I'm just a guy who enjoys life. I am a Firearms Trainer/Seller/Collector, I also am a volunteer Firefighter/Paramedic for my Northern Minnesota small town Fire Dept and Hospital.
When it comes to sex I am actually pretty Vanilla (compared to some of the stories on this site lol). I spent my younger bachelor years sowing my oats and often was invited as a single male to several Swinger Parties. But I saw how that lifestyle can and will destroy relationships as well as people. These days I am a one-man woman and couldn't even fathom "sharing" my wife with another man or even another woman. Why bother getting married if you want to fuck other people? Because of this philosophy, I can't relate under any circumstances with willing Cuckolds or stories about them. They actually make me feel ill and sorry for them.
4 Tours in Iraq with the National Guard led me to become an exercise freak and I probably workout more in one week than most people do in a year. When not on Patrols in Iraq there is a lot of downtime and if you aren't a "Gamer", like I'm not, your options of how to pass the time of day are very limited to things like working out and reading. I was lucky enough to have a working relationship with several Teams of Special Forces both from America and Great Britain and they took me under their wing and showed me proper ways of working out and training my body. (Plus they have the best workout equipment around over there lol).
I am 6'7" and still a Beefy 260lbs of lots of muscles with only 6% body fat. Thanks, Mom and Dad for the great Genetics you passed on to me. I often pass for a guy in his late 20's to early 30's. The only "Tired" area is my face as I do have some "Wear Marks" and numerous scars over my body from 18 years in the Military, Sports, and other Labor involved work.
I did work for several years as a Private Investigator that specialized in Cheating Spouses and believe it or not, most of my targets were cheating wives. When other avenues of revenue opened up in my Private Investigator business, I took advantage of them and ended up hiring other people to help out as Relationship Testers and assisting the jilted Huband with making sure he wasn't raped in the court system. (This avenue become my biggest moneymaker but it was dangerous as well). I have some great and some sad stories about those days that I might just start jotting down on here someday.
I also do volunteer work as part of an unofficial team that fights Human Trafficking and that's all I can say about that.
YES, my profile pic is recent. From late summer, 2018.