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Dave Gets an Education

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A college student gets an unexpected education.
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Part 1 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 02/18/2015
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Part 1 is the introduction to a longer story about Female domination. It provides a background for the plot and develops some of the characters This is a work of fiction. If Female domination is not your cup of tea, I recommend you move along. You won't like this story. For those of you that do. I hope you enjoy it.


Chapter 1: High school

For most high school students, going to college is their first chance for freedom and independence. That's how it was with me. I was the typical high school student. I made decent grades but wasn't gifted academically like some of my friends were. I maintained a solid B average, but probably could have done a lot better had I studied a little harder.

You see, I was one of those guys who had to be involved in everything. Hanging out with friends was my favorite pastime and going to parties was a regular event. I was popular in school so it was easy to find parties to attend. I was active in a lot of the school organizations and clubs and was always staying after school for one meeting or another.

I played football in the fall and baseball in the spring. I was the starting linebacker for the football team my junior and senior years and managed to make the all district team as an outfielder playing baseball my senior year. I dated a lot but was never really serious about any one girl. There was always a new challenge over the horizon, so most of my relationships were short. I liked the rural community I lived in, but hated the long, cold winters. During my senior year I decided that I wanted to get away from the cold and snow of Minnesota and head for a warmer climate when I graduated. I knew going out of state would cost more, but with some scholarships and student loans I figured I could get by. I knew my parents would help out all they could because it was important to them that I graduate from college. Especially my mom. It was her mission in life to see me get my diploma.

We lived a comfortable life, but really didn't have a lot of extra money saved for my college education. My dad was laid off during the recent economic downturn and most of our savings had been used to pay our daily expenses. My parents wanted me to stay in state so I could come home on weekends and save a little money on tuition. That was furthest thing from my mind. I wanted to go somewhere warm like a school in Florida or Southern California. I wanted to see if those stories about "California Girls" were true.

Unfortunately, my grades weren't good enough to get a scholarship to the schools I wanted to attend, so I ended up attending Elliott University in Florida. I was able to save up a little money over the summer and I received a small scholarship from the university. My parents refinanced our home to finance the balance of my tuition.

Elliott was a newer University in central Florida which had an established Business Administration program. They were rapidly expanding their degree programs and now had an enrollment of about 7000 students. Most of the buildings had been built in the last ten years and the campus was well planned and easy to get around. Because of their rapid expansion, they only offered on-campus housing to freshmen and sophomores. Upper classmen had to find off-campus housing, which was fine with me.

Chapter 2: College

My freshman year went well. At first I was a little homesick since I didn't know anyone in Florida. My roommate's name was Jim. He was from Florida's gulf coast and we often headed to his house on weekends to lay out on the beach and watch girls. Everyone was friendly and soon I had a whole new circle of friends.

Jim and I often checked out what was going on around campus, especially the fraternities. Those fraternities threw some great parties, but I decided that fraternity life was not for me as I needed to concentrate on my studies. I got good grades but had to put a lot of effort into studying. I called home regularly and everything seemed to be going fine. I really wanted to do well since my parents had to take out that loan to help finance my education. I felt I really needed to keep partying to a minimum. Actually, I really didn't have the funds to go drinking every weekend anyway.

That summer I went home and got a summer job working for the contractor my dad worked for. My Dad had worked for Bennett construction for years, and now was in charge of estimates and preparing contracts. I worked as a carpenter's assistant. It paid well and gave me an opportunity to learn a lot about construction.

My sophomore year was much like my freshman year. I was still living on campus and maintaining a good GPA. I was able to get a part time job working for one of the professors on campus. That gave me some walking money. I still had to study hard but was able to maintain a strong B average. I was working for Professor Williams who was the head of the IT program at the school. I worked about 20 hours per week which didn't leave much time for anything other than school work.

I got some student loans my sophomore year to pay for some incidental expenses we had not figured on. There always seemed to be books or lab fees or other additional costs that came up during the year. I also had to start thinking about my housing arrangements since I would have to move off campus the following year.

It was during the spring semester that things really changed. I had noticed a lot of tension at home when I visited over the Christmas holiday. I wasn't sure what was going on, but had my suspicions. In March I got a call from my mom who was in tears. She said that she had caught my dad having an affair with his secretary at work and that they were getting a divorce. I tried to calm my mom but she just kept saying "it's over, it's over."

I had always been closer to my mom than my dad. Dad was always working late at the office and I suspected this wasn't his first affair. After mom settled down she said that it was going to be difficult for them financially while the divorce was being finalized. They would probably have to sell the house and divide assets. She didn't think they would be able to continue funding my college expenses next year. I told her not to worry about that.

"I'll work something out with either another student loan or maybe a scholarship." I said. "I might even work for a year then return to school after saving up some money."

"No! Don't do that" she cried into the phone. "It's important to me to see you graduate. It's the most important thing you can do for me."

"OK Mom. Everything will work out." I replied. "You just take care of yourself. I'll be home for spring break and we can talk about it then. Bye now."

The next day I applied for all the financial aid I could find. I filled out student loan papers and started looking for a job that would pay more and allow me to work while still attend class. The thing that I was really concerned about was the fact that I needed to find new housing and it would be more expensive.

Later that week I made a trip to the campus housing bureau to speak with a counselor. I explained my situation to a nice lady, Ms. Paula King. She confirmed that there was not any on campus housing available for the fall.

She said the bureau maintains a list of potential off campus housing and performs inspections on the properties that they feel are acceptable. We also do background checks on the landlord, inspect the property for safety concerns and adherence to code, and even try to negotiate rent to make it affordable for the students. She had me fill out a questionnaire and contact form and told me she would be in touch soon. I was getting ready to leave for spring break and said I would give her a call when I return if I hadn't heard from her by then.

I went home for spring break and tried to help Mom get her affairs in order. Dad had moved out so Mom had the house to herself. She was a nervous wreck and I could tell she was lonely and depressed. I helped as best as I could and by the time the week was up she appeared to be in better spirits. I wish I could say I was to, but I was heading back to school to try and figure out how I would pay next year's tuition, room and board.

It was the Wednesday following my return to from break that I got a call from Ms. King. She said she had lined up a possibility for me at the home of a widow who took in student borders. She said the woman, Ruth Baxter, was looking for someone to replace the caretaker who had just retired, and was willing to reduce the rent in exchange for helping out around the house.

Ms. King said the rent was negotiable depending on your qualifications and experience. She said the landlady preferred a female but she would consider a male. She gave me the address, name and contact information and said she would give Mrs. Baxter a call if I was interested.

I looked at the name and contact information and for some reason it looked familiar to me. Ms. King saw the confusion on my face. She said that Ruth Baxter was a huge contributor to the college and the Art Center and Library were named after her . She had a lot of influence with the Administration here at Elliott and if she liked you, she would do almost anything for you. She had provided full scholarships to several students and was well connected in the community.

Chapter 3: Meeting the Mrs.Baxter

I arrived at Mrs. Baxter's home about 4 pm the following day. I had ridden my bike from campus to the address Ms. King had given me. It was a warm and sunny afternoon and by the time I arrived I was soaked with sweat. I took a minute to try and cool off before heading up to the door.

"Damn, that's not going to make a good first impression." I thought. "I should have prepared better."

The house was close to campus, which was good for me as it would allow me to walk or ride my bike in good weather. The house was large. In fact it was probably the largest house on the street. It looked well-kept and sat on a corner lot which was beautifully landscaped. I walked up the sidewalk to the front door and rang the bell. After a few minutes the door opened and a young woman peered out.

"I'm here to see Mrs. Baxter about a room." I said.

"Oh, you must be Dave Robinson." She answered.

She opened the door to allow me in and then continued.

"It's good to meet you. I'm Jessica Baxter, my mom will be down in a moment. Can I get you something to drink? The afternoon sun can be hot and you look like you could use some cooling off."

"That would be great." I said. "I'll take whatever is easy."

"I've got some lemonade in the fridge, or would you prefer beer?" Jessica asked.

"Lemonade will be fine." I replied.

I didn't want to give the impression that I was a big beer drinker so I thought lemonade would be the better choice.

"Just have a seat in the parlor there and I'll bring it out to you." She said.

She wasn't gone long before she returned with three glasses. She put one on the table which I assumed was for her mother, handed me one and took a sip out of the third glass. "Let's sit over here while we wait for mother."

I really liked her friendliness, and the fact that she was wearing shorts and a bikini top didn't hurt either. We started a conversation about school and she said she would be graduating from Elliott this spring but hadn't decided what she was going to do after graduation. She was so easy to talk to and soon we were chatting away about our likes and dislikes, the best hangouts around town, and who made the best pizza. While we were talking I noticed a well-dressed older women heading our way. I assumed her to be Mrs. Baxter and stood to meet her.

"Good afternoon." Mrs. Baxter said. "I'm Ruth Baxter and I assume you are Dave Robinson."

As she approached she offered her hand which I shook. She had a strong grip and it was evident she tried to stay in shape.

"Yes ma'am." I replied. I could see the family resemblance. Both women had dark hair, although the older woman's hair had started to grey a bit. They were nearly the same height, about 5'8" I guessed. Mrs. Baxter wore a navy knee length skirt and white button up blouse. Her hips were full with just a hint of some extra padding both front and back. She had large breasts which her bra was struggling to hold up. She carried herself gracefully. I guessed she was in her late 50's but was still attractive, especially for her age. She seemed pleasant enough but was more formal than her daughter.

Jessica had tits that were smaller than her mother's but still adequate and proportional for a woman of her size. They were perky and stood up nicely even though she was not wearing a bra. Her legs were slim and toned. She had curves everywhere you would expect. Her butt filled out her shorts nicely and it appeared to be firm. It was hard to take my eyes off of it as she walked around the room and then sat at the table across from me. Her skin was a deep bronzed tan with no evidence of a tan line. She had a beautiful smile that she displayed often. She had that "girl next door" look.

Mrs. Baxter continued to look into my eyes and I got the feeling she was trying to look into my soul. It was obvious that she was checking me out just as much as I was her and her daughter. I am just over 6' tall and weigh about 180 lbs. I have dark hair and maintain my body in pretty god shape. Although I haven't been going to the gym like I did when playing sports in high school, I remained trim but the "six pack abs" that I had in high school weren't as defined as they use to be.

"It's so nice to meet a polite young man nowadays." Mrs. Baxter said. "Most guys your age wouldn't have stood up when a lady enters a room. I can see your mother brought you up right."

"She certainly tried, Ma'am."

"Yes, I can see that." She said. "Let's begin. I'll start by giving you some background information before we talk about the position. I live here with my daughter Jessica. My husband died 5 years ago. We had a large family which necessitated adding on the house several times. As you can see, it is a large house that sits on a large lot."

"There were six children." She continued. "Five girls and a boy. Jessica is the only one still living with me. The girls visit during the summer but they are all busy with their careers and don't have time for mummy like they used to. My son, John, died in a plane crash 2 years ago. He was a navy pilot and was killed when his plane crashed on takeoff."

"I'm sorry to hear that." I said.

"Thank you." She replied. "There are seven bedrooms in the house, plus two master suites. One of the suites was occupied by my mother when she was living, now that is Jessica's bedroom. I occupy the other suite. I rent out six of the bedrooms to students and keep the last bedroom free for guests."

She continued. "There is a separate building adjacent to the main house that contains the garage and two apartments. I employ a live-in cook and a maid, and that is where the live. My maid, Marie, recently quit to take care of her sick sister and that is the position that is currently open."

I thought for a moment taking in all that Mrs. Baxter had told me.

"Mrs. Baxter." I said. "I really need a place to live beginning next semester. My parent are going through a divorce and they are not going to be in a position to help be financially as I had expected. My mom's goal in life is to see me graduate from college, so I will do anything to make that happen."

"I really don't know anything about being a maid." I continued. "But I would be willing to learn. I am also pretty handy around the house fixing things and could help out with the yard work as well."

"Well, I don't know. There are just some things that a maid can do that just wouldn't be proper for a young man." She said. "On the other hand, it would be nice to have a man around the house again to take care of odd jobs that come up. I'll have to think about this for a bit."

She paused for a moment then continued.

"Tell you what. Take a tour of the property. Jessica can show you around. If you are interested in the position after seeing a facilities, we will discuss our options. Sound fair?"

"Yes ma'am. That sounds great." I said. "And thank you, Ma'am".

Jessica took me through the house. The original house was two stories, and evidently had been remodeled when the additions were built. The first floor contained a parlor for receiving guests, a formal living room and a more informal lounge area with a large TV and several sofas and recliners. On the opposite side of the main hallway was a formal dining room, a library and towards the back of the house was the kitchen.

When we got to the kitchen I met Hilda, the cook. She was a large woman who appeared to be in her mid-40s. She was tall, probably 5'10" with a huge butt and watermelon sized tits. She wore dark slacks and a sleeveless blouse which strained to control the mass of her chest. She was what many would refer to as a big and beautiful woman. She greeted Jessica and spoke with a German accent which was easy enough to understand.

She smiled politely as Jessica walked by, but I could tell she was a little annoyed that someone had dared to enter her space while she was preparing dinner. She glared at me for a moment before returning to her work. One thing was certain, the aroma from whatever she was cooking was making my mouth water.

We headed up the stairs to the second floor. On the left side of the hall was a suite that was similar to a three bedroom apartment. There was a common living area with kitchenette and large bathroom. The bedrooms were larger than those in the dorms on campus. Each contained a single queen sized bed, although they were easily large enough to hold two beds each.

On the right side of the hallway there was a game room with various video and computer games set up. The room contained some couches as well as a TV. It was obvious this was a room for having fun. Down the hall was another room with desks and chairs that appeared to be used as a quiet room for studying.

Heading back downstairs we headed to the east wing. It housed the two master suites and the guest bedroom. The masters were designed similarly with a large bedroom, a walk-in closet with dressing area, a sitting area and a huge bathroom. The bathroom alone was larger than my dorm room on campus. The guest bedroom was smaller than the master and did not have the walk in closet or dressing area. Although the master suites were similar in design, they were decorated differently. As we walked in Jessica's bedroom she smiled and said.

"I hope you like my bedroom" she said. "It's a little messy right now. Marie use to straighten it for me. I hope we can spend some time together in here if things work out."

I started to stutter not believing what I had just heard. I was now sporting an erection and hoped the bulge was not obvious to Jessica. It really didn't matter because as she passed me to leave her room, she brushed her hand against my pelvis, smiled and kept on walking. I didn't know if she was just a tease or if she meant what she said, but I knew this could make for an interesting situation.

The west wing was similar in design to the second floor. The only difference was the game room and study were replaced with the laundry area. It was a large area that had two commercial washer and dryers. There was an area for folding clothes and an ironing station. There was also a floor sink and wash basin. On one wall hung the mops brooms that were used to clean the mammoth home and a cabinet with cleaning supplies. It reminded me of why I was here.

We headed down to the basement. It was open concept and apparently designed as a party space. I saw a well-stocked wet bar along one wall. There was seating for at least 30 people. Part of the area was partitioned to form a media area complete with projection TV. A pool table was along another wall and there was still plenty of open are that could be used for dancing or just mingling.

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