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Mother & Daughter Succubi

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Things certainly bumped on this night.
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Conner woke up in a cold sweat, he looked around the darkness of his bedroom. In the corner he saw two pairs of glowing eyes. One pair were a bright purple and the other pair a dark red. His body was numb and he couldn't move. The two glowing eyes stared at him as he tried to move. He heard soft giggles come from the corner and a low soft voice of a woman. "Don't worry we're not going to hurt you." Conner could hear the laughter coming closer to him, but then it stopped suddenly. Conner tried to call out for help but no sound came forth from his mouth. He was frozen with fear and pain.

A hand reached from the shadows and grabbed his arm. It felt soft and warm, suddenly a woman appeared, but not a human. She had light grey skin that sparkled like diamonds when the moonlight hit her. Her hair was long and black with large purple eyes. Her face was narrow and she had horns that spiked out of the side of her head and bent upwards. She wore a skin tight black leathery corset that was open down the middle of her body, revealing her large firm breasts. She had a black thong on underneath it. Her legs were long and well toned. She had very big round hips. She didn't wear any shoes or anything covering her feet.

Another creature appeared beside her, this one was much younger. She had light blue skin, red hair, with red eyes and her horns curved over the top of head like the older one. She wore a similar outfit that covered her breasts more, It was tight fitting and showed off her large cleavage. She too had a black thong underneath it. Her hips were round just like the older one, with an ass you could see from the front.

Conner looked into the eyes of the two creatures before him. They seemed friendly enough, yet he was still scared stiff. He tried to speak again but only managed to make a weak whimper.

"Awe, look mother he is trying to speak," the young one, said.

"Yes, I know sweetie, maybe we should let him," the first one replied.

The mother raised her hand a moved it in a circular motion, she spoke in a weird language, then her fingertips lit up. A beam of light shot towards Conner's mouth.

"Who- who are you? What do you want from me?!" Conner yelled out, his voice cracking.

"I am Muriva" she said as she pushed her fingers on his mouth, "and this is my daughter, Vylania."

She leaned over and started kissing him. Her lips were warm and wet. His heart rate picked up slightly.

"We need your cum to sustain ourselves," she told him.

"What?" Conner asked confused.

"We're both Succubi," she explained, "we must feed every few days." She kissed his neck again while running her nails across his chest. "Otherwise we will wither away into dust."

"I- I-," Conner stuttered

Muriva placed her palm on his mouth "Hush now, Pet and enjoy yourself."

Vylania crawled on top of him, raising her hips so her voluptuous ass was in the air. She pulled down his shorts, exposing his manhood fully to the air. She was mesmerized by its size, it was huge, thick, long and veiny. It was like nothing she had ever seen before. Its head was pink, about an inch wide and bulb shaped. "Mother look how beautiful his cock is."

Conner moaned softly, as Vylania wrapped her hands around it, slowly stroking him. His cock began to twitch and grow.

"Look mother, he likes me," Vylania said, smiling and showing her sharp fangs.

"Oh he does doesn't he?" Muriva replied.

Conner gritted his teeth as he tried not to make too much noise.

Vylania stuck out her tongue, it was long and forked like a snake's. She wrapped her tongue around his shaft and began to jerk it off. Conner let out a deep breath of relief at the sudden stimulation. She squeezed his shaft with her snake tongue. He felt her warm saliva on him as she rubbed him more and more, she moved her tongue up and down faster.

"Does her tongue feel good, Pet?" Muriva asked, softly as she kissed his neck.

" feels so-good," he stammered.

Conner groaned loudly as Vylania continued to stroke him fast. His body tensed up and his cum began to ooze out from his cock.

"See," Vylania cooed, "he's cumming already."

Vylania kept pumping away, coating his whole length in cum. The feeling was intense and pleasurable at the same time.

"We're not done yet," Muriva said.

Muriva moved her head over the tip of Conner's cock and sucked on it. She didn't suck hard or anything, just lightly on the tip. Her lips were wet and smooth as she gave small gentle sucks to the head of his dick.

Conner started moaning again as he enjoyed the sensation. It was incredible to have succubi feed from you while they're sucking your cock. He had never felt like this before, he loved it.

Vylania began to jerk his shaft even faster. His balls tightened up and he felt something shoot out of his penis into Muriva's mouth, filling her cheeks full with thick creamy jizz.

"Mphm- mphm- mmmmm" Muriva swallowed everything down and smacked her lips cleanly. "You've got some nice cum there, Pet," Muriva said, "you taste pretty sweet too."

Vylania giggled and got beside Conner and began to kiss him. Muriva took Conner by surprise when she slid herself on his erection. She sat down right on top of him as she rode him slowly. Her large round ass bounced around as she fucked him, she moved her hips back and forth slowly at first, then picking up speed. He could feel every inch of her body grinding against him as their bodies slapped together. She lifted her legs up and began to squat down on his large cock, impaling herself completely onto him. The sensations sent shockwaves through his body making him scream out in pleasure.

"That's it Pet," Muriva moaned.

Conner couldn't believe how much he was enjoying being rode by the succubus. They were both so hot that he was getting very sweaty underneath her. Muriva gripped tightly to the base of his cock so she didn't fall off and started bucking harder. Conner was now able to grab onto her soft ass and play with it as she bounced away on him. His eyes rolled back and his jaw went slack as she continued slamming herself down on him.

"Does my mother's pussy please you?" Vylania asked.

"'s- it's- good...I love it!"

Vylania crawled up over Conner's chest and licked his neck while Muriva continued to bounce on his cock.

"That's a good boy," Vylania cooed, "You like watching my mother's ass bounce don't you?"

"Fuck- yes I do," Conner answered.

She grabbed his hands and placed them on her breasts, "Now lets see how you like my tits."

Conner began to play with them, cupping, pinching, rubbing all over her nipples. He loved feeling her big boobs. Her large tits were soft yet firm and they made him want more than anything in the world to suck on them. She let out a moan as he sucked her nipple. He put his other hand down between her legs and rubbed her slit softly.

Muriva picked up her speed even further, smashing down harder onto Conner as he groped and fondled her daughter's huge melons. His fingers reached her thong, pulling it down her legs. He pressed his fingers inside Vylania's wet pussy, exploring it. It felt warm and tight around his fingers. She gasped as she ground herself against him.

Muriva removed herself from his cock and laid beside him, across from her daughter. Vylania pushed her tongue into her mouth and Muriva did the same. They both began to kiss eachother deeply and passionately, their tongues swirled together hungrily, over Conners face. Muriva's strong hands roamed across his chest and stomach, squeezing at his muscles and abs. Conner could feel her claws gently scratching over his skin.

Vylania sat up and turned around. Conner was stunned when she got up on all fours. His eyes bulged out as she presented her ass to him. Her long red hair fell down her back. Conner ran his hand along her ass. It was soft yet firm to the touch.

Vylania wiggled her hips and bounced them back and forth a few times, making them jiggle beautifully for him. She looked back at him, giving him a sexy look that made his heart beat faster. He grabbed her hair with one of his hands. She took hold of his shaft and placed it on her ready pussy lips. She winked as if it was some sort of game they were playing. He felt nervous but excited at the same time. He placed his tip in her hole and slid slowly in. He stopped once he heard a moan escape Vylania's lips. His whole length went in up until his balls reached her pussy. His mind exploded in pleasure again, she was so tight he thought he might cum right away.

Muriva wrapped arms around his chest, kissing his neck as he slowly penetrated her daughter. Conner began pumping his dick in and out, listening to Vylania moan, breathing hard and fast as she enjoyed his slow thrusts.

He pulled out, only to push himself back in immediately, sliding all the way out before slamming himself inside again. Vylania groaned out loud and clawed at the sheets. She bent down, biting the sheets. Her body shook from ecstasy while she squirmed around under him. She panted heavily now, her tongue hanging out between her teeth.

Muriva got off the bed and kneeled down in front of her daughter and started running her fingers through her hair.

"Mmmm, mother- fuck... he's s-so- oh fuck- big," Vylania gasped.

Muriva smiled softly "I know my sweet. You're doing so well with him." She said, as she planted soft kisses on her lips.

Vylania arched her back as Conner slammed into her again. Her eyes rolled back as she felt an intense orgasm hit her. She let out a high pitched scream. She grabbed her mother's shoulder and they kissed passionately, their tongues entwining together. Vylania's nails dug into Muriva's shoulders and her toes curled, while her legs trembled. She came harder than she ever had in her life, making the walls of her pussy contract against his cock.

Muriva continued to kiss Vylania for what seemed like forever as Conner kept pounding away at her. He couldn't believe how much the two of them were enjoying themselves. They were so passionate and affectionate towards one another it was hard for him to contain himself anymore. His dick was throbbing so hard he thought he might come right then and there. It was almost too much for him.

Finally, Vylania calmed down and released her mother from her grasp. She sat up, licking her lips, smirking sexily at Conner, who could barely breathe. She pushed him down into his back and lowered her head onto his dick. Her mouth opened wide as she sucked on his shaft hungrily. Muriva soon joined in by engulfing Conner's balls in her warm wet mouth.

He groaned and gritted his teeth, he loved the feeling of having both succubi feeding off of him at once. The warmth and softness of their mouths felt so good. Their lips pressed firmly around him as he groaned louder. Muriva joined her daughter in sucking Conner's dick. Vylania held his base while Muriva slid her tongue around his head making him shiver with pleasure.

Muriva then put him in her mouth and sucked on him gently, giving just enough pressure that sent waves of ecstasy through Conner. She hummed lightly as she moved further and further down his length. He reached down to grab her hair and started thrusting upwards. She moaned softly and swallowed him down, taking more and more of his meat inside.

"Mother it's my turn," Vylania whined.

Muriva looked at her daughter before lifting her mouth off Conner's cock. Vylania lowered her head and began kissing Conner's dick. She stuck out her tongue and slowly licked all over the tip, flicking at the underside of the head, teasing him until he couldn't take anymore. Vylania laughed out loud and smiled at him lovingly, looking up at him with those beautiful red eyes. Her long red hair fell down around them like a curtain as she continued to make love to his hard rod with her mouth. Conner grabbed her hair and pulled on it to give himself some leverage as he pushed his hips upward forcing himself deeper into her mouth. Vylania was so deep on him now her nose was buried in his pubes. She gagged for a moment but quickly recovered from the sudden shock. He could feel the soft warmth of her throat closing around his shaft while her saliva drooled onto his skin. His toes curled as the pleasure hit him again.

"I'm gonna cum soon," he grunted.

The Succubi got on their knees as he stood over them and squirted thick streams of milky white fluid across their faces, coating their cheeks and chins with his cum. They both moaned out, smiling naughtily, their tongues hanging out between their lips. They licked up every drop that landed on their bodies, tasting him.

Muriva kissed her daughter one last time before they moved back to his cock and took turns sucking him clean. Afterwards, Conner laid on his back, sweaty and spent. Muriva sat beside him stroking his hair tenderly. Vylania kneeled before him, still naked. She leaned down, planting soft kisses all over his chest, neck, and face.

"We must leave now, Pet," Muriva said softly, pulling away from Conner's side, getting off the bed.

"Wait, no don't go," Conner begged.

The pair got off the bed and crept back into the shadows of the bedroom, leaving the room dark once again. Conner reached out for them and grabbed nothing but air as they disappeared out of sight completely.

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jkthekatjkthekatabout 1 year ago

Really a great read-sensuous and arousing

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I would really like to see a sequel to this where he joins them in eternity and becomes an Incubus

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