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Motorstorm: Morning Pass Ch. 01


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"You know what, maybe I should." With that Love put her hands on the tight shirt she was wearing and slowly unpeeled it from her soft skin. Leaving herself in her lace bra, she looked at the boys, apparently it wasn't enough so, she slid her hands down to her short denim skirt and slid it down her hips.

Looking over the half naked starlet, they shrugged. Even though their dicks were now like steel bars in their pants Billy nonchalantly spoke. "Well that's some team spirit but I'm still not sure if you really care about the team..." Love's face turned to a frown as she unclasped her white satin bra and let it drop to the floor. She then slid down her panties and kicked them away. Now in all her naked glory was Jennifer Love Hewitt, before her two young drivers.

"Oh shit!" Mikey exclaims as he hungrily licks his lips while he gets an eyeful of Love's hot round large tits and her smoothly shaved pussy.

Billy licks his lips and adjusts his crotch a bit more, "Damn...Boss...You're really hot." Billy says as he pushes down his racing suit a little to allow his large and thick ten inch cock to hang freely.

Mikey looks over at the team captain and laughs slightly. "Damn...letting it out to play all ready Cap'n?"

Love presses her lips together and slightly licks her soft lips "Mmmm...I would love to play that..." Love says with a sly smirk as the team's sponsor approaches the medical gurney Billy is now sitting on. Taking the lead Love kneels down in front of Billy and boldly wraps her smooth hands around the Irish stud's shaft and slowly begins to guide both of her soft hands, up and down his shaft as Billy completely kicks off his racing suit to become fully naked. Love glances over at Mikey and smirks. "You know...You can let it out to play too..." Love says with a laugh as she continues to stroke Billy's hardening cock.

"Well damn Boss! You don't have to tell me twice!" Mikey Brendon laughs a bit as he stands up from the couch in order to push down his black racing suit in order to let out his own hardening, fat, ten inch cock.

Billy has now kicked off his pants and has his left arm pushing himself up from the gurney as Love strokes his cock with both of her dainty hands. "Mmmmm.... ohhhh yeah.... mmm... damn you got some good hands....." Billy moans as Love turns to look at him as she pumps his cock.

Love smirks and winks playfully at Billy. "Thanks..." Love says as she removes her left hand from around O'Reily's cock and places her left hand around Mikey's cock once he sits back down on the couch next to Billy. The feisty team sponsor begins to smoothly pump her soft hands up and down against the hardened shafts of Billy and Mikey as she looks up at both of the hot racing stars "Now...Let's see some team spirit!" Love says as she leans her head forward and boldly flicks her amazingly soft and wet tongue against the head of Billy's hard and thick cock.

Billy closes his eyes and leans his head back. "Oh Jesus...Go team!" Billy moans as Love flicks her tongue against the thick head of his cock again.

"Mmmm...I love being on this team...This team's the best...." Mikey helpfully adds as he runs a hand through his blonde hair. Meanwhile, Love pays attention to Mikey's cock as slides her right hand back and forth along this stiff cock.

Love smirks as she flicks her head away from Billy's cock after flicking her soft, wet tongue against the head of his cock. "Great!" Love laughs as she turns her head a bit to face Mikey's hard and thick cock as well "Damn...Why are you guys racing? With dicks like these you could be porn stars!" Love says just before she leans her head down and flicks her tongue against the head of Mikey's cock while she moves her hands over to stroke both his and Billy's cocks with her soft, dainty hands.

Mikey Brendon licks his lips as Jennifer Love Hewitt slowly flicks her tongue around his shaft, "Ahh...Jesus, if they were all like you I'd get straight to it...I just know I'd get the one with the STD and I don't want my dick falling off." Mikey replies as he gently moans a bit.

Billy smirks as he watches Love teasingly moves her tongue against

Mikey's cock while she continues to pump his shaft with her right hand.

"Well that's a nice image Mikey. What is it about women that racing makes them so hot?" Billy says with a low moan as he starts to move his hips a bit to push his cock against Love's hand.

Love lifts her head away from Mikey Brendon's cock and smirks proudly. "It's the adrenaline of it all, make's my engine run!" Love says in an energetic tone before she laughs and turns back to Billy's thick, hard cock as she smoothly strokes her right hand against his shaft "Mmmm...And you sure are making mine run..." Love says as she lowers her head down to Billy's cock and opens her wet mouth as she takes the team captain's cock easily into her mouth. Love presses her lips around his shaft and starts to easily bob her head on Billy's meaty cock while she strokes her right hand against Mikey's cock at a slightly quicker pace.

"A..Ohhhhh yeah...Fuck that is a fact I know for sure now!" Billy moans as Love bobs her head quickly and smoothly up and down on his large dick.

Mikey Brendon smirks a bit as he puts his hand on Love's head and moves her soft brown hair back. Mikey grinned and decided to continue with Love's play on words. "How do you fancy taking it to a double cylinder?" Mikey says with a grin as Love lightly twists her hand around his stiff dick.

Love smirks around Billy's cock as she gently slaps her tongue against Billy's shaft while she quickly bobs her head on his cock. "Mmmm...Fuck..." Love groans against Billy O'Reily's cock as her warm saliva drips against his cock as she takes his deeper into her mouth while she sucks on his cock. While Love is smoothly and easily sucking on Billy O'Reily's cock, she lowers her left hand down to Mikey's ball sack and rubs her left hand against his large ball sack as she quickly lifts and drops her head on Billy's cock.

"A..Ohhh yeah....Fuck Boss...Suck that large dick...." Billy moans as the hot movie and TV star deep throats his cock every time she lowers her head down on his pole.

Mikey licks his lips and moans as Love playfully fondles his large balls with her dainty left hand. "Mmmm.... hey.... are you gonna suck my dick soon?" Mikey asks as he slides his hand through Jennifer Love Hewitt's soft brown hair.

Love slowly lifts her head up from Billy's thick, hard cock and smirks as she glances over at Mikey. Hungrily, she licks her lips at the sight of Mikey's hard, thick and ready-to-go cock. "Hmmm...How about now, Mr. Brendon?" Love asks with a playful laugh as she turns her head towards his cock and places her warm tongue against the large head of his cock and begins to circle her soft tongue on the tip of his cock.

Licking her lips slowly, Love opened her mouth and slowly leant forward. Her tongue snaked out of her luscious mouth and playfully flicked against Mikey's dick's head. Groaning slowly, Billy watched Love eagerly flick her tongue against his dick's head again, almost teasing him. Looking up at Billy, Mikey simply mouthed. 'Oh my god!" At her oral skills, prompting Billy to chuckle, those chuckles soon turned to moans as Love wrapped both her hands around Billy's shaft and started to jerk Billy off. Love put her left hand down at his base and steadily started to beat his meat, her right hand then moved down to her nicely sized left breast. Steadily she started to fondle her own tit while playing with the racer's dicks.

Each of the boys sharing a low moan, Love regretfully moved her hand from her breast and put it back on Billy's groin. Opening her mouth, Love took Mikey's dick in and started to bob at the same pace she treated Billy to.

"Mmmmmm..." Mikey groaned and tilted his head back. Mikey moaned and licked his lips as he felt Love smoothly bob her head on his thick ten inch cock. Mikey closed his eyes as he felt Love's mouth start to move up and down his cock, her tongue roaming around his body, tasting every inch.

"Mmmm...Mmmm" Love gently moaned as she smoothly and eagerly bobbed her head, sucking Mikey's cock as her wet saliva dripped along his shaft. Mikey opened his eyes and looked down at Love another moan escaping his lips. Mikey put his left hand on top of Love's head as she continued to suck on his cock. "Mmmm...Mmmm..." Love seductively moaned around his thick cock as she lowered her head further down his long shaft, while gently lapping her soft tongue around his shaft, coating it with her saliva.

"Mmmmm...That's really good Boss..." Mikey said quietly as he pushed her hair back around her neck. "Keep at it..."

Love's hands were starting to work over time on Billy's dick, jerking up and down while playfully twisting at the base. Deciding to change things up, her hands started to work independently of each other. Her left hand moved to the top of his dick rubbing the pre cum from his dick's head while her right one went down and fondled the base, playfully rubbing against his ball sack. Letting out a low groan, Billy spoke up, after quite some time being mute, enjoying the hand job.

"Fuck Boss...I think it's time we see more of your team spirit."

Nodding his head Mikey seemed to agree at the suggestion while Love slowly stopped bobbing her head. "Yeah...Yeah we should see if you can ride as well as well as we can..."

Taking her head off of Mikey's dick, Love looked over at the team captain and grinned, seeing the hunger in both of her racers eyes she shrugged and mounted Billy's medical gurney.

"Whoa, wait a minute...The Doc'll be back any second!" Mikey said, realising that more than five minutes had passed.

Giggling, Love looked at the door. "No he won't. I've told him that we need some quality team time and won't be back until he sees me leave." Looking at each other, the racing studs got a large smile on their faces.

"Did you have this all planned out then Boss?" Billy asked a sly smile on his face while their team's sponsor kneeled over him. Smiling, Love looked shy for a second, looking to Billy and then to Mikey.

"Well...Yeah kinda. I hoped you'd both take the bait." Love admitted looking slightly bashful she shrugged. "Betcha glad I did thought aren't you?" Nodding their heads the boys did agree with her decision. "Alright then...Let's get to work!" Love exclaimed happily, taking Billy's ten inch dick in her right hand she slowly lowered herself onto Billy's large dick. Love's eyes closed slowly as her mouth dropped open, her pussy adjusting to the size of Billy's dick. Equally shocked, Billy groaned slightly as the Hollywood starlet took his dick into her cunt.

Leaning forward Love planted both her hands on the gurney and moaned lowly Billy then placed his hands on her tight ass cheeks and gently cupped them, feeling their sheer softness. Taking advantage of the situation Billy leant forward and took her right breast into her mouth, gently sucking on the nipple.

Mikey while sitting on the other gurney jerked his dick lightly making sure to keep his dick rock hard for the session. Love looked over at Mikey jerking off and shook her head lightly. "Come over here Mikey, fill my asshole up!" Grinning at the vixen in front of him Mikey ran a hand through his blonde hair and climbed up on the gurney as well.

"Hey Billy, scoot up! I'm practically falling off here!" Mikey said, as he ended up having to stand on the floor while Love rode Billy. Giggling, Love nodded her head as Billy sighed and pulled himself up the gurney, dragging his hanging right leg Love saw him struggle.

"I'm really sorry about that..." She said, apologetically, genuinely feeling sorry about the injury caused on the track.

"Don't be...Happens all the time." Billy said, regretfully moving his lips away from her gorgeous right tit. Taking his left hand up to Love's left breast he slowly started to play with her now hard nipple, trapping it between his thumb and his forefinger. He gently rolled it around making Love groan as the touch. "You have perfect breasts Love..." Billy said lowly, admiring the wonderful sight in front of him.

Mikey took hold of Love's ass cheeks and parted them. Pressing his cock against her tight asshole, Love grunted at the sudden intrusion. "Do you still want me to go on Boss?" Mikey asked, worried about their sponsors thoughts.

"No, just lube me up first...It's been a while since I had anything up there."

Nodding, Mikey looked around and found a bottle of water, seeing it was the closest thing Mikey grabbed it and to Love's surprise splashed it on her asshole. Making her shriek in surprise Mikey couldn't help but smile. As fluidly as he had splashed her asshole he had then slammed his dick deep into Love's asshole. Now double filled the real action was about to begin. Pulling out slightly Mikey then slammed his way back in to her ass.

As Mikey slammed in, Love lifted herself up and dropped down as hard as she could, feeling all of Billy's dick filling her pussy. Easily getting into a rhythm, as Billy lifted Love up Mikey drew his dick out out, and as soon as he slammed her down Mikey pushed his dick in, completely filling her up again. Billy had then latched himself onto Love's left tit, sucking on her nipple while his hands moved down to her silky thighs.

Love threw her head back and let out a loud moan as the drivers started to work their way in and out of her. Taking her right hand from the gurney Love ran a hand through Bill's hair as he hungrily sucked her tit. Ten minutes into the riding session Love let out a low moan and spoke up quietly.

"A..Oh Yeah...Fuck...Let's swap positions..." Love moans as she puts her hands on Billy's waist and pushes herself off of Billy's dick. Nodding, Mikey pulled out of her amazingly tight ass hole and took a few steps back off of the gurney. "Mmm, Mikey bring that gurney over here!" Love said, leaning down kissing Billy's lips slightly.

Mikey wheeled the gurney over to where Billy and Love were lying, clicking the brake button. Love looked up and smiled, planting another kiss on Billy she stood up and walked behind the second gurney. "Mmmm...Turn up the heat Mikey!" Love says as Mikey puts his hands on Love's super smooth round ass and gets Love to push her ass out slightly. Mikey then wraps his right hand around his cock and guides it into Love's warm and wet tight pussy. "Mmmmm fuck...." Mikey moans as he starts to thrust his cock in and out of Love's hot pussy.

Love moans at the sudden intrusion and leans over to Billy's rock hard dick. Planting a dainty kiss on his dick's head tasting some precum, Love presses her lips together and lifts her head away from his dick for a moment. Glancing over her shoulder she looked at Mikey and smirks as she smoothly pushes her hot body pushing back against his cock. "Mmmmmm...Ohhh fuck yeah..." Love moans before she turns her head back to Billy's cock. Love opens her mouth as she lowers her head on Billy's cock, taking his cock into her mouth and starts to bob her head.

"Ahhhh yeah...Mmmmm...Damn..." Mikey moans as he puts his hands on Love's sexy hips as he pumps his shaft fast and hard into her pussy.

Billy has both of his hands on Love's head and he holds onto her brown hair as she bobs her head on his large shaft. "Ohhhh yeah...Fuck...Damn you really give great head Love..." Billy moans as he starts moving his hips forward in order to thrust his shaft in and out of Love's hot and wet mouth.

"Mmmmm...Mmmmmm...." Love softly moans around Billy's hard, thick cock as she presses her lips tighter around his thick shaft as easily lifts and lowers her head on his cock as she sucks on his cock. Love closes her eyes as she gently slaps her wet tongue against his shaft and firmly pushes her hot, rounded ass back against Mikey's waist as he swiftly thrusts his cock quickly in and out of her hot, tight pussy.

Billy moans as he closes his eyes and leans his head back. Looking to the sky he moans, simply enjoying the sensation of Jennifer Love Hewitt sucking on his large dick. "Ahhhh...Yeah...Ohhh fuck yeah...Suck that dick..." Billy moans as Love takes more of his shaft past her lips.

Mikey moans as he wipes some sweat away from his forehead. Mikey licks his teeth as he slams his big cock fast and deep into Love's cunt, "Uhhh fuck.... oooo yeah.... you got such a hot tight cunt!" Mikey moans as his balls crash against Love's soft skin. Love gently twists her head on Billy's thick cock as she lowers her head further down on his shaft, taking him deeper into her warm, wet mouth. Moaning, the feisty diva began to quickly bob her head on his shaft as she deep throats his cock. Love's hot body continually rocks back and forth from Mikey's smooth, stiff thrusts to her tight, warm cunt.

"Ahhhh Ohh shit...Fuck...Billy...Now I see why you were hogging her pussy man...It's so fucking hot!" Mikey moans as he keeps up his hard, swift pace.

"Fuck, I can't get over how great she is with her mouth!" Billy replies with a moan of his own as Love lifts her head off of his large saliva covered prick.

"Mmmm damn...You boys are so nice to me." Love laughs as she lightly kisses Billy's large ball sack. "Want to change position again?" She asks looking over her shoulder as Mikey thrust in and out of her. Slowing his thrusts down Mikey shrugged and nodded his head.

Love grinned and licked her soft lips as she slowly brings herself to a standing position from the gurney she was lying on. Love tossed her hair back over her shoulder as she stands in front of Billy O'Reily "Mmmm...Yeah...I want to ride that thing again!" Love says with a laugh as she turns around with her smooth and hot ass facing Billy before the horny starlet turned around and sat down on top of Billy's cock, taking him into her amazingly tight ass hole. Moaning, Love immediately begins to smoothly rock back and forth, riding his cock as her soft and smooth back lightly smacks against his lightly hairy, muscular chest.

"Ahhhh...Fuck your ass is tight..." Billy moans as Love gradually gains more and more momentum as she rocks back and forth on his large stiff cock. Billy puts his hands on Love's smooth tanned legs as he thrusts his cock up into Love's hot tight ass hole.

Mikey licks his lips as he watches Jennifer Love Hewitt ride on his Racing Partner's dick "Damn Boss! A fucking hot babe like you probably needs a bit more dick! Right?" Mikey asks as he gets in front of Love and leans down a bit. Grinning Mikey presses the head of his dick against her already soaking wet pussy.

Gritting her teeth tightly Love narrows her eyes into a lustful gaze as she locks her eyes with the team's hot shot, Michael Brendon, mercilessly he pushes his cock into her pussy. "Ohhhhh Fuck yeah!" Love groans as she slams down on

Billy's cock at the same moment Billy thrusts up into Love's ass, making her eyes widen at the filling.

Billy sexily rubs Love's smooth thighs as he pumps his cock upward into her hot tight asshole while her ass grinds against his lap. "Ahhhh ohhhh fuck...Ooohhh shit! Ohhhh damn..." Billy moans as he grits his teeth and leans his head back.

Mikey, for the first time places both of his hands on Love's amazingly hot, rounded tits as he pumps his cock with swift thrusts into Love's pussy. "Uhhh damn...Ohh fuck. Fuck yeah...Just like the good times!" Love grunts as Mikey squeezes Love's hot tits.

"Ohhh yeah! Fucking good times!" Billy groans as Love grits her teeth while she grinds her pussy against Mikey's cock as Billy's cock slams deeply into her stretched asshole as sweat begins to drip off of their hot bodies.

"Ohhhh yeah fuck me!" Love moans as she slams herself down on Billy's cock just as Mikey slams his cock into Love's pussy causing his large balls to smack against her hot ass as Billy thrusts up into her ass.

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