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Mother's Window Ch. 04

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Mother decides to seduce her son.
2.2k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 04/23/2023
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All day long I was trying to think of the best way to approach Thomas about our feelings. It was going to have to be one of two ways. Either I'm just going to come right out and confront him, or I'd have to give him subtle hints. I've never really been one to beat around the bush so I figured I'm just going to open up about it. I wasn't sure when I'd do it, but I had made up my mind I was going to do it. I wanted to have as much fun with Thomas as I could before summer was over.

That night we both went to bed fairly early. I was horny just thinking about the whole situation. I was also turned on already thinking about my plan for tonight.

I went straight to my bedroom and stripped naked and got on my bed. I wasn't sure how long Thomas usually waits before he comes to my door so I just spread my legs and started slowly playing with myself. I watched the doorway closely waiting to see Thomas's shadow appear. It wasn't long before I saw his shadow show up and knew he was at my door spying on me. I kept my slow movements up, just lightly rubbing my pussy. I was nervous about what I was going to do and was stalling for time, and I wanted to be sure my son was very worked up.

I scooted my hips around a little bit so it was a direct view between my legs from my doorway and I slipped my finger between my lips. I slid it up and down the length of my slit, spreading the moisture from my hole all up and down. I then used two fingers to spread my pussy lips wide open and with my other hand I started diddling my hardening clit. Thomas must have a great view right into my spread pussy. I let go of my lips and started plunging my fingers into my wet hole while still rubbing my clit.

I was getting very wet now and the wet sounds of my finger fucking were getting loud. I was getting so turned on that my son was just feet away watching me pleasure my pussy. A few minutes ago I thought I was going to back out of my plan, but now I was so horny, I didn't care. I needed to get fucked badly! My whole body was tingling and I got a bit light headed as I put my plan into motion. I slowed the movements of my hand and spread my lips open again to make my pussy look inviting.

"Thomas, are you just going to stay out there, or come give Mother what she needs?" I blurted.

A moment went by and I thought he had left, but then I noticed his head slowly peek into my door. My whole body flushed as I watched my son step into my room, cock in his hand, staring at my wide open pussy.

"M...Mom?" he stuttered.

"Come over here honey, mommy needs your big cock right here" I motioned between my legs as I said this.

Thomas slowly walked over to the foot of my bed. His eyes were open wide in a surprised look and he was staring right at my spread pussy.

"Don't be shy honey, I know what you've been doing these last couple weeks. I know you already fucked me while I slept. Now I want you to fuck me again so I can enjoy it" I said.

"Are you sure mom? I'm so sorry for what I did. I didn't mean to, I just couldn't help myself" Thomas said as he seemed on the verge of tears.

"Honey, no, please I want this. It's ok, I want you to take me now, please" I said.

Thomas looked back at my pussy and stepped forward to the bed. He leaned over me and put his knees on the bed. I lifted my legs and spread them wide so he could slide his hips closer. Thomas slid himself closer to me and held his cock out guiding it to my pussy. He looked up at my face again, as if asking permission.

"Do it baby, fuck your mother!" I cried out.

With no further urging, Thomas thrust his hips forward, pushing the head of his cock up against my pussy. He used his hand to slide it up and down my slit to get it slick with my juices. He found my hole and slowly pushed himself inside of me. When he was fully inside he grabbed my legs and started fucking me. When his cock was almost out of my pussy he would yank me back to him plunging his length all the way inside. His thrusting was getting faster and my tits were bouncing back and forth with his motion.

I couldn't believe my own son was fucking me right now, and I loved it! I looked up at his strong body, his stomach muscles flexing each time he thrust inside me.

"Oh Thomas, fuck me baby, fuck me hard, please!" I cried out.

"Oh my God mom, your pussy feels so good around my cock" he replied as his pace started to quicken.

I wanted this to last but I felt my stomach starting to churn and I knew I wasn't going to be able to hold back. As I thought this, Thomas began thrusting harder into me. His hips were slamming into my ass hard enough it must have been painful for him. I looked up at his face and his mouth was open, a low growl was coming from him.

"Oh God mom, I'm going to cum!" he said.

"Yes baby, cum in your mother's pussy, yes!" I cried out as I felt my pussy clamp down on his cock and my orgasm start to wash over me.

I felt a warm feeling inside my pussy as Thomas started to cum inside me. I reached out and grabbed his ass and pulled him into me tight and held him there as his cock pumped my insides full. He let his body fall to mine, his hard sweaty chest smashing my breasts. He brought his lips to mine and we kissed hard as we were both getting off at the same time. Thomas started thrusting in and out of me again, his cum was all spent but he stayed hard and just kept fucking me.

We were kissing passionately, exploring each other's mouths with our tongues. Thomas had his arms hooked under mine and his hands were cupped on my shoulders so he could hold me tight as he pounded himself into me hard. He lifted his head and lowered it to my breasts and took a nipple in his mouth. He was taking control now, fucking me how he wanted to and I was loving it.

"Oh yes Thomas, you're fucking me so hard, I love it" I said in a hoarse voice.

"Oh yes mom, your pussy feels so nice, you like that big cock filling it up? You like your son fucking you hard?" he said in an aggressive tone.

"Oh baby, you're a fucking stud, mommy likes you fucking her hard like that" I managed to say between my son's powerful thrusts.

Suddenly Thomas stopped and I started to reach down to his ass to pull him into me but instead he got out from between my legs and came to the head of my bed. He jutted his hips out, cock pointed at my face and said "Suck my cock mom, suck it good."

I didn't hesitate, I wanted to taste my son's semen straight from the source and this was it. I scooted to the edge of the bed and took his cock in my hand. I gripped his shaft and squeezed. His cock was so hard. I brought my face to my son's crotch and stuck my tongue out to lick the underside of his cock head. I could taste myself on him and I continued licking.

"I said suck my cock mom" Thomas growled as he placed his hand on my head and shoved my head down forcing me to take his whole cock in my mouth.

I almost started to choke and he pulled his hips back and said "Now suck it mom."

I could tell Thomas was being careful not to get too aggressive. He didn't shove me onto his cock hard. He would've stopped if I resisted. I wasn't about to resist though, it was driving me crazy how he was taking charge. I started bobbing my head up and down, taking his cock to the back of my throat and back out. I used to love sucking Thomas's father's cock and had been quite good at it. Each time I brought my head down I would let a little more of his cock enter my throat. Soon enough I was swallowing his whole cock each time, my face being pressed into his pubic hair when I was all the way down.

I slid myself off the bed and got on my knees in front of my son and took his cock back into my mouth. It felt so dirty doing it like this, submitting my mouth to please my son. Thomas had put his hands on each side of my head and as my head would start downward he would thrust his hips up until his pelvis hit my face. Occasionally he held my head from coming back up, his cock deep in my throat. I could feel his cock pulsing to his heartbeat inside my throat. He wouldn't hold me down long and would let me continue sucking.

I had built up alot of saliva from sucking and it began to drool out and off my bottom lip. It grew into a long string hanging from my mouth and was now swinging back and forth with the motion of my bobbing head. When it got long enough it would drop onto my legs and ooze off the sides or down into my crotch. I felt my pussy getting messy from this and liked it.

Thomas suddenly pulled his cock out of my mouth and started stroking it in front of my face.

"Oh yes baby shoot your cum in my face. Give me your hot seed!" I begged.

"You don't mind mom?" Thomas asked.

"Oh my God baby no, I've wanted your cum straight out of your cock for a while now" I said as he looked at me kind of funny. No doubt because he didn't know I'd eaten his cum from the floor and my leg before.

"Oh fuck mom! I'm going to cum! Suck it Mom! Suck my cock and swallow my cum, take it!" he said as the first blast shot out and hit me between my eyes.

I hurriedly opened my mouth and caught the rest of his load with it. His hips were bucking wildly and it was difficult to keep him in my mouth, but I did. I got took his whole load in my mouth and it was a lot. As his orgasm subsided he pulled his softening cock from my mouth. I kept my lips tight together so I didn't lose a drop of semen out of my mouth. I leaned my head back and opened my mouth showing my son his ample load of cum swimming in my mouth. I then closed my mouth and swallowed. Thomas's cum tasted so good, not too salty. There was always the bitter after taste but I had developed a taste for even that.

The cum that had hit me between the eyes was running down my nose and to one side of my mouth and dripping off my chin into my lap. I could smell the strong bleach like smell as it ran past my nose. I scraped what I could into my mouth and held it there for a moment, savoring the taste of my son's seed.

I stood up and lay back on the bed. Thomas was staring at my ruined body. Cum streaming down my face, a sloppy mess of my saliva mixed with his cum in my lap, matted in my pubic hair. He came and sat next to me, still breathing heavy. He laid his hand on top of my thigh and let it slide towards my pussy. This kid was insatiable.

I put my hand over Thomas's. "What do you say we save some for the next time baby" I said.

"You make me so horny mom. I'm sorry" Thomas said with a disappointed look on his face.

"It's ok baby, but mom's wore out and sleepy though, and I need to clean up a little before I go to sleep" I explained.

"Ok mom" was all he said as he sat there with a silly look on his face. I don't think he knew if he should get up and go or stay.

I sat up and said with a chuckle "Come here silly." I pulled him into a hug as I said "Go to bed sweety. I had a great time, you made me feel so good but it's time for bed." Our bodies were sticky, and as we pulled away from each other there was an audible noise our skin made as it peeled away. We both laughed at this and it eased the tension a bit.

"Goodnight mom" Thomas said as he got up to leave.

"Goodnight sweetheart, I love you" I said as he went. From the hallway I heard "Love you too mom."

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

All mothers should let their sons fuck them let them knock them up couple of times tell their sons to that I am your whore and slut fuck them anytime let their son marry them

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Was kinda hoping he'll break her ass....

OI8U2OI8U29 months ago

I always love a good mother fucking.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

If I'm fucking my mother, I'm going to whisper in her mouth...."The man in me wants to fuck his baby in you. I want to breed my woman. I want to breed my woman, my mother."

And my hope would be that she answers me...."Yes Tomas, fuck your beautiful baby in my belly. I'll give you beautiful babies Tomas. I'll give you beautiful handsome sons. Fuck your mother long and hard and give her your baby Tomas."

live4thebjlive4thebjabout 1 year ago


I recommend reading your work several times slowly and sort of read it out loud or inside your head. Some sentences didn’t make sense.

Aside from that not bad.

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