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Mr. Disco Ch. 09

Story Info
Rosie Jones meets Varga, Keeley and Luke search for clues.
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Part 9 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 11/16/2016
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Author's Note: This story is completely fictional and did not happen. All characters and names are fictional and were made up.


Miami, Florida

Silence had momentarily filled Nigel's hotel room sitting among Brickell Key. Upstairs, Lucy Pinder found herself in the bathroom fixing up her hair after a short shower. Nigel himself was downstairs, talking on his cellphone in privacy. After the events with John Varga, he had found himself in an odd position he wasn't accustomed towards by any means. Usually Nigel was the one who easily won his arguments and business deals, but for once he was on the losing end and had to cave in to the demands of the famed photographer. It was gut wrenching to be defeated by anyone, but Nigel he had no other choice. He wanted the photography session with Lucy to the point he was calling Rosie Jones' agent back with the company to organize a meeting. Earlier in the day, he had phoned Peter to inform him that he would be acting as Rosie's agent in Miami following the negotiation proceedings with John Varga upon her arrival.

"So she's on her way right now? Good, I'm looking forward to seeing her."

Standing up from the couch, Nigel nodded to himself while holding the phone up to his ear. A long sleeve white button-up shirt was clad over his torso while he wore the usual pinstriped dress pants down below. Only his leather belt wrapped around his body and tucked through the loop holes stood out in contrast from the lights above. After hanging up the phone, he placed it on the glass coffee table sitting in front of the couch and then sat back down. Nigel silently thought to himself as he remained secluded alone. Hopefully having Rosie in Miami to meet with Varga would straighten out their business dealing. It still didn't make much sense in his mind that he couldn't shove Varga around with the size of his wallet alone. Most men were usually intimated by Nigel just for the sheer fact of his wealth alone. To come face to face with a man who simply wasn't intimidated by him like this was an alien experience for Nigel. Sitting back on the couch, he rested his right handed fist under his chin while thinking to himself.

Once Lucy was done with her hair, she dressed back up and was prepared to meet Nigel downstairs. The past few days had been something of an adventure between her and the man who now owned her under contract. She was beginning to feel as if Luke were a distant memory in her heart. Lucy had went partying with Nigel, alongside his brother Sebastian. For the first time since joining Nigel, she was beginning to relax and enjoy this new lifestyle alongside him as his loyal 'trophy whore'. It was Lucy herself who had led the charge, calling Rosie Jones and asking her to come along to Miami. Nigel was pleased with Lucy's actions, as she was clearly proving that his favoritism towards her was paying off. Holly Peers wasn't too happy, as evident from the text messages she had been leaving Nigel all morning. He didn't reply back to her frantic texts, most of them concerned with his well being. This wasn't the first time Holly had been beaten out in a competition game played by the man whom she loved. He soon heard footsteps from behind, heels clacking loudly over the floor below. Nigel turned around to see Lucy standing behind him.

"Oh, Lucy..."

Her lips curved into a smile as she glanced back to him. She stood tall in a pair of black high heels, the same in which she had worn earlier this week. Nigel's eyes surveyed her body, as Lucy stood wearing a low cut black blouse with strings over her shoulders. Her massive, signature breasts almost came spilling out of the small shirt. Below the shirt, she had on a a pair of simple polka dotted booty shorts. Since they had no plans to go out tonight, Lucy took to wearing casual clothes around the hotel suite. Nigel spoke again.

"You look magnificent."

"Thank you, dear."

She approached him after he had spoke back. Lucy walked over to the couch, joining her man as she sat on the left side of him. Once more, Nigel spoke to her.

"Rosie is coming to Miami to meet with Varga. Thank you for talking to her. I appreciate that very much."

"It's no problem at all, Nigel. She and I are good friends, I used to talk to her on a daily basis."

Nigel smirked. He was ready to ask a question, one that would reveal much of Lucy's feelings to him about her new place.

"How did she react knowing you are now with Perfect Kiss?"

Giggling a bit, Lucy smiled back to him flashing her teeth.

"Rosie was almost ecstatic over the phone. She couldn't believe it at first, going by her immediate reaction when I told her. She told me she can't wait to see us."

Still in a grin, Nigel nodded his head to her. He began to get up from the couch, moving his hands to cup Lucy's face. Leaning in towards her, he spoke softly.

"Good, you've done a fine job as of late, Lucy. I'm very happy with you."

He then kissed her lips before letting go of her face. Nigel wasn't one to tell a woman that he was proud of her. For Lucy to hear him say he was 'very happy' was something of an achievement. Moving away from the couch, he left her there as he quietly began to march upstairs back to the bedroom. Lucy didn't utter a word to him as she was left alone in her thoughts. She wanted to ask him if they would be seeing his brother again tomorrow. The past few days had been so much fun partying alongside Sebastian. Nigel had soon discovered that Lucy was a clubbing girl, the type who could take on a champion of the dance floor and reign supreme. It was this hobby that made her click so well with Luke, a man known as 'Mr. Disco'. Despite her attitude changing in the last few days towards Nigel, she was still thinking about Luke quietly in her thoughts. There was something about Nigel's brother Sebastian that reminded her of Luke. Something about his warmth kindness and a sense of respect towards her.


Beyond the white walls of the room, Luke shared a hotel suite with Keeley Hazell across back in South Beach. Upon arriving in Miami, she hooked them a stay for two weeks at one of the most luxurious hotels along Miami Beach. Avoiding the Art Deco hotels that were filled with tourists, it was Keeley's idea to offer Luke the best her money could buy at a place of complete privacy. The suite itself was two rooms, including an upstairs that had a separate bedroom and a balcony view. The first few nights Luke and Keeley had slept in separate rooms, but she felt that was going to change soon between the two of them. She was waiting to make a bit of progress before laying on her act of loving passion. So far, they had only been in town for three days but Keeley had fulfilled her promise to go through her connections in Miami that were linked to Nigel. She knew just where to search, as she had her experience playing in his web of games from the past.

Miami was one of Luke's favorite places to spend a night in the U.S. It was a shame to him that he wasn't spending a vacation here alongside the woman whom he loved. Every day, he thought of Lucy and became curious of how she was spending her days. If he were to find her in Miami, he just hoped that she was in good health. Of course, Luke still had to ponder on the chances of her moving on in life. He was beginning to realize that it was very much a strong chance that she had moved on from her time with him and started over. Before leaving London, Michelle had told him such things and only now Luke was starting to consider them. Whatever the case, he felt that there was nothing to lose here. The odds were stacked against him, but Luke had determined himself to go out down fighting until the end. Such a bold stance had made Keeley respect him more than she had years ago.

The first thing Keeley did in Miami was call a few guys she had known from years ago. Men whom she knew were still connected to Nigel. It didn't take much of attempt to learn that he was indeed in town, alongside Lucy as well as his brother Sebastian. The topic of Sebastian Taylor was something Keeley did not often consider. She had known Nigel's brother as a partying animal. He was the type of man always living life in the fast lane and didn't seem to have any regrets of his indulgent behavior. Despite this, Keeley had remembered him as a man in the family whom had a good heart and made right decisions. It was well known that Sebastian did not approve of how Nigel treated his women, something Keeley had learned years ago when he stood up for her. She also knew that Nigel deep down couldn't stand Sebastian. He viewed him as a failure in life, born into money and blowing it at any opportunity he had to have fun. Keeley found it strange to hear that Nigel would allow Sebastian to party alongside himself and Lucy.

Sitting down at the kitchen table, Keeley had a black leather bound journal book opened. Her cellphone was next to the notebook, as it had been used in the past hour. Among two pages were several notes of her contacts she had from her old days in the modelling industry. Old friends, boyfriends and good contacts she had kept over the years, their phone numbers and email addresses were listed if she were ever to reach out to them once more. With her long dirty blonde hair pinned up in a pony tail, she wore a small white button up shirt over her body clad only in a black thong and bra. Luke made his way down the spiraling staircase before stepping into the kitchen. He wore a light green shirt with white pants below. His face was clean after spending the last few minutes shaving. Keeley had not noticed his entrance at first, not until she raised her head and then smiled at him.

"Oh, hey hon."

"Hey Keeley, you look like you've been busy."

"Yes, I have. I've made some calls all around town. We've got a few leads on Nigel and Lucy. It's not much, but I guess it's something for a starting point."

"Do we?"

Luke's voice raised in excitement to answer her back. The former glamour model just smiled back, answering his American accent back in her British tone.

"Yes, someone's been out partying lately."

"With Lucy?"

Keeley nodded her head.

"Yes, I hear Nigel has been making the rounds with her. His brother Sebastian was with them a few nights ago. They went to Disco Fever, that new club that is quite popular down here. You know of it, hon?"

"Yeah, I've been there once about two years ago when it first opened."

Shoving his hands into his pocket, Luke thought to himself for a moment. He spoke once more after gathering his thoughts.

"What should we do? Maybe sit back in one of these clubs and hope that Nigel shows up with her again?"

Shaking her head, Keeley laughed.

"No, that's a waste of time. We need to find out what they're really in town for. Nigel usually does not bring his trophy whores with him and stay for a week if it's not something important. I am sure he's bringing Lucy down here for a photo shoot of some sort."

"Is that what he used to do with you, Keeley?"

Looking back into his face, she nodded her head slowly. Keeley answered him back.

"Yes, he often took me to the States for photo shoots. A couple times to Miami, but I am not sure where he would have Lucy for a photo session. I'm tempted to give his brother a call, a friend of mine seen him out with them."

"Nigel has a brother?"

"Yes, he does. His name is Sebastian and I can assure you he's a good guy. He helped me get away from Nigel back in the day. To be honest with you Luke, Nigel hates his guts."

Luke became curious at Keeley's words now. He had not known at all of Nigel's brother, as the name Sebastian was one he had not heard. Standing before the table, he nodded to Keeley and spoke once more.

"Tell me about this Sebastian fellow, please. I've never heard of him. I don't keep up with the Taylor family's gossip."

Licking her lips, Keeley smiled to Luke before giggling.

"Well, he's...he's different, to put it simple. Sebastian is nothing like his brother at all. Where Nigel is a monster of himself, Sebastian has his own vices. Sex, drugs, partying. He likes to go wild, but beneath all that, he is a good man. I know for a fact he does not approve of what his brother does, but he has no say in the matter. You see, Sebastian is like the black sheep of the entire Taylor family. If you're in the right social circles to meet him, he's a lot of fun and can be very charming. But when it comes to that family, they'll always frown upon him since he's a magnet for controversy in tabloid stories. The way he blows money left and right, he'll never be able to run a functioning business. Despite his flaws, he has more of a heart than Nigel ever has."

After she had spoken to him at length, Luke thought to himself for a moment. He let her words sink, as she described Sebastian. Perhaps he could lead them to Lucy? It was a question worth pondering, as Luke felt the possibility was there. He speculated that perhaps if Sebastian was truly this good o a man, maybe he could help them rescue Lucy from Nigel's clutches.

"Do you think it would be a good idea to reach out to Sebastian, then? Maybe he could lead us directly to Lucy. If he's this kinda guy, maybe he could help her get away from him."

"I'm thinking about it, Luke. You see, the problem with that is, reaching out to him probably would lead Nigel directly to us. I'm sure he watches his brother like he does everything else, so this could end up blowing our cover down here. Besides, Sebastian has his handlers who are connected right back to Nigel. I imagine they already know to look out for any mention of your name."

Luke sighed.

"Perhaps you're right, but I think we're going to end up having to take risks like this. It's a hard choice, but we have to try something."

Keeley's eyes glanced up into his eyes.

"We'll see in due time. I'll think about it..."

With her lovely voice answering him back, she shut the leather bound journal book and got up from the table. Luke stepped aside as Keeley began to walk out of the kitchen. His eyes had noticed the unbuttoned white shirt, revealing only her black thong and bra over her tight fit body. He turned around to speak to her.

"Where are you going, babe?"

She quickly turned around, giving him a smirk.

"I'm gonna go jump in the shower. Wanna join me, Luke?"

Raising his eyebrow, he chuckled before answering her back.

"But you're not dirty at all."

Keeley giggled. At last, she felt that she had Luke all to herself. She had promised him that he was in for a surprise once they were in Miami. They were long overdue for this after the incident in the parking garage. She was more than ready to begin a bit of dirty talking with him.

"I'm sure you can change that, can't you hon? You can make me dirty enough to the point I'll need to take a shower."

Without uttering another word, Keeley turned her back to him and stomped off, leaving him there in the doorway to the kitchen. Her bare feet moved quietly over the carpet floor. She wanted to tease him this time around. After walking across the room, she stood near the tall glass windows and turned around to face him. With ease, she disrobed her body of the little white shirt, letting it fall to the floor below. The light of the sun shined down on her from the window, making the outline of Keeey's form illuminate. Luke watched as she reached up behind her head and undid the pony tail keeping her dirty blonde hair together. Just when she had caught her eyes looking her over her body, Keeley then moved her hands behind her back. She undid her bra, allowing the straps hugging over her shoulders to come undone and the piece to slide completely off. With her big breasts exposed in the view, she glanced down and then gazed back towards Luke.

He swallowed his breath while looking at her semi-nude body. Keeley didn't say a word to him as her eyes caught into his gaze from across the room. The last time they were naked together, they had only given each other oral pleasures. That was about to change, as Keeley definitely wanted more. She used both hands to slip down to her black thong, tugging it down. By now, Luke had took the hint to begin stripping himself free of his own clothes. Starting with his shirt, he threw it to the floor before unbuttoning his pants. At the same time as he worked to get his pants off, Keeley had stepped out of her thong and revealed her sweet opening hole without a single piece of hair anywhere near it. As she was completely nude at this point, Keeley began to slowly approach Luke. The sound of his pants and underwear coming down could be heard, but not louder than the soft giggle she produced within her voice. On the left side of them sat a yellow coach, as well as a wooden coffee table.

"Come to me, Luke. Come here..."

Her voice called out like a seductress. Both of their bodies were completely nude of any clothing by now. Luke took a few steps moving closer as Keeley was now standing before him. She ran her hands up his chest, leaning in to kiss his lips. Luke sunk his tongue into her mouth and before they knew it, the kiss had erupted into one of blazing passion. As they kissed repeatedly, Luke pushed his hands over her breasts. He could feel her nipples hardening up under his palms, all while Keeley sank both of her hands down below to wrap around his cock. Slowly and carefully, her hands wrapped around his thick shaft and began to stroke it up and down while his own hands were squeezing her boobs. Keeley moaned into his mouth before breaking their lips apart. Her hazel eyes glared back at him as she spoke to him in a whispering voice.

"Stand right there for me, Luke baby...I'm gonna make you feel good, just watch me. Don't look away, you might miss something with those curious eyes of yours."

She kissed him softly on the lips again, all while still gazing back into his eyes. Keeley then slowly began to lower herself down to her knees. Luke was forced to remove his hands from her breasts while both of her hands were slowly wanking his cock back and forth. Here she was, playing into the role of a sexy seductress before him. Once her knees hit the carpet floor beneath them, Keeley moved her left hand away and brought her mouth towards his cock. The first thing she did was part her lips, using her tongue to lick down the underside of his long shaft. She closed her eyes as her tongue began to slide up the length of his cock, meeting at the head. Opening her eyes once more, Keeley looked up into his face while bringing her lips to the head. She pushed it into her mouth, softly kissing it before releasing it with a popping sound. Luke took in a deep breath before moaning and running his hand through her wavy blonde hair.

"Ohhhhhh, man..."

Luke couldn't control himself from muttering a few words. After what Keeley had done to him with her mouth back in London, he was left with an impression that would never fade from his memories. She didn't just suck his cock, she made love to it with her mouth. Very few women in his life could compete with her skills, as Keeley was proving herself yet again. Her eyes shut again as she continued to suck him. Slowly, she worked her lips down the first few inches of his cock. Her right hand fingers were still snugly wrapped around the base. His hand moved to stroke through her dirty blonde hair while Keeley slowly bobbed her lips up and down. She sucked his rod so sensually, making it slow and everlasting. Removing his hand from her hair, Luke spoke up.

"You give the best blow jobs in the world, Keeley."

His words forced her to open her eyes and glare up at him while his cock remained between her lips. 'I do it better than the woman you're chasing after, huh?' Keeley spoke in her mind the very words she wanted to blurt out at him. She wasn't going to insult Lucy to his face, instead she popped her lips from his rod with a loud sounding and looked up into his eyes. A string of spit dangled from her open mouth back to his rod. With a soft moan, she teased him by talking dirty.

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