continents to be the most exciting career option in the future and thus decided to become a merchant, selling the wares the village I lived in produced to share our culture with the world.

I wore a simple linen shirt and a soft woolen pair of pants with a sash holding them up when I started my journey from the center to the outer regions of the Order's lands. I wiped my forehead in the searing summer heat as my red bangs stuck to my sweaty skin. The rattling, heavy backpack on my shoulders did not make the heat any easier to bear.

I really thought that this job, as the village's pack mule basically, would lead me to exciting places and spice my life up a bit. Little did I know about the dangers that were lurking in the forests. Living in the village, I never met any of the so-called monster girls out there, except for the odd dwarf or elf if you could even call them monsters.

That one fateful day though, I came across something that maybe I shouldn't have.

I was just leaving the village behind me, the sun burning on top of my head. Only the huge backpack of goods occasionally gave me shadow when the angle was right.

I was trudging forward as the loose wood and metal wares clappered around on my back. It would just be a few feet more and I would enter the lush forests of Walakai, the first steps into the wild unknown territory.

"Come on, Mikhail, you're a big man now, what's the worst these monsters can do beside eating you alive? *gulp*" I tried to reassure myself but it wasn't very convincing. From what the Order taught us, most monsters are to be avoided at all cost because they can and will take your life easily and without remorse. That's why the Order is at constant war with them after all. They are seeping with demonic energy that taints their minds and twists their perception of reality.

Nobody knew what to expect when dealing with them since they are so varied in behavior. But nonetheless, I had to step right into their territory.

The leaves of the trees rustled gently in the breeze which blew around with a welcome coolness. But I was far from temperate as thoughts of fear crossed my mind. What kind of creature could lurk within these woods? Maybe an ugly witch or a mutated blob of disgusting slime, or a horrendous beast with bloodied fangs.

I breathed deeply trying not to think of it and to enjoy the calm that I had to myself now. I rarely got that back in my days, the calm that is. I worked a local pub with my parents, always visited by drunks and loud rowdies who every now and then felt like they had to beat each other's skulls in while I uninterestedly scrubbed the floors after them. That was no way to live the life. All I wanted was to be with nature and take in the wonders of creation.

How ironic, considering what happened then.

"AAAHhhhhAHH!" A loud yell cried out of the thicket next to the trampled path. It shook me the moment the female voice of distress reached my ears.

A flock of crows abandoned the forest fluttering wildly. Always a sign of good fortune.

I wagered what to do in my mind but the sense of doing the right thing was annoyingly nagging on my conscience. My body wanted to bolt and get as far away as possible but my mind was set on investigating the noise. "Ah shit, I can't just back away now, can I?" I threw off my backpack and against my better judgement headed inside the denser forest.

It took me very deep into the thicket and far away from my original path, but I eventually found the source of the loud, continuing yells. Which sounded rather sweet for being shouts of terror.

I stiffened when I found the person producing the screams and I was frozen in shock. I hid behind a tree, not yet having been detected and peeked out carefully from my hiding spot.

"MMMNNNHHH! Yes! Lick me all over, you can get as much as you need!" My mouth hung open agape as I was faced with a sight I expected the least when I set out to help.

There was a beautiful, busty woman, standing inside of something that looked like a large, open flower. It was like a bathtub filled with some sort of thick liquid. She had lime green straight hair that hung all the way down to the middle of her back and a large flower sat adorably atop of her head. Her figure was especially curvy with a smooth slender body and bulbous, heavy breasts that she was freely displaying for the world to see like a flower in blossom.

The woman's skin was tinted green and several other flowers and vines decorated her body. She was covered in the thick liquid she bathed in which was eagerly sucked and licked up by another girl that had the appearance of a honey bee and seemed to be slightly younger than the flower girl though with a more petite body.

"Bzzzz, yeah, you taste amazing, I'm already getting so hot!" The girl moaned as she tightly pressed her own. She was buzzing as her wings fluttered wildly and her body jerked in apparent arousal.

The bee girl was basically showering in the thick goo that covered the other woman's bodacious body by rubbing against her in desperate, longing moves. She was basically begging to be getting more of it on her and clung to her inside of the flower with all her skin she could fit around her.

Her fingers were down near the sticky entrance of the green girl's pussy and she was relentlessly fingering her. I could see the sticky liquid covering the honey bee's fingers and it drew threads every time she retracted them out of her pussy only to eagerly shove them in again with a squelching sound accompanying the rhythm of her pumping hand.

But that wasn't all. While her fingers still worked the green flower girl, the bee also suckled on her large, bulging breasts, switching between them frantically and running her tongue over her skin on the way from one to the other as if savoring the taste. She wanted to stimulate the flower girl as much as possible, seemingly to get the most of thick liquid that covered the girl's body.

"AAAAAAHHAAAA! Suck my tits, Sera! I love it when you suck my nipples!" The green girl cried out at the bee girl.

"I will, Elora! Your nectar is so sweet again! MNNNNHHH! *slurp*. Give me more!" The bee girl was flushing red, her body squirming with the apparent pleasure she was deriving from consuming the thick orang nectar.

The green girl was blushing equally hot and actually pulled the smaller bee girl against herself and caressing her nectar covered body almost like a feeding mother.

I gulped audibly, breathing heavily at the scene in front of me. A pungent, sweet smell reached my nose. As the smell reached my nose, I began to feel a gentle warmth encompass my body and a flow of hot blood coursed through me. It poured together in my lower body and caused me to squirm as it made my loins grow hot with an unfamiliar desire. I don't know why, but as I kept watching the two girls caressing each other's bodies and rubbing together within the flower, the nectar covering them. I grew incredibly aroused and my mind was filled with perverted thoughts of sex. I couldn't control it and needed to fondle my crotch over the thin fabric of my pants. My member was getting hard and twitching as I kept watching the two girls fondling each other.

As my gaze went back to the two women in the nectar filled flower, I noticed the bee girl slowly sliding down, grinding her body over the other girl's sticky skin. She submerged her lower body in the nectar and moved her face close to the crotch of Elora. Sera took a deep whiff of the sweet scent her crotch seemed to produce. It was leaking like a honeypot.

Her pussy was dripping with the golden orange nectar and drops of it fell into the accumulated bath of liquid.

Elora smiled with a heated face and labored breath as she leaned against the side of the flower and spread her legs for Sera to see. "You want to go right for the source huh?" Elora moaned anxiously as she bit down on her index finger lightly as she watched the honey bee between her legs.

"You know that down here is the most intense. You know you like it when I put my..." Sera licked her lips in anticipation "...tongue here." She shoved her face forwards and crashed into Elora's dripping cunt. She quickly used the entirety of her tongue to lick up the nectar that was stored up inside of Elora. She sucked on her pussy's lips and flicked her tongue across the entire length to lure out more sweet juices.

"Yes! Right there!" Elora was moaning loudly, rubbing the head of the honey bee caringly.

Sera closed her eyes in bliss as she shoved her tongue deep into Elora's folds, caressing the damp, sticky inner walls that were dripping with the arousing nectar.

Her pointy tongue licked around inside her as Sera shook her mouth from side to side, nuzzling Elora's clitoris.

"AAAAAAHHH! Sera, I'm... I'm...! HYAAAAAAANNNNGGAAAAHH!" Elora cried out as her body jerked violently. Sera seemed very pleased as she gleefully caught the torrent of sweet nectar in her mouth, making sure not to let even a drop of it escape her. Sera parted her lips from Elora's folds with a sticky string still connecting her to them. She smiled satisfied and licked up the stains that got stuck on her lips. With a toothy grin and an incredibly flushed face, she turned away from Elora who was panting in exhaustion.

"Thank you Elora, I really needed that right now. We haven't caught even a single man these past few days. And the few that we got before already have wives in the hive. I'm so pent up, you have no idea.

Elora petted the honey bee on the head. "I know, these woods are so dense that humans barely enter them anymore. I wish I could finally find a husband myself. I would never let him go again." Elora exclaimed dreamily.

I listened intently as I still continued to rub my raging erection that couldn't seem to go down again. "Husbands? Wives? What are they talking about? Are these supposed to be monsters? They look so, so attractive. The flower girl especially." I thought to myself as I looked over to the two women. Somehow the flower girl really caught my eye and I felt a deep attraction to her that I couldn't even explain. With the sweet scent of nectar that grew ever stronger, I felt more and more drawn to this beauty.

"Well, I might come later to get another fill to tide me over, Elora." She placed a small almost friendly kiss on Elora's cheek to which she chuckled playfully. Elora motherly rubbed Sera's head and as soon as she was done, Sera dashed off into the forest. I held my breath with my hand in front of my mouth as the quick honey bee zoomed dangerously close past me.

I was now alone, looking over at the flower girl who was still flushing red, standing there lonely inside of the flower. She seemed to be a little bit sad to be in this clearing all by herself.

She was still dripping nectar and it almost seemed like an excessive amount of it was still pouring out of her. With a sigh, she sat down on the edge of her flower and closed her eyes to rest a bit while her body still seemed hot and bothered.

Being the idiot that I am, I could no longer keep myself hidden because I felt bad for the poor girl. Also, it was the sweet scent that wafted towards me that guided me to come to her like a moth to the light.

I stepped out from behind the tree and towards the flower girl. I pulled out a piece of fabric tissue out of my pockets and began wiping her forehead a little bit. I wanted to remove a bit of the excess nectar, hoping it would help her calm down. Man, what a mistake that was.

Elora's eyes opened in surprise at the touch and fell immediately upon me.

"H...Hello there. *gulp*" I said as I slowly stepped away backwards. Her eyes were fixed on me as her figure rose again. She was looking at me as if I was the most precious thing she had ever seen and didn't even blink as she followed my every move. "Well, I was just... heh, you know." I showed her the tissue that was dripping with the nectar I wiped from her forehead which made her smile contently with slanted eyes.

"I'm just gonna..." I was about to bolt off as I noticed something that had wrapped around my legs and stopped me from moving. It was a vine that had bound my legs up like a snare trap. Whelp, that was it for me.

More vines quickly shot towards me and wrapped themselves around my body with a strong pull guiding me towards the flower that Elora sat in. "Hey, what the?!" On the way there, thorny vines ripped apart my clothes and left me bare naked as I closed in on Elora.

The vines shoved me into the flower, instantly enveloping my lower body in the sweet nectar. I was still tightly bound and kept from moving by the vines that still tied up my arms and chest.

"Finally, you came!" A sweet tinge filled her heated voice as she pressed her body against mine, making my mind go insane with the feeling of her bodacious body flattening on my chest.

"What? You expected me?" I was nervous as the green woman looked at me with the most adoring emerald eyes I've ever seen before. She caressed my cheek lovingly and her face was red with lust.

"I've always dreamed that someone would be lured in by my scent. And finally... I've found you!" she exclaimed ecstatically. "Please, tell me your name!" she begged of me while wrapping her hands around my head and combed through my red hair. I caught a glimpse of the nectar we stood in and as I looked at her legs I noticed that she had no feet, she was one with the plant.

I looked back at her and tried to calm my racing heart. "Mikhail. My name's Mikhail." I was still held in a firm grip by the vines and after I gave Elora my name, the vines tightened and almost took my breath away. She hugged me in joy as she rested her head on my shoulder.

"Mikhail! What a wonderful name my husband has! I am so happy, you can't even imagine." She exclaimed with bleary eyes.

"And... you're Elora, I presume." I muttered under my strained breath.

Her mouth opened slightly in surprise and soon turned into a bright smile of unimaginable happiness. "My husband already knows my name. We were destined to become one, Mikhail." I couldn't help but be miraculously drawn in by her. Her look of pure adoration drove me mad.

I moved what little room I had to guide my hands to her side. Without hesitation as she felt my touch, Elora leapt towards me and crashed her lips onto mine. I wasn't prepared for the sweetness of her mouth. The scent was already driving my senses crazy but getting the taste as well now was a complete overload for my mind. Something poured inside my mouth and it was sweeter than honey.

I felt a rush of unrelenting pleasure course through my entire being. My mind became blank and I felt every little touch that Elora left on me. Her fingers that rubbed my head, her tits that squished against my body and her lips on top of mine as she peppered me with sloppy, sweet kisses. Drops of sticky drool poured from our lips and as my eyes turned mellow, I completely surrendered myself to the pleasure.

Elora was all over me, clinging to me and keeping me in place with her vines. She was flushing red and she began leaking nectar again. With a sincere smile, she parted from my lips and slid down towards my crotch. I watched in delirious awe as she doused my raging boner with the nectar we were standing in. With a content smile, she inspected my erect penis, an excited gaze in her eyes. She smiled up at me as she thoroughly massaged the nectar onto my cock and lastly sandwiched my dick in between her voluptuous tits. They were sticky and slick with nectar and hugged my member like a vice as Elora pressed them together.

"Holy lord, heavens above..." I moaned under my hot breath, my newly found wife Elora looking up at me with eyes of pure desire.

"Oh, Mikhail. We will be together forever like this. Aren't you excited about this? I will never, ever let you go again."

I knew I should have been terrified at those words but the thought of being connected to Elora like this forever didn't seem like an unpleasant idea. Just as I thought that, she started to pump her breasts. Why did I even consider running away before? Elora and I were meant to be together after all. I wouldn't have come to her otherwise. My mind was bending to the pleasure and my thoughts completely abandoned all reason.

Elora was working my cock with her slimy breasts, smothering it within her nectar covered cleavage. I could hear the sound of nectar squelching around my member that slid in and out of her tits. Elora was devoted to my member as if she was always prepared and waiting to do this to me.

I was in absolute rapture as her soft orbs enveloped my cock and squeezed me tightly. She knelt in the nectar, her body creating gooey sounds as it moved through the pool of nectar. I bucked my hips as much as the snaring vines would allow me to.

"Mikhail! You love my tits, don't you? I'm glad I can please my husband with my body. I'll do this to you every day from now on. Every time you want me to! We'll be bound together forever!" She was getting heated again, her speed increasing as she let her tongue hang out of her mouth to drool nectar onto my sandwiched cock again. It felt like the aphrodisiac of the nectar was slowly seeping into my body and especially my lower regions because I felt the unstopping feeling of hardness and desire in my cock taking over.

"Elora!" I cried out as I looked down at her in trance.

"Yes, my love, say my name more. I want to hear you say it again." With hooded eyes, she doubled her efforts, her hips swaying wildly through the nectar.

"Elora! ELORA!" I yelled as my body stiffened up and a huge load of semen shot forth from my dick and onto my beloved Elora. She was stained white with my cum covering her face and tits in ropes of it.

A pure look of ecstasy crossed her face as Elora eagerly lapped up the remaining spurts of cum that drooled from the head of my dick. "Mmmmh, your spirit energy is like the finest ambrosia." She hummed to herself as she tasted my cum.

"My what now?"

"Your wonderful, wonderful spirit energy." She repeated as she scooped up more of my semen. She seemed to gain enormous pleasure from indulging in it.

The look of her, deliriously licking up my cum, stirred a desire within me. A desire that I knew before already. I want to be with Elora for all of eternity. Linked together within this flower, never to part from her. I didn't mind it in the least.

"Elora!" My desire swelled over and at the same time I wanted to lunge at my eternal wife and have my way with her, the vines loosened as if allowing me to do just that.

Elora accepted me with open arms as I whisked her body up in my arms and eagerly pressed my lips against hers. I wanted to taste the sweet nectar again. I wanted to feel more of her body again. I wanted to take her body and make it mine.

I pushed her against the side of the flower, sitting her down on it and rubbing our bodies together. At this point my body was already entirely drenched with nectar that seeped into my every pore and my mind was filled with nothing but making sweet love with my sweet wife.


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