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Moving on


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The old man began to veer off towards the edge of the beach and Elizabeth began to feel a delightful panic rising up inside of her. Sure the beach was empty, but he was taking her towards one of the small footpaths. Elizabeth had assumed this man was a fellow beach house owner, if he's taking her off the beach he must live in one of the nearby neighbourhoods of prefab homes for holidayers and retirees. The sand became gravel so Elizabeth stopped walking on her arms and knees and started walking on her hands and feet, thrusting her bottom high in the air. What rational thoughts were left in her mind were telling her to turn back with every step she took, she had been honest with the man so far, there's no reason she couldn't change her mind and call it a day.

What would her parents think? What would the paparazzi think? What would the fans think? Hell what would Mike Hunt think when he opened a newspaper and sees dear sweet Lizzy Kim acting like a bitch in heat? She thought through all the questions and grinned that the answers didn't matter any more, she got to do what she wanted, and despite her trepidation, what she wanted was to be this old man's bitch until the end of the walk.

They came out of the footpath and reached the side of a quiet country road, the old man clipped a leash on his other dog and they crossed to the far side and began to walk along the road. The sun was soon to crest the horizon, which meant it was still dark enough to justify the streetlights being on, shining a spotlight on Elizabeth every fifty metres or so. As she approached a streetlight, Elizabeth remembered a typical early morning bodily function she had yet to do. She tugged on the leash and looked suggestively at the old man as she shuffled towards a lamppost.

"Alright Sprinkles, peeing is fine, but I'm not going to be the one wielding the poop bag if you do anything else." The old man joked as Elizabeth lifted her leg and relaxed her bladder. Elizabeth glanced over her shoulder to see her urine trickling down the lamp post and squealed with humiliation.

"Good girl, come along then." The old man chuckled as Elizabeth shook the last drips out of her. He patted her on the head and she genuinely felt a flash of pride followed by shame that she felt so proud of behaving for the old man.

They continued down the road until the old man took a sudden turn into a small house surrounded by trees. He walked through the side gate and soon Elizabeth found herself in an immaculately maintained back garden.

"Of course, the last thing I do after walking Willow on the beach is hose the salt and sand off of her." The old man announced, fetching a hose and dragging it towards Elizabeth. She held her ground and nodded at him. A beat later she felt cold water hitting her exposed flesh, she screamed with shock before rolling over and letting him turn the hose on her belly.

Eventually the hose was turned off and Elizabeth stood up dripping and ravenous. She danced over to the old man and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you for taking me for a walk, I thoroughly enjoyed it.' she admitted. "I'm going to head back now, so this is your last chance, anything I can do for you before I go?"

"All I ask is that you look after yourself, do you want something to cover your body for the walk back?"

"No thanks, there wasn't anybody around on our walk, nobody saw me. I'm hoping the return journey will be different.'


It had been a week since her crazy long weekend and Elizabeth felt far more comfortable with her life. There had been a splash in a gutter tabloid after someone took a picture of her in a sundress that was basically translucent with red underwear visible underneath and she didn't care, she didn't need to care any more.

"I don't get it." The lawyer pleaded over the speakers in Elizabeth's car. "One moment you're fire and brimstone against the porn guy, the next a tabloid is clearly infringing your privacy and you don't bat an eyelid."

"I don't want that to be my life anymore, which includes getting worked up that people I've never met are having the wrong thoughts about me."

"The photo was taken while you were partially still inside your house, private photo taken on private property of someone who wants to be a private entity. It may or may not work out but surely the threat of legal action could prevent it happening again and maybe get you an out of court settlement."

"These things don't make me angry any more." Elizabeth serenely interrupted. "What makes me angry these days is someone who rents a property last minute, then breaks their only key on their first day in the house so I have to immediately drive out to give them a new one."

"Well I can't sue your renters for being annoying so I guess you're on your own for that one." The lawyer replied before going into the polite formalities of ending the call. Elizabeth took a deep breath and relaxed into her drive, opening the window the so the fresh forest air could invigorate her, before closing it again shortly afterwards as it cooled her down.

Despite it being late October, Elizabeth was still circling through the various skimpy and inappropriate outfits she had bought, her excitement generating the warmth needed to counter the lack of insulation. The property she was heading towards was in an isolated area in the woods of North California so she figured it would be warm enough for one of her riskiest outfits. She was wearing hot pink denim short shorts with a tight white tube top clearly designed with someone less busty in mind, and with fabric fine enough that an errant breeze or rain shower would reveal her nipples to anyone nearby.

She pulled up to the forest cabin, the first house she had bought without Jamal, and sighed. It was a long journey just to hand over a key, but at least she'd be letting someone get an up close and personal look at her risky outfit. Her open-toed sandals were unsteady as she walked across the loose stone driveway to the front door. She rang the doorbell and waited with baited breath.

"Alright." A short but buff man grunted as she answered the door.

"I'm the landlady, I have the key here." Elizabeth announced, handing him the spare key.

"Ah thanks, while you're here we've been trying to get the air conditioning working in the living room but the controls are a bit tricky, could you have a look?"

Elizabeth rolled her eyes, the air conditioning wasn't that tricky, but the customer is always right. She walked into the living area and was stunned still and silent at what she saw.

Squatting next to the fireplace were two women, both naked with their legs spread as wide as they could manage. From where Elizabeth was standing she could just about make out the curly pig tails attached to the butt plugs inside the women. Both women had a nose hook attached to their heads, with a headband that had pink pig ears sticking out of their hair. The one on the left had 'pig #1' written across her breasts while the one on the right had 'pig #3' written across her's.

Elizabeth stared for a moment before turning to one side to see Mike holding a camera looking right at her.

"Oh hi Lizzy, we reserved you a spot in our three little pigs video." He explained, clearly running the camera up and down her body feeling like he'd hit the jackpot already.

"Mike." Elizabeth sneered. "I would strongly advise you put that camera down right now."

"Why, you wanna do it offline?" He chuckled.

"I want to talk to you, and believe me you want this talk to happen in private." Elizabeth snarled through clenched teeth.

"Probably some negotiations, don't worry pig number 1, I won't give her your spot." He joked as he put the camera down and followed Elizabeth out of the house into the front garden. "If you're going to yell at me, save your breath..."

"I'm not going to yell at you." Elizabeth reassuringly interrupted. "Instead I'm going to tell you the truth. You'll notice I'm wearing quite a skimpy outfit today, I have also been experimenting with my sexuality. I discovered that degrading situations really turn me on, you can see just by looking at how stiff my nipples are." Mike glanced down at Elizabeth's tube top and was indeed surprised to see two peaks of fabric sticking out.

"The truth is, seeing your videos awakened something in me, something dirty and deviant." Elizabeth explained, leaning closer and closer to Mike in order to whisper seductively at him. "And I would love to be the star of one of your movies, if it wasn't for one small problem."

"Whatever the problem is, I'll do whatever it takes to fix it." Mike spluttered.

"I'm glad to hear that, because the problem is that you are a massive prick. I want you to know that if you hadn't been a gigantic asshole with me at every turn, I'd probably be getting 'pig #2' written across my chest as we speak." She chuckled.

"That's just how people have to be, you can't be dominated by someone who treats you right."

"When a girl agrees to it, yes, but I hadn't, so it was just harassment. Because of that you're just going to have to use your imagination of all the horrible things you could have said and done to me if you had just treated me like a human being when we first met." Elizabeth concluded walking to her car with as much wiggle as she could muster.

"You almost had me." Mike laughed trying to save face. "Lie all you want, I'm not taking down that video of you and I'm certainly going to publish the footage I now have of you in that outfit."

"Go ahead, I don't care." Elizabeth replied, turning back to Mike, then to make her point, she squatted into the same position that his pigs were in, pulling down her tube top to flash her breasts before pulling her nose up with her fingers to give herself a manual equivalent to a nose hook.

"Oh Mike, I want to be a fuck pig so badly." Elizabeth orgasmically moaned, "but I need to be fucked by a man who deserves my filthy pig pussy." She then laughed as she pulled up her top, climbed into her car, and drove away from Mike as he stood there with the look of someone who had just dropped a winning lottery ticket down the drain.

The next video Mike uploaded was not the footage from the forest cabin, instead it was an apology to Elizabeth. She watched it with a smile, then clicked over to a shopping website to buy a nose hook and a pig tail butt plug.


"This'll get you out of the papers." A smooth voice assured over Elizabeth's speakerphone. The only reason Elizabeth had yet to hang up on her former publicist was that shortly after she'd answered her phone, she had handcuffed herself to her bed and the key to the cuffs was in a slowly dissolving ice cube on a necklace she was wearing.

"Remember how I said I don't want to be in the public eye, having someone going around claiming to be my publicist kind of undermines that." She replied, trying to hold her nerve together as the vibrating eggs in her pussy churned with every twitch and squirm.

"I get that you don't want reunions or other roles, but this is a highbrow show that is interested in your perspective on trying to give up being in the public eye."

"That interview will inevitably lead to me attacking people, people who will then defend themselves and attack me, inevitably it's a feud and the whole media circus starts again. I just want to be left alone."

"How's the holiday home business, with house prices the way they are, COVID fallout, and cost of living crisis the vacationers market is shaky, it doesn't hurt to get a rainy day fund going." The relentless publicist prodded, Elizabeth felt herself warming up in anticipation of her sneaky orgasm and was starting to regret her cheeky idea to answer the phone just before putting herself through her bondage predicament.

"How many... how many people have contacted you asking if they could get Lizzy Kim on their show in the past year?" Elizabeth strenuously asked.

"Thirty or forty."

"Alright... I will pay you $500... to send those offers on... to me so I can reply... to them personally." Elizabeth was desperately trying to keep herself from orgasming on the phone.

"I can't have you badmouthing me to the people I want to..."

"I won't say anything bad about you." Elizabeth interrupted. "Just send them over." She was screaming now.

"Are you alright?" The confused publicist asked, now able to hear Elizabeth's heavy breathing over the phone, there was a long pause that he eventually filled. "Alright, $1000 and I'll send them on to you. Now I got someone who actually wants work calling but think about what I said."

The publicist hung up and the moment that Elizabeth confirmed she was alone, she screamed and moaned as the vibrations pushed her body over the precipice.


Once she had finished her shower, Elizabeth checked her email and found the one from her former publicist with a big list of journalists still eager to get the exclusive on Lizzy Kim, each one promising either a sensitive investigation, or a tell-all bombshell depending on what they though Elizabeth would want out of the experience. Elizabeth went through each one in turn and took no small measure of delight informing them that she would under no circumstances be appearing on their show.

Among the trashy tabloids and vacuous talk shows, Elizabeth spotted one invitation that actually intrigued her, it was a podcast called Murdoch's Mothef*ckers. It appeared to be a dirtbag left podcast run by ex shock-jock turned political campaigner Phoenix Fischer, looking at the scandals and moral failings of the right wing media. They had written as they wanted to use Elizabeth's story to demonstrate how sociopathic the media can be in relation to celebrities. They weren't asking for an appearance, just permission to talk about her story. The novelty of such a request was enough for her to give them a thumbs up before going back to blanket rejections.

... they justify their harassment by saying the figure is a public figure, then they justify that person's position as a public figure by the viewership of their harassment. It would be like when a kid pulls another kid's pants down in class and when the teacher tries to tell them off the kid says "but look how all the class is pointing and laughing at him, clearly he wants the attention."

Serena: based off a true story?

Jake: yup, it was also a story with a strong moral not to go commando in high school... whoever that kid was.

Phoenix: similar thing happened to me, but nobody was laughing. Mine unfurled like a python.

Serena: really? must have been cold after the podcast awards last year, or was the python sleeping?

Phoenix: and I haven't mixed tequila and ex since. So Jake I believe we actually got something of an exclusive here. Lizzy Kim has given us permission to do something of a deep dive into how she was treated.

Jake: yeah, although she prefers Elizabeth these days.

Phoenix: my bad. What's she been up to?

Jake: well she's been doing whatever she can to not be seen as a public figure any more. Like, her parents signed her up to be a celebrity and the moment she had a choice in the matter, she and her boyfriend noped out of there as fast as they could.

Serena: smart woman.

Phoenix: damn man, I already had a bit of a crush on her growing up, now you're going to tell me she's clever and strong enough to stand up to the press? Throw a mouse down my trousers because the python just woke up.

Serena: so we're adding "the python" to the list of euphemisms for your penis?

Jake: someone on Reddit is actually keeping track of that. According to thekyle25 there are... 35 different nicknames, 36 once "the python" gets on there.

Phoenix: in which case I'm now going to refer to my penis as "thekyle25's list" as it's going to keep getting longer beyond what is funny.

Serena: "thekyle25's list" is going to be on thekyle25's list. I think that's going to break something.

Jake: anyway, back to Elizabeth, she has only had one deliberate media facing appearance since she turned 18 and that was to tell the media to go fuck themselves.

Phoenix: let me guess, the media respected her wishes and went home to rethink their lives?

Jake: the fact that I can make a flipbook of pictures of her looking happier for a year, then sadder as her husband gets sick and dies, and then even more photos of her in mourning suggests that the parasites weren't going to drop their host that easily.

Serena: yeah I found this photo of her a week after her husband's funeral and all The Questioner can talk about is the wind lifting her skirt so you can see her knickers.

Phoenix: isn't that illegal?

Jake: if they had deliberately taken the photo up her skirt it would have been as the law states women wearing a skirt have a reasonable expectation of privacy in regards to their knickers. But when the wind lifted up her skirt, there was no longer an expectation of privacy.

Serena: that is such a shitheel argument.

Jake: that shitheel argument was why when Elizabeth took them to court, she lost.

Phoenix: fucking court system man. Has Elizabeth ever won a court case.

Jake: once, The Pillar gave her a 6 figure payout after one of their photos was judged to have been taken of Elizabeth on private property. It was a photo of her taking off her sweaty top after a session on an exercise bike and the increase in circulation on the magazine has been estimated to be worth far more than the fine.

Phoenix: like I've always said, if the punishment is a fine, for the rich it's not a crime.

Serena: or if you have a wealthy friend willing to pay the fine.

Phoenix: for the last time, if you get arrested for harassing the supreme court justices, I'll pay bail but you're gonna have to start a kickstarter if they fine you.


Elizabeth arrived at the beach house with a skip in her step, she had the place for the whole week, concluding with the podcasters from Murdoch's Motherf*ckers visiting to record an interview with her Sunday morning. She had made a mixture of a plan and a bet with the guys from the podcast, it required Elizabeth to continue with a lot of crazy things she had been doing in the lead up to her trip, things that scared her even more than her worst fantasies.


Phoenix: welcome everyone to the show, I am so excited for today's episode, we're talking to Elizabeth Kim at her beach house in Oregon, how are you doing Elizabeth?

Elizabeth: you know the drill, I'm not answering that.

Phoenix: really, right off the bat? Well I should explain to the audience what is going on then. Elizabeth set us a little challenge to demonstrate the full reach of media intrusion into her life, as well as demonstrating you get a lot more from celebrities if you are nice to them rather than treating them like travelling scandal factories.

Serena: so it's been about four years since Elizabeth told everyone she didn't want to be a public figure any more and she is still watched on every corner. She challenged us to try and figure out everything she has been up to in the past month using only publicly available sources.

Jake: every detail we get right, she will answer one of our questions completely honestly.

Phoenix: and from what I can see, the papers have picked up that she's been acting weirdly and it's hilarious seeing them trying to figure out what's going on with you.

Elizabeth: thanks, I've had a lot of fun.

Phoenix: Serena, you have that women's touch, why don't you go first.

Serena: alright, CMX got photos of you picking up a series of packages from the post office. They were more concerned about your low cut top and short skirt, but I could see that you had bought something from a pet store. Are you getting a pet?

Elizabeth: nope.

Phoenix: why would you buy something from a pet store if you don't have a pet?

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