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Mother-In-Law May I Ch. 02

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Mackenzie delivers the proposition to her mother.
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Part 2 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 12/02/2022
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This story was partially written by JDC. I completed it and am posting it here, on this memorial account. To learn more, please see the account bio. I hope you enjoy what he started and I finished.

I'm sorry if there's a significant bit of time between posts as it's hard for me to write these sometimes.

Chapter Two

A Daughter's Proposition

"Shut up! I'm calling her right now!" Mackenzie whisper-yelled at her husband. "Keep it in your pants, lover boy."

She grinned widely at Brian just as her mother answered the phone. Brian had simply asked when she was going to confront her mother about their idea since they had not spoken of it for several days. She didn't let on that she was nearly as excited about it as he was. Though, she wasn't sure if the excitement was about taking the next step toward parenthood or a new sex adventure for them both, as kinky as it may have been. The prospect of the second aspect of the idea had yet to fully embrace her, though.

"Mother," she said plainly, "I hereby invite myself over to dinner tomorrow night. You may not say no!" she said.

Her eyes shifted to her husband and a small grin fell across her lips.

"No, he'll stay home. I think he's earned his once-per-year alone time."

Brian could hear the woman on the other end giggle loudly and immediately accept his wife's self-invitation.

"It doesn't matter," his wife stated, "I probably won't eat it anyway."

Brian's eyes widened but Mackenzie raised her hand and shook her head slightly. Brian knew they had a weird way of communicating with each other, but he didn't know what his wife's intent behind that statement was. She hung up the phone shortly after and his eyes remained fixated on her, showing slight disbelief.

"What?" she said, oblivious to what he perceived as a problem.

"I dunno, I just didn't expect you to say that."

"I would have said it regardless," she said dismissively. "Now, if you don't mind, good sir, I'd like to invite myself to your dick since I'm in the business of inviting myself to things," she loudly stated before bursting into a giggle fit.

She turned quickly toward the bedroom and began shedding her clothes along the way. Brian joined her in the bedroom where a question was asked. Mackenzie was on her back on the bed with her hand between her legs teasing her clit gently when she asked, "Do you think my mom is attractive?"

"I kind of answered that already, didn't I?" he responded, climbing onto the bed.

"Okay, do you think she's hot?" she asked, dipping a finger into her wetness.

Brian climbed on top of his wife and positioned himself, entering her just as he answered her question the best way he knew how.

"Yes, I do. I think it's natural to think she's hot when I think you're hot. Like mother like daughter, right? I find a lot of women attractive, Kenzie, but you're the one I'm with."

He slid himself deep into her and slowly moved in and out her her as she stared into his eyes while he continued.

"Having sex with your mother is something I'm not against for two reasons. One is because she is attractive and the other is because it's for our family," he said before kissing the tip of her nose.

She smiled widely and wrapped her around around his neck.

"It's only because of that last reason that I'm going to fuck her. Absent of that reason, you have no reason to think I would be with her or anyone else. Well, unless we/re inviting someone into our bed together, of course."

"Of course," she repeated happily.

Satisfied that her insecurity was resolved for the time being, they continued their session as they prepared each other and themselves individually for what could be a rocky and awkward way forward.

Mackenzie went directly to her mother's house from work the next day and let herself in. Her mother came out of her bedroom and greeted her with a hug.

"Hi, baby. How are you?" her mother asked.

"I'm," she started before hesitating, "good. I'm good."

Her mother eyed her suspiciously. Mackenzie assured her mother that her presence was not because of something bad.

"I need to air out some thoughts and get your opinion of something," she stated. "Is dinner ready? I'm figuratively starving."

"Did you not smell it when you came in?" her mother asked.

"Well, of course I smelled it but that doesn't mean it's done," she said, setting her things down next to the sofa.

"It probably is ready now, let's chit chat over some food and see what we can figure out."

Mackenzie sat and let her mother bring the casserole dish to the prepared table and she jumped right to the point.

"Mom, do you remember when I was here that one day and we came up with some ideas for ways I could have a baby?" she asked.

"Yeah, did the two of you discuss them? What did he offer?"

"We did. We sat the other day and tossed all of our ideas onto the proverbial and literal table and almost immediately tossed them all into the trash," her daughter stated bluntly and without emotion.

"Oh. So, you need help coming up with more?"

"No. We came up with another one which is the reason I'm here tonight," she told her mother as she tried to sense if her mother was at all tense or perhaps suspicious already of what she might be asked to do.

"Are you going to have me guess?" her mother asked.

"Let me first explain the some of our options were thrown out because they simply would not work. Other options had to be tossed because there was no way we could afford it. Like, a few of our ideas would required several rounds of IVF guaranteed instead of just one being likely to do the trick."

"That's not a cheap endeavor, Mackenzie. I can understand your dilemma a little more now."

Mackenzie snickered abruptly, "No, you really don't. We ended up tossing all the traditional ideas and came up with another more... non-traditional idea."

She let it go at that to see if her mother would get onboard at least somewhere along the same train track. As she waited, she looked her mother over.

"Brian was right, she is very pretty," she thought, looking over her mother's still-smooth face, bright eyes, long hair and conservative use of makeup. Her eyes drifted to her mother's chest and imagined the flesh that was being held prisoner behind the fabric. "She's probably bigger than me after having a few kids," she thought. She remembered when they were young and her mother, Amber, was very carefree and kind of a hippy in her ways; quite opposite her father. Her father used to say sometimes that her mother's parents already knew the personality of their daughter when they named her Amber.

"Sounds like you might need a surrogate, but that would still involve extra costs. A lot of people end up paying many thousands of dollars in surrogacy fees as well as living expenses for the woman who volunteers for that," Amber offered.

"Well, you're certainly on the right path," Mackenzie said almost sarcastically. "Mom, I don't want to play the guessing game all night. The only other idea we came up with was for you to do it. As you know, I want to adopt only as a last resort. I also want our baby to have my blood. We both thought of Calley but she is too far gone and too far away from reliable recovery to be an option. We both thought of you."

"Okay, you want me to carry it but I feel like you already pretty much eliminated me as a possibility because of the many rounds of IVF it would likely take at my age," Amber said after placing her fork down and resting her arms on the table with her fingers interlaced. She had a tiny inkling where the conversation might be headed but decided to continue letting Mackenzie lead with her thoughts.

"Yep," she said hesitantly, "not really talking about that path here, Mom."

Amber stared at her daughter for a moment. They were not shy about anything between each other. They had always gotten along and once Mackenzie was in her early 20's and making a life for herself, they became inseparable. Secrets were often shared and many nights were spent together doing all the things best friends would do together. She knew her daughter was there by herself because it was a moment of trust and that trust needed to not be violated. She read her daughter once again and came to the realization that her inkling was, in fact where her daughter was headed.

"Ah," she said, pointing to the invisible light bulb above her head, "the idea is to just skip the IVF route and do it the old fashioned way, eh?"

She was trying to be as lighthearted as she could while she imagined her son-in-law's role in that situation.

"It would cost nothing, the baby would have my blood, although it would technically be my half-sibling, and there's nobody I would trust more," Mackenzie said in a desperate tone.

"Oh, I realize all that but you have to understand completely what you're asking of me. You want my son-in-law to have sex with me," Amber stated firmly while at the same time sounding like she was asking a question.

"I do."

Amber leaned back in her chair and slumped slightly at the prospect of having her son-in-law's cock inside her with the intent of knocking her up. She felt her body respond to the idea. The images in her head became explicit as she began to imagine Brian in a new way. Never before had she entertained the idea of sexual intimacy with him. It was new and it was beginning to be an exciting prospect but she needed more information.

"Let's set aside the fact that you essentially want to inject me into your intimate life. You're asking your husband to fuck another woman, Mackenzie."

He daughter smiled weakly, "Since it's imperative to this conversation, I will admit that it won't be the first time."

"What? Has he cheated on you?" Amber asked, ready to be at her daughter's defense.

"No, Mom, nothing like that. We've experimented before with another woman. We liked it!" she said, recalling the intense threesome they once had.

"Oh!"Amber responded. "Um, okay. Well, I feel you two have already worked this out. How does he feel about it?"

"He's a man, Mom," she responded, "That's not to say he would just stick his dick in any woman he could find. He likes you as you know, but he also thinks you're attractive. I think he would enjoy having sex with you, for sure, but he also wants a baby. Maybe not as much as I do, but for him, it's a double win and I'm okay with that. I just want to know if you're okay with it."

"Are you done with that?" Amber asked, pointing to her daughter's plate and utensils.


Amber stood and collected the dishes and began rinsing them off and placing them in the dishwasher as she thought about the proposal. Mackenzie sat quietly with her own thoughts. After a short while, Amber broke the silence.

"I feel as nervous about this proposal as I did the first time I had sex and I'm not sure why."

"I certainly can't blame you for feeling that way. I'm not even sure if this would help or make it worse, but I did tell Brian that I reserve the right to be present when it happens," Mackenzie informed her mother.

"Ha!" Amber yelled, "You would sit there and not only watch your husband have sex with another woman but also watch your old mother have sex?"

"Well, I don't like to consider myself a prude in the sex department, Mom. I could handle it. What if he needs encouragement that I'm still okay with everything after it's started? What if you need encouragement?"

"You realize I have not yet agreed to this idea yet, correct?" Amber turned and asked.

"Yeah, I know. I just want you to know that I've given this concept its due thought before I came here. I know what I'm asking and Brian and I have worked through our thoughts and feelings on the matter."

Amber resumed doing the dishes as her thoughts screamed through her head. Not a single one was shouting at her to stop even considering the idea. Between having sex again after so long, carrying a baby again and the taboo nature of the request, her body responded in every positive way.

"What if I said yes, what's your plan after that?" Amber asked, still facing away from her daughter.

A smile grew on Mackenzie's face.

"It would be up to you on how fast you want to move toward the act itself. If you wanted to meet with him alone first, without sex just to have a night to get to know each other a bit more; it wouldn't be an unbelievable concept. If you wanted to invite him over tonight to kind of break the awkwardness, that's also an idea I figured was available. At any rate, it's entirely up to you if you want to do this."

Mackenzie chose her words carefully as to not apply undue pressure on her mother to agree. Adoption would always be there as a final backup if all else failed.

"I'm proud of you for thinking of all these things ahead of time, Kenzie, but there's some things I wonder if you ever thought of. What about his parents? This would be quite the scandal if the truth of the matter ever came to light," Amber informed her daughter.

"Well, I know their beliefs and what they would think of us if they knew we ever even thought of this, let alone went ahead with it. Fact is, they don't even have to know about it. We could just tell them that you're the surrogate because it was cheaper and the baby would have some of my features along with Brian's. I really don't care what we tell them because at the end of the day, it's not their business," Mackenzie stated firmly.

"I know, I just don't know if you thought about it. Let's see," Amber said, trailing off after opening the door to the fridge.

She pulled out a bottle of wine and asked her daughter to get two glasses. She poured each of them a glass and got down to what she was dying to ask.

"Are talking just missionary here or is this a full-on fuck fest until the deed is done. Once done, what happens after?" Amber asked after several sips of her wine.

Neither woman was shy about the subject as they've revealed certain details of their sex lives to each other for years. It was simply a new take.

"What happens after is something I would like to tackle at that time. Pregnancy is not something I've experienced and will probably --" Mackenzie said before being interrupted.

"No, my love, I mean is he going to want to keep fucking me after the goal has been reached?" Amber blurted out.

"He asked the same question in a round-about way and I never answered him," she admitted.

"Let's work this out. Let's pretend for a moment that I am agreeing to this. He comes over, we have sex however many times is needed and we find out one day the goal has been reached. You already know that I got super horny when I was pregnant with you kids. Would we still have sex?"

Mackenzie still didn't have an answer to that question. She didn't know what to say because she didn't know which way to feel about it. There was no internal conflict about it and decided to admit as much.

"I'll be honest, Mom, I don't have feelings about it one way or another."

Amber was starting to feel the effects of the wine and said, "Besides the fact that it'll almost be like fucking my son?"

Mackenzie was feeling equally as carefree.

"Would that be so bad?" she said without thought.

Amber's eyes opened wide while Mackenzie's focus went to a new thought in her mind. She was looking directly at her mother, but her mind's eye was focused on a new scene. She said it to Brian in jest but that question to him took on a new meaning in that moment.

"Why should he have all the fun?" she asked herself and re-focused on her mother.

"Mackenzie Lynn!" Amber announced in part shock, part amusement.

Mackenzie's body was betraying her. Her face was flush and she was becoming damp between the legs. Her breaths came deeper and longer. The concept of a mother fucking her son wasn't the catalyst behind her body's reactions.

"I'm just sayin'," she replied. "I told Brian I reserved the right to be present. Why should he get to have all the fun?"

Amber attempted to pour more wine in her glass as her hand shook. She wasn't sure what she was feeling. All she knew is that she was living in a moment where things have been said that cannot be unsaid and that she is not mad about those things. Mackenzie recognized the mental turmoil her mother was experiencing and took the bottle from her hand and topped off both their glasses. She set the bottle back on the table and took control of the conversation.

"Before you get too drunk to give me an answer, what do you think of our proposal?" she asked.

"Mackenzie, you can't just skip over the fact that..." she began before being interrupted.

"Mom, that's not even a conversation we're going to have if you don't agree. Well, maybe it is, but if you don't agree to be our surrogate, then we go into the living room talk about what we need to talk about, put on a show we both know we won't watch and talk about literally anything else."

"And if I agree?" Amber asked with building excitement.

Mackenzie took a big swill from her glass and said "Then we go to your room, perhaps get a little more comfortable and discuss this."

Mackenzie recognized that she essentially proposition her mother for sex or at least opened the door to it. She stood up, carefully lifted her glass and held out her hand.

"Where are we going?" she asked impatiently, yet still letting her mother choose.

Mackenzie was experiencing a roller coaster of emotions. She wanted so badly for her mother to agree for all the right reasons. She also wanted her to agree for the one reason that was desperately driving her body's physical responses. She wanted her to also say no so they could both abandon the illicit path they were both looking down.

Amber looked up at her daughter and stood, keeping eye contact the entire time. She took her daughter's cup, finished its contents and put it back on the table.

"You're going to come to my room in five minutes. While you're waiting, you're going to tell Brian that I'll get in touch with him soon and we will go out on a date together and get a little more acquainted."

Amber took in a deep breath.

"There's still a lot about me you don't know, Mackenzie. You might just be surprised," her mother warned her before turning and walking away.

Mackenzie didn't know what she meant but followed her instructions. Brian responded positively to the news and asked when she would be home. She told him not to wait up as there was a lot to discuss. He agreed that there was and told her he would get up early and make breakfast so she could tell him all about it. She agreed, looked at the time on her phone and placed her phone on the table before walking the dimly lit path to her mother's room.

When she arrived, the door was open just enough to let the light from the room bleed out into the hallway. She pushed the door open slowly and took in an all new sight. Her mother lying nude on her side on the bed.

"Come take your clothes off and join me. I want to show you something," she told her daughter.

Mackenzie was not shy about her body but was nervous over the situation. She slowly removed her clothes and joined her mother on the bed; facing her with an equally nervous smile on her face.

"I remember when you first told me you couldn't have kids. It was certainly no time for jokes or smiling but I have to tell you, I found it ironic that nature would bless you with a hostile uterus after gracing me with the direct opposite. I always avoided getting too deep into our intimate conversations because it's only natural for people to voice their shared experiences as well as their differences when presented with a single scenario."

Mackenzie listened patiently.


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