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More Than Just "Friends"

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"Friends" gang does a little more than hang out.
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Note: I do not own these characters. They are owned by NBC and I am just borrowing them. I am not making any money off of them, so please don't flame me about copyright infringement. Thanks.

The gang sat around the apartment like any other day. Monica was on Chandler's lap in the big chair, Rachel was leaning on Ross on one end of the couch and Phoebe lay with her head in Joey's lap at the other end, covered by a quilt.

"Does anybody want to do anything?" asked Monica.

"I know what I'd like to do" said Chandler, squeezing Monica tight.

"Chandler!" Monica said, giving him a swat.

Ross laughed and said, "I know what you mean, man." He reached over with his free arm, hugging Rachel and gently letting his hand brush the side of her breast. Rachel sighed and leaned back into Ross, brushing slowly back and forth over his cock, trapped in his chinos.

Chandler held Monica closer and started kissing her deeply. Joey looked down at Phoebe and said, "You know, I bet we could start making out and they wouldn't even notice."

"You think?" Phoebe said, looking over her shoulder at Joey.

"Oh, sure, they're too wrapped up in what they're doing to even notice we're here." Joey slowly ran his fingers up and down Phoebe's arm as he spoke. "Watch." Joey leaned over and kissed Phoebe lightly on the lips. He looked up quickly and the other two couples were still busy in their own little worlds. "See", said Joey, "Nothing!"

"Well," said Phoebe, "You didn't really do anything. They probably thought you were telling me a secret or something." Phoebe sat up under the quilt and turned to Joey. "Now watch me", she said. She reached up and held Joey's face in her hands and pressed her lips to Joey's. She turned her head left, then right, peeking out of the corner of her eye at the other couples.

Phoebe let out a little noise of exasperation and started kissing Joey more deeply. Joey felt Phoebe open her mouth and gently run her tongue over his lips.

"Well," thought Joey, "I'm not going to let this go to waste!" He put his arms around Phoebe and pulled her close, letting his lips part and gently running his tongue across her lips.

Phoebe stiffened slightly, but then relaxed as Joey's strong arms encircled her. She ran her hands up under the back of his T-shirt and slid her fingernails up and down his spine.

Joey slowly moved his hand around to the front of Phoebe's shirt and gently caressed her breast through the material. Phoebe's nipples were hardening quickly as Joey squeezed and pressed her breasts through her blouse. She slid her hand around under Joey's shirt and began pinching his nipples and gently tugging at his chest hair.

Joey shifted a little bit, as his jeans were starting to constrict around his hardening cock.

Phoebe pulled away and looked into Joey's eyes. "We'll show them," she said, and slowly pulled her blouse over her head.

Joey stared as Phoebe's breasts came into view. "Wow, Phoebe, your boobs are gorgeous!" Joey said as her raised his eyes to meet hers. "I know", she said. "Now shut up and get to work."

Joey buried his face between Phoebe's large, but firm, globes. He ran his tongue over the crest of both mounds and pulled the material of her bra away from her stiff nipples. Joey's tongue snaked out and licked slowly around each nipple in turn and then gently blew on them to tighten them up even more.

"Mmmmm." Said Phoebe. Her hand dropped down to Joey's lap and was not too surprised to find that Joey's cock was hard and straining to get through the material of his jeans. "Oh, and what do we have here?" Phoebe teased. "Does someone feel left out?"

"Oh, yeah." Said Joey, lifting his hips to meet her hand. "He wants to come out and play!"

Phoebe smiled slowly and grasped the zipper pull, inching it down, slowly straining over Joey's hard cock. Joey leaned back and a slow grin began to spread across his face.

When Phoebe had Joey's fly completely open, she reached in and found that Joey wasn't wearing any underwear! "Ohhhh, Joey, you're going commando?!?" Phoebe breathed. "Yeah, baby, the only way to fly!" Joey said.

Phoebe grasped his hard cock and eased it out of its confinement. It was about 9 inches long and very beefy. She licked her lips and said, "You know I don't eat meat, but..." She lowered her head and slowly ran her tongue around the head of Joey's hard cock, licking up the pre-cum that was already forming there.

"Ahhhhh", said Joey. Phoebe ran her tongue down the hard shaft, wetting it from tip to base, while fondling Joey's balls with one hand. Joey reached over and slid the long skirt off of Phoebe's hips, pausing to capture her French white panties with his fingers and drew them off together.

Phoebe lifted her hips to allow Joey to undress her. As she lifted her hips, Joey pressed his hand between her legs, separating them. His fingers brushed up against her moist lips and gently pressed them open, feeling her clit peeking out from under its hood.

"Ssssss," hissed Phoebe, lifting her head from Joey's cock. "Oh, yeah, right there!" As Joey pressed his finger deeper, Phoebe plunged his cock deep into her mouth, the tip entering her throat. "Oh, God," Joey moaned. "Oh yes, Phoebe, just like that!" His fingers found the wet hole of Phoebe's pussy and pressed inward, feeling her open for him. Joey plunged a finger in and out of Phoebe's pussy, then two, rubbing her clit with his thumb. Joey could smell the pussy juices flowing out over his hand and running down his wrist.

Phoebe sat up, pushing Joey down to the floor. She spread her legs and propped one foot up on the coffee table. Joey needed no more invitation. He dove down onto Phoebe's pussy, licking her clit and running his tongue up and down her slit, from top to bottom, sticking his tongue deep inside her as he passed her dripping hole.

"Ohhhh, yes, Joey, eat that pussy!" Phoebe moaned. "Eat it good. Your such a good pussy licker, Joey!" Joey could feel his cock getting harder, so he paused a minute and pulled his jeans off and tossed them aside. He pulled his T-shirt over his head and grasped Phoebe in a big hug. Her sensitive nipples, grazed by his chest hair, screamed out in agony. "Oh, God, Joey, fuck me! Do it now!"

Joey pulled away and grasped Phoebe by the hips, pulling her to the edge of the couch. Joey kneeled in front of Phoebe, running the hot, hard head of his cock up and down her dripping slit. Phoebe pressed her hips forward, trying to impale herself on Joey's thick cock.

Joey pressed forward, burying his cock in Phoebe's hot, wet pussy, deep enough that he felt it hit bottom. "Oh, yes, Joey, fuck me deep and hard! Give me that lovely hard fuck pole!" Phoebe whispered. "Fuck me 'til I cum!" Joey slammed in and out of Phoebe's pussy, making wet noises every time he pulled out. Just as he got all the way out, he would slam it back home, making Phoebe whimper a bit.

"Oh, God, yes, fuck me hard, Joey! Fuck me harder. Mm, mm, yes, yes, yes. Oh, God, I'm cummmmming!" Phoebe cried.

"Yes, yes, cum for me Phoebe!" Joey grunted. "Make me cum and fill you up with my hot jizz!"

Phoebe's pussy started to spasm as the first orgasm hit her. "Ah, ah, ah, ah! Mm, mm, mm, mm, yes, yes, yes, ohhh yessssssss!" Phoebe's pussy clenched down on Joey's cock and squeezed, bringing Joey over the edge.

"Here it comes, Phoebe, here it comes!" Joey said. Joey felt his balls tighten and then his hot load spewed into Phoebe's pussy, making her gasp.

"Oh yeah, fill me up with that hot cum. I can feel it deep in my pussy." Phoebe moaned.


As Chandler was nibbling Monica's ear, he glanced over at Joey and Phoebe. It sure looked like he was feeling her up over there! "No!" thought Chandler. "Phoebe would never do that."

Just as he thought that thought, he saw Phoebe unzip Joey's jeans and pull out his long, hard cock. Chandler couldn't believe it and started kissing Monica again, gently squeezing her breast as his tongue battled with hers. "Chandler, no! Not with everybody here!" Monica whispered. "It's OK," said Chandler, "I think they are all preoccupied."

"Oh, well, OK then, you really know how to get me going!"

Chandler slowly pressed Monica's blouse off of her shoulders, leaning down to suck a nipple into his mouth, running his tongue all around it, feeling it harden. Monica lay her head back and let Chandler work his magic with that velvet tongue.

Chandler reached up under Monica's skirt to find that she was wearing a new thong today! "Oh, you little minx," said Chandler. "Is this for me!"

"Who else would it be for, silly," said Monica, drawing in a sharp breath as Chandler's fingers pushed aside the flimsy material to find her pussy already hot and wet.

"Mm, I like this!" said Chandler, pressing one finger into the sopping wet cunt, slowly sliding it in and out.

"Oooooh, Chandler, you know right where to go!" moaned Monica. She glanced around to see if Ross and Rachel were paying attention, but they were busy making out on the couch and Joey and Phoebe were out of her line of sight. She couldn't hear anything from that end of the couch, so she just assumed that they had fallen asleep.

Monica slowly removed her top, baring her perky breasts to Chandler's adoring gaze. "Oh, you little devil," Chandler said, lowering his mouth to grab a nipple between his lips.

"Mm, hmm, just a horny little devil." Monica purred.

Monica swiveled around so she was facing Chandler in the chair and reached down to unzip his slacks. She reached in and grasped his cock and pulled it out through his shorts so it stood up tall and proud. His 8 inch cock was not the biggest she'd ever had, but definitely the best! Monica raised up and lowered herself onto Chandler's cock, her skirt covering any evidence of what they were doing. Monica started to s-l-o-w-l-y slide up and down the hard shaft, lifting up so that he had pulled almost all of the way out and then falling back down, burying his shaft in her wet pussy.

Chandler lay his head back on the chair and just went along for the ride. He reached up to fondle Monica's tits as she rode him, flicking the nipples back and forth, making them even harder.

Monica bounced, Chandler flicked and soon they both felt the impending orgasm. "Oh, yes, Chandler, make me cum all over your hard cock!" Monica sighed.

"Oh, God, Monica, let me fill you up with my hot jizz!" Chandler moaned. As they built to a final crescendo, Chandler glanced over at Joey and Phoebe and saw that Joey was buried to the hilt in Phoebe's pussy and she had her head thrown back in obvious bliss.

"Here it comes baby!" Chandler warned. "Give it to me!" Monica moaned.


Ross glanced over at Monica and Chandler as he kissed Rachel deeply. "Oh, my God! They are having sex!" he thought with a shock.

"Well, then I guess they are too tied up to notice what Rachel and I are doing." Ross glanced the other way and saw Phoebe lying with her head in Joey's lap and Joey had his head hanging back. "I guess they've fallen asleep." thought Ross.

He slowly raised his hands, pushing Rachel's top up over her head. "Ross, what are you doing?!?" gasped Rachel. "Don't worry. Joey and Phoebe are asleep and Monica and Chandler are too busy with each other to notice us!" Ross said.

"Oh, well, OK then." conceded Rachel. She raised her hands to let her top go over her head and this put her pert breasts in just the right place for Ross to suck one into his mouth. He rolled his tongue around her nipple, feeling it harden.

Rachel reached own and stroked Ross' cock through his chinos, noticing that he was already half hard. "Mmmmm, what have we here?" asked Rachel. "Am I ignoring somebody?"

"Well," said Ross. "He does seem a little insistent, doesn't he?" Rachel smiled and unzipped Ross' chinos, causing his white briefs to show. Rachel slid down to her knees on the floor and pulled Ross' chinos down from his hips, gathering his briefs as she went.

After Ross' pants were set aside, Rachel leaned in and engulfed his cock with her mouth. Ross' cock was thin, but a good 7 1/2 inches long, the perfect size for Rachel to take all of it in. As Rachel sucked Ross deep into her mouth, he reached over her and lifted her skirt up over her firm shapely ass, resting the material on her waist. He could feel how wet she was through her thin, silky bikinis and pressed them out of the way, pushing a finger deep into her creamy cunt.

Rachel continued to bob up and down on Ross' hard cock, every once in a while stopping to slowly caress his balls with her tongue.

Ross slowly massaged Rachel's clit with his finger making it pop up and stand at attention. "Mm, hmmmm." Rachel moaned, not leaving Ross' hard cock for a second. Ross grasped Rachel's head in both hands and slowly turned her around, bending her over the coffee table. He reached behind him and got a pillow to place gently under Rachel's head. He then kneeled behind her and thrust his cock deep into her pussy, causing her to gasp, "Oh, yeah, Ross, fuck my pussy good. Fuck it deep!"

Ross slammed his cock in and out of Rachel's pussy and as he glanced over at Joey and Phoebe, he could definitely tell that she was giving him a blowjob. "Wow," thought Ross. "I had no idea."

Rachel started meeting his thrusts, pressing her hips back to meet his, causing his cock to go even deeper than it already was.

"Ah, ah, ah, Ross I'm going to cum," said Rachel. "Fill me up baby!"

"Oh yes, here it comes," grunted Ross. "Here comes that hot load of spunk."

Rachel could feel spurt after spurt of Ross' hot cum fill her pussy. Ross pulled Rachel's skirt back down into place and pulled her top back over her head. He held her in a tight embrace, closed his eyes and kissed her deeply.

Chandler glanced over at Ross and Rachel. "Good," he thought. "They're still making out, the didn't see anything."

Joey glanced over at Chandler and Monica. She was still sitting on his lap, kissing him. "Well," he thought. "They're still busy, so I guess we're OK."

As all of the couples sat up and looked around, Phoebe turned to Joey and said, "See, I was right, nothing exciting ever happens around here!"

Rachel and Monica looked at each other and smiled. Monica said, "Yeah, I guess we're just settled old couples now, huh Rach?" Rachel nodded and wondered why all of the guys were studying their hands and not looking at anyone.

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