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Morina & the Switching Spell Ch. 04

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Morina arrives in London and gets interrogated.
9.7k words

Part 4 of the 21 part series

Updated 06/07/2024
Created 02/05/2024
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Morina and the Switching Spell Ch. 04

Chapter 4: Morina arrives in London and gets interrogated.

Warning to readers: this chapter contains a form of non-consensual sex.

17 May 1944, Wednesday.

"Maureen O'Spellman! You're next!" The full-figured, raven-haired woman behind the military liaison desk called out.

"That's Morina Spellman!" I corrected loudly from my seat in the reception area.

"Maureen, you're next," the woman called again. The large-chested woman adjusted her bra beneath her uniform as she looked out into the reception area. She scowled when she saw me.

"It's Morina, not Maureen!" I shouted back, as I picked up my pack and approached the reception desk.

"Just what I need, another fuckin' Irish cunt looking for her lost lover," the raven-haired receptionist said beneath her breath.

It was late in the afternoon and there was still a half dozen people waiting their turn to make inquiries about their son, father, or brother in one of the many camps around England. Only two people were working the reception desk, the rude raven-haired woman with the bob cut and large breasts in front of me and the short, copper redhead with curly hair behind her. Both women were wearing British auxiliary uniforms with their hair tucked neatly under their caps, although the redhead's hair curled up and around the sides. She stopped what she was doing and turned to stare at me when my name was called.

The rude receptionist looked at me and glowered, "The name on the check-in sheet says Maureen O'Spellman, not Morina Spellman."

I glowered back, "Well then, the woman at the check-in desk got it wrong. My name is Morina, M-O-R-I-N-A, Spellman, S-P-E-L-L-M-A-N, and I'm not another 'fucking Irish cunt,' as one look at the WASP uniform I'm wearing should have told you. I'm an American and I'm looking for my brother, Lee."

The short redhead who had been watching me quickly picked up the phone and started to talk to someone. I was sure the MPs would be here at any minute. It looked like my attempt to visit my brother was quickly turning into a disaster.

The big-chested receptionist sighed impatiently, exhaling in my face. There were the lingering odors of cheese raw onion on her breath.

"I don't know what kind of name 'Morina' is, but this paper says Maureen and if that's not you, Miss O'Spellman, then step aside. We have people behind you who need to be seen and we don't need any troublemakers."

"I'm not a troublemaker, and the name is Spellman, not O'Spellman," I insisted, "Here is my ID if you don't believe me. I've been waiting here for nearly four hours. Now, are you going to help me locate my brother or not?"

"Fine," the raven-haired receptionist said tersely, "What is your brother's name?"

"I believe your records list him as Morley Eldridge. He's with the--" I started to say when the woman interrupted me.

"I thought you said his name was Lee?" she asked. In addition to the iciness in her voice, there was the distinct undertone of annoyance.

"You're right, sorry. I've always called him Lee. His Army name is listed as Morley Eldridge. He's with the 5-1-2 Fighter Squadron, but--" I began again before she interrupted me again.

"His last name is Eldridge? I thought you said you were his sister. This ID says your last name is Spellman. Is that your married name?"

"No, I'm not married. You see, there was a mix-up at the Army recruitment office--" I began.

"Look Miss...Spellman or Maureen or whatever your real name is. I don't know what you're up to, but you had better leave now. We can't give out information to every love-sick tart that comes along looking for her lover. What did he do, knock you up or something?" the receptionist sneered dismissively.

The redhead working behind the desk hung up the phone and came up to the reception desk.

"I'll take this one, Rita. Why don't you see one more and then take a break?" the redhead said, eyeing me with her light green eyes.

"Thank you, Amanda, but let me know if you want me to call the MPs. She's got an American accent, but I can spot an Irish camp follower a mile away," Rita said. She looked at the sign-up list and then she called out. "Beatrice! Beatrice Butterfield! You're next!"

"Here!" a voice in the waiting area called out.

"Would you mind coming back here with me, Miss?" the redhead asked.

I picked up my pack and followed her into a small room behind the reception area. She shut the door behind me and asked me to take a seat at the table in the middle of the room.

"I'm terribly sorry for that mix-up out there. I'm Amanda Chanter. Now what can I do for you Miss...Spellman did you say?" the redhead asked after sitting in the chair on the other side of the table.

"Yes, Miss Chanter, I'm looking for my brother. His real name is Morley Spellman, but I think he may be listed as Eldridge in your records," I explained.

"I'm sure I can help you locate him. Did I hear you say he's with an American unit, the 5-1-2 Fighter Squadron?" she asked.

"That's right," I replied.

"And you came here all the way from America?" she asked, eyeing my uniform.

"Yes. I'm with the WASP transport program. I flew a B-17 to Liverpool from Hanscom Army Base in Massachusetts. I arrived in London by train late last night and I've been waiting all day to find out where Lee is stationed so I can visit him," I explained.

"You arrived in London last night? Where are you staying?" She asked.

"Well, uh, nowhere at the moment. I slept in the train station last night. The policeman there was going to ask me to leave, but I guess he took pity on me when he saw my uniform," I explained. I purposely neglected to mention that I used a compulsion spell on him to "help" him change his mind.

"I see," the woman said, eyeing me suspiciously, "and where are you planning to stay tonight? This office will be closing soon."

"I-I'm not sure. I was hoping to find my brother first and then figure something out afterwards. I thought being a pilot and in the Women's Airforce Service Pilots program, that maybe the military liaison office might offer some assistance or have some recommendations," I answered.

In fact, I was prepared to use another spell on one of the women here to find a place to crash for the night. This Amanda looked like a good prospect so far.

"Miss Spellman, you've traveled a long way to look for your brother. The least we can do is to help you locate him and find you a place to sleep tonight. If you don't mind waiting here until I finish my shift, I would be glad to help you personally," she said, smiling.

"Oh, I couldn't ask you--" I began.

"Think nothing of it! Especially after the way Rita treated you. It will only be another hour if you don't mind waiting," Miss Chanter interrupted while getting to her feet.

She left me in the room and went back into the reception area while I waited. A few minutes later, Rita came in.

"What are you doing in here?" she asked.

"That other woman, Miss Chanter, asked me to wait here," I explained perfunctorily.

Rita glared at me before she turned and left. She left the door ajar and I heard her arguing with Amanda about leaving me in the back room.

An hour later, Miss Chanter came back.

"Thank you for waiting. Your story is quite impressive. You're a very determined and resourceful woman," she said.

"Thank you. But I don't have to tell you that women in the military need to be resourceful," I replied.

"Well, let's start with a place for you to stay tonight. We can't have you sleeping in train stations now, can we? Bring your bag and follow me," she said.

"I'd rather start by finding my brother, Miss Chanter," I replied.

"Please, call me Amanda. It's getting late and I'd rather we get you settled first. You look like you could use a good meal and a decent night's sleep. There will be plenty of time to find your brother in the morning," she responded.

I followed her to an "underground station," London's version of a subway, and after several stops, we emerged in a nightmarish world of crumbling buildings and torn up streets. She led me down a couple more blocks to a group of buildings that were standing intact and looked like they were recently repaired. There was a military staff car parked outside of the building we entered. We climbed the stairs to the second floor.

"This is my flat," she said, unlocking the door with the number 22 on it.

"Oh, Miss Chanter! I couldn't possibly impose on you--" I started to say.

"Now, none of that. I insist that you call me Amanda. You've come all this way to find your brother, and after the way you were treated at the liaison office, this is the least I could do," she said as she opened the door.

The single room apartment or "flat" was divided into two sections. On one side was a "living room" area with a single small sofa against the back wall and two beds on opposite side walls: one near the door and the other on the far wall where the only window was located. The shade was down, blocking light from getting into or out of the flat. On the other side of the room was a small "kitchen area," consisting of a table and chairs, a small counter space for food preparation, a hot plate, a toaster and several storage cabinets and drawers.

Standing in the kitchen area was an attractive blonde who turned and smiled as I walked in.

"Hello," she said as she saw me.

"Hi," I responded, smiling.

"Miss Spellman, this is my flat mate, Agatha Brewster. Aggie, this is Morina Spellman. She's come all the way over here from America looking for her brother Morley, and doesn't have a place to stay, so I invited her here for the night," Amanda announced as she removed her cap. Her curly copper-colored hair cascaded down her shoulders to her upper back.

"Welcome, Miss Spellman," Agatha said, smiling.

"Thank you. But please call me Morina," I replied.

"Okay, Morina, but only if you call me Agatha or Aggie," Agatha insisted. She looked over at Amanda and gave her a slight nod.

"Oh! Here, let me take your things," Amanda said, as if she suddenly remembered her manners. She took my pack and placed it on the floor near the sofa.

"Morina, you look like you could use a cup of tea. Can I offer you one? I believe it's still warm," Agatha said, already pouring the tea into a cup.

My stomach growled at the mention of tea.

"I haven't had anything to eat or drink since this morning at the train station. A cup of tea would be perfect right now," I said, gratefully.

"Here you go," she said, handing me the cup.

"Aren't you going to have some?" I asked, looking at Agatha.

"Oh... I just finished a cup," Agatha replied.

I looked at Amanda.

"Uh... no. I can't... because... the um,..." Amanda looked over at Agatha.

"Caffeine in the afternoon keeps her awake at night," Agatha said, smiling pleasantly.

I took a sip. It was barely warm and tasted fruity, and it reminded me of blackberries and plums.

"I've never tasted anything like this. It's very good. What kind of tea is this?" I asked, taking another sip.

"Oh, it's a special brew I made myself. I'm glad you like it," Agatha said, looking at me, then looking at Amanda.

I didn't realize how thirsty I was, and I quickly drained the cup. All the while, Agatha and Amanda were watching me drink the tea.

"Would you like a second cup?" Agatha asked.

"Why, I..." I started to say, but I began to feel funny. My muscles seem to tighten up and my skin felt very sensitive and warm.

"Are you alright?" Amanda asked.

"I'm feeling warm and... strange. What was in that tea?" I asked. The tea cup felt heavy in my hand, and I was having difficulty staying on my feet.

"Let me take that for you," Agatha said, taking the empty teacup out of my hand and placing it on the table.

"Let's loosen up your shirt," Amanda said, reaching for the buttons on my uniform and began unfastening them.

"You must be tired after your long trip, why don't you sit down on my bed over here," said Agatha as she led me towards the bed by the door.

"I don't know what's happening. My arms and legs feel heavy, like it's hard to move them," I said, as I sat down on the bed.

Amanda had my shirt open and was working on the last two buttons while Agatha was working on removing my skirt.

"What? What are you doing?" I asked, bewildered.

"Aggie, I can't believe you were able to brew that potion so quickly. You must have started right after I called you," Amanda said as she was removing my shirt.

"I had just finished the office work when you called and I was able to pick up the ingredients I needed on my way here," Agatha replied, as she slipped my skirt down around my ankles. "I also added a bit of lust potion to the immobilization potion. This interrogation shouldn't take too long."

"You and your lust potions. I'd rather we stretch these sessions out and have a little more fun with this one. She is a bit of a looker, and I can't wait to see what's hiding beneath this bra," Amanda said as she tossed my shirt on the floor.

"You're witches! What kind of potion did you give me? What are you doing to me?" I asked. I couldn't move my arms or legs to stop them from undressing me.

"She told me she flew a B-17 across the Atlantic and then took the train in from Liverpool by herself and slept in Euston station overnight," Amanda said, examining my black cat pendant. Despite the fact they were undressing me, they were talking amongst themselves as if I wasn't there.

"What an absurd narrative for Nazi Intelligence to use to try and infiltrate our organization. You'd think they would come up with a more believable story than that," Agatha agreed.

"Hey, look at this!" Amanda exclaimed, slipping the pendant over my head, and holding it up for Agatha to see.

"Leave that alone!" I said. I tried to grab the pendant, but I was unable to move my arms.

"Well, that's an interesting detail. We've underestimated the Jerry's research if they can come up with something like that. Lee has one just like it. I wonder how they found out about him so quickly?" Agatha asked.

"Lee? You know my brother Lee? Where is he, what have you done to him?" I asked, panicking a bit.

"We'll ask the questions here, fraulein," Amanda said, as she placed the pendant on the table.

"Nazi Intelligence really did their homework when they sent this one over. Her green eyes and the brown hair are the same color as Lee's. Even the details of the pendant look authentic. I wonder how they got their information?" Agatha asked as she swung my legs around, so I was now lying on the bed. She reached for my panties.

"I'm sure she'll tell us soon enough," Amanda replied smiling, as she reached around to unfasten my bra.

"Stop! I'm not a Nazi spy. I'm an American. What are you doing to me? What have you done with my brother?" I asked in a panic.

"She is a pretty thing," Agatha said after slipping my panties over my hips and down my legs.

"That lust potion works fast. Look how erect her nipples are already!" Amanda said, removing my bra.

My boobs jiggled when they were freed from the bra, and the bounce send a tingle up my spine and down into my clit. I've always had sensitive breasts, especially my nipples, but they've never tingled just from taking off my bra.

The two women had me spread eagle on the bed, my arms were over my head and my legs were parted. I felt Agatha's breath on my inner labia.

"Stop! Please let me go," I begged. I tried to move my hips and torso, but without the ability to move my arms or legs, the effort was fruitless.

"This shouldn't take too long. Her clit is swollen, and I can already smell her arousal," Agatha said from between my legs. I clenched from her warm breath against my pussy as she spoke.

Amanda lightly cupped my breasts. Her soft hands against those sensitive curves sent a wave of goosebumps over my skin. A shiver ran down my spine directly into my groin, causing an incredible throbbing feeling, and I clenched again.

I felt afraid and horny at the same time.

"Please let me go. I promise I won't tell anyone about you," I pleaded.

I felt the mattress between my legs shift. When I looked down, Agatha was up on her knees taking off her top.

"Mandy, you're still dressed. You know the procedure. I think this one will make a great double agent after she tells us what we want to know," she said, looking at the woman caressing my breasts.

"Sorry, I couldn't help myself. Those boobs looked so soft and inviting," Amanda said, smiling.

She lightly flicked her thumbs across my nipples and an electrifying jolt of pleasure swept over me. My whole body flinched from the intensity, and I squirmed briefly on the mattress. Amanda chuckled and removed her hands from my breasts and stood up on her knees.

"We're supposed to be edging her, remember? Stick to the protocol," Agatha reprimanded.

I watched as both women worked the buttons on their shirts and skirts, removing their various articles of clothing one at a time. They were "all business" until it came to their undergarments, making a point to establish eye contact with me as they each removed their bras and panties in as titillating a fashion as possible, further adding to my state of arousal.

Agatha was out of her clothes first. She was gorgeous! Her breasts were not quite as big as mine, but they fit her body perfectly. She smiled when she saw me looking at her and teased me by jiggling her breast with her left hand while rubbing her crotch and fingering her clit suggestively with her right hand.

Looking up, Amanda was removing her skirt. She was already topless; her breasts were smaller, and her nipples were erect and long. Looking at them reminded me of how much my own tingled and ached for attention.

As much as I wanted to escape from my captors, my body had an overwhelming desire to be touched. No, this was more than a desire or even a need, it felt more like a hunger. My body begged them to touch me, feed me their hands, lips, and tongues in my most intimate places.

I looked down towards my feet, past my heaving chest and pointy nipples where Agatha was kneeling between my legs.

"Please," I mewled, but I couldn't honestly say whether I was asking to be released or touched.

She smiled back at me as she bent down, her face disappearing below my breasts and mons so that only the top of her head was visible.

I felt her warm breath against my inner left thigh, just before she planted a soft kiss there. Her lips on my sensitive skin radiated waves of pleasure, like the ripples on a pond. My stomach flinched at the touch. She swiped her silky tongue along my inner thigh, moving upwards towards my crotch. My pussy throbbed in anticipation as her soft, moist tongue wended its way ever closer, leaving a delicate, wet trail in its wake. I bit my lower lip to keep from moaning, it felt so erotic.

The mattress near my head shifted under Amanda's weight as she leaned over me and began to trace my right areola with her finger, just barely grazing the sides of my nipple. Both of my nipples were rock-hard and looked obscenely longer than I had ever seen them, slightly taller than the first joint of Amanda's index finger.

Looking up, I stared at Amanda's small mounds with her own two pink nips looking down at me. They were erect and swollen and seemed to strain tantalizingly against their tiny areolas. I gazed at them longingly, wishing I could wrap my lips around them and feel their rubbery firmness against my tongue. Looking at them made me think about my own nipples and how much they ached for that same attention.

I bit down harder on my lower lip. My boobs have always been sensitive, and I came once just from having them caressed, but just the slightest graze from Amanda's fingers sent electric jolts of pleasure all the way down to my groin. I trembled from the sensation.

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