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Motorstorm: Morning Pass Ch. 01


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"What does it matter Jennifer?" Elisha said stepping up to the challenge laid down.

"Ladies, ladies, ladies! Let's just calm down here the race is about to start now..." Nathan said, playing peacemaker. The two feuding diva's were pulled apart and made their way to their seats at the front of the plateau.

"Alright Mike and Don...We're on in five...Four...Three..." The stage hand silently counted down from three to zero. The camera's light illuminated and they were now live on Spike TV in America and Setanta Sports in the UK.

"Good Morning to America and Good Afternoon to the UK! My name is Don West!"

"And I'm Mike Goldberg, welcome to Devil's Canyon and welcome to Motorstorm! We have had non stop action all of yesterday and today the racing is about to start! On the line up today we have eight racers representing four different sponsors!"

"That's right Mike! Representing Scarlett Johansson is: Nick McManus and Sean Callahan!"

"Representing Jennifer Love Hewitt is: Billy O'Reily and Michael Brendon!"

"Representing Nathan Fillion is: Laura Prepon and Marc Ward"

"And finally representing Elisha Cuthbert is: Allyson Foley and Lewis Reid! Well Don, Slipknot are just about to hand over the stage to Metallica which can only mean that the race is about to start! Let's hand it over to our man on the ground: Steve Wilkos!"

"Thanks guys! The ATV's are all lined up and are being sorted in accordance to drawing numbers. From left to right we have: Laura Prepon, Allyson Foley, Michael Brendon, and Billy O'Reily and on the second row we have: Lewis Reid, Marc Ward, Nick McManus and Sean Callahan. Some people like being at the end of the grid because it means there's much more room for tail-spinning. This of course is perfectly legal in the world of Motorstorm!" Steve puts a big hand up to his right ear and nods his head, slowly. "Ok I've just received word that the race is ready to begin! So I'm getting the hell out of here and we'll take you straight to the camera feed!"

As three lights illuminate above the starting position the camera quickly moves over each ATV. Laura is riding a lime green ATV, the colour wraps around the whole ATV, Aly is riding an ATV with desert storm camouflage on it, Mikey is in a grey ATV with a pair of teeth at the front giving it the look of a shark and Billy has his ATV in the green, white and orange stripes of the Irish Flag. Lewis is riding an ATV with a shiny black finish, Marc has an ATV with a purple finish to it, Nick has an all blue ATV with a white cross crossing over the actual ATV and Sean has a all red one with a spiders web effect on it.

The three lights above the rides started off illuminated before slowly fading from red to yellow and then eventually to green. The engines revved as their tires backspinned before shooting them off over the starting line. The race was on! James Hetfield took to the stage, blasting from his vocal chords he simply stated. "Gimmie Fuel. Gimmie Fire. Gimmie that which I desire!" Metallica blasted into 'Fuel' from their Reload album.

The eight racers took off from their respective positions all jockeying for first place. Being one of the best starters of all the racers Michael quickly matched Laura at first place. Acknowledging the rules of 'No Rules' Michael smashed into Laura's ATV trying to take her off the track. Looking through her visor, Laura acknowledged the bump with a middle finger. Making Michael chuckle slightly, he slowly began to take the lead. Marc slowly accelerated to join Michael and Laura at the front, now with Michael sandwiched the two lovers made eye contact and each boosted forward with a nitrous shot as they sped ahead they moved next to each other and slammed the brakes on. Michael never saw it coming and smashed into the pair, sailing towards the barrier Michael hit it head on falling unconscious.

"Oh! There we have the first casualty of the race! Michael Brendon of the racing team: 'PassionFuryEnergyLove' that puts Jennifer Love Hewitt at the bottom of the podium so far!" Don screamed into the mic, in his trademark way, the crowd watching on the LCD screen let out a collective 'Oooh!' noise as they cringed at Mikey smashing into the barrier.

Taking the first corner Laura and Marc each boosted ahead, seeing a jump to the right of the track Marc took to it. Laura looked ahead and saw what Marc would be jumping to. Laura shouted trying to warn him it was no use. Marc took another Nitrous boost and fired over the jump only to land on a pit of jagged rocks. His ride completely wrecked Marc took 7th position.

"And there goes Marc Ward for Big Damn Racers! Due to his crashing position he is placed in 7th just ahead of Michael. That puts Nathan Fillion down one racer too!" Mike said into the mic, not tearing his eyes away from the screen. The crowd were less sympathetic this time around and laughed at Marc's foolishness.

Nick McManus and Lewis Reid had caught each other in a deadly chariot battle; they each smashed against each other. Nick slowly pulled back and tried to spin Lewis, however Lewis was wise to Nick's tricks and tired to match the pulling back. However Lewis then shot his ATV with a Nitrous boost and smashed into the back of Nick's vehicle. Shunting Nick forward was a good idea as it made him lose temporary control but due to a 'perfectly legal' modification, Nick had a jagged piece of metal that hooked into Lewis' ATV. The two were now trapped together. Nick started swerving from side to side trying to shake him free as the ride would soon start leaking oil. Lewis foolishly shot another boost of Nitrous and ended up increasing the process.

The shot made Nick jolt on the seat as he did his finger inadvertently squeezed the Nitrous handle. The green flare of Nitrous flashed out and clipped the leaking fuel. The flare igniting the highly flammable liquid and the two exploded in unison. Their bodies soared through the air and hit the floor, fortunately the explosion allowed them to roll to the side of the track.

"And an explosive exit for two of the current survivors! Both Lewis Reid and Nick McManus representing: 'The Blaster Cannons' and 'Screaming Monkey' respectively!" Don said trying to make jest out of the horrific scene that has just unfolded.

"Now that means that the current four survivors are one driver for each of the teams. All down to one man and woman, the race is still everything to play for!" Mike added the gladiators carried on racing through the canyon slowly reaching the new and improved (Well just new) Canyon's tunnel.

Sean Callahan dodged the wreckage and clicked his first nitrous shot of the race. Slowly catching up with the rest of the pack Sean raced ahead. Clipping Laura's ATV he dodged and weaved in between rocks that fell from the ceiling and those which already were on the floor. Billy, Aly, Laura and Sean each shot out of the canyon with a shot of Nitrous. Aly and Billy the most professional of the quartet had now easily taken first and were fighting it out. Smashing against each other, metal sparked as their frames collided. Fighting dirty, Aly let go of the handle and smashed Billy in the face with a double axe handle.

"Well there's something you'd like Don! A fine double axe handle by Allyson Foley, sending Billy reeling to the far side of the track!" Mike said as the injured and out racers were walked past them to the Race's hospital.

"Aly making a fine example of Motorstorm's 'No Rule' policy! Now we see Sean Callahan and Laura Prepon battling it out for first and second place!" Don added, the big screen now coated with the mud sprayed up from the racers. We quickly see a pimply-faced teenage boy hop into camera view much to the disdain of the audience; he then wipes the camera clean and hops off. Normal viewing resumes.

Sean and Laura each smashed into each other's ATV's paint skimmed away and sparks flew high. Laura took one of her tricks she learnt from Marc and pulled on the brakes. Sean smirked and clicked his Nitrous boost to get away, as he did Laura then clicked hers and let out a continuous stream. As Sean took the corner Laura slammed into him at a T-Bone making Sean jolt. His ATV started to tilt to the side, to finish him off Laura reversed and knocked him completely over. Pinning Sean under the ATV there was no way he could get back on and resume the race. Sean Callahan was out at fourth place.

"And there we have it! Sean Callahan knocked over and pinned, albeit by dirty tactics." Don started to say.

"Well that's all very well and good but this is Motorstorm! No Rules are the way to go!" Mike helpfully added, seemingly defended Laura's tactics.

"Still that means that 'Screaming Monkey' have been knocked out of podium positions!" Don screamed into the mic as if he'd just cured cancer.

"Laura Prepon, Allyson Foley and Billy O'Reily are all still in the race! The finish line mere minutes away this is possibly the worst time for drivers to be one man down!" Mike said his eyes glued to the monitor ahead of the commentating booth. Metallica blasted into 'Master of Puppets' as the trio started to see the finish line ahead of them.

Billy, Aly and Laura each got to be side by side as camera's started to flash towards the trio. Billy took down his visor and shouted at the top of his lungs. "So long suckers!" Billy then blasted his way towards the finishing line using what was left of his Nitrous. Shaking their heads the two women both hit their boosts too, however Laura having used most of it earlier only managed to catch a little bit of a boost.

Aly hit the boost button and slowly started to catch up with Billy. Seeing him look over, she noticed his visor was still down! Reaching down to the ground Aly scooped up a handful of red dust and shortened the gap between second and first.

Billy, feeling mighty cocky, looked back to admire his win but was greeted by a blast of dust from Aly's hand. Screaming in agony Billy started to spin over the road. Knowing that she had won Aly drove round Billy and easily took first, by sheer luck Billy managed to cross the finish line. Laura came in just shy of a minute later.

"And there we have it ladies and gentlemen! The first race in Motorstorm history and it certainly was one for the history books! Let's take a look to the leader's board to see the times!"

As Metallica hit the last notes, the screen turned to black with gold lettering turning up on the screen.

8th: Michael Brendon -- DID NOT FINISH

7th: Marc Ward -- DID NOT FINISH

6th: Nick McManus -- DID NOT FINISH

6th: Lewis Reid -- DID NOT FINISH

4th: Sean Callahan -- DID NOT FINISH

3rd: Laura Prepon -- 3.58.91

2nd: Billy O'Reily -- 3.48.85

1st: Allyson Foley -- 3.42.85

The three racers all pulled up to the holding area to be greeted by the roars of the crowd. Taking her helmet of first Laura was glad to see Nathan and Marc there at the sidelines applauding her efforts. Nathan patted Marc on the shoulder and motioned for him to do something. Nodding Marc ran forward and wrapped his arms around Laura, spinning her round her lifted her up towards the sky and lightly kissed her on the lips.

Taking off his helmet Billy was greeted by Love and his race mate Mikey. Mikey slapped hands with him and patted him on the back. Love wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a massive hug before kissing him on the cheek. Simply saying "Well done, we're all proud of you!" Smiling, Billy grabbed a bottle of water and rinsed out his eyes. The three team-mates made their way up to the podium joined by Laura, Nathan and Mikey. The teams shook hands agreed that the race was a good one.

As Aly took off her helmet she was only greeted by her team mates, Lewis' shining especially. Lewis ran up and kissed her passionately proud of how his future wife had raced. Smiling the team all patted her on the back, looking around she realised a team member was missing. "Where's Elisha?" She asked, curious as to where her sponsor had gone.

"She's doing some PR type thingy. I'm sure she'll be there to scoop up all the glory too." Lewis said, running a hand through Aly's hair he kissed her on the cheek. His genuine love for her shining through. "I'm so proud to know that you'll be my wife..." Aly's face turned a shade of red as she shied away at the lovely comment made by her fiancé.

"How are you doing? I saw your ATV explode, did you get caught?" Aly asked, her eyes quickly moving over Lewis' body. Shaking his head Lewis padded his racing suit.

"Nope, the suit's flame retardant. Nearly lost my eyebrows though!" Lewis joked as the pair made their way up the stairs. "Well...You ready for the media circus?" He asked as Tara Reid ran over with her microphone and camera crew. Nodding her head, Aly kissed him on the cheek.

"Yep no worries. Could you go and get me a water though? My throat's so dry!" Nodding, Lewis unwrapped his arm from her gorgeous waist and quickly jogged over to one of the stage hands. Just as he spun round he saw that Tara was already on her. Deciding it was his wife's time to shine he tossed her water to her and motioned to the showers. Aly smiled and nodded her head, cracking open the plastic lid Aly took a quick swig and prepared to answer Tara's questions.


That was it! The race was over! Love had came second and Elisha had won! Elisha was one over in their personal vendetta and was ready to let Love have it! As she turned round to gloat, both of the sponsors were already half way down the ramp going to meet their drivers. Seeing as she was the real star here Elisha headed over to the pit of paparazzi swarming by the track side. Photo's snapped as she struck various poses showing had glad she was that she had won.


Taking a few steps up to the podium Laura and Billy took their respective position on the metal plateau. Billy couldn't help but feel a nagging pain on the back of his leg. Looking down he saw that sticking through his rather light apparel of a protective suit, he had a roughly three winch wide gap with a large rock about seven inches long piercing his right thigh. Reaching down he went to remove it but Steve Wilkos, who was relatively near him stopped him. "I wouldn't kid, be best to go to the Hospital for that. Have your moment, you'll have plenty of time for that!"

Looking at the conviction in Steve's eyes, Billy nodded and allowed himself to be photographed by the paparazzi. As he turned away Love took a step onto the platform with him and whispered in his ear. "Hope you don't mind me sharing your limelight..." Smiling, Billy shrugged and in his charming Irish way.

"Well, when its someone as pretty as you how could I not." Love blushed shyly as she handed him a bouquet of flowers.

Laura took a tiny step on to the 3rd place and was handed a big bouquet of flowers by Marc. Nathan stepped onto the scene and kissed her on the cheek, she happily let him on the podium as they waved for the photographers.

Meanwhile, Aly had finished her brief interview and took to the podium where she saw that Elisha was already there. Grabbing her glory, Aly shook her head and made her way to the podium. Elisha regretfully stepped aside slightly and didn't even bother helping her up. Shaking her head, Aly climbed on and turned around, the photographers busily snapped their photos. Aly was handed the biggest bouquet for flowers and gave them a long sniff. Taking in their intoxicating fragrance, Aly looked up and smiled.

"Well there we have the winners of Motorstorm Race One!" Mike exclaimed happily, as the camera moved from third to second to first. Broadcasting the winners, the camera scrolled over to a leader board reading out.

The Blaster Cannons +4

PassionFuryEnergyLove +3

Screaming Monkey +1

Big Damn Racers +2

It quickly readjusted so the leader of the races was at the top with the loser at the bottom.

The Blaster Cannons: 4

PassionFuryEnergyLove: 3

Big Damn Racers: 2

Screaming Monkey: 1

"Now with The Blaster Cannons being at the top that puts them in a very strong place, although PassionFuryEnergyLove wasn't far behind them so the next race will be very interesting to watch! Highlights Don?" Mike Goldberg said, taking a quick sip of water.

"Well, I think we've got to go with the T-Bone near the end of the race! You came here looking for carnage? You just watch that! We also had the explosion at the start of the match! The Nitrous setting fire to the leaking oil allowed a chemical explosion to take two drivers out!" Don rasped down the mic, Billy and Mikey each made their way to the hospital as the camera swapped to the main stage where the DJ set 'Pendulum' took over the musical honours.


"Well, it's not broken, and it should be easy enough to take out too. Can you give me five minutes?" The Doctor asked, looking over the lodged rock in Billy's thigh.

"Five minutes Doc we need him ready for the afternoon race!" Mikey yelled, angry at the fact that the Doctor wanted to put him aside for five minutes.

"Mikey...Mikey! I'll be fine, go ahead Doc."

The Doctor nodded and made his way out of the Hospital tent, Billy looked over the irregular sight and sighed gently. "You know...I don't even remember it going in." Billy observed, tilting his head from side-to-side trying to remember when it hit him. "Could've been near the start of it."

"I saw it happen." A mysterious voice rang out from the tent, both of the drivers looked over and saw that their sponsor Jennifer Love Hewitt was standing there. "It was when you boosted, you knocked a large rock on it's side, it shot out like a bullet. I'm sorry...I shouldn't have subjected you to it.." Love said, looking down at the floor she seemed upset.

"Hey Love, you didn't do this to me. If anything it was my damn ego! I shouldn't of boosted so close to the rocks. Hey, me and Mikey are alone here, want to keep us company?" Looking up, Love nodded and made her way over to the bed where Billy was lying. The three began to talk about their personally lives and began swapping stories, eventually the conversation took a sexy turn.

"Well boss, its your turn, kinkiest thing you've ever done?" Mikey asked, trying to hide the tent pitched in his tent.

Smirking, Love looked down almost embarrassed by the question. "Well, when I was shooting 'I know what you did last summer' I let two guys fuck me. Only they didn't just fuck me, I sucked them off, they fucked my ass, came on my tits and on my face too." Almost proud Love had a wistful smile on her face, remembering the good times.

Sensing an opportunity, Billy and Mikey went on the offensive. "You look like you enjoyed that boss." Mikey said, checking out Love's body movement. Nodding, Billy agreed with him.

"Ever done it since then?" Billy asked, running a hand through his now loose long black hair.

Shaking her head, Love answered the question, her eyes transfixed on the tents in the guys pants. "No, been too busy shooting Ghost Whisperer and other stuff to manage it."

Mikey helpfully chimed in, pouring in all his country charm. "Well...There's two guys here, could always revisit those good old days..."

Love put a hand up to her chest, miming shock. "What are you possibly suggesting Michael Brendon?"

Smiles now all around the tent, Michael went to say something very crude but Billy cut him off. "Maybe we show you our team spirit?" Billy said stealthily suggested that they show her their cocks. Nodding her head slightly, Love bit her bottom lip sexily, driving the boys wild.

"Maybe you should, 'cause I'm not feeling it. I sure do hope to though!" Love said sexily.

"Well now hang on Boss! We were out there racing, wearing out suits showcasing the team. I didn't see you showing any team spirit! Maybe you should first then we'll get to it?" Mikey said, slightly sticking his tongue out Love shrugged.

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