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Mrs. Patel Tricked by Fake Doctors Pt. 02


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She stepped outside, completely naked, trying to adjust to the daylight.

There were students on the athletic fields, but she didn't think they could see her from the distance. She jogged bare assed to the car, almost tripping because of her high heels.

When she got to the car, she realized that she didn't have her keys.

She crouched down trying to think of what to do. She tried the door handle and it wouldn't open. She squealed in embarrassment.

"Need these?" she heard Don say from the door.

She turned and started jogging back, not caring that they could see her huge juggs wobbling as she ran.

"Please...please this is humiliating, Please let me have my keys" she begged.

"Kneel down."

She had no time to argue so she knelt in the walkway.

"When you get here tomorrow, you won't have any clothes on will you?"

She groaned in embarrassment.

"Will you?!" he shouted.

She was afraid people would hear so she quickly said what he wanted to hear.

"I will be here tomorrow naked. I promise you. Please let me have my keys."

"Be patient. We haven't discussed you family health plan yet."

"Please...please tell me."

"According to our records, you have a 19 year old daughter, right?"

"Yes, I do. Preeti is Ravi's sister."

"Is she busty like mommy?"

Her mind reeled, but she was intent on getting her keys back. "Yes, yes she is busty."

"Tomorrow, after you suck our cocks, you will call her to pick you up. Understand?"

"If I am naked, she will see. Please, I can't!"

"Fine. Enjoy your walk home" he said as he turned to go back into the building.

"Ok, ok! I will call her to pick me up."

"Good girl" he said and flipped her the keys.

She raced to the safety of the car and quickly got inside. She thought about how she could drive home on roads where no one could see her naked body.

What had she done? What was she doing? She was confused about why she was so turned on by this violation and felt beholden to these guys. She prayed that when she got home, her husband didn't know. How would she explain this to Preeti?

She checked the rearview mirror and saw the ropes of stark white cum dangling from her chin and nose. She wiped at it with her hands and didn't know where to rub her hand to clean it.

She almost clipped a parked car as she drove topless through the school parking lot. Her slick hand grabbed the wheel, smearing his cum on it. She hit the breaks and started to hyperventilate. Collect yourself, Lakshmi she thought. She reached in the glove compartment and found a tissue to clean her face. She covered her large breasts with one hand and drove home with the other still figuring out how this could work tomorrow.

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merrySMmerrySMover 1 year ago

So dirty. :) agree, Didn't think you would let her know this early that she was sucking cock. Would have loved it if you kept in the dark for a little while longer. Can't wait to read the rest of the series.

tazz4fun69tazz4fun69about 5 years ago
Good part 2.

Didn't think you would let her know this earlier that she was sucking cock. But I think she knew the whole time. She is 1 horny mommy. Bustyindian is right, it didn't sound racist to me either. Can't wait to read the next chapter.

PaulplaysPaulplaysabout 5 years ago

This story is getting more and more perverse...

dirkdigggdirkdigggover 5 years ago
Love it, more please

Can’t wait to see where you take this series.

bustyindianbustyindianover 5 years ago

Loved it! I'm an Indian woman and I didn't think it was racist at all.

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