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Mountain Retreat


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We drove out of the parking lot. 10 minutes down the canyon was a scenic overlook. We grabbed our sandwiches and trekked a couple minutes back a shady trail; a pile of huge boulders gave way to a view of the mountains and foothills. South facing the boulders were warm to the touch. We sat and devoured the sandwiches and pickled veggies. After a few minutes Clark sighed and lay back. He was fully stretched out, legs wide, arms behind his head; he grunted and in a sexy clench of his abs reached down and rolled the waist band of his shorts until the base of his dick was just visible. He pulled the legs of his shorts until the material was bunched just covering his privates. "Sun feels great!"

I turned an eye off him and looked back towards the parking lot. We would hear anyone coming down the trail I yanked my shorts off and threw them at his head. He took his off then too. We lay soaking in the sun for a long time, about 45 minutes I think. I got more than half hard a few times, but was so stuffed and relaxed the boners came and went. I saw Clark get stiff too and he rubbed it a few times. We both groaned when a car pulled into the lot behind the trees. Little kids screamed and yelled as they piled out of the car unseen behind the trees. Reluctantly we got dressed and trotted down to the trailhead. I hit the restroom. Clark waited outside with the johnny bottle in hand.

Back in the SUV Clark toyed with his phone searching for music to play, "So my uncle and his hunting buddies are up at the cabin. They say we can crash up in the loft, if you want to go up the mountain...My gal and I were supposed to go up..." There was some sadness in his voice...

"Hell yeah, you're driving...I'll go were you lead me, buddy." He flashed a big grin at my willingness.

We drove the few minutes back to the highway; he slyly glanced sideways at me as we got up to speed on the nearly deserted four lane, "Take the wheel...or take my shorts off?"

I was blushing; I could feel it. I leaned over the console and slid my hands into the waistband of his shorts. He lifted his ass off the seat. When I got them below his knees, my face inched closer to his crotch. His cock was pulsing. He shifted his feet up and I got the shorts free of his shoes. I sat back, hot and kinda shaky. Without a word he took his right hand and stuffed it down my shorts; his sweaty palm was slick on my balls. He pushed towards my knees and we got my shorts down and off. I was rising to the looks he kept giving my cock.

"You're so fucking huge...man..." He shook his head. It felt amazing having him appreciate me. My erection was now upright on my belly. His was too.

Clark looked between my cock and face. He tilted his face down and spit into his palm. He turned that gob onto the head of my cock and gave me a swirling grip. I could only hiss out my breath. In a couple of minutes I was really close to shooting again. He sped up, thumping my pubic bone just right. I put my hands on the ceiling and braced for my orgasm.

He laughed. And took my hand and placed it on his dick. I was having a little trouble breathing and focusing my eyes. I got into jacking him. "Don't let me come, Nino. Just toy with each other, alright?" I felt kinda mean and got him closer that he got me. He had to push my hand away. He immediately grabbed my balls and slapped my oozy dick on my thigh. We kept up the teasing, edging for most of the next half hour. We had to stop when he took an exit off the four lane and headed up a tiny side road. In minutes we were bouncing on old logging roads. We came to a fork with a "Private Road" sign. Clark pulled over and snagged his sweat pants and with a shrug we got put these on. Free-balling, edged up we were in full stud mode. No one was in the cabin. He showed me around. It was huge, a large common area, three double rooms on the second level and the loft was converted attic over the barn attached to the back of the cabin. The loft was basically an apartment on its own.

His uncle was filthy rich. The cabin had a ham radio. Clark dialed up the hunters; they were coming back in a couple of hours yet. The jokingly asked us to have dinner ready. I said I'd cook no problem. They hadn't shot anything so they told me what was in the kitchen. I promised great food. Clark went over and opened two bottles of beer. He ditched his sweat shirt. He held out a beer to me. We swallowed an easy half a beer each. I belched and nosed around the kitchen, laying out a plan. Clark came up behind me holding his hand in a fist over my shoulder.

"Do you still wanna go where I lead?" His voice was quiet in my ear. I twisted to look at him. I nodded, not sure what he was up to. "So we're pretty sure that we're gonna jack off at some point tonight. That's a given, right?" I nodded again. "So the game is like truth or dare...but its mostly just dares...we tease each other however we can. We wind each other up so that when we blast our loads, it'll be epic..." I nodded and swallowed more beer. He was hanging on my back and shoulders. He opened his fist.

In his palm were two little yellow pills with a raised heart on each one. Reaching around me both of his biceps naked on my shoulders, now I was fully in his arms, he licked his finger and stuck one tablet to his tongue. He held the other in front of my face. The tab clung to his tongue. I accepted the dare and took the tab off his finger with my tongue. He raised his beer to my lips, I offered him mine. We gulped back the tabs. As he pushed me away he held the sleeves of my sweatshirt which came off in his grip. We spent a quick 20 minutes tidying up the kitchen from the hunter's early morning breakfast. I laid out a meal: carbonara and a roasted tomato salad. Just as I finished my beer, Clark opened two more. He walked away, his sweats dropping below his ass.

He swung his head to get me to follow him. Picking up my beer we went down the short hall behind the kitchen, past the laundry. The door to the barn had been closed when he showed me around, on opening I was surprised at how bright it was. One long wall was replaced glass doors and sticking out into the trees was a curved glass atrium. A hot tub big enough for a dozen, a sauna, steam room and showers surrounded by clouded glass were bubbly and steamy in the sunlight. My jaw dropped. Clark kicked off his sweats and stretched long as he climbed the steps towards the steam room. I followed him. The little room could probably hold four people. Clark lay down and groaned. I joined him prone on the other bench, my knees up. I got really hot fast and gulped beer. Clark was thirsty too. The first beer had me buzzing. This one (and that pill?) was gonna hit me hard in this heat. I told Clark I needed to cool down. When we came out I saw by the clock that we'd been silent and still for 25 minutes. In the cool shower I turned round and round.

Much cooler now I saw a glint in Clark's eye, I raised an eye brow, "What?"

He put his hands on his hips and stepped forward out of the shower stream. His cock opened and a full stream of beer piss hit the floor. He aimed for and made in to the drain. I pushed and my stream crossed his making it in to the drain too. He giggled...in one voice we said, "The fourth hole we've filled!" I was drunk.

I wanted to soak in the bubbling hot tub in the last of the afternoon sun. Sinking up to my ears I floated and bobbed. My cock was thick and warm on my belly. Watching Clark's swing as he walked to the hot tub I got a flush of sexiness. The pill was hitting me, I thought.

Clark dropped into the water right next to me. Finishing off his beer with a grin he said in that low voice he had, "You have a choice: here's the dare: kiss my ass or suck my tongue..."

I laughed, nervous and shocked. He leveled his gaze, "Let's wind each other up..."

"What'd'ya mean kiss your ass?"

He swung up on to the edge of the tub and pointed his ass at the ceiling grabbed one cheek and pointed into his crack, "Kiss me. Rim me...you get it: kiss my ass... or suck my tongue..." The challenge in his face hung in the steamy air. I looked between his face and his ass.

I leaned closer to his face. I smelled beer and his skin. He slipped the tip of his tongue out...I inched closer. He settled into the water next to me. He put his hand on my neck and steadied me. He flicked his tongue on my lips. The tingle made me smile. Goofy now, I puckered my lips around his tongue. He thrust. I had the largest wet tongue in my mouth ever. It was my first guy kiss. I remembered to suck. He made his tongue a hard little missile. I actually got into the wetness and the strength behind it. He rolled me on top of him. In a flash we wrapped around each other. He took over the pace and was soon thrusting in to the deeps of my mouth. I found myself moaning. Somehow we slipped and went under the water. We came up blustering and laughing. My cock ached and my jaws were stretchy.

"That was wild...I've never thought of coming from making out since I was like 14!"

"Yeah...maybe we should take a breather..." We made some space between us and just soaked. The bubbles were on a timer which shut off. The silence was only broken by the creaking of the glass over head as it cooled. The sun was behind the trees, setting fast. I'd gotten softer but we both had visible hard ons. Cooling off in the shower again we chatted about what I was gonna need help with for dinner. Wearing our sweats and T-shirts we cooked for the eight of us. The hunters came back, loud and funny. They were all great guys, older, in their 50's and 60's. They devoured dinner, two settled in to watch the news and the other four played poker. Clark and I cleaned up the mess.

Clark was filling the dishwasher. When he knelt to arrange the plates he whispered, "Hey, stud..." He was kneeling and he pulled his cock out rubbing himself from pecs to balls, grinding like a stripper. He was down behind the kitchen island; none of the old guys could see him. I know I blushed. But not to be out done, I hung my cock out of the waist of my sweats. I heard him say, fuck yeah! As he arranged himself back into his clothes. The next couple of ours were just like that, one of us flashing the other or coping a feel of the other. On the front porch, he took my hand once and slid down his back, arching against my hand, "get at my balls man..." I slid further until I felt the heat of his ass and the weight of his balls sack; he moaned and humped like a stripper again. I was definitely showing cock swinging whenever I moved thru the house. None of the guys cared or noticed.

The two TV watchers went to bed; the poker game was getting quieter and quieter. Clark disappeared for a minute. In the kitchen he met me and said open a couple more beers. We'd had one with dinner, but we had agreed to slow down. When I handed him the beer he opened his palm. Four yellow tabs lay there. He nodded toward the laundry hall. I went after him. He pressed me against his body as he leaned on the washer. "Dare time..."

"Okay, what ya got?" I cleared my throat of the lump there.

"If you take your two...you have to do what I say...until sunrise..."

"So far, dude, we're all good..." I shrugged.

His finger came up to his mouth, he wet it and picked up one little yellow pill. He put it in front of my face. I held out my tongue. He shook his head. He pursed his lips. I puckered up mine. He pushed his finger into my kiss. He kept going until I almost gagged. Then he pulled it back out slowly and I took a sip of my beer. He looked at his palm, then my hand. I fed him my slippery finger with a tab on the end. The second tabs he held them up at the same time. He put one on his tongue and leaned into my face. I sucked his tongue and the tab slid down my throat with his spit. I shivered. He put his tab on my tongue and when he sucked my kiss he got a mouthful of my spit too. He kept kissing, grinding and grinding against me. I had to breathe.

We parted, his cock was up over his waist band, mine was straight out from my belly tenting my sweats. I was a little sweaty. Clark stepped back and messed up my hair. With a wink he started the load of towels that were sitting on the washer. He called to the poker players, "We're gonna hit the sauna guys...anyone joining us?" The group all said no or grunted.

Sinking on to the bench in the dry sauna, I felt my blood pounding in my ears. Clark put his arm around my shoulder, "Don't get overheated..." and handed me the rest of his beer. I downed it. I wanted to get drunker. I lay down and deep breathed my way to a steady pulse. Clark had been sitting opposite me. He shifted and using my sweat began gliding his hands over my chest and shoulders. I moaned as I let myself get into the massage. His hands got firmer and wider in their gliding rubbing; I let him fully explore my whole body. His fingers behind my balls had me arching off the bench. That's where he stopped. He lay back and just looked at me. I gave him the same strong deep rub. Feeling his muscles and his cock under my hands kept me hard too. I lay back down and we just melted for a while. His uncle called out into the barn that they were all turning in.

Clark grabbed my hand and we cooled down in the showers. Toweling off he led me up to the loft thru the barn wall. He threw the bolt behind us and walked to the other door, locking it too. The loft was warm and dark. Clark dropped on to the larger bed on one end, the moon shining thru a skylight. He pulled me down on top of him. Our cocks came back to fully hard; warmth from the sauna was giving us a head start on sweatiness between our grinding bellies. We were flopping and grinding. I wanted to come...I may have said that out loud. Clark laughed and grabbed my hair in both his hands. This kiss was two open mouths, wetter and wetter, I was aware of spit on my chin.

Clark flipped us over. For the first time, he was on top, he was fully in charge. I was grunting with each up thrust against his slick abs. I had my mind set on coming just like this. Clark jumped up and away. I grabbed my own hair, "Fuck, fuck! Dude...I'm so hot right now..."

Standing with his arms folded at the end of the bed, "Tell me about it tell me what you're feeling...remember the dare is to do what I say..."

"I haven't been this fucking horny, this hot in a really long time...I'm outta my head...this whole day has been super sexy...fuck, man, thanks!"

He pounced and we humped and grunted again for minutes. He stopped again, this time pinning my arms over head, not touching me except for hands on mine and knees on my thighs, "Calm down, Nino...make it last stud..."

I set my jaw...deep breaths...when I was back from the edge I nodded. He lowered himself onto my cock. The heat was incredible. We built up slower this time. Just when I expected him to jump away, he shifted his weight, his fingers pressed against my ass. I was hot and slick down there. I gasped and he tongue fucked my face as he circled my hole. My legs went stiff, my belly clenched. I was gonna come...He sat up on his heels trapping my thighs between his claves and thighs. His cock was dripping on to my balls. I unwound a little.

"The three-way was your first, huh?" I nodded, "When have you ever jacked off with a buddy?"

"When I was, I dunno, 13? 14?"

Clark smiled, "That was your first time kissing a man, in the hot tub?" I swallowed, cleared my throat and managed a smaller nod. "Tell me. What do you feel?"

"Clark, I'm so wound up...so slutty...I fucking love this...I really want to come...but I love the teasing too..."

He grinned, broad and seemed relieved. I was confused when he got off the bed and turned on a night lamp. From his back pack he took out a small bottle that rattled as he handed it to me. I asked, "Baby aspirin. What's this for?"

"Look at them, stud..." He sat seeming nervous, unsure.

They were little yellow pills with raised hearts. What I thought was ecstasy, was only aspirin. The world spun for a second. I was hot, I was slutty horny...on my own. "Bastard!" I couldn't help laughing though..."what the fuck?"

"We were playing, sexy all day...I wanted to...I've wanted to do this for ages...this, the pills, was a way to find out...to turn you out..." He was sheepish...

I sat up and met him face to face..."I'm not really mad..." My voice seemed too quiet...

This kiss was different. Softer for a second, then full of heat and drew us back on to the bed.

"Are you with me, Nino...?" his quiet question only needed my nod to turn him into a rush of movement and pressure. He was on top of me, kissing me, nibbling my neck, fucking against my cock with his. He was fucking down on me so hard I could only breathe to his motion. I heard myself groaning, "uh-huh, uh-huh," as we tensed towards coming.

He swooped down on my cock in a flash, gagging then backing off, swooping deeper and smoother. He blew me with intensity and cleverness. I was squirming all over.

With all his strength behind it he lifted my knees and buried his tongue in my ass. My full throttle yell hurt my throat. My grunts became, 'oh gawds! and oh yeses!" He rimmed me and slurped me and I was sure I was gonna come, the drool from my pre-cum coated my abs and right pelvis as I gave over to the tongue in my ass. He licked from my ass to my cock head, again and again and again. He was so hungry for this I was in awe.

He dropped my knees and I came to rest on his lap, my back arched over his thighs. He looked like a mad man, just having run a race. He shook his head over and over, saying my name, "Nino, Nino" but not looking at me. I sat up in his lap holding his shaking head still.

"What the fuck dude, what is it?"

He gulped and looked away, and then our foreheads touching, "I so want to fuck you." Quiet and low it burned into my head. Now I got it. He could barely contain himself; he had just been so strong with me...

"If you want it..." I went tense when I said that.

That was his push, his permission. He folded me on to my back. He gripped my thighs and I was exposed. A little shift and the head of his cock was hot and slippery behind my balls. His kiss distracted me for a moment. Then a hot flash of pain. My cherry was popped. I couldn't breathe or move away from the hot stab in my ass. He held me in the kiss and he breathed in to my mouth waiting for me to breathe with him. I got a couple of breaths in; he rolled his hips; that was a slippery sensation. That wasn't bad at all. He pushed deeper and rolled, a smaller flash of pain. Then he pulled back and rolled his hips. He was stretching me bit by bit. I felt my whole body then; I was covered in sweat and raspy breathed. My cock stayed hard.

He pushed in and pulled out. A hot fat drop of spit hit the top of his cock and eased into my ass. My eyes got a little wider. On his next pulled back he dropped another fat gob of spit. The wetness and warmth made me squirm a bit. He leaned forward and said, "Take it buddy, take it all..." He was pressuring into me. My hands went to his hips, trying to slow him down. He eased up then and when I relaxed my grip he pushed sharp and didn't let up. His trimmed bush tickled my balls. He was balls deep in my ass.

Where his voice had been saying No with my name before, now there was a yes when he said my name between the kisses in my mouth as he dug into my throat with his tongue.

"I'm all yours Clark." It didn't sound like me talking. He hunched and I felt no pain, just fullness and pressure. He hunched and pulled, hunched and pulled. The top of my head started tingling. My lips felt numb and puffy from his crushing kisses. Like coming up out of water, awareness rolled down my body. My nipples were hard and taut. My abs clenched and cramped. My cock shifted and swelled with every scraping thrust Clark made in to my ass. My balls were almost invisible against my shaft. My ass was hot and slippery, scraped and throbbing when he held still between pushes and pulls. Clark was still repeating my name.

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