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Mrs. Gallagher's Pool Pt. 04

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Artistic Exposure.
2.6k words

Part 4 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 01/20/2015
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Annie called me at work a couple of days later. She explained that Mrs. Marlowe had a problem with her art class. That night's class was in nude painting and their usual male model was ill and couldn't attend.

"Would you please be a dear, and stand in for us? We want to keep on schedule and the anatomy sessions are so important," she pleaded. "You've already met several of the girls in the class, and they like you. Most of us have seen you naked already, too. Could you help us out, Will?"

I was reluctant, but it would be hard to let Annie down. Besides making points with the girls! Annie and Renee were becoming my good friends, and I was getting used to them seeing me in the buff. How difficult could this be?

"Just have a quick shower, and I'll see you by the pool around six!" she said breezily and hung up.

After work, I grabbed a quick burger on the way home. I showered and shaved, then pondered what to wear. Hell, I will just be stripping it off again for the posing, so why bother! I sauntered out poolside in my birthday suit, enjoying the afternoon warmth and bracing myself for another naked appearance for girls.

Annie soon popped in at the gate. "Why are you naked? We have to get going or be late!"

"It's nude posing, right? I thought it was happening here! Where are we going?"

"No, no! The class is in the arts building on campus. I came to drive you there," she explained.

"Okay. Let me get dressed, then. I won't be long."

"There's no time. We've gotta go now, or the class will be delayed!" she urged.

"I can't go there undressed. It's a public place!" I protested.

"You'll be in the car. No one will even notice. I'll park in the back lot, and close to the door. No one is likely to be around but the art students. Come on!" she was pulling me towards the gate, now, holding my wrist.

We hopped into her shiny red BMW convertible, and the top was down. It was such a gorgeous day. 'No one will notice? Riding naked in a flashy red Beemer that screams for attention!' I thought as we sped down the alley and spun into the street.

Everything felt surreal as I sat there naked, the distance between me and my clothes growing greater by the second. I was very aware of the warm leather seat under my bare bum, and the breeze wafting all over my exposed flesh, even down in the nether reaches between my thighs. But no one seemed to be paying us any unusual attention, and I started to relax.

After a few blocks, she turned onto West Grand Avenue, one of the busiest streets in town.

"Why are you going this way? Keep to the side streets so there's less chance of anyone seeing me!" I insisted.

"The Avenue is quicker. I'm not worried that anyone will notice anything," she replied.

"You aren't the one who's naked! And I can't cover up if I'm spotted like this!"

"You should have been ready - and dressed. It was a silly goof, so don't blame me for it! We'll soon be there, anyway, and you'll be fine. Stop freaking over it!" she argued.

The Avenue is a wide 4-laned street that is usually very busy, even in the evening, and it was at that hour. We came to a stop, third car back in the inside lane, as a light turned red. A big jacked-up pickup stopped beside us, and the driver looked right down into the open car. Lovely Annie in a hot sports car would turn anyone's head!

"Hey! She's got a naked guy in her car!" he called out to a buddy. They both laughed loudly. "Hey, nudie boy, can't you keep your pants on 'til ya get her home? Can't really blame ya, though. She's a hottie, man!" They were still laughing when they turned at the corner, but at least they were gone.

In the next block, we were parallel to a bus. Some of the passengers noticed me, and were pointing and joking. About half the bus got a look at me anxiously covering my goods with my hands. There was nothing more I could do, but give Annie a red-faced scowl and urge her to hurry up. It seemed she was taking her time after claiming such a tight schedule. Was she really enjoying my panic?

Thankfully, we soon turned into the entrance drive of City College, and drove to the side lot at the arts building. No one was in view at this secluded lot, as Annie put up the top and locked the car. I followed her into the building, cock and balls dangling freely in the late afternoon air. A titter of giggles went through the room as we entered.

Mrs. Marlowe greeted me with a smile. "Thank you, Will, for agreeing to help us tonight. We didn't really expect you to arrive naked, though. That is quite unusual! But you'd be disrobing anyway, so I suppose it saves time?"

"He was confused about the location. He thought it was by the pool. We didn't have time to correct his mistake," Annie told her. I felt a little foolish.

"Okay. It's fine. Just stand on the platform, there, and try to relax. Class, this is Will Barrett, and he is gracious enough to substitute for Marcus, our usual model, who is ill tonight. Please welcome him," Mrs. Marlowe introduced me, to a round of applause.

"Now, Will, please turn your back to the class, left hand on your hip... back a little more to show the curve... turn your knee a bit, yes... that's good... head left, up a bit... great, hold that!"

She moved through the room, watching the work of each student, and giving comments on body form, painting techniques, and making suggestions on their work. She commented on my physique and skin tone, advising on color blending and other details. I was thankful to be facing away, as the discussion of my body kept me very aware of my state of exposure, and I began to have a slow stirring in my groin.

'Oops. Not now. Not here. No. No! NO-O-O! Think of something else! Don't get aroused now. It's not listening to me. Stop it!' I tried to stem my gradually increasing growth before anyone noticed it.

Mrs. Marlowe went past me to consult one of the art books on her desk, and saw my slowly levitating appendage, now almost horizontally protruding into open air. She smiled, but made no comment as she returned to assist a student. Knowing that my condition was no longer my secret made it all the more difficult to stop thinking about it, so I was rapidly losing the battle to control it. My love rod angled higher and higher, growing longer and firmer by the moment.

Then Lucie noticed it! She was on the left flank of the class, and had a more advantageous angle of view than the others. "Should I include his penis in my painting, ma'am? It is peeking out past the curve of his hip!" That caused a few giggles.

"It is your canvas, so you can paint it as you see it, my dear!" was the answer.

"Then I will have to blend a pinker shade, because it is a different tone from the rest of him!" she remarked.

"I'll bet it's no redder than his face! Lisa challenged. "I can't see it from here. Is it a big one?"

"Showing good potential, and getting nicer and nicer!" she smirked, as I grew to full bloom, my twitching and tingling cock totally refusing to obey my efforts to diminish it.

"Now I must re-do his face. It has gotten much more florid since I painted it!" Susan lamented.

"And his dong is now long!" Lucie informed, with a howl of laughter that made even Mrs. Marlowe chuckle.

"Now, ladies! We all know how amusing the male anatomy is, particularly that most special part of it! But do try to maintain some composure, for the sake of the model's comfort."

"I am sorry, ma'am. But I could see how hard he was fighting to keep it down, and it just kept rising up and up! It's so funny that he can't get it to do what he wants!" Lucie had everyone laughing openly over my embarrassing predicament. Only the two male students looked sympathetic, but probably glad it was me having the problem and not them.

"Well, I was about to call a break. And normally the model would put on a robe at that point. But since Will didn't bring a robe - or anything else - and since this situation has... ahem!... arisen, shall we say... we will make good use of this occasion." Mrs. Marlowe then paused to decide her next words.

"Some of you are taking this course to become more familiar with anatomy for your medical major. So, as our model has developed a glorious example of what happens to our favorite part of the male physique, we will study it now. Mr. Barrett, if you would please turn to face the class, and display your penis for us now."

Whoah! I had an erection that looked like it could uproot trees! She wanted me to turn around and openly point it right at everyone? My mind was reeling and my stomach was fluttering. But I was turning, and every eye was focused directly at what I was now bringing into full view of their mirthful gaze. I took a deep breath!

"Class - behold the male sexual organ in all its masterful glory! Our model has reached the prime of his masculinity and virility. He cannot contain his very normal, youthful hormonal response; the results are highly obvious to all of us. His penis is at peak arousal! Please take up your sketchbooks and make some detailed drawings. Mr. Barrett, please move around the room and present your erection to each student, so they can get a proper view for their drawings."

"I think we can take our time! It doesn't seem to be going away anytime soon," Rachel suggested.

"True. When a male is highly aroused, he can remain erect as long as his sexual urge is being stimulated and not satisfied. Any number of things can cause or enhance that stimulus. Fortunately, this environment is providing very favorable conditions for Mr. Barrett to maintain his tumid state, and he is giving us an excellent display to study. Thank you, Mr. Barrett!" She was totally unabashed in her discussion of my throbbing erection.

As I paused in front of each student, everyone became very familiar with my most intimate details. I almost skipped past James and David, but the instructor insisted they needed to draw it as well. I flagged a little bit under their scrutiny, and Mrs. Marlowe held it aloft so they could examine it. Her touch had it raging to full engorgement again by the time I presented myself to Annie and Renee, the final two sketchers. They winked at each other, and at me! It lurched, much to their delight.

As the class ended, and everyone departed, Mrs. Marlowe thanked me again. "We did so much appreciate you for standing in, Will. And you gave us a much more delightful session than we had anticipated! I hope your arousal was not too distressing to you? I'm sorry we don't have a robe for you. I suppose you have to go away as naked as you came."

"He will be just fine! I will see to it personally, and get him home safely," Annie asserted. "It was a marvelous class!"

At least it is dark now, I thought as we went out the door. At the car, Annie fumbled in her purse. "I can't find my keys. Must have dropped them in the classroom. Everyone has gone and the building is locked. I will have to phone campus security to let me back in."

Great! There I stood naked in a parking lot, with no cover at all, and a massive hard cock, while she phoned, wondering what the security officer would think!

An eternal five minutes later, the campus car arrived. Officer Charlene was highly amused by my situation, as she opened the door for Annie to retrieve the mislaid keys.

"We get streakers on campus sometimes, as pranks, but they don't usually stand around and allow our perusal of the goods. I hope this signals a new trend! You've made my day!" she said cheerfully.

Annie patted my arm. "He's been a real sport and filled in as model for our art class tonight."

"A real sport, indeed! I hope he sports that again!" the officer smiled, with a parting glance below my waist before driving away.


On the way home, Annie took the side streets through the residential neighborhoods. Sure, now that its dark, she takes the quieter route! I sat there trying to will my erection to subside, and she reached over and gave it a friendly petting. It leaped back to full mast again. She obviously was loving my helpless plight, and having so much control over it.

Suddenly, a pizza guy backed out of a driveway where he had just finished a delivery, and grazed Annie's bumper. The damage was trivial, but the guy insisted on a police report. Annie wanted to dismiss it, but he persisted. So I was stuck there in the buff, waiting for the cops to arrive. In a few minutes the cruiser pulled up behind us. Just grrreat! Another lady copper.

"First things first. Wait over there on the sidewalk until I write up the accident report, then I want to deal with you!" she instructed me.

"Could I please sit in the car while I wait?"

"No! Do as I tell you. Just stand there, where I can keep an eye on you, sir!" she ordered sternly.

It just wasn't my day! There I stood, stark raving naked on a public street, right under the glare of a STREETLAMP! For crying out loud! And then DAMN! A family cruises by, slowly, mouths gaping as they take in the incredible sight of me standing there in the raw! I heard the mom tell the teens in the back seat not to look, but that was too late... they were snapping pics with their phones, and texting to their friends! Now my bare ass was truly going public!

The officer finally turned to me. "Okay, buster. Name, please. And then tell me why you're gracing us with your birthday suit!"

"I'm Will Barrett. And this is all accidental."

"Well, you are living up to your name. What an unfortunate double entendre! You decided that you 'will bare it' tonight, on the public streets. Some of the homeowners around here might not appreciate your choice of un-dress."

Annie intervened to vouch for me, explaining the series of events that led to this situation. She assured the officer that she was taking me directly home.

"Well, don't let it be said that I'm not a friend of the arts! I'm letting you off the hook this time, but do remember your clothes next time you are feeling artistic," she said with a sly grin.

Annie drove us home. I walked in the gate, my still firm erection gyrating stiffly before me. I had given up on concealing it from Annie, and she thanked me again for my participation in the very revealing art class. She patted my salivating rod, kissed me on the cheek, and said "I think we had better take care of this, or you'll be 'up' all night!"

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
This was hilarious!

I love how he keeps getting exposed in public. The world needs to admire his amazing ass! He truly has the best girlfriend ever! I hope Annie can keep showing off Will in more embarrassing situations like this.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

You are amazing! I really hope she continues to put him into more naked and embarrassing situations. I just cant get enough of this :)

cfnmale4ucfnmale4uover 9 years ago
Please write more!

Outstanding series. Please write more. I like the one-page-at-a-time format.

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