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My Aunt was My First (reworked)

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Losing my virginity to my aunt.
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**Authors note.

This is a rework of "My aunt was my first". After some of the feedback I received I decided to see if I can improve on it. I feel this version is much better than the original, which I'll admit was not to good. Thank you in advance for you time to read this improved version. Please enjoy and comment any opinions. **

As far back as I could remember I always had a big crush on my aunt.

On my 19th birthday I got a great little gift. Most of my family was over at my house for my birthday party. I came from a close family and everyone hugged a kissed each other. When I saw my aunt I quickly went over to say hello. We of course hugged, and when I went to kiss her on the cheek I "accidentally" caught the corner of her lips. I didn't know if she took notice or not, but it was beautiful. I immediately felt blood rushing to my cock.

It was a nice little party, I did have to stop myself from constantly staring at her. After that little kiss all I could think about was going further. The next coming weekend she needed someone to do some work done on her kitchen cabinets. Of course I offered to help out. I loved hanging out with her, especially when the rest of the family was not around. I was gonna stay the weekend because we did not live too close and driving back and forth would be a bitch.

That Saturday night she just happened to have a blind date. The thought of her going out with someone made me sick to my stomach but there was nothing I could do about it. To make matters worse she looked stunningly beautiful. She stood 5'8" tall with long brunette hair that reached the middle of her back. She had your typical Italian olive colored skin tone, without a blemish to be seen. Her tits stood round and firm. She was 44 at the time and there was no sign of any sagging on her 38 C cup tits. Yes I had peeked in her laundry when she was in the shower. Her hips and ass could stop traffic. They just begged to be touched. Her legs were not slender but had great definition of muscle. When she wore jeans her thighs filled out all the fabric. But she was not wearing jeans that night. She was dressed in a tight fitting shirt that was low cut and showed off her ample cleavage. She wore a black leather skirt that was about knee length and stockings that went all the way up her thighs, and below the knee length boots.

She seemed a little nervous and kept asking me if she looked good. Of course, I told her she looked at great, but if she only knew just how hot I thought she was and how turned on I was. I assured her that the guys jaw would drop at the site of her. When she left I gave her a hug and held a little longer than usual. I was melting at the feel of her tits pressed against me. I gave her a kiss on the corner of her mouth and wished her to have a good time. She took notice that I caught her lip cause she looked at me and said "oh, you're so sweet" and gave me a tiny peck back on my lips.

When she left I ran to her bedroom, went in her dresser drawer grabbed a pair of her panties. I also grabbed a pair from the hamper. I got in her bed, wrapped the clean panties around my cock, which was rock hard of course, and feverishly jerked off while holding the dirty pair to my nose and mouth. I laid there fantasizing about touching and kissing her body. My body was quivering with emotions. After only a couple of minutes I shot my load. My cum shot high into the air and fell back down all over my hand and crotch. I used her panties to wipe myself off and then hid them in the middle of her hamper.

When she got home she seemed upset and a little drunk. She went to drop her purse on the table but missed. When it hit the floor it fell open and some stuff fell out. Before she fell herself I put my arm around her waist and led her to the couch. When I went to pick up her purse I noticed that a pack of condoms fell out. Again I felt sick. I've always been a jealous man, and even though she was 25 years my elder and my mother's sister, I still did not want anyone touching her.

"What is wrong with men? All he wanted to talk about was his job and his car. He didn't care about anything I had to say. He didn't look at my face, he only stared at my tits the whole time." When she said this she pulled up the front of her shirt and covered her cleavage.

"Fuck him! He's an asshole then. You're an awesome woman, and guy would be lucky to go on a date with you. Also, It doesn't matter how beautiful you are it's disrespectful to just stare at your chest like that." At this point I was on autopilot. I had my hand gently on her thigh, the feeling of her stocking under my hand put me close to heaven. I was turning up the charm. Why the hell not I figured. Even if nothing happened at least I'd make her feel better.

"How'd you get to be so nice. You must have girls crawling all over you. You're a handsome young man, and such a gentleman."

"Yeah, I'm not that great, I'm single, I can't find that special girl. Maybe I set my standards too high. I want a girl that'll make my knees weak. Even a girl half as beautiful as you would do it." Did I really just say that, I thought to myself.

"Oh, you're making me blush, stop it. In any case you'll find her, but whatever you do, don't you settle for less then what your looking for."

My hand on her thigh started to sweat and I didn't want to become obvious, so I pulled it away. She shifted and was saying that her feet hurt from her boots. So she put her legs up across my legs and rested them there.

"Why don't you take these off and relax." I said without thought.

I unzipped het boots and pulled them off. Next thing I knew, I was rubbing her feet. Where I got the guts to do this I didn't know but I just went with my instincts.

"You don't have to do that." She said.

"No, that's ok, you had a rough night, I want you to relax."

"I don't understand how you could not have a girlfriend you're such an awesome young gentleman, why are you so good to me? Are you like this with the all the girls?"

"Nah, I wouldn't do this for just anyone you're my aunt and I love you."

We stayed like this for another five minutes of so, she laid there with her eyes closed and a smile on her face, I could tell it was really making her feel special. Then she said she was going to change and get comfortable, then we could watch a movie. She sat up next to me and asked for a hug. I of course held her, and this time I took a chance and moved my hand up and down her thigh. She didn't push me away and actually squeezed tighter. I started squeezing her leg and moving my hand further up her thigh, she did not let go. I slid over closer and buried my face next to her head, and ever so lightly pressed my lips on her neck. My heart was about to burst from my chest. Still, at this point, I knew I could always stop, pull away and act like it was just an innocent act. To my shock she held me tighter and slid closer to me. I could not stop myself and went for it. I was now kissing her neck, while squeezing and caressing her stocking covered thigh. My cock was throbbing hard and all I wanted to do was put it in her pussy. I kissed her from her neck up to her cheek. By now I figured it was too late and I went in for a real kiss. Our lips met, hers were like two soft pillows. There was no way I could stop now. I parted my lips and used my tongue to lick her lips. I tasted her lip stick and a chill ran through my body. Then I went for broke, and pushed my tongue into her mouth. She eagerly accepted it. We kissed hard, our tongues dancing with each other. I sucked hers into my mouth and held it there. She seemed to struggle for a brief moment, then let out a soft moan and put her hand on the back of my head pulling me closer to her. I continued into uncharted territory and pulled her shirt down and started to caress her tits and pinch her nipples hard. Her moans were increasing now. My cock was throbbing harder than ever.

All of a sudden she got up grabbed my hand and lead me to the bedroom. She quickly took off her shirt and bra. She had the most beautiful tits I have ever seen, and the first pair I've ever seen in real life. She stood in front of me while I sat on the bed. I sucked on her nipples, twirling my tongue around them. She took her skirt and panties down and let them fall to the floor. I told her to leave the stockings on and she said "anything you want".

She laid down on the bed completely naked except for her stockings. She had a shaved pussy, something I'd only seen in one porno. I could see that her pussy lips were spread and she was wet. I ripped my close off and laid down beside her. I shoved my tongue in her mouth and put my hand right on her wet pussy.

"Tell me what to do, teach me how to please a beautiful woman." I asked of her.

She guided my hand around her crotch from her swollen clit to her asshole. She showed me how to gently rub up and down on her clit. She released my hand and said. "Now you try, slid your fingers inside me. Move them in and out. Start slow then speed up." I did just what she asked. She was moaning loudly and moving her hips up and down on the bed. I thought to myself I must be doing it right. Just as my hand was starting to cramp she yelled out. "THAT'S IT, YOUR DOING IT RIGHT, I'M CUMMING!"

Then came out a spray of what I originally thought was pee. "Taste it, I think you'll like it." She told me while trying to catch her breath. I was a little apprehensive, but I did it anyway. To my delight, I really like the taste. It was kind of sweet. I licked my fingers clean and even went back for seconds.

"I want you in me, I want you in me now" She told me. "Climb on top of me and get in between my legs.

When I got into position she reached down and grabbed my 7in rock hard cock and guided inside her wet warm hole. "Oh my god, you're thick." She said when I got all of me inside her.

"Now move it in and out just like you did with your fingers. I'll tell you when to speed up."

The feeling was something that I never could have imagined. I had jerked off hundreds of times, but this was a whole other level. Every nerve in my body was tingling. My balls and cock felt like they were gonna explode.

After a few minutes of slow thrusts she said.

"Speed up, go as fast and hard as you can." She begged me. "Fuck me, fuck me. Fuck your aunt, make me cum. Cum in your aunt's pussy, I know you always wanted this, I did too."

Her pussy was tightening around my cock then loosening up, this went back and forth. I was seconds away, my body was about to give out on me, but I never stopped.

She called out "Oh my god I'm gonna cum, don't stop, fuck me, ram the hard cock in my pussy! Cum with me. I want to feel your hot cum in me!"

She screamed out with ecstasy as she came, and dug her nails in my back. I could feel her juices pouring out her pussy and past my cock.

I was scared of getting her pregnant so I pulled out and climbed on top of her chest. She opened her mouth. I jerked my cock till I exploded. The first stream landed right in her mouth. The next shot landed on her cheek. My last big blasted right in her mouth as well. She eagerly swallowed my cum including what she wiped off her face. I collapsed next to her. I never thought an orgasm could feel like that. It was, without a doubt, the greatest experience of my life. We were both exhausted and fell asleep holding each other, our naked bodies entwined.

When I woke up she was in the shower. I just had to touch her again. I got up and went into the bathroom. I climbed into the shower with her touched her all over her body. Within a few seconds I was rock hard. She didn't say a word. We just held and touched each other everywhere as our tongues danced. My dick was grinding against her pussy and my hands playing with her tits. I shut the water off and we got out of the shower. I wanted to try something I had seen in a porno.

I lifted her up and set her down on the sink. I slid myself into her pussy, and moved in and out at my own pace. I kissed her neck I whispered in her ear, "I've wanted you for so long."

"I know, I always felt you dick against me."

I was on the tips of my toes as I plunged inside her. I sucked as much of her tit into my mouth as I could. I felt her pussy getting tighter and she was about to cum.

"I'm cum, I'm cuummming, oh my god!" She screamed out. That sent me over the edge. I was so into the moment that I never thought that she could get pregnant. My cock erupted inside her. The feeling was so intense I thought I was gonna pass out. I stayed inside her time my legs gave out.

When I pulled out she had a cream pie with both our juices coming out, and dripping down her thigh. We kissed one more time, neither on of us speaking a word. I wiped my wet cock off and went to get dressed as she cleaned up in the shower.

I spent the rest of the weekend there and did the work I had to do. We had normal conversations, as if nothing ever happened. We never spoke of it again. When I would see her in the passing years we'd still hug, and if no one was around we'd hold it just a little bit longer, and give each other a peck on the lips. A few times if we were alone for awhile I grab her ass, squeeze her tits, and she'd grab my cock.

That was 22 years ago and I'll never forget I got to fuck my aunt.

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CumminginsiderherCumminginsiderher6 days ago
Wow, talk about a missed opportunity

The MC could have had the Aunt anytime he wanted, bareback and nutting inside her. Instead, he acted like a scared child and ran away from that glorious opportunity just happy he got to be with her one time.

How sad.

I have had sex with several of the women in my family, both immediate and extended and they are my personal "go to" choice when I am horny. I have banged some other women, even knocking a few of them up at their desire, but being able to grab a cousin, aunt, sister, or my personal choice, my mother is far better.

Auntienorma63Auntienorma63about 2 years ago

What a nice story.

I didn’t read the original but I really liked this one.

Thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Auntie luv

Those who have been able to fuck their aunts or sisters can know how much awesome it was! If of course it was consensualHot story sending me back on the memory lane of the hot moments I had with my 40 years old aunt Theresa when I was 17!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Just a few typos/grammatical errors to correct (to make it even better)

close > clothes

you try, slid > try sliding

YOUR > you're

you always wanted > you have always wanted

ram the hard cock > ram that hard cock

My last big blasted > My last stream of come (or cum) blasted

wiped off her face > wiped off of her face

shower with her touched her > shower with her and touched er

felt you dick > felt your dick

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
An improvement

shaved pussy is a turn off for me. looks like a little kid. than is spelled with an A not an E...

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