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Motorhome Adventures Pt. 01


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"Yes," I think I replied a bit too quickly, "I mean, what are friends for, right?"

She climbed over me and got under my sheet. She snuggled back into me and I took this as an invitation to spoon.

We lay there in silence for a few minutes.

"You always made me feel safe," she said sleepily.

That was the last thing either of us said. As I held her in my arms I couldn't help but notice how small she was next to my own body. She was quite a bit shorter than me and skinny too. This was probably quite a good job on the small made-up bed we were sharing.

I placed my hand on her stomach, trying to work out exactly where to put it that would make her feel held but perfectly split the difference between touching her big boobs and the waistline of her shorts. If she felt safe with me, I had no intention of putting her off by copping a feel in her sleep. On the same note I turned my hips slightly so my inevitable erection was pointing down into the bed. I'm only human after all.

Sleep came quickly and smelt like her hair.


I woke to the feeling of a hand round my erection tugging slowly and steadily. It was Rose.

Still laid on our sides, she had reached her hand behind her and was giving me a handjob. Was she asleep still? Was she awake? She wasn't saying anything or moving anything but her right arm and hand up and down.

I'll be honest, it wasn't the best handjob I've ever had, it was kind of... cautious and a bit too gentle. On the other hand it was working and I knew I could cum like this. It was also Rose's hand. The girl of my dreams.

I inched my hand lower and lower inch by inch expecting a signal to stop at any point. My fingers slipped below her shorts and onto the mound of her pubic bone. She wasn't shaved, but the hair was very short. Maybe she kept it that way as a choice, or maybe she just hadn't planned on doing anything sexual with her friend while her other friends slept in the same room - less than a room - a box on wheels.

My fingers continued their way down to the point of the triangle and traced the outline of the little fold at the front. She parted her legs just enough for me to slip round and feel the warm curve of her outer lips. Or maybe she hadn't, her movements were so subtle they could all have been in my head.

I let my fingers enjoy the feel of the lips I had longed to kiss for so long, and no, I don't mean the ones on her face. I traced the little bumps of her soft inner lips as they poked out her folds. I tried to paint a picture in my mind based on what my fingers were touching.

Her pace on my cock quickened, and I slid a finger in between the lips and ran them up to where I thought her clit would be. It was subtle but I was pretty sure I had found it.

I gently rubbed her clit and she pushed her bum back against my crotch. I was enjoying touching her as much as I was enjoying her hands on my member.

I slid my fingers back to her opening and collected some more of her juices to help my fingers slide smoothly over her clit and folds. Fuck, she was wet, and her juices were warm and thick enough to act like the perfect lubrication for my fingers.

On my next trip back to her opening she rocked her hips slightly, tilting her pelvis so my finger rested and her entrance. Did she want my fingers inside of her? That's what she seemed to be suggesting. I was only happy to oblige.

I'm always surprised by the warmth of a pussy when I first slip in. Something so welcoming about it.

I shuffled my other hand down and managed to get one hand working her clit while my finger worked inside her. I felt the soft walnut-like ridges rise beneath my fingers confirming my finger inside was working just the right spot.

The feel of the girl I was secretly in love with wrapped around my finger while I played with her clit was too much. Her hand worked the head and the top part of my shaft. My pre-cum was coating my head and with the slightest groan of pleasure from her I was over the edge. I came hard and poured over her wrist and probably the bed too. I didn't really care where it had gone though. The moment I could think again on the come down I was focused on giving her the same pleasure.

She pulled her own hands round to the front and laid one of her hands over mine and guided me gently to bring her closer.

Her other hand disappeared up her too and to one of her boobs.

Within a minute I felt her body tense up, hold for a maybe 15 seconds and then almost silently relax.

"Rose, did you?" I whispered, but got no reply. She was already back asleep.

I pulled her back in closer, this time I was not shy about where my hands went and slept with one hand down her shorts, and one hand up her too cupping the soft weighty bag of one of her breasts.

I slept deep and contentedly that night.


"Morning lovebirds."

I woke to Holly and James stood over me and Rose still laid together in bed. Fortunately by this point my hands had slipped out of her pyjamas in the night, so it was at least a PG rated site my friends were getting.

Rose woke too and pulled the sheet up around her as she sat up.

"Oh ha ha" she replied, "nothing happened, I was just cold last night and the storm and everything"

I looked at her confused, what did she mean nothing happened. I had finally got Rose not only in my bed, but stroking my cock and letting me finger her, and now it was nothing.

Maybe that was just for their benefit? That made sense. It's not like she would want to admit to doing anything sexual while our friends slept.

As we tidied away the bed, got ready and had breakfast it occurred to me that Rose was sure acting like nothing had happened last night. She was just normal with me.

Perhaps I had dreamt it? But no, she really was in my bed and my boxers showed the evidence of my cum last night. It did happen. It had to have happened. It was real, right?

We packed up and got on the road, we would be heading deep into the highlands today and finding our camping pitch for the next three nights. It was on the shores of a loch, a single pitch with a small electrical hookup, and nothing much else for miles around.

As we went to leave, James suggested I sat in the passenger seat up front today, as there may be more navigating to do and he wasn't sure a girl would be able to.

That got him a few hard stares from the girls and a shove from Holly. But I ended up in the front anyway.


We'd driven for a few hours, settling into our normal routine of alternating chatting, listening to music and playing games.

The girls in the back were giggling about something. I wondered if Rose had been telling them about last night but then, if she was denying it this morning why would that be it.

"What are you girls whispering about back there?" I finally braved asking.

"Nothing," came the chorus.

"Well if it's nothing why can't we all join in," James grinned slyly.

"Just tell them, or they'll be annoying all day," Sammy sighed.

"Fine," Holly relented, "we're helping Sammy decide whether or not to break up with Josh. He's kind of a douche but he's got a great urm... body."

"And what did you all decide," I asked.

"I said break up," said Rose, "no one deserves to be treated like shit. Holly was on the fence, but Sammy was really reluctant to give up his... thing"

It was weird hearing her by shy about saying cock or dick or even penis when she'd been stroking mine less than 12 hours before.

"Dump him!" called out James from the drivers seat, "you'll have a new boyfriend within a week knowing you."

We all stayed silent for a while, wondering if James had just been a bit too truthful.

"True," Sammy shrugged, "what do you think I should do?"

She was asking me. I thought back to the way the guy on the phone had hung up a minute after cumming while they were having phone sex. That didn't really seem like boyfriend material to me.

"I think," I started slowly, "that if he doesn't treat you right he shouldn't get the benefits of you as a girlfriend."

The girls visibly softened as I'd clearly said something kind of cute. Unfortunately I then carried on.

"And in any case, lots of people have hot bodies... I mean you can have sex with lots of people and it will feel good but if they don't make you feel... I just mean there's lots of attractive people."

This wasn't coming out right. I looked to James for an assist and he just shrugged.

"Did you just say lots of people have sexy bodies? And Sammy should have sex with lots of people?" Rose asked.

"Not at the same time," I blurted out, "unless she wants to. Obviously that's up to her. I just meant it's harder to find a connection with someone who treats you right than it is to find someone to have meaningless sex with."

"I think he's trying to make a good point," Holly added, uncertainly, "but he's being super weird and awkward about it."

"Done!" Sammy said, and we all looked at her.

"What's done?" I asked.

"I just texted Josh, and ended it" Sammy replied, "you guys made some really good points, also some really awkward rambling ones but the good points won me over."

The conversation drifted on as we meandered through country roads. The girls discussed how Sammy could make the most of being single, after the holiday was over of course. As the scenery changed to bracken and Heather covered desolate valleys, we knew we were getting close.

"Here," James said as he tossed me his phone, "can you go on my pictures. I screenshotted the map and directions to the campsite. Wasn't sure if we would get signal up here."

Sure enough as I looked at his phone it only had a single bar of signal and even that was dropping in and out.

"What's your passcode?" I asked

"0705" he replied

"Awww my birthday," Holly chimed in. Such a couple!

I flicked my way through his phone to his photos. I froze.

He may have remembered to screenshot the directions, but he'd clearly forgotten to delete or hide the last few nudes that Holly had sent him.

I lowered the phone screen so the girls behind would be blocked by my chair and turned the screen slightly further away from James.

I clicked on the first photograph.

Holly was stood in a full length mirror in what must have been her bedroom. She was wearing nothing but a tiny black lace thong over her wide hips.

My heart was in my throat and my erection instantly strained against the material of my boxers and shorts.

I had accidentally seen a slightly obscured view of her chest that one time but never like this.

Her long straight brown hair was mostly pushed behind her, exposing her relatively small breasts. Her large nipples taking up most of the space and pointing slightly forwards towards the mirror and towards me.

Her stomach was relatively flat, although her hips were wide. Her thighs were rounded and largish compared to her narrower lower legs. She was not what modern media tells us is hot but damn she was sexy in her own way. Her body kind of reminded me of one of those old nude oil paintings. Like a wood nymph or something painted to represent womanhood and fertility.

I slid to the next photo.

The thong was gone, and the picture was much more zoomed in. Her head was missing and so were her lower legs. The picture went from her shoulders to just above her knees. In the picture one of her hands was now cupping and lifting her breast towards the camera, and the other hanging temptingly close to her crotch. James must have thought he'd hit the jackpot when she sent him these. They were clearly intended for his pleasure.

I was very aware that Holly was just over my shoulder, unaware I was staring at these photos of her. Holly was not shy about sex but she was no Sammy either. She told me frankly as much about her sex life as James did, although I always wondered if he knew how open she was with me.

I hesitated. I really should just find the directions and navigate away without looking at that last photo. But this was probably my only chance and well, I'm a young guy, of course I'm going to think with my dick.

I slid my thumb across the screen.

If the first picture had been a renaissance oil painting, and the second pornography intended for James alone, then the third picture was like a piece of modernist photography art.

The full 6 inch phone screen was full of Holly's vulva. Her lips were parted slightly and looked swollen and dark coloured, almost purple. Her hair was neatly trimmed, although a little stubble had clearly regrown around the sides. Her lips were glistening wet and her pussy hole gaped open slightly revealing more pinkness and wetness inside. Her clitoris seemed enormous, and the hood pulled back slightly to reveal a pale hard nub underneath. Was this what she always looked like, or had she been rubbing herself for a long time before taking this picture? Either way it looked irresistible.

I knew from Holly (and James) that she enjoyed having oral sex being performed on her and honestly I couldn't stop imagining it. Burying my lips and tongue into the wet, swollen folds of my best mates girl. Licking and sucking and slurping my way all over her clit and back to her hole. I'd rubbed myself off to plenty of "perfect" pussies in porn, but there was something incredibly sexy, more sexy about the raw reality of this picture.

"You find it mate," James voice interrupted Me.

"Oh umm, yeah, just getting my bearings," I said flicking quickly to the map.

"Cool" James said as he focused back on driving.

"I think we're still about half an hour out," I announced to everyone, "so we should be there for a late lunch."

Half an hour. That was all I had with these photos and it's not like I could rub one out right there in the front seat. I stared at the screen, subtly and secretly flicking back to those photos and forward again to the map to give the occasional direction.

For that half an hour I stared intently at the screen, trying to sear those images into my mind forever. I looked at the full body photos too but I kept coming back to the closeup. There was something so authentically unapologetically real about it.

I was almost sad when we finally reached the gate of our camping pitch. I jumped out and punched in the code to the lock box, undid the padlock and held the gate open as James drove through. I followed the Motorhome down the track and to our home for the next 3 nights.

As James jumped out the front door I handed back his phone to him, making sure it was left on the screenshot of the directions, not on the nude selfies of his girlfriend.


On any other day the pitch would have been the most beautiful sight I had seen that day, (or maybe Rose, it's difficult to tell).

The pitch was a back to basics "semi-wild" camping experience. The trees of a small copse separated us from the outside world and the quiet country Lane we had just turned off of. On the other side was the banks of the loch. The shores were pebbly and shallow. The nearest town was miles away and we could be pretty sure we wouldn't meet anyone all week.

Hidden in the undergrowth was a small black weatherproof box, inside was an electric supply and a hosepipe for drinking water. That was it, a single pitch for a single Motorhome or caravan. Somewhere in the woods was a place to empty the Motorhome toilet, but there was no other facilities around. James had found this place on the internet and boy had he done well. It was paradise.

We started setting up camp.

The girls unloaded the camping chairs, table and a small fire pit barbecue while me and James organised our supplies inside. We had come prepared with basic, easy-to-cook food and a decent supply of alcohol, but now we were going to be parked up for a few days it made sense to reorganise it in a slightly easier to access way.

"Hey man," James said when it was just the two of us inside, "did you see anything on my phone?"

"What do you mean?" I asked

"Like anything else, in my pictures, other than the map and directions"

Oh shit, he must have gone on his phone and realised what he had left on there.

"Ummm... no" I lied, weakly

"I'm not mad, it's my fault for leaving them there. I usually move them to another folder but I just forgot and..."

I must have blushed or given it away with my face because he stopped.

"... I mean I get it." He carried on, "but I did think it was a little weird you were staring so intently at a map for 30 minutes. It's not like this place was THAT hard to find."

I relented and admitted I had seen them and that I had stared at them.

"I'm sorry man, you're my mate and I should have respected your relationship more," I said.

"It's honestly cool man," James said, "to be honest I have no problem with it what so ever, but, would you mind not mentioning it to Holly, just yet. She might be cool with it, but I would rather tell her I left them on there and not get myself in trouble."

"Of course man," I said. It's not like I was planning on telling her how turned on I was by looking at photos of her anyway.

Wait did he just say she might be cool with it? That can't be right.

"Thanks mate, you're being very cool about this by the way," I said, thinking I had better break the silence before it became awkward.

"It's actually pretty exciting," James replied, "I guess I find other guys finding my girl hot is kind of... validating I guess. Ever since she turned 18 we've been posting pictures of her online. No faces of course and we made sure it wasn't traceable. It turns out she really likes the attention, and it's helped her out a lot with her body confidence. I don't need to tell you now, she's got an amazing figure but she's still partly convinced that she needs to be slim and big-boobed, like the girls on Instagram and in magazines"

"And porn" I added in.

"And yeah, it turns out it's a turn on for me too", he continued, "Holly said there was some story of some Greek king or something and that it was pretty normal for guys even if they don't admit it."

"Candaules," I answered, " it's called Candaulism. Your best mate and your girlfriend are both literature geeks I'm afraid"

"That's it," James replied, "not something I'd know studying real subjects like science and maths. But yeah, let me just tell her first eh? She'll probably be fine about it. Maybe."

By this point I really needed to get off. But with no hint at any repeats of my night with Rose and no privacy at all, it seemed like I would have to hold on.


That afternoon we went swimming in the loch. I say swimming, the water was freezing even on the sunny day so it was more like splashing around in the water.

The cold water helped my crotch cool off a bit, but it was only just enough to offset the effect of the girls in their swimsuits.

Holly donned a dark one piece, with an open back. I had seen her in swimsuits and bikinis before but since finding those photos I found myself looking at her more often than usual. She really was very pretty, and it turned out she was also really hot (if unconventionally so by modern standards). If she had been born in the early 20th century or in the renaissance she would have been considered probably the most beautiful of all 3, but it's weird how influenced we are by culture.

Sammy wore her black string bikini again. I'm guessing we had all packed just the one swimsuit as our luggage space was small to non-existent. Her tanned and toned body bounced in the sun and somehow her bikini stayed on, for all the good it was doing.

Rose was wearing the same striped bikini she wore before, but this time without the shorts. I couldn't help but stare. Her chest bounced as she played in the water. The rest of her body was on the slim side, if anything a little skinny. Her ex (the one she had just started dating when I asked her out and got rejected) had done a number on her self confidence in the time they'd been together. She was starting to get her spark back with the way she was, but it was clear some of the demons about her body still remained. Why do hot girls always go for the guys who treat them like dicks and bring them down?

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