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MS. WTF?!! - REBOOTED!! Ch. 03


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"¡¡DIOS MÍO!! ¡¡NUNCA ME HAS FOLLADO ASÍ ANTES!! REALMENTE LO SIENTO!! OH DIOS LO ESTOY SENTIENDO!! ¡¡ME ENCANTA!! ¡¡TE QUIERO!! ¡¡TE AMO CARIÑO!!" I didn't have a clue to what she was saying but I figured we wouldn't be fighting for a long time after tonight.

I wrapped my arms around her chest reaching up from behind grabbing her shoulders. This gave me leverage as I ran drills into her mushy cunt making her scream in ecstasy. Her breasts cradled my face as I grunted manically fucking the stuffing out of her. My rational mind drifted away like the sand all around us as I got into a pushup position looking down into her face. Shawnee stared back just as intently mouth open invitingly. I sunk a finger into it getting a sustained vacuum suction pulling out of her mouth and box at the same time huffing.

"Shawnee, can I stick some fingers inside of you?" She was breathing just as hard with both of her hands covering her mouth. Her chest was heaving, breasts rising majestically in the night air.

"Yeah." She whispered timidly one hand covering her mound while she nibbled on a pointer finger staring at me blissfully.

I went right after her special spot having become almost supernaturally adept at finding that coveted bumpy ridge over the past few months. My middle fingers found a puffy, slimy tunnel curving right up into it while my thumb teased her wet engorged clit. The reaction was instantaneous causing Shawnee to arch up with a loud groan. She tried to sit upright but I gently pushed her back kneeling over her looking her in the eyes waiting for it.

"UH!! UH!! YOU'RE!!! IT'S FEELING!! AH!! AH!! AH!!" I could tell Shawnee was right on the verge as I went extremely hard for five seconds pulling my hands out and replacing them with my mouth on her clit licking and sucking, swirling my tongue on her button. Her hyper zaftig hourglass figure was rocking back and forth, shivering all over. Her chest from her breasts to her forehead was flushed like the red queen.

"¡¡PAPI!! ¡¡PAPI!! ¡¡PAPI!! ¡¡PAPI!! ¡¡PAPI!!" Shawnee burst hitting me in the face with a mini geyser as I dined at the Y with both hands pushing roughly into her inner thighs. It seemed like she would never stop shouting out the Spanish version of Rashida's pet name for me.

I wanted her to remember me no matter what happened afterwards.

She was squirting in fits and starts much like a few of the other women I'd slept with in the past. I lunged blanketing her prone body underneath mine right in the middle of her orgasm fucking away at her pussy like it was going out of style. This caused her box to pulse and seize up around me almost sucking the seed out of me. I hadn't realized I was cumming in that swollen snatch until Shawnee began wrenching her hips up and down in this sawing motion. She was literally milking my cock churning it up in her box like a meat grinder. Both of us were shouting blissfully.

Then it was over as I lay atop her body softly making out with this woman who still might hate me.

"Oh man, damn was that what I've been missing all this time?" I rolled off laying beside Shawnee looking up into the nighttime stars. Her arms were crossed across her chest. Both of us were blissfully nude feeling the afterglow.

"I was thinking the exact same thing."

"I will never call you payaso again." She chuckled wetly stealing a glance at my profile.

"It's okay Shawnee; I think I like it now." We chortled together just enjoying the moment.

"Maybe I'll call you papi too." I didn't reply enjoying the moment with her with butterflies circling my head.

"Hey man, it's a miracle we didn't get arrested out here on this beach by the cops; you don't mind helping me get up because I don't think I can do it on my own? You got my coño throbbing like fucking crazy. Damn you got BDE."

"Nah, you got me mixed up with my cousin." I replied breezily getting to my feet, but not without considerable effort on my part. I offered both hands to Shawnee leaning backward with all of my weight drawing the voluptuous Boricua to her feet.

"Sorry about that." The bruise on her chin made me feel bad.

"Me too homie, you got some racoon shit going on baby." Shawnee motioned towards my face telling me I had two black eyes for my troubles.

She seemed to be waiting for it as I cupped the back of her head drawing the woman into a torrid make out session. Her hands were full of my buttocks while mine handled her waist eventually picking her up off the sand. Shawnee wrapped her arms around my neck without hesitation necking passionately before I set her down again. We genuinely smiled at one another after a previous near twelve hours of hell in the form of her volcanic passive aggressive anger and my egregiously incompetent benign neglect.

"Hey, let's do it." She nodded towards the horizon line and roiling waves. Sunrise wasn't far off.

Both of us ran into the ocean splashing the cold water on one another playfully frolicking, eventually making out again like the old lovers we genuinely were before realizing it. Shawnee was happy; at least she looked it.

We walked out of the ocean hand in hand in our birthday suits, renewed.

"Mierda." Shawnee ducked behind me trying in vain to hide her bionic curves. There was nothing I could do but put my hands over my junk.

Some guy was sitting there on the edge of the walk right where we tumbled over fighting one another watching. This was some old, tall, and very lanky gentleman, from all appearances a brother maybe of Caribbean ethnicity with a head full of long dreads which matched his equally long beard of the same consistency. He was wearing a light blue V-neck t-shirt and matching pants with sandaled feet. A old style Panama hat sat on his head obscuring his eyes.

"Uhm, can I help you sir?" I asked from ten feet away.

"Just watching; the lady said this stuff was yours before she left." My battered suitcase and camera bag was leaning against the makeshift seating along with Shawnee's phone. I wondered why he hadn't made off with a good haul feeling ashamed because of the thought the instant it came into my mind.

"Thanks?" I scratched my head while Shawnee tried to give him as little a view of her naked body as possible.

"I'm gonna move on now; just wanna say there's all the time in the world for young people to love. Forgiveness is key to longevity and a good life."

"Yes sir." I replied embarrassed at my nudity.

"I wasn't talking to you son." He leaned over picking up a long lean cane made of bamboo regarding us for a minute before hobbling off along the sidewalk.

"Uhm, kay." I was puzzled.

Shawnee's head popped up under my right armpit looking about as we both started to feel the approaching morning breeze. I turned to her with a contrite smile unsure of what to expect next. The expression on her round face said pretty much the same as we stood in front of each other holding hands interlocked.

"Want some breakfast; I can burn for you."

"Sure you don't want me gone?"

"Eight hours before I even have to start getting ready for the tournament; ten if I push it and I think I want you in my bed. Honestamente, realmente quiero un poco más de esa buena polla si no te importa papi. At least we won't have a bucket of sand up our fucking asses."

"You uh, talk in Spanish when you're nervous, right?"

"Wrong, I talk in Spanish because I'm Spanish; I don't speak much English when you're not around. So, you want some breakfast or what?" She was looking at me differently, sort of glowing.

"I'd like that Shawnee."

We shook the sand out of our clothing as best we could getting dressed as sunrise illuminated us. Both of us were hugged up leaning into one another's bodies sauntering down the street like two winos.

She had my camera bag slung over her shoulder while I dragged my jacked up suitcase down the street. The handle was about to come off and it was rickety with cracks in the shell. We took our time because Shawnee had run out of her house barefooted. Neither of us spoke to the other just smiling in the light of a new day as we got to the back of her high rise apartment. Luckily Shawnee was able to use her phone to get into the building. It was a different feeling between us as we got into the cramped elevator. Shawnee stopped the door from closing.

"Uhm, I'm sorry."

I picked her up again kissing her passionately getting the same in return. We made out as the car rose to the eleventh floor. Both of us felt bad about the trail of sand we left leading to her apartment door. Shawnee hesitated at the front door.


"Ah my battery died; I've gotta go downstairs to the security desk for a key assist. I'll be right back, you stay here." I tried the door for some reason like an idiot getting a loud automatic chirp in return as Shawnee stopped me.

"This is a high security property; now you've probably alerted security and they're on the way up here. By the way they're kind of dicks."

"I figured that out last night."

Shawnee's door opened revealing Rashida standing there floppy bonnet and robe staring at both of us in our disheveled sand encrusted state. Her gaze drifted down to our intwined fingers.

"WELL IT'S ABOUT TIME." She laughed walking away from the open door.


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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

It seems like no matter how badly our MC gets treated by women, even if he gets humiliated, as long the women cry and share a sob story then all is forgiven? I know this is fiction but I think it makes the MC seem weak or damaged on a psychological level. This is one of the reasons I rarely give the chapters a 5 star rating. Hopefully it will make sense, why he has to go through so much ish in future chapters.

gydeongydeonalmost 2 years ago

Well.. I did not see the MC and Shawnee together in this chapter. Now I know why Shawnee was so salty towards the MC. At least that question have been answered but quite a few that haven’t been answered. For instance what will happen with Rashida, Shawnee and the MC relationship etc.

you got me with this one was totally unexpected. I honestly can’t wait till the next chapter post. You have so many plot lines and directions you can go it’s unbelievable Bra keep up the good work and I am looking forward to more chaos. On vacation hope to see you post something. If not I will just read it at work and get fired lol.

mondotokenmondotokenalmost 2 years agoAuthor

by Anonymous user on 8 hours ago

I HAVE A VERY IMPORTANT QUESTION… will you EVER bring back DANIELLA from BAD M.I.L.F VOL. 04 - THE NEW BATCH CH. 03????!!!! I’ve been waiting mann..


BTW "Proto-Daniella" first appears in Chubby Chaser Ch. 04

Synopsis: ...busy fucking this girl with a HUGE ASS-and REVENGE too!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I HAVE A VERY IMPORTANT QUESTION… will you EVER bring back DANIELLA from BAD M.I.L.F VOL. 04 - THE NEW BATCH CH. 03????!!!! I’ve been waiting mann..

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Any stories where april "bulls" down any victims? I've read the mapletown story but I don't think ive read any where she is the main and we see just her turning someone out.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Wish there was a real life model to compare Ms.WTF to to visualize her body proportions. Lmao

TerraKhanTerraKhanalmost 2 years ago

I was looking forward to Rashida's threesome with Isabella & Koa until MC ruined. I hope we get to "see" it soon. Sex scene with Rashida are always hot.

MC should have seen the plan from the beginning: Shawnee obviously "dangled" Koa in front of Rashida and made her bring the "payaso" all the way to Miami.

I guess he is still learning....

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I think the MC hitting the gym would be great actually. Even then, as a boxer for 6 years I can say just having muscle doesn't equal actual fighting prowess or ability. Him getting in better shape though would be a great addition towards his eventual (?) Come up after the shit storm that Queshia is prophesizing..

On a more chapter related note...I feel as Rashida and him need another heart to heart. Apologies seem like they need to be said, for her treatment (and disregard of him AND manipulation) and for him taking her for granted. She sacrificed a few things for him and he hasn't acknowledged it.

I do hope Shawnee doesn't replace Rashida. It'll seem weird. If him and Rashida don't work out at that point it's like swapping one thing for another. Feels superficial if he did, but it clearly isn't because he was deep in his feelings when Rashida ghosted him for that short period. He is not well mentally and realistically anybody in his situation would've left them alone or worse, suicided.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

The MC really needs to hit the gym, take self defense classes and get a gun. After all the L's he takes in physical confrontation this really needs to be done. He's to smart to have not realized this by now.

OgbaNcha1OgbaNcha1almost 2 years ago

What a place to stop. 😄👏🏾

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