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Mother in Law Takes Control Pt. 04

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Billy is taken to the mall to test his obedience.
3.6k words

Part 5 of the 10 part series

Updated 12/18/2024
Created 12/17/2024
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Billy woke up at 6:00 am, balls aching and bladder completely full. Recently Alice introduced the rule that Billy had to ask permission to get out of bed in the morning. All he could think about was having a full degree in engineering, held down a serious job before he go roped into his mother in laws games. She also began to make him drink so much water before bed because "hydration is important, " that he would wake up squirming with all the pee and cum built up inside of him.

She walked into his room around 6:05 holding some clothes on the hanger but Billy was adjusting to the light so he didn't see what it was before she put it in his closet.

"Mommy can I please go potty now??"

"No good morning? Just immediately with what you want? I must be letting you get away with too much."

"I'm sorry mommy! Good morning! Its so good to see you!"

"That's better but you're too late."

She sat on the bed next to him which she never does and locks his wrists and ankles into the cuffs like she did when she locked him up the first time.

"You've been a good boy recently and I thought maybe it was time for a reward but clearly you don't understand this dynamic yet."

Billy felt like crying, his cock hurt so bad and he wanted nothing more than for her to relieve his desperation. He thought she was the sexiest person in the world and couldn't stop having wet dreams about her. She put her fingers to his lips and he felt like he was melting.

She reached over to his armpit and began to tickle him mercilessly. He was writhing around trying to break free but she just wouldn't slow down. She leaned over and started to get both of his armpits for a short time before moving onto his tummy where he really began to get concerned with his bladder. He kept screaming unintelligible words trying to say he was going to pee.

Alice stopped just short of him pissing himself. "Now, Billy, if you wet the bed, I will put you in diapers. You don't get a second chance. Nod yes if you understand."

Billy nodded.

She moved down to his feet and tickled them as well until he was cramping from all the laughter. Again stopping just short three more times she finally relented. He was exhausted and felt like he was going to pass out. Alice untied him and helped him out of the bed, cuffs still on his wrist. His bedroom was upstairs with a window facing the front yard. She tied his arms above him on the hook in the ceiling. Billy was on his tiptoes and inches away from his dream. She placed her hands around his face and kissed his cheek. With that kiss, his precum started a steady stream.

Without warning, Alice opened the blinds. Everyone in the neighborhood was headed to their cars leaving for work so plenty of people had the opportunity to see Billy locked up in chastity, shaven, and thrashing around.

"What's wrong sweetie? You don't want to be seen like this? That's too bad. I'm sure everyone down there would love it. Should I call out to them?"

"Wait no! Please mommy I will do anything!"


"Yes, anything!"

"Very well. Be a good boy and no one in the neighborhood will know what you are."

Alice went to the closet and laid out his outfit on the bed. A white crop top, pink mini skirt, black flats, and his cotton pink panties.

"You will hold your pee until we get to the mall. Then you will go potty when I tell you to, do you understand?"

"....yes mommy."

"Get dressed, I'll be waiting for breakfast."

Billy got dressed and made breakfast for them, squirming as she had him drink another glass of water. On the drive, Billy was in the backseat as usual while Alice drove. Alice didn't say much and neither did Billy but he was freaking out. He didn't know where they were going, but it was outside of town. He was dressed in a ridiculous outfit and really wanted to go home. He didn't understand why, but his dick never felt so horny in the cage then it did at the moment.

They pulled into the parking lot of the busiest mall in the big city 45 minutes away from the house. Alice parked in front of the entrance but in one of the parking spaces.

Billy crossed his legs and tried to hunker down trying not to pee or cry.

"Billy, get out and come around to my window."

He sat for a minute and Alice let him gather his courage. Billy opened the door and stumbled his way to Alice's window. She rolled the window down and smiled. "Bend over at the waist, we have to put your makeup on. That way no one recognizes you."

Billy's mouth dropped open.

"But mommy I'm wearing a miniskirt and my pink panties, everyone will see!"

"Do you want me to put a diaper on you instead? I can change you in front of everyone at the entrance."

"No! Ok ok ok ok."

Billy bent over and noticed she didn't have the bag of makeup out yet so she smiled, staring deep into his eyes, and then started looking through her purse slowly finally finding the bag. It must have been 15-20minutes of Alice putting his makeup on.

"Hmm. Yes. This will do. Let's go."

Alice crawled out of the car and handed Billy her purse. Alice then grabbed his other hand so he couldn't cover up at all.

As they walked toward the entrance, many people stared and took pictures of Billy. At the entrance, Alice stopped and started looking into her purse while Billy held it. Billy wanted nothing more than to move as quickly as possible. She said, "Pucker your lips." He complied and Alice applied a bright pink lip gloss to his heavily done face to accent his salmon eyeshadow.

"Perfect. Do you feel pretty?"

People slowed down as she said this out loud. Alice waited patiently for her answer.

"Mommy please!" Billy whispered

"Do I need to change you here?"


"Then answer me."

"....Yes, mommy. I feel very pretty."

"Good sissy."

People's mouths were covered and stifled laughter echoed across the cement. They made their way to the bathroom, Billy sighed in relief but quickly got nervous when Alice lead him into the womens restroom.

"Mommy! Mommy wait!"

"Stop it! You're a sissy, you have a right to use the woman's restroom, it can be fun or it can be mean. What do you choose?"

"....please can it be fun mommy?"

"Good sissy."

Billy dropped his head and went with Alice into the women's restroom. Luckily no one was in there. They took one of the stalls but before Billy could sit down to relieve himself, Alice sat down first, ordering him to turn around. Billy obeyed but started a potty dance as he heard his mother in law go to the restroom. As Alice tortured Billy, she pulled his panties down all the way to his ankles, exposing his asshole.

She tickled his butt cheeks giggling the whole time.

"You better be quiet or someone's going to hear your voice."

Alice stood up and flushed before turning Billy around and saying

"If you disobey me, even one time today, I will pull your panties down, put you over my knee and spank your bottom till it's bruised. I will invite other people to participate and I will diaper you and remove your skirt in the middle of this mall. I will not hesitate. Do you understand me?"

"...yes mommy..."

"Good sissy now, I am going to humiliate you today. You've been training for this for months. This is a test. Pass and you will get a reward, fail you will be punished."

The door to the bathroom opened and a group of women came into the bathroom. Billy froze and didn't know what to do.

"Do you have something to ask me sissy?"

The room went silent and Billy's eyes widened as he realized his situation. He shook his head no and quickly Alice pushed him to the side and opened the stall door.

"Hello, ladies. I have a sissy boy here who needs to learn to follow rules, would any of you like to watch or participate?"

Billy thought he was going to die. The girls looked at each other, giggled uncomfortably before one of them said

"Hell yes we do."

They all screamed with glee and made their way to the stall where Billy was caught with his panties down. They all burst out laughing seeing this grown man in such a ridiculous outfit.

"You're fucking kidding right?" Said the blonde in yoga pants and sports bra

"Jesus Christ I thought you pervs were a myth!" Said the black curvy woman in a similair outfit.

"Dude look how red his face is!" Said the brunette in her spandex CrossFit shorts and crop top.

"Billy," said Alice, "Lift up your skirt."

He looked at her with shame and a heart rate at near maximum. With this stunt Alice pulled though, he knew he couldn't risk another fuck up. He grabbed the end of his skirt and slowly lifted up, exposing his tiny pink cage and purple balls.

All of their jaws dropped at once. Phones came out and Alice told him to stay still. They made him pose in various positions while he tried not to cry.

"Ladies, this sissy has not been allowed to pee all morning. Do you think he has been good enough to earn the right to use the potty?"

They deliberated among themselves and unanimously agreed he should be able to use the potty but he can't be trusted to be by himself.

Alice nodded and told him to go ahead. He sat down quickly but had a hard time peeing. His clit strained in its cage among these three beautiful women and his sexy mother in law while being humiliated. One of the girls, the blonde walks over and slaps his hand away from the cage and pushes his cage down for him.

"Come on, I know you can't pee because you're hard...kind of hehe. So I'll help you out."

Her finger was on the cage itself but it's the most human contact he's had outside of Frank and it drove him wild.

"Billy, you have 1 minute to pee or I'm putting your diaper on you."

Billy panicked and wasn't sure how he was going to pull it off. Especially when the girl kneeling in front of him started pulling her bra down so he could see her cleavage.

"30 seconds."

Billy closed his eyes and concentrated as hard as he could. Finally, when Alice started counting down from 10, a stream started coming out and the ladies laughed out loud at the sheer amount that came out.

The blonde got up and Alice handed her phone to her. Apparently, they discussed the possibility of sissy sitting the sissy when Alice wanted to leave the house. Alice also told them they were there to shop for bikinis for Billy to wear to the beach and they were kind enough to offer their services.

The girls made sure to fix Billy's makeup and rub some good-smelling lotion all over him before two girls grabbed each of his hands while Alice and the other girl led them to their next spot. Billy was driven wild by their hands all over him with the lotion. He leaked a lot into his pad.

The girls were being particularly loud drawing a bunch of attention towards them. His cock was straining in the cage as they beautiful women flirted with big strong men right in front of him. Introducing him as a sissy to them. They even pulled his skirt up showing his panties to a couple of guys. They pulled his panties away showing his pink cage and Billy tried his best not to cry as he was teased by everyone.

He was pantsed a couple of times and the girls would just keep walking as his skirt stayed around his ankles. They pulled them up right before they reached the food court. Billy was starving after having gone through so many stores and not eaten since early in the morning.

Eventually, they decided to order him some chicken nuggets, fries, and Ice cream. He thought he would sit down normally and eat his food in peace but of course he couldn't. So Alice made him sit in her lap as the girls cut up his food for him, testing the temperature and feeding him little bites at a time. They would intentionally miss so he would get all messy.

Some people came over to flirt with the girls commenting on how cute Billy looked in his outfit. Others took pictures with him. Alice told them a made-up story about Billy begging her to make him a girl and not let him be a boy anymore. He felt so helpless and pathetic.

Eventually they got up and took him to a famous store with a plethora clothes for Billy to try on. The saleswoman there covered her mouth with shock as Alice talked to her describing the situation and asking if she wanted to help. Surprisingly, she said yes they would love to help.

Billy was taken back to the bikini section red as he's ever been. The girls were all talking and then the saleswoman said

"Ladies, let's all pick two we think would look good and then have a fashion show. It doesn't have to be from here, put it on my card everyone has 30 minutes then we will all meet back in the dressing room. Ok?"

Everyone readily agreed, except for Billy. He tried to pipe up,

"Wait! No! I don't want to try them on. This has been humiliating enough today being paraded around, I'm not some toy! I'm a boy and I want to be a boy and I want to leave." Tears were forming in his eyes and Alice said

"Awww look at the sissy, is she gonna cry?"


"Oh big voice for such a sissy girl!"


They all kept laughing and Billy was getting mad until he saw Alice pull it out

"Are you ready sissy? Or do you want to rethink this?"

"Is that a diaper?" One sales lady asked

"Oh my god it's so pink!"

Billy just froze. He shook is head quietly and looked down.

"Billy, what do you say for your outburst?"

"....I'm sorry..."

"I'm sorry what?"

"....I'm sorry....mommy."

The laughter doubled. Alice suggested he be put on display while they shop.

"In the window? Oh this is too good." Said a saleswoman.

She's been the most brutal of all of them besides Alice. Muscular legs, perfect tan, b cups, and thick ass. Billy was enamored with her. He'd almost dropped to his knees when he saw her.

They dragged him to the window and tied his hands above his head so his skirt lifted showing his pink cotton panties. The girls waved at him and then dispersed while Alice waited outside the window pointing him out to everyone passing by.

The 30 minutes passed and Billy was happy to get out of the window. They headed to the dressing room area. They gave him instructions and they all waited in the main area of the store with chairs. Any new customers were allowed to join the show. Billy had 6 swimsuits to try on and none of them looked modest.

Billy looked at the 6 swimsuits and felt himself strain in his cage but also blush really hard knowing they were inviting more people to watch. The longer he took to change the more people in the audience there would be.

He look through them and picked out the pink one with drills around the edges giving him a little more cover than the others. He folded his clothes on the bench and slid up the bottoms noticing his cage didn't exactly bulge out.

They were cheeky but mostly covered everything. The top was a little complicated but he got it on. They knew their sizes well because it fit snug on him. His smooth skin felt even more exposed as he walked out of the dressing room seeing the ladies with about 5 extra mom-looking types sitting out there with him.

They all laughed and pointed at Billy who kept inching closer but he felt like he was walking in cement. Alice walked over confidently and grabbed his arm saying

" future son in law!"

They all lost it at that point. Alice commanded Billy to turn around all different directions and to strike poses including grabbing his ankles and arching his back.

"See, he is just a slutty sissy isn't he? It didn't take too much practice for him to get that down did it?"

Alice shooed Billy back to the changing room. He grabbed the smaller pink pair that was just a string bikini. Quickly he walked out and they proceeded to do much the same except Alice invited them all to inspect him. All of those hands pinching and touching him got him incredibly horny. Especially as Alice would brush against his cage "accidentally".

He gets to the last bikini very flustered and feels so horny he was bucking his hips in the air. The last one was white, cheeky with a tube top. The most revealing one yet. He got it on and was grateful it was almost over.

He stepped out and everyone applauded and started to inspect him. This time some of the girls started playing with his nipples making him almost moan and then Alice said

"Billy...did you pee yourself?"

His face turned red and he stammered saying "no! No of course not!"

Alice said "Then why is it wet in your crotch?"

Billy looked down and saw the stain from the precum and the other women were laughing looking at it.

Billy said "No, it's pre...precum..."

Alice replied with a smirk

"It can't be any kind of cum. You cannot get an erection with your cage on. What did I say would happen if you wet yourself?"

He started to have tears stream down his face and couldn't get the words out before she said


Billy lay down and the women circled him in the middle of the store. Alice pulled her diaper bag over and had the most evil smile. She squatted down pulled off the bikini bottoms and backed off so everyone could see his small pink cage.

"Behold...our sissy's clit!"

Everyone burst out laughing making Billy cover himself up. Alice slapped his wrists and gave him a stern warning. Phones came out and pictures were taken.

"We need to clean your small clit before putting a new diaper on. No cummies ok?"

Billy turned red knowing how excited he was at being unlocked. She knew it too.

"Oops. Looks like someone's excited for her diaper! Look how much it's squished inside!"

Everyone squatted down and now no one will believe Billy about how much he hated this. He covered his face for a moment before one of the girls held his hands behind his head.

"No no bad sissy! We don't want you touching yourself."

With some effort, Alice unlocked the cage making his member pop out, even if it was just a mere 4 inches before, it seemed smaller now.

Rock hard it's pointed straight to the ceiling. Alice lets everyone look and laugh before she brings out the first wipe and starts with his legs and pubic bone. Billy squirmed under the physical contact he had been deprived of. He surprisingly felt an orgasm building.

She lifted his legs up and started cleaning his ass before aggressively cleaning his asshole making him squeak and moan.

"Does the sissy like her bum being cleaned? What a little slut!"

The ladies laughed again seeing Billy turn flush from horniness. Alice put his legs down and pushed his knees apart. More precum leaked out.

Billy felt himself about to cum but didn't want to say anything. At least he could cum? The wet wipe came to his balls and it took less than a second before he squeaked and started cumming.

The girls gasped and Alice watched his cock twitch and drip out cum. She has ruined him and she's never felt more proud of herself.

"Uh oh....looks like I have a disobedient sissy on my hands. Ladies, in two days you are all invited to my house to watch his punishment. Invite anyone you wish. For now..."

Alice forcefully pushed the cage onto his hard penis until he was screaming in pain from her forcing his penis to shrink. She scooped up the cum after locking his penis into the cage and made him eat the tiny puddle. It did not relieve his balls but he knew she wouldn't let him cum anytime soon.

A pink ABDL dress was pulled out from the fetish shop that didn't cover his diaper and Alice allowed all the women to take as many pictures in any pose they wished with the sissy. He was dragged through the mall being shown off to anyone who asked before they finally left the mall.

Alice locked him into the car before driving away FaceTiming Elle to tell her of all the things that happened at the mall and showing her what her boyfriend has turned into since her going away. She laughed and then described all the sex she'd had with other men and women making Billy cry.

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kittyward74kittyward74about 2 months agoAuthor

I won't respond to every comment that the anonymous person has posted on every Mother in Law Takes Control Story. I will just respond to this one since this seems to be the most divisive one.

I am not saying that because it is the other way around, it makes it okay. The commentary on maledom being just as cruel isn't a pass; it's just to say I am approaching it with the same nonchalant care for the sub or the opportunities for a sub to escape that is never addressed in maledom stories. Clearly, people like the maledom stories enough when it happens. I just wanted to see what would happen if it was in reverse. Many people have liked this story and a few have commented that they find it disturbing. I was just pointing out I found it interesting how people received this story.

Some people do not find Alice compelling just like I do not find most maledom Doms compelling. That's fine. Alice is manipulative and Billy is weak-minded, that is the whole thing. Alice see's through Billy's facade and is making him into the submissive crossdresser he really wants to be.

I am not saying the story cannot be criticized, I wouldn't post a story if I wanted no one to criticize a story.

However someone takes it, it is up to them. All I am doing is telling my side of why it is written in this specific way that some people love and some people hate. I'm just sometimes surprised how some of the comments seem very heated but I never see that in the maledom stories when similar stories are occurring. Yours does not seem as heated as others have been, I've just been surprised at times about it.

I would agree that I would redo it a little differently now that I have written a few more stories to make it more engaging. Alice would still be cruel as she is but I would include more of Billy's mindset and what he was thinking. I skipped over those trying to show that he was into it rather than delve deeper into it. I also skipped over the whole backstory of Alice that I have in my mind of her being a cruel business woman who is a rich brat. These are stories I posted about 2 years ago with a little bit of editing.

I do not do play that is actually non-consensual. I was trying to point out that I like humiliation a lot and sometimes I cry but I like that part of it. When I do switch, I am nothing like Alice. I agree with everything you're saying about a dom and sub relationship, I just threw those out the window for this story to tell it in a particular way.

Not everyone is going to like these stories, but that is ok. This series is experimental, short windows of an a manipulative rich dominant, and alpha boy turned submissive relationship where Billy finds out he prefers to have someone tell him what to do and how to do it rather than being the one in control. As everyone can tell, they are short stories about their "adventures" rather than a whole narrative. I decided to leave some stuff out and get to the "action" rather than spend time extrapolating some of the details that I think would have made more people enjoy the story. Anyway, thank you for the comments, positive and negative.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Feel free to disregard this comment if you wish, these are merely my thoughts.

I'm going to address the author and toalldays with this as well as the anonymous commenter mocking whackadoodle for "being upset about a made up erotic story".

While I respect the authors intentions I'll say point blank, a maledom story that did similar to this or the same, even with the submissive also being male like in this story wouldn't be any less of massive abuse, or more acceptable.

It's not the fact she's a female dominant it's the fact she clearly isn't a person that should be entrusted with that kind of power over another human being. The fact she involved MULTIPLE strangers with zero consideration beyond her own screams that like a fog horn, what would she have done if one of them got violent? From how things have been going likely put the blame on him since he went out like that in public.

The fact you've done play before doesn't actually make this story sound better, frankly it's more concerning because do you actually know how to properly care for someone in that type of relationship, even more worryingly for yourself.

Alice isn't 'taking care of his needs' she actively seems determined to ignore them until shes had enough fun to bother allowing them.

As for being vulnerable, has he apparently been nothing but that in his situation so far, he's had as much autonomy stripped from him as possible short of being chained to the bed on Alice's house. His reward for albeit unwilling but still submitting to her demands? Continuous humiliation and mockery for doing exactly what she asked, by her, her daughter who supposedly is meant to be in a relationship with him, and any random stranger or person his mother in law decides to involve in the destruction of any sense of self worth or independence.

What little affection he receives is just enough so that she feels he'll continue to comply with her wishes, so she can hurt him more. No expressing praise for being obedient, how well he's doing, how pleased she is for following her orders, or asking how he feels or if he liked doing anything, or what parts he enjoyed.

Dominance can be extremely comforting and freeing to the dominant as well as the submissive, but there has be the underlying understanding that the dominant isn't just interested in the submissive following everything they say. The submissive needs to know the dominant is not only aware of but looking out for them, as well getting just as much enjoyment from the submissive wanting to follow their commands, as the commands actually being followed.

Alice and seemingly Elle show none of that, they seem focused solely on getting what they want. All while making it abundantly clear what Billy wants is either selfish and wrong, or doesn't matter in comparison to doing what they say.

Frankly I'm most surprised he hasn't had any kind of depressive thoughts through while going through this trauma. Obviously that's because the story didn't decide to include them, but even someone into certain kinks has a limit to what they enjoy. Especially if they have never actually participated in said kink before, even if they discover some interest.

Overall yes this is 'a made up erotic story' but why exactly would that make it immune to criticism? Fictional works that involve sexual content from the level of none to being the focus of its creation, just like all work put out by creators are subject to such.

Posting them in a public place, for public consumption and by extension input, if not what you want, either as a creator or one who enjoys the work, why be surprised when it happens?

To finish you may be surprised that no actually I don't dislike femdom stories, or feminization stories, humiliation is mixed for me and abdl is something I'd prefer to avoid, but in this instance is on the milder side so tolerable. I actually appreciate stories with themes similar to this, where femdom is used to change a submissive man into a woman. Caveat being said woman is worthy of submitting to, because I could see myself doing so with the right partner. In this instance I don't see it, both Alice and her daughter don't inspire any sort submissive urges or pride.

They clearly give off an attitude of entitled self centeredness, which wouldn't make anyone strive to serve and please them. If all you get for your efforts is disdain and mockery why bother? They seem to me like children mimicking what a far more experienced adult does when exercising power. The vague idea is there but the correct application and control is lacking, so they miss the mark.

A mistress like a queen or even a goddess is nothing without those below her, same applies for the male counterparts. Those below need those above, but to forget such goes both ways reveals how unsuited, and more importantly unworthy the one in control is.

If you made it to this point or merely skipped to the end I thank you for your time, I don't hate this story but believe it needs some work to make it more engaging. It could most certainly pull the reader in even further and at least provides me personally with enough interest to see what our MC will endure next and whether they will break fully.

ToalldaysToalldays3 months ago

The story has been very entertaining, painfully humiliating and hot đŸĨĩ. And those who are not separating between fantasy and reality, kink and real life - find something else to read. I think the story plot is excellent, it contains the stuff many of want to include, to read and be an observer - or to be the subject and exposed to some of these things. I am looking forward to new chapters - still a few to read đŸĨ°.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Has been so interesting from the very beginning... dominance and femdom, but by the mother-in-law, not some impersonal dominatrix. And although passive and submissive he's obviously completely taken with her sexually. Laying out women's clothing for him was very hot for me. And he admits how he's taken with her when he tries to deny that he peed, claiming it was precum. Like just being in her presence can actually cause his cock to start pulsing..Being actually sexually attracted to a mother-in-law is like exquisitely hot. When staying with my first wife's parents for a brief summer getaway, I accidentally came upon an extremely sexy black bra in the laundry room. I didn't hear her coming as I held it up to look at the delicate, intricate, lacy cups. She never said anything about it, but she had seen what I was doing. She just stared, and also made a point to deliberately divert her glance slightly so she could stare at my erection...She had really tight and obviously expensive designer jeans on too, so much sexier than her daughter...


kittyward74kittyward743 months agoAuthor

It is fascinating to see everyone's reaction to this part of the story. Some parts are supposed to be implied, and maybe they are not as clear as I would like them to be. I am going to try to put some context and see if it helps even though I know it will still fall short in my heart as to why I am writing the story like this. I am going to change some of the stories in the future to try to alleviate some of the concerns, I am making it too slow of a burn it seems like.

1.) I am looking at femdom in a different lens. I am approaching it as a experiment to see how it goes for the woman to be more sadistic psychologically like a man is physically in these D/S scenarios we see in erotica and in porn. Alice is cruel, yes, way more cruel than most femdom people read. That is intentional. Alice is approaching this young man who is supposed to be implied as trying to be dominant in his relationship with Ella and showing him that he is actually quite submissive naturally. She starts with blackmail because she cannot physically outmatch him. MAybe this does not fix it for you, but at least its explained.

2.) Yes, Billy is enjoying this. Every scenario he is horny. I mention how she teases him and how she has reprogrammed what he finds sexually attractive based on him no longer being able to watch porn or see other women naked. He is now sensitive to any skin and any attention. When I am being submissive, I like humiliation and to be bullied, sometimes I cry, but I am still horny. I know other subs who are similar to how I am. It's a kink. Also, I do not hate men. I like to sleep with men and women, this is just a different take on femdom.

3.) I could have better described Alice teasing Billy sexually so it does not just read as her being mean without any relief. My argument for why this is the case is that this is a slow build up to Billy realizing he is submissive and he does not want to be the dominant. She withholds sexual relief to reprogram his sexual desires and then she can just have fun dominating him.

Now maybe none of this makes it any better. Even though there are plenty of themes you have seen in other stories, I am trying for something a little different. I switch between being a dominant and a submissive and I find men tend to look at femdom doms to be vending machines for an orgasm rather than to be vulnerable and let the dom take care of their needs. This is not a vending machine femdom story. This is trying to be a little different and make a female dom character that is like the male dom characters we have seen in lots of stories and porn. I hope you give it a chance.

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