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MS. WTF?!! - REBOOTED!! Ch. 03

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"Is The Educated Simp Gonna Have To Choke A Bitch?"
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"PAYASO!!" Her voice came in the darkness with an extended echo.

"PAYASO!!!" It was closer echoing even more as she drew near moving faster than I would've expected. She'd pushed, poked, and prodded until her bullying forced me to react like a cornered animal expectantly hitting her where she lived. Her voice trailed off in the darkness almost a distress call.

I backed up a few steps with my battered suitcase stuffed haphazardly with my camera bag and accessories. My laptop was probably trashed but I'd been able to fire a shot in the darkness hitting her dead square in the heart with a silver bullet.

"PAYASO!!!!" Shawnee appeared almost two blocks over dead ahead running faster than any woman her size should've had a right to and I should've been worried, but my feet were stuck in place. I'd just froze in place.

I'd just walked not having any immediate destination until my emotions got the better of me, There was nothing ahead or behind me other than a low chain link fence and these sort of concrete blocks already tagged with graffiti.

Shawnee stopped short about a good fifteen feet away doubled over finally succumbing to her own considerable weight. I stood there plastered to the spot watching as she'd come with nothing but her phone in hand huffing and wheezing a while before catching her second wind. For the first time since meeting again, I didn't have all this static in my head about doing the "right" thing, but I knew we'd come to an emotional impasse. Shawnee craned her head up looking at me from a distance righting herself with the hand holding her phone pressed to her chest.

We stood there looking at one another until I reacted shrugging. I let go of my battered suitcase leaving my camera bag hanging on the crooked pullout handle. She was standing there visibly breathing as I spread my arms.

"Say it to my face; I want to hear you say it right now." Shawnee huffed.

I didn't say anything.

I was pretty sure Shawnee had never come this far from her place not realizing she was wearing nothing but a thin cotton tee and gym shorts that were way too small for the public. Her thighs were bulging so much the rest of the material was bunched up in her crotch.

"Suitcase pimp."

I didn't say anything.

"Say it, be a fucking man for once and say it to me while I'm right here in front of you." She was glaring at me as the streetlights off in the distance vaguely highlighted some glistening patches on her round baby face. Shawnee started towards me with measured steps slowly closing the distance. I was expecting a blowup and dreading it.

"Call me a whore again like you did back in the day when you sent me that dollar." The memory popped up in my head the moment it was mentioned.


"ALL ASS-keep them cheeks up; that's what you said back then...right payaso? See, that's why I won't stop calling you a fucking clown nigga. You got me all fucked up and Andre's simple ass too; and then sent me a dollar. That was for laughs, right?"

"You helped her; traded your nigga Andre for what, huh? Some motherfucking clout and a goddam Instagram page. Hey you weren't the only victim Shawnee; YOU brought your NIGGA to her; I didn't have shit to do with that mess and you know it bitch. I AIN'T NOBODY'S WHIPPING BOY!! WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!!"

"I got low, real motherfucking low after you sent me that dollar. Kind of panicked and shot you back fifteen hundred I guess, trying to patch up my ego after you insinuated I was cheap. Forty-eight hours later I was on a bender working some "shifts" nonstop if you get my drift. I didn't even know why I was doing it until shit went down. Got one BIG ASS MOTHERFUCKING JOB that night. Oh, you should've been there with your camera."

"Nobody cares Shawnee." It was a low blow she deserved to the fullest in my opinion.

"I know." She was standing right in front of me hands on her hips with her chin tilted up looking at the stars above in the sparkling night sky. Now she was close enough I could see that she was melting down sobbing as she flashed me a smile.

"Want another dollar?" I couldn't help going in for the kill as she stood in front of me in profile.

"¡TE VOY A JODER POR VERDADERO NIGGA!"Before I could react I was hit with the force of a raging bull as Shawnee football speared me with everything she had. All of the air was knocked out of my lungs at the unsuspected lunge which took me off of my feet. Both of us tumbled backwards over the edge onto the sand rolling down the embankment towards the ocean. The momentum kept us entangled and tumbling along until she ended up on top swinging for the fences.

Everything left inside that was bottled up just, erupted...

This was the moment she'd been waiting for since we crossed paths again after that morning I'd jumped out of her car so long ago. This was her moment, Shawnee Thompson's time to get what she wanted in no uncertain terms as the fists came flying from every conceivable angle she could muster. Every one of those launched ham fists of hers were haymakers designed to knock me unconscious, but they came each, with a price.

Barely any of them were striking the intended target, my face. This wasn't my first rodeo and I'd become exceedingly good at weathering street level beatdowns getting my arms in front of me, hands framing my face. Of course I caught a few glancing blows. I was lucky Shawnee hadn't come armed with a box cutter or knife; just raw unbridled emotion akin to the hurricanes that periodically hit this state. I was surprised when Shawnee employed a move I hadn't seen in a fight since I was in grade school.

She headbutted me.

Two times in quick succession.

It felt like being hit in the face with a bowling ball stunning me. In those few precious seconds I was seeing all the stars in the universe and beyond, Shawnee palmed the top of my head like a basketball laying in several sucker punches that hit harder than I ever would've thought.


Shawnee went silent still mounting me with both hands dangerously wrapped around my neck.

I clipped her chin.

She went after my offending hand using both of hers to pin it down onto the sand. My freed left arm shot up hand grabbing the back of her neck instead of going at her ribs. Shawnee shoved an elbow trying to dislodge it then had the audacity to attempt to pin both of my raised arms adjacent to my head by the wrists. Both of us were grunting and wheezing from the intense exertion, but I went into a continuous squirming rocking motion underneath her zaftig proportions not allowing her to really use her weight. I kept this up until she made a move with her knee.

I rolled her over closer to the incoming tide pinning her wrists down with my knees drawn up under her enormous butt. This position pushed her thighs up towards her chest, legs spread apart bent at the knees on both sides. I was feeling it in my face knowing she'd done a number on me while Shawnee had a visible bruise on her chin. She struggled with me mightily and I'm embarrassed to say that it took damn near everything I had to keep her pinned down on her back. Shawnee began gasping and coughing a bit from the tussle as tears started running freely in torrents.

"You got nothing for me, but everything for her and I know you went back and fucked Renee, even after all the shit she did to you. You went inside of her and all the others. She did so much to us, damaged us, broke us, and took it all away but she gets a goodbye fuck? You're hating on me because I helped them and Rashida did too; but now she's your fuck buddy? You know what she did to me, but you forgave her and you shit on me with a fucking dollar. Lately you're all she talks about, the friendship and playfulness, and the non-stop sex. Thinks she's helping you?"

She stopped struggling against me as her truth began to expose itself.

"I've been talking to her for three months and you're all I hear about, the fucking Educated Simp. How're you so different, how you're still not the same and grieving over your dead girlfriend who RENEE MIGHT AS WELL HAVE KILLED HERSELF!! BUT YOU STILL FUCKED HER, MADE LOVE TO HER!! WHAT WOULD YOUR GIRL THINK ABOUT THAT, HUH?!!"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP BITCH; IF YOU SAY HER NAME I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!!" I erupted screaming point blank into Shawnee's face spittle flying everywhere. Vicky Stone was gone never to return and Renee Kelly was nothing now.

"You already have."

All of the strength left her body. Shawnee stopped struggling laying there under me staring quietly at my face. Droplets of my tears started dotting her rounded cherubic features, those chubby chipmunk cheeks. I was shivering from the grief and rage unsure of what to do next.

"You were right about me, I'm a dollar whore. We both know it and you were just being honest with me. If I was worth anything in this life, in this would've made love to me at least one time." Shawnee was stilled, calm and silently contemplative after that as the sound of the incoming waves filled the air.

We cried together unable to look away from each other's faces.

Our Lips merged both trembling as they parted with our tongues meeting and intertwining. This long sustained moan rose from deep within Shawnee almost as if she were exhaling into my mouth. I suckled her bottom lip and then she did mine tilting her head to the side while I followed suite tilted the other direction. Those rounded chubby cheeks of hers inverted as she sucked hard on my probing tongue starting to bob her head a little. I was released wetly going after her neck sinking my teeth into it sucking hard enough to put a hickey there.

We stopped to look at one another again realizing we'd never made love before.

Shawnee moaned into my mouth again when it returned moving her head in tandem with her tongue which was taking a tour and wrestling with my own as she audibly exhaled. She remained unmoving other than her head wantonly making out with me to the exclusion of all else. I was on all fours over her body with both of my knees planted firmly in the sand between her wide spread thighs. Each time my head dipped low she kissed me back with a staggering sexual hunger that was addictive. Before I even realized it my crotch was pushing into hers grinding extremely hard as she laid there squinting her eyes each time I bucked into her. Her wet mouth hung open, lips glistening in the starlit darkness on that beach.

It was heady and intoxicating kneeling over her with this woman completely submissive and willing under me. My tumescence was throbbing painfully at the sight of her face alone as my hands drew up the thin cotton tee exposing her slightly still doughy abdomen and perfect bikini navel I'd never noticed before. I pushed the t-shirt up until the undersides of her breasts started to appear leaving it that way. Shawnee was huffing now, her folded legs moving ever so slightly in anticipation as I gathered a mouthful of saliva. There was a barely stifled chortle in the air partially drowned out by the incoming tide.

I drooled a steady stream of saliva into her navel letting it pool there before sinking the tip of my tongue there. The breathy moan I got was not nearly reward enough as I flicked and twirled my tongue there reaching up letting my hands rest on the swell of her breasts fingers spread wide apart. Her new enhanced chest felt spongy to the touch. My fingertips found her erect blocky nipples pinching and rolling them as I slathered spit all over her belly work my way upward. I licked a slimy trail up to the undersides of her tits sucking on their undersides with the rest covered.

I was savoring every inch of her body gradually rearing up while she laid there enraptured at the care and attention being paid to her on an intimate level we'd never shared. I could see the pools of wetness in her eyes catching the available light. It made this reflective effect like a cat peering out at you from the darkness. Her chest was rising and falling with an increased cadence signaling her excitement. Shawnee watched the excitement on my face as I uncovered her chest taking a look at her new breasts for the first time. They were sculpted perfectly sloping offerings topped with nice barely there pecan colored areolas and her thick blocky erect nipples.

I went after the right sucking and nipping it then one to the other for more of the same before running the flat of my tongue up her created cleavage right over the pyramid tattoo that remained from her old life. The script over her left boob had been covered over with a single stem rose tattoo. I gathered her breasts together jointly sucking and nipping them simultaneously before tracing a line to the underside of her chin and finally her wet waiting lips.

"I want some of your taste; give me a little." Shawnee whispered looking rapturous.

Her tongue curved out licking my lips eventually invading my mouth again but only briefly as she broke the kiss holding her mouth open. Shawnee stuck her tongue out flicking my bottom lip and chin a few times then let her maw hang agape with it protruding over her lip long enough to touch her own chin. This was an unknown side of her revealed as I gathered and pooled a stream of saliva into her mouth then went after her for more torrid making out.

Thoughts of her relationship with Andre came to mind and his simplemindedness. She had always done the thinking for them both now laying here under me audibly swallowing me. My hands ran along her sides up to her breasts playing, caressing, and rubbing then dragging my nails along her belly hooking them into the elastic waistband of her gym shorts. I paused for an instant looking into her eyes getting a light nod before starting to draw them off her hips. Shawnee watched with a finger in her mouth raising her hips a little so that I could free them from her body.

Shawnee's legs spread wider freed of the shorts sort of flopping open with her shaved womanhood on full display. I'd always had an appreciation for the puffy nature of her mound and tonight was no different. Now that she'd gone through this rigorous rebirth, everything was similar with these little differences. Her muff formed a mild sort of horseshoe shape framing her slit accentuating the folds there as I pried them apart with my thumbs. Just inside was a rich inviting pinkness dripping with her essence. I pushed my thumbs further finding her tunnel pulsing as one of Shawnee's chubby digits made an appearance. Her clit was fully engorged just as I remembered.

Shawnee rubbed it with that finger teasing herself before three fingers continued massaging her entrance. Against all odds, I slid my hands underneath her massive buttocks inching forward. There was an audible gasp in the air when she found her wide hips rising up from the sand to my waiting mouth. Shawnee was obliged to balance her weight with both arms along her sides. I fed from her most holiest of holies like I was drinking from a bowl with two hands. Her cries of ecstasy echoed along with the wet slurps that accompanied my own feverish overtures.

I gently lowered her huge butt into the sand never breaking the seal as I went after her clit fellating it with wanton abandon. Things got nasty for us as I slathered as much of my saliva on her peach as humanly possible. Her labia was sucked and those exquisite inner grooves teased to distraction. Her hands ran all over the top and back of my head while her abdomen undulated like the sea a few feet away. It felt like we were the only two people on the planet.

Both of my hands busied themselves massaging her inner thighs as I nipped relentlessly marking my territory with a plethora of love bites all over both shapely legs. Now that she was smaller, Shawnee effortlessly raised both spread legs into her stomach giving me a feast which I devoured hungrily. Her peachy cunt was a glistening mess leaving me wondering if I was looking at my efforts or her copious essence. I straightened my back kneeling between her legs unbuckling and shoving my pants down to my knees. Shawnee watched enraptured with a finger in her mouth and a few rubbing her cunt in anticipation.

"SHAW-NEE!!" My tumescence was fully sheathed in her steaming pot to the hilt as I found her succulent lips and excellent mouth waiting. This extended shrill wailing sound I'd never heard from Shawnee before accompanied the tip of my fleshy spear as It sank into her confines.

I bottomed out balls pressing against her entrance as I cradled her face between my hands looking deep into her eyes.

Her baby face and those damn chubby cheeks were beet red while her expressive eyes were running streams of excess mascara. I did my best to wipe those tears away giving her little rabbit kisses before openly making out with Shawnee. I tried to wedge in harder into her crotch feeling it throughout my shaft. We began huffing and gasping in unison as I took her plunging deep inside drawing all the way back to the entrance, then ramming it home again. Shawnee made these whimpers in between breathy moans slowly wrapping her arms around my neck.

She quickly withdrew her hands not wanting to trigger me but I grabbed one kissing her chubby palm while pushing a thumb into her mouth. Shawnee's lips pursed around that single digit as I pumped it in and out of her mouth.

"I'm safe, and clean; you can do it as hard as you want."


"Yeah fuck me really hard and fill me up as much as you like; I want you so bad. I wanted you as soon as I saw you. Then you didn't recognize me and I-I'M SORRY!! ¡¡Soy un pedazo de mierda!! ¡¡Usa tu baño!!"She started to cry before I silenced her with my lips.

Her desperate moans and sighs into my mouth were heady and exciting making me so aroused that it hurt. Her hand lovingly cupped the side of my face making me wince from where her fist collided with my jaw. It looked as if she would speak again but didn't as I hooked her legs over my shoulders getting into a crouch. I leaned forward as she flattened her palms against my pecs.

"OH SI ESTO ES LO QUE QUERIA!! ¡SIEMPRE HE QUERIDO ESTO! ¡OH DIOS MÍO, SE SIENTE BIEN! FOLLAME MAS Y MAS DURO!! ¡¡OH DIOS!! ¡¡OH, DIOS, ¡¡SÍ!! ¡¡HAZLO TUYO OTRA VEZ!! FOLLAME MAS DURO!!" Her voice was rapturous carrying across the wide open beach making it sound as if she were in seventh heaven.

I went in crouching bulldog position cupping and squeezing the outsides of her breasts using them as leverage with her huge thighs pressed against my chest. Her breathy moans and Spanish language encouragements accompanied the wet audible heavy smacks of my balls into the entrance of her cunt as I hit Shawnee with the force of a piston. She'd been rolled into a face up fetal position turned into a ball of unbridled human desire and lust. I pounded more sand out of her than was on the entirety of the beach we were making love on that night.

Things were animalistic, instinctual as I got into a standing crouch with my arms tightly wrapped around her big giant thighs feeling the rubbery trampoline bounce of her voluptuous cheeks on my balls. Those cheeks were parting with these loud wet claps as I handled her hips absolutely spearing the shit out of her box. Shawnee had to support her weight on her shoulders upside down at an angle. Freed her shapely legs were hanging in the air at either side of my body. Everything was out in the open between us as her weight brought us down into the sand again.


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