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Mum Jumps Me after Tell of Incest

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Another short story of mother/son quickie.
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Three snippets joined together, especially for Mike, Anne, Terry, Terry and Izzy. Hopefully this fits all your requests and you all like his name.


Those last few sounds will be etched on my brain forever;

The sound of a hefty slap was followed by a solid sounding thump which made the picture frame on my side of the wall move.







Another slap and solid thump.

-A door slammed with such force that I heard something fall.

-The front door slammed with just as much force and glass broke.

-The lime green Subaru Impreza roared into life, going from cold to full revs in a split second.

-Drive gravel was violently thrown up against the house, peppering the plastic facia and a window, shattering three of its four double glazed units.

-A metallic scrunch.

-Tyres squealed when they got to the pavement.

-The squealing continued for at least fifteen seconds until the car was out of earshot.


Dad had a company ford focus, Mum had the Scooby Do and I concluded Mum had left the building.

Their rows had been going on for some time and it wasn't uncommon that one left to cool off; this fight had lasted twenty minutes and was the worst one I'd heard. It'd gone eerily quiet.

There was silence so I thought I'd better check on Dad as he normally kept on shouting and moaning after she'd left.

I carefully opened my bedroom door a little and peered out, I could see my parent's door was closed so I opened my door wider and saw their door's heavy metal handle was missing and the wooden door was damaged where the handle had been ripped off, it was lying on the floor.

Cautiously I walked over to their door and gently tapped; "Are you OK?"


I hadn't expected to hear Mum's voice. "Mum it's Matti, Dads gone, are you OK? I waited, "Mum are you OK?

"No." I heard some movement and she tried the door, "No I'm not ok this time, get this door open for me."

"Hold on a minute." I got the door handle and realised the square bar was missing, I couldn't see it anywhere, "Hold on Mum, I need to find something to open the door." I got a handful of cutlery from the kitchen and jammed several bits in the square hole before I could turn the catch.

Mum almost fell into my arms as soon as the door was open enough. I instantly grabbed my phone and dialled 999 for an ambulance as the side of one leg was ripped open and her arm was broken with the bone sticking out through the flesh. We were blue lighted to the hospital and within thirty minutes Mum was in theatre having the damage repaired. The police were there before she came round and I gave them a statement.

After the operation, I was holding Mums hand when she came round. My first words to her were; "You know you're not fat Mum, don't you."

"Yeah, I know." She drifted off to sleep and I was advised she was likely to sleep for hours.

Two hours after he stormed out Dad crashed the Scooby 260 miles away, he was seriously injured, fortunately the two passengers in the other vehicle came out of it with fairly minor broken bones, cuts and bruises. The police put together a string of driving offences but it never got to court as Dad died in hospital six weeks later.

As I was fourteen I stayed with my friend, Jack, for a couple of weeks then moved in with my Aunty, as did Mum when she came out of hospital and I felt I grew up bloody quickly. Mums injuries took a while to heal but heal they did and Mum seemed to be happier than before. She started wearing nicer clothes, some of which were much shorter or sexier than before and I became proud of her when my school friends started making positive comments.

Moving on four years I was making a cup of tea while Mum was finishing dessert; "What was that Mum?" I called from the kitchen.

"Nothing, it wasn't me. I've put the telly news on."

"Yeah I know, but I didn't hear it properly. Did they say Jessica Henry?"

"Dunno, I wasn't listening, something about incest I think."

I arrived with our mugs of tea and placed them on the table. I know a Jessica Henry. Jack Van Kanne's mother remarried."

"No! When? What happened to Frans?"

"They divorced not long after... after Dad..."

She absent mindedly replied "Fancy that."

I sat, grabbed the remote control and rewound the PVR. I jerked to attention when I saw the long dark hair on the screen. I wound it back further to the beginning of the news article. Sure enough, I got the name right then we saw her going from court to the security van, this was my school friends' mother and she had been sentenced to five years for incest. My first reaction was to look in our address book for their phone number.

"Jack!" I said down the phone as he answered

"Dude." Jack excitedly replied.

"Hey, I just heard the news on telly, Sorry about that."

"Yup me too."

"So wh..."

"Sorry to cut you short but I gotta go somewhere. OK to call you back in an hour or so?

"Sure thing Jack."

The phone seemed to go dead far too quickly for my liking but almost to the minute the phone rang an hour later, I could hear Jack was in the car; "Sorry about that, I was running late for an appointment."

"No sweat mate."

"I'm gasping for a coffee, fancy meeting up?"

"If you're near pop in..." the call dropped out, I tried to call back several times, it couldn't connect but shortly there was the sound of a car on the gravel drive. The hug at the door was one of long lost friends, Mum joined in too and established that the last time she'd seen him was four years ago. We settled on the sofa as Mum made us drinks.

"So what happened?"

"What you mean how did I get to fuck my mother?

"Shit no!" Although I know what incest is, it hadn't sunk in what had actually happened until that point. "Really, how did that happen?"

Mum returned to the room with three mugs.

"You know that dickhead of my stepfather walked out don't you?

"No when?

Mum joined in; "I only found out an hour ago about the divorce."

"Oh yeah, he walked out, let me see... April 2015 so sixteen months now and she turned to the Bacardi bottle."

"Oh poor lass," Mum added; "Did she drink much before?"

"Not really, glass of wine with a meal or socially but not much."


"Well when she got to a full bottle a night she would be all over me trying to kiss me and feel..." he looked a bit wary at Mum then back to me, "Feel my err..."

Mum collected her mug, "I'll leave you two to chat." then diplomatically left the room.

"Dude she was all over me, kissing and feeling my cock and arse and everything, and she'd pull her tits out and jiggle them over my face. Did you know she had nipple rings?"


"Yes, apparently that wanker insisted she got them done before they got married."


"Well it didn't take too many times of them being waved in my face before I started sucking on them and she seemed to love it. Then one night she grabbed my hand and stuck it up her dress.


She didn't have any knickers on and no hair."


"But more rings."

"Orrrhhh." My cock was now fully hard as I imagined what I was being told. "So what did you do?"

"Nothing, she did it all, she pulled my shorts down grabbed my cock and pumped it some, then climbed astride me on the sofa and fucked me, after that she did it every night for months."

"What was it like?"

"Fucking good dude."

"What else did you do?"

"Nothing, I tried to start things a few times when she wasn't pissed but she stopped me dead."


"I tried when she was drinking too but she wouldn't do any other position."

I adjusted my cock a few times, it felt so big and uncomfortable I was ready to cum.

"Fuck yeah dude, it gets you like that doesn't it." Jack adjusted himself too.

"How did the police get involved?"

"Seems that tosser she married watched us through the window a couple a times and called them."

"Noo. What the fuck."

"They set up a camera then stormed in one night."

"Fuck. Then what?"

"That was it. Mum hasn't been home since."

"Fuck now what?

"That's it. "She'll be out in three years or so, in the mean time..."

We both rested back against the sofa and adjusted our cocks again, Mum walked in as we were doing it; "Sorry lads no nipple rings." She knelt astride me as Jack had described and kissed me passionately as she sat on my hard cock. Mum was holding my face with both hands and I had my hands on her waist.

"Dude, way to go." Jack grabbed my nearest hand and moved it to the side of Mums breast. "Get stuck in there Dude."

I lifted my other hand to her other breast so they were on each side and squeezed them together, Jack reached into the increased cleavage and pulled her breasts clear of her clothes.

"Nice tits Mrs D., lovely long nipples." She pulled away from my mouth and we both looked down.

"Thanks Jack, think they need rings?"

"Not really Mrs D. they're better than Mums any day.

Mum sat away from me and undid my belt and waistband, then stood and pulled my jeans down and off, including my underwear. My cock was standing up straight in all its six inch glory, the foreskin was half way down and the tip was generously covered in gooey precum.

"Ooo now do I give you a blow job or fuck you?"

"Fuck me Mum, fuck me please."

I thought I was dreaming all this as it seemed so unreal somehow but Mum knelt back astride me and holding my dick in her hand guided it into her dripping wet fanny, she dropped down with a satisfying squelchy sound and I felt myself totally trapped inside her hot wet body.

She sat still for a few moments and said; "I want to savour this moment."

I held one breast with both hands then sucked on its nipple, not that they are so big that I needed to use both hands, but rather it felt comfortable to hold her that way. Jack did the same thing with the other breast.

"Oh... Oh... Oh my babies that's the first time they've both been sucked at the same time... ohhhhhh shiii'iit." Mum interlocked her finger behind her head and leant back a bit, "Oh yes suck them harder, oh yes that's it, harder. Oh yes jack that's it bite them, ahh, you too Matti. Oh oh yes.

Mum started humping back and forth on my cock and in no time at all I simply came, filling her with my goo, she continued humping and her oos & ahs got quicker and louder. The humping got harder then she pulled herself hard against my cock, using her hands she pulled our heads hard against her breasts "AHHH SHI'IT." Then she went limp and cuddled against me with her head on my shoulder.

"Fucking amazing Mrs D."

"Yeah Mum."

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chytownchytownabout 6 years ago

For the read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

...I'm a right language Nazi, but the comments below are clearly from Americans, unable to comprehend something written in UK vernacular.

A decent yarn, if a little short.

Probably a 3.75, but I'll give you a 5 to help offset the Americans :)

chytownchytownover 8 years ago
You Can Not Use The Second Language Excuse*

This was just bad. Sorry

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
I made it halfway before I gave up

It's all over the place and no logic behind it. Needs a lot of proofreading. Suggest remove then work on it and resubmit but as is it sucks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Bad bad writing. Good premise and then u rushed it to a point of being not good at all.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Dude Learn how to write a story with structure the first half was good then you rushed it and fucked the the whole thing up

cdnbimale50cdnbimale50over 8 years ago

This is way to confusing and makes little sense. Try a rewrite with someone to proof read it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I agree with the other comment

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