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Ms. Sakura's Sex Education Class

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Ms. Sakura teaches a very hands-on class.
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Mikasa glided into the cafeteria, her straight black hair brushed to the side, crossing over her left eye. The white blouse of her school uniform pressed tightly against her body annunciating her small, yet visibly perky breasts. As she moved towards me her plaid flannel skirt rose up exposing more of her thigh with each step, the curve of her hips lifting and falling against her thin waist. Her long legs coated with white knee-high socks gracefully swept across the ground. As she got closer, her dark brown eyes met with mine and widened with joy. Her step increased in pace until she reached me, sat down, her leg pressed firmly against mine. Mikasa unbuttoned her blouse and removed it. She leaned into me, her breasts pressing up against my body. Her head tilted in, and whispered wetly, warmly into my ear.

"Light, bro, do you want some of my mom's tuna poke bowl?"

It was Sora, my best friend, sitting across from me. I shook my head a bit, coming out of a vivid daydream, rubbed my eyes, and stared blankly a moment.

"What?" I asked him.

"Dude, you're extra spacey today. You alright?" Sora asked.

"Uh, yeah," I told him. I looked to my side with just enough time to catch a glimpse of Mikasa as she walked passed me. I watched another second, her ass rising and falling, round enough to see even through her modest school issued skirt. She turned around and our eyes met for an instant. Mikasa raised a hand to say hi, and giggled. I raised a hand back. Mikasa smiled and turned away, taking a seat with her friends a few tabled behind. I turned back to Sora.

"What were you saying again?" I asked.

"I asked if you wanted some of my mom's tuna poke bowl," Sora repeated. "She gave me way too much. Do you want some?"

"Yeah, man. Thanks! Your mom makes the best poke bowls!"

"That's not the only good thing Sora's mom makes!" Riku shouted as he approached our lunch table, taking a seat next to Sora, snagging a scoop of rice from Sora's lunch and popping it into his mouth.

"Shut up, Riku," Sora said, smiling. "That doesn't even make any sense."

Riku smiled back, wavering his chopsticks over Sora's lunch, ready for more.

"Can I get some more of that?" Riku asked. "Light was right, your mom's poke bowls are amazing!"

"After that pathetic attempt at a mom joke? Not a chance. Besides I just offered the rest to Light."

Sora reached out his poke bowl to me, and I accepted.

"Thanks again, Sora!" I told him.

"Come on, Light," Riku started. "Can I have some?"

"Dude, no way," I told him. "You literally just finished your lunch."

"Come on, man. Just a little bit? If you don't, I'll go tell Mikasa you were just staring at her ass!" Riku teased.

I went silent. Shit, was it that noticeable?

"Come on, Light," Riku said. "I'm just kidding. I'd never go over to Mikasa's table and tell her that little virgin Light has a crush on her."

I flushed red with embarrassment, and let Riku grab another mouthful of poke from his chop sticks.

"Thanks!" he said smiling.

"Don't talk like that so loudly!" I whispered urgently. "Come on!"

"Oh no one's going to hear," Riku said. "You see how many conversations are going on in this lunch room? Nobody cares about what we're saying."

Still," Sora said, coming to my defense. "Don't tease Light like that. You've only ever gotten a blowjob before, and I've only just recently lost my virginity. It's tough in this climate, you know? Girls in Tokyo seem to be waiting longer, if at all, to start relationships these days. Most of the people in this room are probably still virgins, you know?"

Speaking this openly about sex made me feel a little uncomfortable, even though it was with my close friends. Still, though, what did they know about the hardships I was having getting a girl to go out with me? Riku was a strong, well-built martial artist with a very outgoing personality, and Sora was the ace pitcher on our high school's baseball team. Everybody knew him. He was such a nice, confident guy, too! I could never be like Riku or Sora. I was just an average guy, in good shape, played soccer but wasn't great or anything. And I'm very reserved and introverted, often confining myself to my room after school to study and play video games. How could either of my friends understand how difficult it is just to try and talk to another girl?

"Dude, I was only joking, relax," Riku said. There was a pause, and then he added, "But yeah, I know what you mean. Maybe that's what this new class is going to be about?"

"This new Sex Ed class?" Sora asked. "Yeah, I was wondering why more students haven't been talking about it. Strange to introduce a class like this so suddenly. It's only for seniors who are graduating and have already turned 18."

"I heard it was mostly to address the population decline in Japan," I told them. "The Government is predicting a lot of economic hardships with future generations because of it. They want to start encouraging people to have more children."

"I've heard something along those lines too," Riku added. "But I still think it'll be something more along the lines of traditional sex education, you know? Male and female bodies. Diagrams. Whatever. Probably going to be pretty stupid."

"Well I asked Mr. Yuma about the class yesterday," Sora said. "He didn't share a lot of information about it, but he told me it was a course that would help prepare graduating students for circumstances they might find themselves in once they graduated and went to college."

Riku was probably right, but I was still excited about the new class we were going to, hoping Sora was correct. Maybe I would learn some things to make me feel more confident in approaching girls. Maybe one day I could say more to Mikasa than just 'Hi,' and 'How are you?' Luckily I had turned 18 a few weeks ago and could participate. I was happy Sora and Riku could go, too. I knew Mikasa was also 18, and it would have been a good opportunity to try and sit next to her during the class, but unfortunately they separated boys and girls.

Our conversation quieted down a bit, each of us wondering what the new class would be about. I decided to finally dig into Sora's mom's tuna poke bowl. The sesame seeds on the sashimi tuna blended wonderfully with the sautéed seaweed, and the rice was perfectly sticky. The umami flavors swirled lusciously in my mouth with a thick, firm, meaty texture. It was utterly delicious.

The Lunch bell rang and a commotion of freshmen through seniors gathered their things and clamored about. I tried to catch one more look at Mikasa before leaving for the new sex ed class, but she was lost to me in the dizzying haze of confusion that was the student body.

I ended up waiting a bit for the crowd to leave before exiting the lunchroom myself. I arrived at the classroom expecting it to be a large room, but there were only about 20 seats. The desks were arranged in a U shape with the long teacher's desk in front. Riku and Sora were sitting right in front of the teacher's desk, and had saved me a seat between them.

"Thanks," I told them as took my seat.

The class was about half full by the time I sat down, and over the next few minutes about seven or eight more kids showed up, filling the rest of the seats. The class was mostly quiet with anticipation. I head murmurs about who our teacher was going to be, although Sora hinted that it would be Mr. Yuma, but at the very least we were all assuming it would be one of the male teachers. So we were all surprised when Miss Sakura, the 12th grade math teacher, walked in.

Miss Sakura was not only young, having only been 29 years old, but was also intimidatingly hot. Large breasts. Pretty, symmetrical face. Curvy body. But also very professionally spoken as well as dressed, wearing a white blouse similar to that of the school-issued student uniforms as well as a long navy blue skirt that reached down to her ankles. Miss Sakura had straight black hair that fell over her shoulders with swooping bangs crossing over her forehead and tucked behind her ear on the opposite side.

"Hello, class," she said smiling. "I have had some of you in my classes before, but for those that don't know me, my name is Miss Sakura!"

Miss Sakura seemed like a very sweet teacher, and I was already less anxious about having her speak to us about sex. I had never had her as a teacher before, but knew that Sora had.

"Wow, I can't believe it's Miss Sakura!" Sora whispered to me. "She was a tough grader, but she's really nice," he told me. "Really cared about all of her students, making sure everyone fully understood the material before moving on to new subjects."

"Mr. Yuma and I," Miss Sakura began, "thought it would be best if we split up the groups in a more unconventional manner than previous sex education classes you may have had. Typically the male student body would have a male teacher and vice versa, but since this is a brand new class we're piloting, and given the subject matter, we thought it best to switch the roles a bit to give our students a different perspective on sex."

Miss Sakura paused here for a moment, as two more students hurried into the class, and took the remaining two seats. Miss Sakura then, counting quietly as the pointed to each student, reached 19 and stopped. "Great! Looks like everyone is here."

I looked around the class to see if I recognized any of the other students. Akira, sitting next to Sora on the other side, was an acquaintance of mine, as well as Eren sitting on the left corner of the room and Kaito along the right side. A few other students looked familiar but were otherwise strangers to me.

A boy, sitting next to Kaito, raised his hand.

"Ah, yes," Miss Sakura pointed. "Tenya, is it?"

"Um, yes," Tenya said, nervous. "I was wondering, um, do we have to take notes? What exactly are we going to be covering in the class?"

"Ah, good question," Miss Sakura answered, a genuine softness to her voice. "You won't need to take any notes. However, there will be a, sort of test at the end of the class."

Whispers hissed around the room. What did she mean sort of?

The whispers grew louder.

"Everyone be calm," Miss Sakura said. "No need to worry, everyone will do just fine, I'm sure of it. I'm going to walk everyone through the test at the end, so if anyone is having trouble, I'll be there to help you out. Ok?"

The whispers halted, everyone anxious to start the lesson and see what the class was going to be about.

Miss Sakura hoped up, taking a seat on the edge of her desk, leaving her high heeled shoes on the floor.

"Now," she started, "Let's begin."

Miss Sakura unbuttoned the top button of her blouse. And then the second. At first I thought she was merely adjusting herself, but the unbuttoning continued. Third. Then fourth. Then fifth. She was half way down her blouse already and kept on going.

"What the heck?" I whispered to Riku.

Riku was silent in return as he stared, wide eyed at what was happening. I glanced around the room. It seemed everyone was in shock.

I looked back, frozen with excitement as she neared the bottom buttons. She carefully pinched the last few, releasing them, and opening up her blouse exposing her C-cup breasts held up in a black lace bra. Miss Sakura had a perfectly flat, but soft stomach with the hint of abs outlined over her stomach.

"Now," Miss Sakura started, taking note of the boys staring at her, and smiling. "Now, this class is going to be very interactive today. Hopefully you will all find it very enjoyable, as that is the main purpose of our class today. Not only to prepare you for experiences outside of high school, but for you to learn about what really happens during sex, how to approach sex, and to become more confident and free about sex. In this way, we hope to help develop a more open, happier society here in Tokyo for future generations, as it seems too many graduating students feel they are too introverted and reserved to begin real relationships outside of virtual ones."

Miss Sakura paused, looking around the room. I was still awe struck by Miss Sakura's body. I couldn't believe this was happening in school!

Miss Sakura seemed satisfied by the response of her students, as she clearly had everyone's undivided attention.

"Now, class, I'd ask you all to please stand up for me, and please remove your clothing. Everything except your boxers, please."

I looked to Riku, and then to Sora. "She's kidding, right?" I asked.

The rest of the class seemed miffed by this as well. Really? Take our clothes off? Everyone seemed hesitant. Another boy raised his hand.

"Yes? Tanaka?"

"Um, Miss Sakura, are you serious?" Tanaka asked.

"Yes, of course I am," she said. "I can't remove my bra until the entire class has stripped down to their boxers," she added matter-of-factly.

I was frozen again at her words. Did she just say she was going to take off her bra???

Riku wasn't frozen at all. He leapt from his seat and had removed his clothes as fast as possible. It seemed Riku was down to his boxers in a single movement, carelessly throwing his clothes behind him.

Miss Sakura giggled. "Well, I'm glad to see some enthusiasm! Come on, boys!" she cheered. "This is going to be freeing and fun! Take those clothes off!"

Her words seemed to put everyone at ease, and slowly the rest of the students stood up and removed their clothes.

Once down to my boxers, I leaned over to Sora and whispered. "Dude, can you believe this is happening? Do you really think we're going to see Miss Sakura topless?" I was getting hard just from the thought of it!

I hadn't noticed, but I had spoken a bit louder than I meant to, and Miss Sakura looked right at me.

"Ah, yes, Light, is it?" Miss Sakura asked.

"Um, yes?" I responded nervously.

I could feel the entire class looking at me now. What was once quite a bit of commotion from the boys laughing, removing their clothing, had turned quickly to a deafening silence as Miss Sakura spoke to me. To make it all worse, I couldn't stop switching my glance from Miss Sakura's warm, inviting eyes, to her exposed bra. I could feel myself getting harder, a desperate heat growing inside me, my penis pressing harder into the fabric of my boxers. A thought quickly raced through my head, that I wasn't even sure how Miss Sakura had known my name, but as fast as it entered my fleeting conscious mind it was gone.

"Light, could you come up to the front of the class for me. Dear?' Miss Sakura asked.

I hesitated, not moving.

"It's ok, Light. Please, come up here with me."

Miss Sakura patted the desk next to where she was sitting. "Come on up!"

In a blur I must have walked around the desks, and somehow ended up standing next to Miss Sakura. I realized how obvious my erection was, and tried to cover it with my hands without drawing too much attention to it.

"Light, dear, do you know why I called you to the front of the class?"

I hesitated again.

"It's alright, Light. Don't feel bashful!"

Miss Sakura helped put me at ease, even though I was nearly naked in front of my fellow students.

"Um, well, because I was talking to Sora during class?" I asked.

Miss Sakura laughed lightly. "Oh, Light of course not. I want to encourage conversation! And besides this isn't meant to be a punishment. Quite the opposite, actually. Light, I called you up because, even though you still have your boxers on, I noticed that you have one of the largest penises in the whole class!"

I nearly fainted. Did I hear her correctly? Was I in some kind of fucked up super dream? I was standing in front of my class, in school, nearly naked, and my hot sex ed teacher was telling me, and the whole class, how big my penis was. My face flushed red. I could feel it. But somehow I was as turned on as ever. Miss Sakura's breasts looked even better close up. I pressed my hands against my penis, swelling in size beneath my boxers.

"Light," Miss Sakura whispered, leaning over the desk towards me. "Breath, and relax."

As she spoke she removed her blouse entirely, and reached around her back with both hands. Miss Sakura unfastened her bra, and slid it down over her arms, placing it on the desk. Still leaning forwards, her breasts gently released themselves from her ribs and hung delicately beneath her. Her nipples, small and round, were just the slightest bit erect. This was real. I wasn't dreaming.

"See, Light," she continued to whisper only to me, not breaking eye contact, although my own sight bounced between her eyes and her beautiful, large breasts. "Do you feel more comfortable about being in front of the class, now that I've exposed myself?"

"Yes" was all I could muster. My cock couldn't get any harder. I was literally pressing against it now with my hands, rather than just blocking its view. I felt at any moment it would burst through my boxers.

Miss Sakura hoped off the table and knelt down a bit, moving my hands away from my erection, and then standing upright towards the class.

"Now," Miss Sakura began addressing the entire class again. "Most of you should be getting hard by now, if not fully erect already. Light here is a great example of a full erection. It's very normal for you to start feeling a bit of an anxious sensation between your legs as you look at my breasts."

Miss Sakura took a moment to grab her breasts with each hand, and then release them, jiggling them slightly.

"Girls will feel this way too, in fact! Although it's a bit different in some ways."

I was getting used to the nonchalant way Miss Sakura was speaking about sex. I started to feel less anxious, and actually realized how much fun this could be.

"As a boy's penis becomes hard and erect," she continued, "A girl's vagina becomes lubricated and wet. This sensation is often described as feeling 'Horny,' and most often occurs with thoughts, sight, or by touching another boy or girl.

I was immensely horny at this point. I noticed some of the other boys sitting at their desks starting to wiggle around in their chairs a bit, trying to get some type of relief, but all their penises were covered behind their desks, and couldn't really see what any of them were doing. Most of the students had their hands in their laps in some way or another. I looked back to Miss Sakura, admiring hot how she was.

"Alright class, I can see most of you are getting pretty antsy behind those desks, so I'd like everyone now, if they will, please stand up." The class all stood up, most with little reservation at this point. By now we'd probably all do just about anything Miss Sakura asked of us. "And please, on the count of three, I'd like everyone to remove their boxers."

Miss Sakura glanced back to me a moment. "Light, keep yours on for just another moment, will you?"

She didn't give me time to respond, but of course I would.


I could feel the anticipation growing in the room.



Every student, myself excluded had dropped their boxers to the floor at the same time. I immediately grabbed a look at what my friends Sora and Riku were working with. Sora's was looking pretty good. It was a large size with some decent girth as well. Maybe just a bit smaller than mine. And Riku, ironically enough, had the smallest of us three even though he was a much bigger guy than Sora or I. Everyone in the class had a hard-on.

Miss Sakura giggled, looking around. "Wow, I'm glad to see I can make a whole classroom of students get erections!" Miss Sakura blushed a little, then turned towards me. She knelt down, her head hovering in front of my boxers. She grabbed a hold of the waistband, and looked up to me.

"May I?" she asked politely.

I met her eyes just long enough to nod. "Of course!" I said louder and more excited than I meant to, and my eyes darted back to her breasts. I could barely contain my excitement!

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