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Mood Slime Series 05: Awakening Ch. 10

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Ezrina has more fun and so do her children.
3.1k words

Part 10 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 03/02/2018
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Ezrina opened the door to Nina's apartment and stepped inside. She was still in Liz's body as she felt the warm slimy floor on her feet which gave her goosebumps with the sexually charged mood flowing threw her. The whole place was one wide open room now and she saw Nina across the way sitting on what looked like a thrown as she approached her.

"Ezrina I take it, I remember the intensity of when you passed through me." Nina said as she laid sideways with her legs over the arm of the throne.

"I'd be more than happy to pass through you again."

"Tempting, but I await someone else."

"I am here to offer my assistance."

"You have my curiosity." Nina said as she sat up.

Ezrina held up a small round black orb and showed it to Nina. She stepped a little closer for her to get a good look at it. Nina smiled and got excited as she knew what this item was.

"Is that what I think it is?" Nina asked.

"This is an egg, and I am ready to use them if you wish me too."

"You know how to get a girl's blood pumping, but I don't need a bunch of many minions of Gozer running around."

"You misunderstand me, I am here to pledge myself to you, and my children as well, with this much sexual energy you will become more powerful than maybe even Gozer himself."

"Interesting." Nina said adjusting herself in her seat. "Now you have my attention"

"I want pleasures of the flesh, and serving you is the best way for me to get what I want, but if you wish I will return home."

"Not necessary, go and spread your young and have let them have their fun my dear, and I will have mine."

"Thank you, you will not regret this." Ezrina said before she growled and stripped herself of Liz's body letting it fall to the floor before she turned and ran out the door.

Nina looked over at some of her minions floating nearby and said "Please return this woman to her home, she may prove more useful when she wakes up."


A few floors down lived Jill who was sitting on her computer finishing up an assignment for her school while she waited for her boyfriend Rey to come over later. This building was mostly college students except for a few slightly older couples but Jill lived with her friend Alexa as they figured it would be easier to split the rent than to pay to live on campus. Alexa was sitting in her room watching TV and relaxing. She knew Jill was going out tonight and she was a little bored. She was single and considered heading out to a bar that night but she didn't have a designated driver because Jill was going out and she didn't want to be a third wheel for them so she just decided to have date night with cable TV and a bucket of ice cream.

Alexa flipped through channels trying to find something to watch. She was a bit jealous of Jill because she didn't have a boyfriend or anyone to spend her time with and it was bothering her a bit that evening. She sat up when she suddenly heard a strange noise like something scurrying under her bed. She waited and listened again not hearing anything at first but then heard scratching like paws on the wood floor.

"Seriously, do we have Mice now?" She said getting out of bed and grabbing a flashlight before lifting up her comforter and looking under the bed.

She looked and saw a bunch if shoes at first not seeing anything out of the ordinary but then she heard something that bothered her. It sounded like a growl and it send a chill up her spine. She glanced over to the left and pointed the light when she saw something dark and almost leather. As she turned more she saw two red eyes glaring at her and when she pointed the light and saw a hideous dog like face staring at her. She screamed before she felt something grab her and yank her under the bed.

Jill jumped off the couch and ran down the hall yelling "Alexa? Is everything alright?"

Her heart was racing a bit hearing her friend scream like that. She finally reached her bedroom door but before she could grab it the door swung open and Alexa was standing there looking at her. Her eyes seemed darkened like she was wearing eye shadow or something but she didn't appear to be harmed at all. Ezrina adjusted to her new body as she looked over the attractive roommate in front of her. She smiled as she was excited about her first child being inside such a beautiful woman.

"What was the screaming about?" Jill asked confused.

"Scream? Oh it must have been the TV."

"Was a bit loud, but okay then." Jill said as she turned to walk away.

"Wait, can you help me with something?" Alexa said as Jill causing her to turn back and follow her into the bedroom.

Jill saw what looked like smoke or steam rolling from under the bed which she was a bit confused by. There also seemed to be burn marks on the floor along with some strange slimy fluid. She was looking around when she suddenly heard the door shut behind her. She turned around to see Alexa standing there with a strange look in her eye as she started to walk towards her.

"Alexa, what are you doing?" Jill asked confused.

"You are a beautiful woman." She said getting up close to her. "Rey is a lucky man."

"Come on Alexa, I think it's a bit late for the college experimental stage don't you?"

Alexa grabbed her by the waist and pulled her close breathing in her scent. Jill was getting a little freaked out but figured she was just screwing around so didn't take it too seriously but then she began to feel a little strange. Alexa had a strange scent about her and it was making her feel a little dizzy.

"I um... I have to get ready, Rey is coming over and um..."

"Shhhhh, you will make an incredible host for my first." Alexa said as she kissed Jill.

Jill was still dizzy and felt strange but didn't fight the kiss. Ezrina released her pheromones into the air which made Jill much more submissive as she continued to kiss her. Jill tried to resist but soon lost herself to the scent becoming weak in the knees before falling on the bed.

"First?... What are you?" Jill asked as she got even more dizzy.

Ezrina smiled down at her roommate before she slid off Jills jogging pants seeing her cotton panties. She smiled as she teased her running her finger along the edge of them before slowly pulling them down. Jill was so dizzy she wasn't sure what was going on as Ezrina pulled up one of the round black eggs she had shown to Nina earlier. She stuck out her tongue and licked Jill's pussy a little getting it lubricated before she took the small black orb and slid it inside Jill making her moan out as it entered her.

Jill was confused feeling the ord inside her and was a little concerned. She tried to get up but soon S]she began to squirm as the egg dissolved and began to transform her. She began to writhe and her moans grew louder as she felt very turned on beginning to rub herself as her moans quickly turned into growls and her eyes began to turn red. Two horns sprouted from the side of her head as her body jerked until she let out a roar that shook the room while Ezrina stood back and smiled .


Rey was on his way up to pickup Jill. As he walked the halls he kept hearing strange noises as he walked past apartment doors. Theirs were what sounded like screams of passion everywhere. It was like every door he passed had the sounds of sex coming from them. It was strange but as he stepped onto the elevator he didn't notice the pink ooze pooling outside the door behind him.

On his way up he saw the lights flicker a little which bugged him because he wasn't a big fan of elevators and didn't want to get stuck in one. The lights continued to flash until finally the door opened and he quickly exited it stepping out into the hall before he headed down around the corner to Jill's apartment. The lights continued to flash like there was a power issue happening with the building. He stopped a moment distracted by the power glitch when his foot slipped a little. He stopped as there was some sort of pink slime on the floor in the middle of the hallway.

"What the hell?" He said catching himself before he fell thinking he'd tell Jill to let the superintendent know about it.

He kept going until he got to Jill's door and knocked. He waited for a minute as there was no answer so he knocked again. He heard someone behind the door walking towards it. He was curious as to why it was taking so long for her to answer until the door suddenly opened.

"Oh, hey Alexa." He said seeing Jill's short haired blonde roommate standing there wearing a black dress with a short skirt. "Is Jill here?" He asked as he stared into her eyes which seemed to be very shadowed and for a moment looked red.

"Come in, she's getting ready." She said moving aside and letting him in.

"So, what are you all dressed up for, hot date tonight?"

"You could say that, speaking of hot date." She said looking past him.

Rey turned to see Jill standing behind him wearing the same black dress Alexa was. Her eyes also had the same dark eye shadow around them as well. She looked amazing as she stood there staring at him with a sultry look in her eyes with her hair down looking a bit wild but still hot licking her lips before she started walking towards him.

"Damn Jill, you look amazing."

Without responding she stepped up towards him grabbing him by the coat and pulling him in for a kiss. She shoved her tongue into his mouth as she sucked on his lips with a passion he wasn't expecting. He placed his arms on her waist enjoying the attention even though Alexa was there. She suddenly reached for his belt pulling it off and throwing it before unzipping his pants.

"Woah woah, Jill what are you doing?" He asked stopping her as she seemed to almost pout looking up at him with a disappointed look in her face. Suddenly Alexa came up behind him grabbing his arms and holding him with a strength he didn't expect, "What the hell? What are you doing?"

"Go ahead my child, take what you want." She said as Jill smiled and continued to open up his pants before pulling them down completely.

Jill kneeled sliding his underwear off before taking his cock in her hand as it was already stiffening from the kiss. Before Rey could say anything she began teasing him with her tongue. She slowly traced her tongue along his shaft making sure he was good and hard before she wrapped her lips around it and began to suck.

"Oh fuck! What... what's going on here?" He asked still confused.

Ezrina bit his earlobe sucking on it a little before leaning in and saying "I'm letting her have her way with you, you are her first you know."

"What the... oh fuck!... What are you talking about?"

"I know you don't understand, how could you being a mere man, but I promise you will enjoy this." she said before she started to growl a little while Jill continued to suck his cock.

"What? Alexa you're not... making any sense?"

She growled again as her eyes flashed red for a moment as Rey could feel the heat of her breath. "I am not Alexa, I am Ezrina, and this is my child Zulana."

Rey turned to her seeing the red glare starting to fear for his life a bit. It was hard because as scared as he was he couldn't help but enjoy the sensation being brought on by his girlfriend who was molesting his cock like a wild animal but he couldn't help but wonder what Alexa meant. He didn't understand why she was calling herself Ezrina and calling Jill Zulana.

"Zulana?" He asked still distracted by the pleasure.

"Yes, I named her after My sister Zuul, you will find she is quite talented, they always are."

Zulana release his cock and looked up at him licking her lips before standing back up. She licked his lips again and breathed in his scent before she slid the straps off her shoulders letting her dress fall to the floor. She kissed him again biting his lips a little as her warm body pressed against his.

"I want him now mother!" She said continuing to grind against his body.

"Then have your fun." Ezrina said as Jill's bedroom door flew open and Rey was pulled inside by Zulana and thrown on the bed.

He hit the mattress with a thud but before he could get his bearings she was on top of him staring down at him with a sadistic smile on her face. Her eyes had a red iris as she showed her teeth like an insane person. She was both terrifying and sexy at the same time as she stuck out her tongue and licked his face. Her tongue seemed longer and almost pointed and Rey knew he was in trouble. Something had happened to Jill and to Alexa and with all the strange things he saw and heard on his way up should have been a sign. His thoughts jumbled as Jill suddenly impaled herself on his cock letting it slide into her with ease. She let out a moan that had undertones of some sort of purr or growl as she bit her lip and looked back down at her prey. He looked over and saw Alexa standing in the doorway watching with a big smile on her face as she watched Zulana have her way with him which Rey couldn't help but enjoy as she ripped his shirt open and dug her claws into his chest.

As Jill began to move her hips her pussy felt amazing. It was like her vaginal fluids were an aphrodisiac because it got him more turned on than he had ever been as his cock bulged inside her. Her moans and growls grew more rhythmic as she bounced on his crotch milking him.

"Are you just going to lay there?" She suddenly said in a deep voice.

"Trust me" Alexa said from the door. "The more you give in the more fun you'll have."

Rey was confused and concerned about everything going on around him but he pulled himself up wrapping his arms around Jill's body. He hesitated for a moment before he began to kiss and suck the skin on her chest working his way to her breasts. She seemed to be enjoying his touch happy he was finally participating and began to move a little faster.

Rey hadn't been paying attention to Alexa who was suddenly in the bed behind him placing her legs around his hips as she began to wrap her arms around him and kiss the side of his neck. He wasn't sure what was going on anymore and tried to focus on the fact that he was in bed with two beautiful women who were having their way with him. He was never really attracted to Alexa when he was with Jill but did think she was a nice looking girl and in the back of his mind he considered maybe this was just the two of them having fun with him but then he remembered the growls and other strange things as the fear came back again. Rey looked up at Jill's face as her eyes seemed bright red now while two horns had protruded from the sides of her head as she looked down at him. He felt Alexa's breath on his neck as he turned and saw she had her own horns and glaring red eyes as well.

"Oh my God!" He said both frightened and aroused by what was happening.

"My God is better!" Alexa said in his ear as Jill's growls grew louder.

He couldn't hold out much longer as he felt an orgasm ready to burst. The feeling of their skin pressed against him from both sides and their hands moving all over his body was getting him over stimulated. Her pussy tightened around his cock before he finally let out a yell followed by a stream of fun bubble up through his cock and spraying into Jill. She let out a roar that sent a chill down his spine as they both enjoyed the pleasure boiling between them. She didn't let a single drop of his cum escape as she continued to move her hips sucking up every last drop.

Finally the feeling stopped and Rey was still between them covered in sweat as he was still feeling the effects. Jill seemed to be reeling from the experience before she opened her eyes and smiled at him again. Her hands felt his chest and stroked his skin before she leaned forward and licked the sweat off of him.

"I like him Mother." She said still licking him all over.

"Then have your fun with him my dear." Ezrina said placing her hand on Zulana's cheek. "I have to awaken your other siblings." She said before kissing Rey on the neck and climbing out from behind him letting him fall back against the bed.

She left the room closing the door behind her as Rey looked up at Jill who still looked strange and sexy. She leaned down kissing him as he realized his cock was still hard and still inside her. She tasted so good and he enjoyed the whole experience but still he was worried about Jill and the thing inside her.

"Jill, Baby, are you still in there?" He said placing his hands on her face and looking into her eyes. "Are you still with me?"

She smiled for a moment before her eyes flashed red again and said "there is no Jill, there is only Zulana!"

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
these are my favorite.

I look forward to every one.

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