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Motorstorm: Morning Pass Ch. 01


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"Ahhhh...Ohhhh damn...Fuck...You're the best boss ever Love!" Billy O'Reily grunts as sweat drips down his lightly hairy body as he thrusts his cock as hard as he can up into her asshole.

Mikey slowly moves his hands off of Love's hot tits and places them on her shoulders as he slowly fucks her pussy. "Uhhh...Ohhhh fuck...God damn... I've never been so happy to be working..." Mikey moans as he tosses his head back letting sweat fly from his hair as he gives Love a hard thrust just before he starts to cum. Looking Love in the eyes, she knew what was happening and simply nodded, with the OK to cum inside of Love's hot pussy. It was too much, Mikey slowly let go of his load, spraying the inside of her pussy with his seed. Love let out a low moan and tilted her head back, closing her eyes as she felt Mikey's warm, sticky cum spray into her hot pussy. Billy managed to push his orgasm back as he continued to bounce their fiery sponsor quickly and roughly up and down on his cock as she and he both sweat heavily.

"Ahhhhh ohhhh damn...Love...I'm gonna cum soon!" Billy moaned as he slid his hands to Love's sexy slender hips as he slams his cock upward into Love's tight ass.

"Nearly there...Fuck my pussy!" Love grunted as she started to play with her tits, rolling his eyes silently Billy wanted to cum there and then!

Billy slides Love up to the top of his dick and as he slides out of her ass hole he readjusts himself and let Love fall back on his dick, completely filling her pussy. Arching her back at the surprise slightly, Love leant against Billy's sweaty chest as she grinds her pussy sharply against Billy's cock "Ohhhh Yeah...Fuck my fucking pussy!" Love wildly moans, obviously nearing her personal target. Making use of one last trick as Billy started to slam her up and down his full length he moved his right hand over to her pussy. He then started to feverishly frig her clit letting her go over the edge.

Throwing her head back, sweat flying from her now wet hair, Love just missed head butting Billy as she started to orgasm over his dick. Her pussy's contractions sent Billy over the edge. Not being able to hold it anymore Billy groaned aloud and let loose a torrent of cum, shooting deep inside of Love. Love let out a torrent of expletives as she shook from side to side from a violent orgasm. Letting out a defeated groan Billy finishes cumming inside of Jennifer Love Hewitt's wet pussy.

"Ohhhh damn...Fucking...Hell..." Billy moans as he breathes hard after double-filling Love's pussy with his and Mikey's cum.

Love smirks as she glances over her shoulder at the sweating Billy O'Reily and the equally sweaty Michael Brendon.

"Mmm...Boys that was fucking great!"

"Ohhh yeah...Fucking awesome..." Mikey moans as he licks his lips, resting to catches his breath.

Billy licks his lips and nods. "Damn...Fuck...I love this fucking team...This little session and the group as a whole..."

Love giggled as she looked at the time, ten thirty three. "Hey you boys want me to go get the Doctor now?"

Billy looked up from the gurney with a strange look on his face. "Doctor...What for?" Billy asks, Love simply pointed to the rock that had caused them to be in the hospital tent. "Oh yeah..." Billy said with a slight laugh, checking out the rock still lodged in his leg.

Mikey laughed slightly. "Maybe we should dress first...Although I don't want you to Boss" Mikey said as Love leant over to kiss him.

Love and Billy both laugh at Mikey's comment says. "Well maybe if you do a little better you can see this again..." Love said slyly as she slipped her bra back on.

Mikey smiled excitedly and nods his head. "One win coming up!" Love had now completely changed and was helping Billy get his suit back on, while Mikey got himself dressed. They each looked at each other, making sure they were decent. Love smiled and blew a kiss to the boys as Mikey moved the gurney back to normal.

"Thanks you for that Doctor, he's ready to have it taken out now." Was all Love said to the Doctor as she gracefully moved through the tent's opening.


As his team celebrated the win, the team's back up racer Steven Rios was in turmoil. After making a promise to Elisha Cuthbert, the team's sponsor, that all of the racers would make podium he would be left to race independently. Truth be told, Steve had not been happy being a kept racer, he wanted to take his own jobs and race at his own accord. However, having not checked the small print of his contract he was obliged to either stay with 'The Blaster Cannons' or be legally bound to not race for sixty days. The amount may seem measly to some but it was a lot considering he had currently no plans to fall back on. Elisha seemed to have a hatred for him as well, easily massacring Ally and Lewis' times she still put him on back up. Ever since she knew he was married and unattainable no matter how hard she tried.

Looking over his shoulder he saw Elisha make a menacing 'Come hither' look and beckoned him towards her. Kicking up the sand, Steve walked over to his Canadian sponsor and held up his hands, already in defeat.

"My trailer...Five minutes..." Elisha simply said as she turned and with out a second to spare was already away to her luxury trailer she had rented.

Looking down at his finger Steve looked over the wedding ring currently decorating his hand. Sighing, Steve rolled it around his finger. Thinking back to his heavily pregnant wife back home in Victoria, Texas. Steve made his way to the trailer, not completely sure what to expect. As he reached the door Steve lifted his left hand to knock but his burning heart prevailed. Digging into his pocket he grabbed his cell phone and pressed the number one, then hit 'Dial'.

Ring...Ring...Ring..."Hello?" Steve's wife, Colette had answered the phone.

"Hey baby it's me. How're you and the champ doing?" Steve said smoothly down the phone trying to quell his guts doing somersaults.

Shrieking loudly Colette yelled to a person Steve couldn't quite make out. "Are you alright? We saw your team's car crash...You're not going to race are you?!"

Steve smiled for the first time in hours looking at the floor he ran a hand through his black hair. "Yeah babe I'm fine...Listen, I've got something I have to do...I'm not going to be proud of it but it has to be done...I want you to know that I love you..."

As Colette tried to pry more information out of Steve he flipped his phone shut and rapped heavily on the door three times. Getting his game face on Steve heard a voice from the other side replied that it was open. Steve opened the door casually and entered, making sure to shut it after him. Mentally preparing himself for what could happen. ~If this bitch wants a fight, she's going to get one!~ He thought as he turned to see where she was.

Spinning on the spot Steve caught Elisha's eye, hiding in the shadows of the trailer. Moving forward her figure seemed to change slightly; as his eyes tried to adjust he was greeted by a voice.

"So, you like your part here do you?"

Shaking his head Steve looked at the ground, rage bubbling in his veins. "You know I'm not. Please just let me go and cut out that legal bullshit!" Steve spat out, looking at Elisha's shape who was rapidly becoming more and more super villain like.

"Tsk tsk, such foul langue in front of a lady..." Elisha said, shaking her head from side to side. Stepping forward into the light what Steve saw shocked him deeply. Elisha was wearing nothing but a white robe that she hadn't tied together. Underneath the robe Elisha had on a white tank top and a pair of black panties that were clear enough to give a hint of her vagina beneath but dark enough to keep it hidden. "Of course, you'd be leaving me a driver down and I would be very upset...Do you still want to leave?"

Steve's mouth had suddenly become dry, he struggled to make his mind think of anything but the spectacular pair of encased breasts staring him in the face. He knew he should leave before he did something he would deeply regret, but all his blood seemed to be flowing away from his legs and brain, heading straight to his lower regions.

"Well...You're not leaving, contractually and physically...Now that's a good sign." Elisha said putting a hand on Steve's racing suit clad chest and pushing him back toward the sofa in her luxury trailer.

The touch of her hand shredded the last remaining bit of willpower Steve had. Acknowledging what this vixen wanted Steve grabbed her wrist and forcefully pulled her to him. When she collided with his body he put a strong arm around her and lifted her up.

"Now that's what I'm talking about!" Elisha squealed, simply hooking her legs around his waist.

With one hand on her soft back, Steve grabbed the hem of her panties with his free hand. Wanting this to be over as soon as possible, Steve yanked on the thin fabric until it ripped free on the left side. Carefully adjusting his grip to the other side of the tiny piece of fabric that split her ass cheeks Steve yanked again until it tore from the other side as well. The panties now hanging limply from her Steve pulled them free and dropped the now useless garment to the floor.

"Well then...Let's see what you have for the boss..." Elisha said reaching a hand between them pushing her hand into the suit he was wearing. "Well it's there for me...." Elisha said slyly, rubbing his thick eight inch cock with her hand.

Elisha unwrapped her legs and unravelled the Racing Suit he was decked out in. Letting it drop to the floor Elisha quickly re-hooked her legs. Steve moved forward and pinned Elisha's back to the wall. He put his hands under her arms pressing against the wall. He then lifted her until he felt the tip of his cock press against her cunt. Feeling her wet pussy he immediately drove up into her, burying himself in her in one smooth stroke.

"Shit!" Elisha gasped, her eyes opening wide with surprise at his dick's size.

If he hadn't been so in need to get the task done he might have taken his time to explore the wonders of this Canadian starlet's body, but that would have left him in a catch twenty-two situation. If he hadn't been in such need, he wouldn't be so deep in his sponsor to begin with.

"Fuck me." Elisha lowly said, grabbing one of the straps to her tank top and slowly pulled it down her arm. When the tit on that side was free she switched hands and pulled the other one down.

Wrapping her arms around his neck Elisha teasingly pressed her tits against his chest. Each thrust he made into her caused her nipples to rub against his hairy chest, the sheer friction sending shots of pleasure through her body.

"Fucking Slut, that's what you are...Dangling a carrot in front of me...Fuck..."

Steve groaned through gritted teeth, moving his hands down her luscious body to grip her ass. "Is this what you wanted from me?"

"Fuck Yeah!" Elisha moaned, the rage of his sex drive bringing her dangerously close to orgasm already. "Make me cum."

That one surprised Steve, he had no idea his boss felt that way about him. He'd thought he was in desperate need of getting away, but she wasn't anywhere near as desperate as he was. He chalked it up to her being a nymphomaniac a woman that can orgasm at will, still he was a married man and it worked wonders for his ego being able to bring her off so quickly.

Watching her intently as they fucked, Steve judged when she was about to reach the point of no return. Just before she got there he sadistically lifted her up and pulled his cock out of her completely.

"Noo..." Elisha weakly whimpered as she was left hovering on the brink of orgasm.

"Hands and knees." Steve commanded in a strange bout of power, sliding her down the trailer's wall until she got the hint. Deciding to roll the dice Steve grabbed his racing suit when she didn't react quickly enough. "I could always leave and not finish you off."

"No! Fuck me!" Elisha begged, immediately dropping onto her knees, she cast him a sexy look over her shoulder before submitting and dropping down onto all fours. "Please."

"Fuck me...Ever the tease, aren't you?" Steve asked, stepping up behind her.

"Always," Elisha said, giving her ass a little shake reminding him why they were there. As if he could forget.

Deciding to do something he and his wife hadn't done in a while he again took the gambit. "You know what Sluts get, don't you?" Steve asked, dragging his cock along her slit.

"Don't know, don't really care..." Elisha said, looking over her shoulder while waiting for him to fuck her.

Ignoring her flippant remark Steve continued the game. "They get fucked in the ass!" Steve exclaimed, moving his cock to press it against her asshole.

"Uhhh!" Elisha moaned, feeling his big cock pushing into her ass. She was nowhere near an anal virgin, but normally she liked a little foreplay up to the act. A little preparation and lubrication would've been greatly appreciated, but she'd got his cock there and then she wasn't going to turn him away just because he didn't follow her rules and addendums.

When the head of his cock forcefully popped past her sphincter, Steve paused a moment. He knew he wanted to go full speed ahead, but he also knew from experience that it was better not to do that with a woman's asshole. Anal was a rare treat for Steve, his sadistic side told him to do it but his more humane side shone through. Looking over her shoulder Steve made sure she was ok with it.

"Fuck my ass..." Elisha confirmed. Steve grinned and pushed more of his pole into her ass she reached back and quickly rubbed her clit. By the time Steve was all the way inside her, Elisha's orgasm was already back on track.

"Tsk tsk...Sluts always like being fucked in their loose ass." Steve said, loving the way her anything but loose asshole was clamped around his cock.

Putting a hand on her lower back Steve pushed her forward while he pulled back. He slowly began to fuck her ass with about half his cock. After every thrust he pulled back slightly farther until he was stroking the full length in and out of her hole.

"Ohh, getting close!" Elisha moaned, as she frigged her clit like a woman possessed.

"Not yet." Steve dryly stated, reaching down and forcefully pulling her hand away from her clit.

"Please!" Elisha pleaded. "Fuck me!" Elisha said, pushing her ass back against him with a sense of urgency.

Gritting his teeth Steve decided to go all out, Steve was at an easily approachable target. He figured any longer and he may have to consider doing it again.

Letting go of Elisha's hand Steve gripped her hips with both of his hands. While Elisha's hand went back to massaging her clit Steve picked up the pace of his thrusts. The guilt that was clawing away at him only made him slam into Elisha that much harder. He was taking it out on her for making him cheat on Colette.

"So...Good!" Elisha moaned, feeling her climax just around the corner.

"Fucking Slut!" Steve hissed, raising his left hand and delivering a harsh smack to Elisha's ass.

"Ow!" Elisha moaned, secretly loving the sting searing from where his strong hand had made contact with her soft skin.

"Gonna cum in your ass!" Steve said, not caring if she objected. He mercilessly slammed into her one last time before unloading all of his spunk.

"Oh God," Elisha screeched, finally achieving her own orgasm as she felt his cock start to pulse inside her asshole.

And that was it...Time seemed to stay still as the horror of what he had just done washed over him. Pulling out of her asshole Steve looked as she happily rolled over and looked at him.

Getting a face of thunder Steve simply said three words while wiping the sweat away from his forehead. "Can I leave?"

Elisha looked at the floor and smiled. Tossing him his Racing Suit she simply said two tiny sentences. "I'll think about it...Now get out of my trailer..." Shell shocked, Steve put on the suit and stepped out of the trailer as he walked towards the racing pit her words sunk in. 'I'll think about it..." Steve realised that she had no intention of letting him go! She was simply using him as a sick little fuck puppet in her game! Looking around for someone to punch Steve saw a better opportunity.

Running over to the Race Questions table he looked down at the cute blonde girl's name tag and poured on the Texan charm. "Well hey there darlin'. I don't suppose you could help a fella like me? You see I'm in a bit of a pickle...I wanted to race for 'Screaming Monkey' but seems like I gone and made a fool of myself! You see I was writing out my registration form and I overheard someone talking about a cute little blonde. Well that was you obviously!" The girl blushed as Steve effortlessly wrapped her around his little finger. "They then said Blaster Cannons and me being the easily duped fella I am wrote that down! Don't you think that's silly of me?"

The girl chuckled lightly and pushed up her glasses that had fallen to the tip of her nose. "Well, we can trade you over if you get the other driver's consent...Do you have the consent?"

Leaning over the table, Steve lightly whispered in the girl's ear something that made her cackle hysterically. "Oh well...I'm sure we can probably wave it just this once..." She then brought up her laptop she was keeping hidden away from sight and flipped it open. Tapping a few buttons on the keyboard she smiled and looked up at Steve who playfully winked at her. Giggling, the girl tapped a few more buttons and then tapped the side in an 'all done' fashion.

"There you are all done! Sorry about the wait my computer's being a slow poke today!" Shaking his head lightly Steve put his hands up.

"Hey now I didn't mind the wait, just gave me more time to look into your beautiful eyes!" Steve said, winking as he walked away. His goofy grin soon turned sour as he dug into his pocket and scooped out his phone. Keying in his wife's number he rang home, not wanting to confess but wanting to hear her sweet, sweet voice.


Elisha was feeling pretty proud of herself, not only had she got all of her driver's under her thumb but she had just screwed another woman's wife...Little did she know that she was ready to be screwed herself soon enough.


The teams had all gathered at the individual race pits, looking over their vehicles they all seemed to be fine and in perfect working order. Each team captain nodded their heads as time seemed to sail out the window. The desert heat quickly becoming the norm as they raced around the test areas, simple figures of eight while VIP Spectators watched them.

Big Damn Racers were the first to be prepared, loading their motors into a large compartment they were driven away to the new finish line. Laura sighed as she watched them travel away, her third place still weighing on her mind. Just when she needed him the most Marc was there to wrap his big arms around her. Kissing her lightly on the head he whispered gently to her. "We're both going to take first and second place...Take us to the top of the table and go on to win the last race...Then we're going to win all of tomorrow and then we're going to have hot...Sweaty...Jungle sex right in our five star hotel room. Hell maybe I'll get to get off this time." Marc joked, poking fun at their earlier sex session.

"Har har, very funny. It's just...Something didn't feel right signing them away like that..." Laura said, her eyes saying something her body wasn't. Marc leaned in so he could look at her properly.

"What do you mean? You think something's wrong with the Pick-Ups and ATV's?" Marc asked, his eyes starting to look worried.

Quickly dismissing the thoughts Laura shook her head before lightly kissing him on the lips. "No no, I'm sure they're fine...I'm just upset about the third place trying to place the blame...I and the vehicles are fine. Now do you want the Pick-Up or the ATV?"

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