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Mum and the Daughters of the Moon Ch. 02

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Mother and Son Confirm Their Love.
9.2k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 02/02/2024
Created 10/13/2018
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Me , My Mum, My Sister and the Daughters of the Moon

Part Two

A big thank you to everyone who voted for Part One of my story and even bigger thanks to those kind people who left comments. I can scarcely believe it's been five years since Part 1 was published... Tempus fugit.

If you have not already read Part One to this story, then I advise you to do so NOW, as this chapter won't make much sense, otherwise.

As ever, all characters are over 18.

This story features sex, nudity, bad language and witchcraft, but even more disconcerting to American readers, the Queen's English, UK slang and spellings. If "colour" puts you off color, this story perhaps isn't for you. In Britain, 'a grass' is a snitch, and the verb is the same word.


Cala Banyalbufar, Mallorca, Mediterranean Sea.

The night is warm and humid, with a profound silence. Pale lights from the ancient stone farmhouse windows spill out across the garden's citrus trees into the darkness. Far below our safe mountain haven, a ribbon of silver moonlight stretches across the ink-black sea to the distant horizon.

We have just finished dinner, local fish and vegetables eaten by lamplight outdoors on the terrace, washed down with a perfect red wine.

Mum's mouth is hot and wet on my cock as she helps herself to dessert, kneeling by my chair. Her soft lips and ceaseless tongue tease and provoke my swollen cock head, then slide down and around my girth to suck my balls, back up again, down and up, sucking the head in past her teeth, pressing gently onto the roof of her mouth, and licking again with her tongue, running her lips up and down, up and down, her warm breath tickling... Mum's special blowjob, for her special boy.

Beads of sweat pool on my stomach, my shorts are pooled around my ankles, I breathe in short rasps as I feel the tension gathering in my groin and as I pass the point of no return, I clench my hands on my chair's armrests my ejaculate bursts into her mouth in jets as I cry her name "KATE!" Lights flash behind my closed eyes, and I arch my back as I spasm. The intensity slowly fades, and I sag back into my chair gasping, drained, spent.

Kate licks cum off my cock, giggling, sucking her gooey fingers, then stands and extends her hand to me.

"Bedtime, now."

I kick away my shorts and stand up, my cock already softening.

"'Night, darling", says mum.

"'Nighty-night", I say, and we leave Andrea, my sister, our spectator sitting alone in the velvet gloom, with one hand in her panties, the other holding her wine.

In our bedroom, I quickly strip mum naked, and tease, tantalize and torment her with my mouth, lingering at the nape of her neck below her ear in that place that makes her melt, then kissing and nipping down her tanned body via her tits where I leave teeth marks, and down across her belly to her mound. I soon have her screeching, her hips bucking beneath me, her fingernails digging into my shoulders and head as I circle her clit and stab her pink folds and entrance with my tongue. Finally, with my sticky cock hard again, I slip it inside her and fuck her into an exhausted slumber.

I am over-tired, and sleep eludes me. As my mother quietly sleeps beside me, my hand cupping her warm backside, my restless mind drifts back to how we came to be here and wondering when we ever will see home again. For we are in exile, for at least this year, and for who knows how many more, one of the most notorious families that has ever fled England one jump ahead of the law, in the full glare of social media, newspapers and TV publicity, the summer's sensation, the infamous "Incest Witchcraft Family!"

It was too good a story for the gutter-press and self-righteous Twitter hate-mobs not to pursue in the mid-summer "silly season" when real news is thin on the ground. Even the respectable broadsheets reported it, deprecating our depravity, whilst of course sparing their readers no salacious details to feel disgusted by, "with more on page 5!".

My mum's belief that our antics out in our garden in the coven's fire-lit circle would remain a secret now seems hopelessly naïve.

Of course, the story did not get out there by accident: someone in my mum's coven had grassed us up.


East Sussex, England, two months earlier

The bedside clock showed it was just after 4am as the dawn chorus started in the garden and I was awake early, despite my physical and mental exhaustion: I felt too elated, too wired, too full of adrenaline. Besides, I wasn't used to sharing a bed with anyone, even if the lustrous dark hair that was fanned out over the pillow next to mine belonged to my mother. She was sleeping on her side and facing me, her full breasts tipped with pink nipples and areolas were only partially hidden by her bent arm. The thrown-back duvet came up to her waist and I exulted in the sight of her pale torso gently rising and falling as she slept, her breath cool on my shoulder. I studied her closely in the dim light that filtered through the curtains. Her long eyelashes quivered as she dreamed, a half-smile on her lips. Perhaps she was dreaming about last night, what we had done together virtually the whole night through?

I had fucked my mother, and not just once, but again and again.

After giving my mum my virginity in the Great Rite in full view of her coven, I had showered with her, lathering her body, soaping and kneading her generous tits and bottom, and then we had gone to my bed. I had brought her to a gasping climax with my tongue, and then came the moment I had long waited for and fantasized about. I had fucked her, not in the coven's circle in a drugged-up frenzy, but in my bed. I was rough in my fumbling, inexperienced haste, almost afraid she would change her mind, grabbing hold of her, forcing myself inside her, ignoring her needs. It was all about my own urgent desires. In a paroxysm of panting, gasping lust, I had taken her, ridden her, fucking her tight, wet cunt, slamming my hard cock into her again and again, biting her neck and tits like a mad animal, spraying her cervix with my cum as I vented several years' savage sexual frustration on her. Throughout, mum had clung onto me, passively, and had allowed me to use her like a slut. I'm not proud of it in hindsight, it was too much like rape, all a result of my graceless inexperience with a woman, but at the time, man, what a glorious fuck!

I had cuddled her close afterwards as my sperm trickled down her thighs as we whispered our secrets to each other. We then cleaned one another up in my bathroom.

Mum gently cleaned my cock and balls with a wettened cloth and leaned down and kissed the top of my cock, whilst her gorgeous, full tits swung free. Already, shame at my roughness was starting to eat at my conscience.

"You certainly gave me a good seeing-to," she said with a little laugh. "I'll be walking like John Wayne tomorrow."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be so rough", I said.

"It's okay, darling," she said with a smile, putting her fingers to my lips to hush further apologies from me. "It was good and hard: I've not had a fuck like that in years! It's nice to be wanted."

I blushed.

Now it was my turn to clean her.

I knelt in front of mum's parted legs and tenderly used the same wetted washcloth on her thighs, pussy folds and up around her bottom to wipe away my sperm.

Mum was softly "Oooh"-ing, giggling and squirming as I carried out this most personal of ablutions. The sight of my mother's nakedness in soft glow of the dimmed bathroom light, her womanly aroused scent, her warmth and closeness as my fingers brushed her crisp, curly auburn pubes, her swollen cunt lips and thighs, the way her luscious breasts jiggled as her body moved under my fingers, these were so intimate and erotic that blood rushed to my cock again and I was hard within seconds as my desire for my mum's body rekindled. My rapid breath rasped in my throat.

It's odd, but the lines from a childhood poem came to mind as I leaned in to her again, inhaling her feminine scent and I recited softly as I washed her,

"Oh, wonderful pussy, oh pussy my love,

What a wonderful pussy you are, you are,

What a wonderful pussy you are."

"You say the loveliest things", mum murmured, with her eyes closed, basking in my attentions.

I leaned in as I knelt on the floor and kissed my way from her knees to the top of her thighs as mum trembled and opened her legs wider for my access. I dived in with my tongue again on the pink and folded beauty of her glistening pussy. Mum groaned and leaned back against the wall as I used the fingers of both hands to open up her labia and licked from bottom to the top, lingering at her clit as I sucked it into my mouth and tongued it while she ground her hips into my face, grabbing my hair and holding me there to show me just where she liked it, until I thought she would tear my hair out, whilst she groaned. My mouth was filled with her warm honey. Licking downwards, finding her pussy opening, I stuck in my tongue as far it would go and tongue-fucked her until her shaking, writhing and cries told me another orgasm was imminent.

"Oh Goddess, Josh, don't stop!" mum cried.

Gripping my hair harder than ever, she came with a heaving shudder and cried my name, as my mouth was suddenly sprayed with a gush of warm fluid, which I thought on tasting, was her pee. On a night of firsts, that was a turn on as well. OK, I have a bit of a pee fetish, so sue me.

I clambered to my feet and held her close until she had caught her breath, my hands running riot over her body, her bottom and tits.

"Oh, darling, that was wonderful!" Mum laughed with delight into my ear. "Come back to bed!"

She gripped my cock firmly and led me back to bed. I was feeling very proud of myself.

I had given my mother another orgasm!

Back in bed, mum was insatiable, I was inexperienced.

"Love me again, Josh", she pleaded, her mouth pouting with desire.

I gauchely tried to kiss her, but awkwardly met her nose as mum moved her head.

Mum laughed softly. "Here, like this..."

She brought her mouth onto mine and licked along my lips. She thrust her tongue into my mouth as our kiss deepened, as I grabbed onto her bottom cheeks, my cock butting her lower belly.

She started to teach me what she liked.

"Touch me here... And here... "

I tried not to fumble, my breathing was rapid and ragged, and my heartbeat pounded in my ears.

"Slow down, darling", mum teased.

Under her gentle guidance, I started a slow, tender exploration of her body, sharing deep kisses that made my toes curl, stroking her flanks, giving deep tissue massage to her back, squeezing the firm globes of her bottom. She was soon wriggling, moaning with passion once more.

"Yes, like that, that's the idea!" mum breathed.

I felt again her cunt's wet heat, her liquid honey slick between my fingers, the tender folds and hard nub of her clit. I nuzzled her ear and neck, before kissing my way back down to her tits. I sucked her nipples one after another into my mouth while mum held me close.

"I want your cock inside me, darling!" she gasped. "Please, now!"

I moved over, and my mum rolled onto her front and opened her legs and with her hand guided my turgid cock into her, doggystyle. I was hard, she was wet. We were both slick with sweat again.

"Oh God mum, you're so tight!"

Whereas before, I had taken and virtually raped her, this time it started as slow, tender, loving and sweet. We found our rhythm, and speeded up our tempo, skin slapping on skin, until my cock was ramming into her as she moved beneath me in unison, as I held her beneath her hips with one arm and in a sudden surge of self-confidence, found her bum hole with my other hand and pushed in my index finger to the first knuckle.

Mum screeched loudly, then bucked and writhed as her pussy and arsehole were fucked by my cock and fingertip together.

"Oh-oh!" I felt her pussy muscles contracting as she came, and her reaction tipped me over the edge, so that I don't even know who finished first. I had hardly anything left in me, having cum twice already this evening, but my cock spurted out what remained deep into mum's cervix.

I pulled out of mum's still quivering body and collapsed beside her. As she panted with the exertion, I felt, rather than saw, her beaming smile.

"Well done, darling, that was lovely!"

We slept restlessly, awoke, fucked, and slept again.

Now I was wide awake in the dawn's early light, and mum was asleep beside me.

I decided I was too restless to sleep again and seeing the daylight light up the shadows in the bedroom, I gently slid out of bed without awaking mum and pulled a pair of jogging pants on and softly tiptoed out of the room. I went downstairs into the kitchen and put the kettle on for want of something better to do. I poured myself a glass of cold OJ from the fridge, relishing the silent and morning sunlight streaming in through the windows and nearly jumped out of my skin when my sister Andrea suddenly cooed "'Morning, lover boy!" in my ear.

"Fuck!" I spluttered as I splashed refrigerated OJ all over my bare chest and the floor.

"Fuck? You certainly did", Andrea smirked. "All night long. You need to move your bed. It was banging against the wall all night."

I dried myself off with a dishcloth. Andrea was dressed in a tee shirt that barely covered the essentials.

"Were we loud?" I asked with a grin.

"Loud? Gods, loud? You should have heard yourselves! Mum was all, "Yes, yes yes, yes, ohhhh Josh!"" Andrea mimicked mum having an orgasm in a high screechy voice.

"I'm sorry if we kept you awake," I said.

"Don't be, big boy. So", Andrea said with a saucy drawl, "Is mum a good fuck, then?"

"The best", I said, "But of course, I don't have anyone to compare her to."

Andrea grinned.

"Like, how many times did you fuck her?"

This was undoubtedly turning into the oddest conversation ever, but hell, what was "normal" any more for either of us? I couldn't deny that I'd spent all night fucking our mother. I sort of felt that Andrea had a right to know.

"Um, four times?"

"Four!" Andrea squealed. "You liar!"

"I'm not! I made her cum twice more as well when I licked her, uh, pussy", I said, now suddenly feeling a bit awkward to be talking of pussy with my sister.

"You gave her oral twice?" Andrea asked, astonished.


"You like it?"

"It's great, I loved it. Why wouldn't I?"

"Loads of guys are a bit reluctant about going "down there". You're something special if you liked it."

"I did it to her once in bed and then again in the bathroom. Mum loved it. She came all over my face. I think she squirted pee on me a bit, too."

"Oh gods, bro!' TMI!" Andrea laughed, now suddenly tickled pink I had spilt the beans.

She looked at me appraisingly.

"There's more to you than meets the eye", she said finally.

"Says my sister, the expert. How many guys have you had, anyway?"

"Not as many as you obviously think."

"Eight? Ten?" I hazarded a guess.

"Oh thanks, you make me sound like the village bike!"

"Well, I have no idea. You've always had guys chasing you."

"For your information, the answer is precisely three."

"Three! Now who's a liar!"

"I am not a liar! You take that back!"

"You've always had a bloke on your arm. You have a new one practically every month!"

Andrea rolled her eyes. "And why do you think that is? Because I wouldn't just be their casual fuck. So, I get dumped, and called frigid."

"Oh?" I was too dumbstruck to say anything. "Dumb" being the operative word, I guess.

Andrea glared at me, all five feet five of concentrated hostility.

"My last fuck was over a year ago, if you must know. Then Danny and I split up." Andrea put her hands on her hips, which made her tee-shirt stretch attractively over her tits.

"Look, I'm sorry, OK?" I raised my hands placatingly. "I didn't know, I just assumed -"

"You just assumed that I suck a different cock every week. Why do you guys always have to be such shits?" Her furious look gave way to tears. "And my own brother thinks..."

I'm not exactly a world leader in emotional intelligence, but I could see that she needed a hug, and I enfolded her in my arms and squeezed.

"I said I'm sorry." Andrea's hair smelt faintly of Strawberry Fizz. I hugged her close and finally she responded by putting her arms around me and hugging me back. We hugged for what felt like a minute. I felt her tears on my shoulder and as her chest heaved, I also felt her soft yet firm tits against my chest. Very different thoughts started to zip through my mind then, thoughts of sliding my hand down Andrea's lower back to squeeze her bottom and yanking down her panties and feeling her sweet cunt. I caught myself wondering if she shaved her pubes. A sudden surge of heat in my groin showed my cock springing to life again, stiffening in my jogging bottoms. I turned sideways so it didn't poke Andrea in the stomach. Damn. Think non-sexy thoughts, Josh... Mountains... Waterfalls... Trees... Birds... Tits! Lovely wobbling tits and a pert, firm bottom... Aargh!

Andrea sensed my tension and pulled away. Her tears had stopped, and she gave me a wan smile. I was forgiven. Then something about my stance must have struck her as odd, because her gaze shifted downwards, and she noticed for the first time my tented track bottoms. Her mouth split into a wide grin.

"Is that all for me?" Andrea teased. Then her lips pouted.

"I wanna see your cock again, bro'."

"Uh..." My mind was reeling. I had up to now thought Andrea's attitude the night before was teasing and playful and I had no idea that she wanted to take things further. How much further I wasn't even sure. I felt as if the floor was opening and swallowing me up as what had seemed just yesterday immutable and fixed, that my sister thought I was insignificant and was here just to be mocked or pitied by her, dissolved like smoke on a teaspoon.

"Hey, come on, you've shown it to mum and half the women in the village. My turn, now."

I took a leap in the dark.

Fumbling, with my heart racing, I pulled my jogging bottoms down to my thighs and my stiff cock sprang free.

Andrea stood gazing at it. Then she spoke with a husky tone in her voice, "Wank it for me bro'. Let's see how you jack off."

I stroked myself slowly and she was mesmerized by the movement of my hand. The head was now engorged and purple. A bead of precum coalesced at the tip.


I nearly did wank myself to orgasm, but then I thought of mum lying upstairs, waiting for me. I wanted to save everything I had for her.

I stopped and said hoarsely, "I'm sorry, I'd love to carry on, but I need to get back to mum. I need to be able to fuck her again."

Andrea pouted and sighed.

"All right, yes, I understand. You'd rather have her."

Hey, it's not "rather", it's just that mum's in my bed right now and we've got unfinished business."

"Well... okay, I guess", she said reluctantly. "But I want to see you later, in my room and you can finish what we started."

"It's a deal", I said, relieved. I didn't want to upset either my sister or mum.

"Why are you up so early, anyway?" I asked curiously.

"I just wanted to get the story", Andrea admitted with a sly grin. "It's not every day your mum and baby brother go to bed together and shag like stoats all night long." Andrea paused for a second and then asked, "When do I get to watch?"

I was taken aback.


"Why do I want to watch?" Andrea asked. She paused and it came out in a rush of words. "Last night was so fuckin' hot when you were handing drinks around stark bollock naked, and then you and mum did it in the coven, you yelling about her having your babies, and I don't want to be left out by you and mum. That's really why I want to watch you wank off." She paused for breath.

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