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Movie Night Ch. 03

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She discovers a new outlet.
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Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 08/11/2021
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We didn't get out of bed until after nine the next morning. We'd made love again on the floor and then laid there talking for quite a while. Rita admitted that these last few months had been a sort of re-awakening of her sexuality, and I too admitted that we had fallen into a bit of a rut. Young kids, relocation, new job and a new business, - both of us had let routine take over and had forgotten that time for us was paramount to every other relationship in the rest of our lives.

It was nice to be near family again. A year after college Bobby and Kim had moved to Florida, and when the two of us graduated three years later, my job had taken us north, first to Pennsylvania and then to Wisconsin. We'd all remained close online and with regular calls, but there was much missing. Rita and Kim, though separated by four years, were exceptionally close, even for sisters. Bobby and I, what can I say? It was just an instant bond. I think he and I talked as often as he and Kim while he was in the Marines and over in the Sandbox. I loved the guy like a brother, and we shared everything.

Rita was a little upset, and it seemed a bit aroused with all I had shared with him about these last few months. It wasn't exactly a play-by-play, but it was pretty damn close. I can't say it was bragging on my part -- though maybe some was -- but I am absolutely head over heels crazy about my wife's body and can't honestly believe how lucky a guy I am, so of course I share that with my best friend. As Rita and I talked about my TMI conversations with him, we both realized it was fairly one-way. Rita wondered if everything was okay with them; I mean I'm being pretty explicit telling him about things we did, and he never really came back with much. I'd never thought about it until last night talking with Rita, and it did seem strange. Just plain ego, you'd think, would have Bobby saying at least that they were doing it all the time too.

Rita had been really curious, and again concerned, when I relayed a conversation in which, after another description of one of our Friday movie nights, Bobby had said that "Maybe you got the Romano girl with all the sex drive." I thought she'd be upset, cuz -- and I told her -- he'd added that he'd always had a crush on 'Kim's little sister' and would really like to fuck her. But she let that pass for bit as we discussed the thing about the sex drive.

When she did come back to the crush thing, she asked me how I responded. I have never tried to hide anything from her, so I was honest. "I told him Kim was beautiful, and I'd like to fuck her too. It's sort of a thing now, when we're ragging on each other to say 'you just want to fuck me my wife' and the other will come back with 'yeah, well you just want to fuck mine.'"

Rita rolled her eyes. "God, you two are such boys." She laid there just thinking for a minute, then asked, "Would you really like to make love to Kim?"

"It's funny you ask it that way," I began, giving it honest consideration. "I hadn't thought about it, but I truly love Kim. I care about her, the kids... Yeah, I think I would."

I was surprised as hell when Rita wrapped her arms around me and kissed me passionately.

"What was that for?"

"You and Bobby might be crude assholes, but I know in your heart it would be making love to her," she said looking into my eyes.

She was quiet again for a bit, her head just laying on my chest. "Would you really let Bobby make love to me?" she asked without raising her head.

"You said...." I began.

"I didn't say it would actually happen. It won't. But would you?" she asked calmly.

I'm sure it just seemed like hours before I responded, but Rita gave me the space to think and listened to my whole answer.

"There's not a man in the world I trust more than Bobby. If anything happened to me, I know he would be there for you and the kids, would make sure you guys were okay." I took a slow breath before going on. "I think, and you know it, that it would be really hot to see you take a big cock like his. I don't know why that's hot to me, by the way, and I don't feel at all inadequate in the cock department. But, it's not up to me, it would be your choice and I wouldn't stop you. To be really honest, though I love the guy, my gut tells me that'll never happen. You could have sex, but he wouldn't make love to you, it would just be fucking. I wouldn't want that for you," I finished, my hand affectionately on her head.

Rita brought my hand to her lips and kissed it, then wrapped my arm around herself. We were quiet for a long time before Rita stirred and said we should get to bed. I awoke the next morning to the feeling of her hand on my cock.

"Morning," she cooed and threw back the sheets. The next thing I knew she was going down on me and had placed her very moist pussy on my face. It had been years since that had happened on a Saturday morning. Or any morning!

I was getting the lawn equipment out a couple hours later to do the lawn when Rita came out.

"The kids are watching movies, I'm headed to the store for groceries. We need anything for this afternoon?"

"Nope. Um, well get some wine coolers, those ones you and Kim like. I like it when you and Kim get silly. Oh, and check if we need tomatoes, you know how Bobby likes his burgers piled high and there's never any left for the rest of us," I answered already starting to sweat.

"We don't get silly, just relaxed. Anything else you think of, call me."

She leaned in for a kiss and that's when I noticed the tank top, or rather, her breasts. She never went without a bra and there was definitely not one now.

"Forget something?" I smiled.

"Nope," she playfully cupped my crotch, "You just left me in a mood. You mind?"

"Hell no, but be careful when you bend over," I craned my neck trying to see how much the tank top revealed.

"Be careful? Really? My husband says he likes me dressing sexy," she answered turning to get in her car.

"He's a perve, y'know," I called after her.

"Yeah, I know, but I love the guy," she laughed and blew me a kiss as she slid into the hot vehicle.

What the fuck? I thought as I watched her pull out. I know I must have hinted about a hundred thousand times in the last ten years that she could dress a bit sexier and all it got was eye rolls or a head shake, usually both. I was distracted as did the lawn, my imagination conjuring all sorts of things. She is turned on by porn, the mom undies are gone, and now this? I liked the new Rita.

Rita got home just as I finished putting everything away, pulling into the driveway as I was about to head back and dunk myself in the pool before taking care of that chore too. Pools are fun to have, but a chore.

I reached through the passenger window to grab a bag that was sitting on the seat when Rita looked over at me and said, "Sweetheart, I hope your not upset, but I think the grocery guy saw my boobies," a mock pout on her face. I hit my head on the doorjamb.

"Huh?" was all I could manage.

She batted her eyes and tried not to laugh. "Well I tried to be careful at the store, but you know how they bag your groceries and take your stuff out in a cart for you? Well, I guess I forgot and when we got to the car, I bent over to get my purse out of the cart and when I looked up, poor Alex -- that's what the name badge said -- he was staring and well..." she pulled the front of her tank top to show me his view.

If Alex were a normal guy, he was going to be beating off later on if he hadn't already.

'Forgive me?" she asked mockingly.

I looked at her, still holding the front of her blouse out showing me the most amazing breasts there ever were and replied in a stern tone, "Not unless you promise me this WILL happen again."

"Well, okay, I promise," she said in a little girl voice.

"And you have to tell me very specifically, in detail, each time anything like this happens."

My wife pouted. "Do I hafta?"

I nodded sternly, "Yes, in detail. No secrets."

She sighed. "Okay, in detail. No secrets. You won't be angry?"

"It'll make me very, very happy. Does it make you happy?"

Rita started to laugh, letting her blouse go. She got out of the car and came around, pressing her body to my sweaty clothes and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Ohmigod, Babe, my heart was going a hundred miles an hour. I sat in the car for like five minutes, wondering why the heck I had told myself I could go out like this. I almost drove home to change! I was so nervous in the store, I kept looking around thinking every guy was looking at me," she prattled rapidly in excitement. "Then I was outside and I guess I thought I was in the clear. I didn't even realize, wasn't thinking about it when I reached in to grab my purse and looked up to see this man's eyes bugged out. I don't even think he saw me look at him, he was so focused on my breasts! I, I thought, if you're gonna do it.....I just fiddled with my purse for bit letting him look. Tony, it was..." she shivered in my embrace.

She looked into my eyes, "You're really not upset, are you? I promise I will never do it again if you are."

"Do you feel that?" I asked pressing my hips to hers right there in our driveway.

She smiled wickedly.

"And I have to tell you in detail?"

"In detail," I nodded.

Her smile was beaming. She kissed me hard.

I shook my head. "What have you done with my wife? I hope she's safe, and that whoever you are that you'll be staying a while."

Rita laughed and kissed me again, smacking my bottom. "You're so bad. She's very safe, I think I set part of her free."

She dropped her voice, her eyes wide, "I think my panties are wet." She winked.

She bent through the car window and grabbed her purse and the small bag I had been reaching for on the seat.

"Groceries are in the back, could you grab them, please?" She blew me an air kiss and headed inside.

The next few hours was a series of little housekeeping chores that are typical on a Saturday in suburbia. Pool water check and buy additives at the pool supply store, a stop at Home Depot for a new saw blade, thin kerf, fine cut, and finally by the liquor store for some Captain Morgan. Both Bobby and I liked rum and cokes. Finally done, after adding the stuff the pool guy said I needed, I took a shower and settled in on the loveseat to catch what was left of the early game.

"Hey, it's 3:30, you gonna change?" Rita said as she came into the bedroom and headed into the master bath.

"Uh-huh," I answered absently. This was a good game, and I was already a little perturbed that I'd likely miss the end of it. Bobby and Kim were always punctual, and when they and their kids arrived I knew from history that I would not be seeing TV. Our kids were like a pack of hyper-active puppies when together, with yips of glee, tumbling forms, scampering feet -- and the need for attention so they didn't accidently break something or themselves. And that's before they hit the water!

"This okay?" I sort of heard. Third and three, a stacked backfield, and a real good chance of tying the game if they made it.

"Babe, what do you think?" Rita asked again.

Rita had two suits she always wore. They were 'mom suits;' fully lined, with built in foam cups, a 'tummy control' panel, and attached skirt to cover her up. To be honest, she looked great in either of them, one black and the other navy with some geometric print along one side, because she could make a burlap bag look good. I really did find her beautiful no matter which one, and always told her so. Kim was going to be wearing one of her bikinis, not too risqué but showing a lot of leg and accentuating her really fine ass, and her larger breasts. Both the Romano girls had fantastic breasts, Kim's about two cups sizes bigger than Rita's, with pronounced nipples she was proud to show off in her thin bikini tops. And Bobby wondered why I wanted to see her naked?

I turned to see Rita. My hand found the remote and I clicked the TV off, then sat and admired my gorgeous wife.

"Wow," was all I said, feeling a stirring in my shorts.

In that same secret place that she'd been pulling out and wearing lingerie for our Friday nights that she once had said she 'couldn't possibly wear,' Rita had found the light Teal maillot one-piece I had gotten for her about three years ago. I had imagined how she'd look in it. I had under-estimated its allure.

To say it was thin would not be right, it looked like it had been put on with an airbrush. It was completely unlined, a single gossamer layer of lycra. If she had been one of my woodworking projects, I'd have said she needed a second coat of paint, this suit hid nothing.

She laughed nervously. "It's too much, isn't it?" I think she was embarrassed.

"No, it's just that you are so beautiful, Ree."

"You're a terrible liar," she smiled slyly. "I can see the tent in your shorts."

"Well, I happen to know what's under the suit. It's just my imagination running away with me," I lied.

"Babe, I have eyes and a mirror. I should change..."

"But you don't want to, do you? You want me to say it's okay?"

She flashed red and nodded. I swear her nipples poked out even more. I marveled at the fight between them and the lycra.

"Can you turn for me, so I can see how much shows?" I asked smiling with pride.

Rita had put her hands in front of her crotch but now returned then to her sides. The suit, I recalled, was sized for a medium torso -- which I had guessed at -- and I thought it was magnificent as it stretched across and highlighted her femininity, tucked into her folds, gently calling all eyes there with the subtle insistence of a flashing neon sign. The only competition were her breasts, the tiny bumps around each areola clearly visible through the material, bringing the eyes to her prominent hard nipples centered perfectly in them.

I made a little motion with my finger and she began to turn. There was nothing I didn't like about how this suit revealed her body. So often I have been in awe at my luck in finding and marrying so beautiful a woman whose sexual appetite matches and compliments my own, who tolerates my cravings, and loves me as completely as I do her. I had no doubt that, as Bobby had observed, I got the better sister.

I stood and walked to her, taking her in my arms. "I think you are the most beautiful woman on Earth," I said kissing her gently and taking her hands in mine. "But I always have."

Rita smiled.

"This suit looks amazing on you -- or rather, you make it look amazing. When I got it for you, this is how I dreamt it would look," I continued. "No, that's not right, I couldn't have come close to imagining how good, how erotic and simply carnal you look in it."

Rita began to respond, but I said "Shhh."

I smiled, "Not gross or slutty, but fully, perfectly, as woman. Your breasts are terrific, and they show nicely in the suit. It reveals your pussy that I'm so crazy about in all its sensual glory, holding your labia wonderfully for appreciation, emphasizing them, caressing them -- leaving no doubt what someone is seeing."

Rita went bright red, though her face seemed happy, and she inhaled deeply, pulling every part of the suit more taut.

"Does it embarrass you?" she asked, watching my face closely.

"That I want to show you off? That I am so sure of us that I'm okay with you being seen in this suit?"

"It's Bobby...."

I smiled. "I know. We could have ten other guys here, and if you want to feel their eyes on you, I'm okay with that. Are you?"

Her voice quavered, "I feel like... I can't explain it, Babe. I thought I would die if anyone saw me this morning. I was so nervous...Geez, I'm about to pee right now! But when I saw that young guy staring at my breasts, not like some old lady with a couple kids, but as a woman...."

"You liked it...."

"Yes. God, yes!" she laughed. "Tony, is that wrong, is there something wrong with us, with me, that I liked that?"

I chuckled, "It must be something wrong with us, but I think it's okay. It excited the shit out of me when you left the house this morning. I couldn't concentrate on anything but wondering if some dude was going to see you. I wanted it! And when you got home and told me... well, damn, you felt the reaction I got."

"I'm happy you liked it 'cuz I think I really want to do it more."

"I think I want you to."

Rita laughed, "No duh, the way you've described everything we've done to Bobby. The million times you've suggested I dress sexier, all this stuff you've bought for me over the years," she smiled as she took hold of my hard shaft playfully.

Her face changed, "You can get angry if I do this, alright? You really want guys to look at me, right, to see my... stuff?"

"All you stuff," I said, grabbing an ass cheek, both of which were more exposed in this suit than in anything she'd ever worn. "Whatever you want to show, to who ever you want to show it, as much or as little as you want. But no secrets, you tell me everything."

"Uh-huh," she said kissing me deeply, her hand beginning to move along my cock.

I separated. "It would be if I could watch while...."

"Yes," she breathed. "I want you to!" her eyes aflame with desire. "I want this to be us, not me, not you..."

The doorbell rang. We both jumped.

"Shit," I said looking over at the clock.

"Go change," Rita said pushing me toward the master bath. "Oh wait," she said pushing past me.

She grabbed the bag she'd had in the car earlier and took something out. She slipped on a mesh beach coverup, black and about mid-thigh length. Somehow, with the peek-a-boo of the open weave she looked even hotter, though it did camouflage the overt sexuality of the barely-there suit.

"You've been thinking about this," I said squinting at her with a smirk.

"Maybe," she cupped my balls, "But I'll need a couple wine coolers anyhow." Then she looked at me with concern. "You won't get upset if nothing happens, if I chicken out, will you?"

"Rita, I love you. Nothing is ever going to change that. Do whatever makes you happy, and I'll be happy. That's all I've ever wanted for us."

She gave me a little squeeze and winking said, "And lots of sex."

"Yeah, lots of sex!" I agreed. She headed out to get the door. I slipped off my shorts, my bathing suit in hand, happy at the effect she always had on me. Nearly invisible swimsuit or mom clothes, for my eyes only or showing herself off, it didn't matter -- she was my everything.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

It is going great. much more believable than most. please continue soon

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