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My Beautiful Teacher


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She didn't notice that she had begun naturally spurring this student 20 years younger than her to clean her sweaty armpit with his tongue. She even felt some slight excitement.

Tom gulped down some saliva, trying to calm his bursting libido. Slowly bringing his face closer to Yuna's armpit, the sweaty odor once again began stinging his nose.

As Tom's face drew closer, Yuna began to feel Tom's hot breaths on her armpit, causing her to grow even more excited.

Soon, a warm and soft sensation of pleasure hit her moist armpit. Heat rose in her stomach as Tom's tongue began lapping her sweat away. It had to be mentioned, it had been years since Yuna had laid with a man, so she was the picture of repressed sexual frustration. Now, finding some release, she couldn't help herself from relishing in the pleasure this 18-year-old was causing her.

Tom, instead, felt like he was drinking sweat at this point. The clear taste of salt mixed in with the sour sweat flowed down his throat, as he cleaned the wet armpits of this 38-year-old woman.

One experiencing pleasure while also getting her armpits cleaned, while the other was buried in the disgusting smell of sweat and consumed by the salty and acrid taste of it. The situation seemed entirely unequal, yet the amount of enjoyment both experienced was closer to being equal.

Soon, a hot atmosphere brewed in the toilet, and both people forgot the original objective of just removing the bad smell from Yuna. Tom finished cleaning both armpits, leaving no bad smell left, yet he didn't stop licking, and Yuna didn't force him to stop either.

The heat in her stomach began becoming unbearable, to the point where she began having impulsive thoughts. Closing her arms, Tom was pushed out from her heat. Slightly flustered, he looked up at Yuna's face, only to find the picture of lust. Glazed-over eyes and reddening cheeks, Tom felt himself losing all rationality.

Yuna watched this young stud look up at her, causing her to be further incited. She wanted to satisfy her lust, and what better victim than this youth before her, with a face full of infatuation and worship?

She knew she had the reins to decide, which excited her further. Deciding to ravage this youth, she began leaning into him when—

*buzz buzz*

The sound of Tom's cell phone ringing sounded, awakening both people from their lustful stupor. Yuna quickly retreated away from her towering position over Tom, as chaos brewed inside her.

Tom, instead, felt like crying, as he swore revenge on the family of the person who had interrupted them. Looking at the caller-id, he could only smile ruefully as it was his father that was ringing, for good reason at that. They had both forgotten the time, but the parent-teacher consultation should have started twenty minutes ago.

Meanwhile, Yuna quickly dressed herself again. Thinking back to what had just transpired, she felt scared. Scared of her own lust, which had nearly caused her to ravage an 18-year-old student. She really had to reel herself in from now on, she thought.

Looking over at Tom who was staring at his phone with clear dismay on his face, she calmed down a bit. Looking down at his pants, she saw the large bulge in the front, signifying his intense lust which couldn't subside so easily.

Calming down, she realized that even though it didn't make it all right, at least there was full consent.

"Well, we should probably get back to the classroom. I'll leave first, and you can try getting rid of that," Yuna said.

Tom knew what she was talking about. Feeling slightly embarrassed, he nodded, "Yeah, I'll be right there."

Yuna nodded, before leaving the bathroom.

Seeing the door close, Tom instantly dropped his pants, rubbing one out. It only took a few seconds for him to climax, as he had never been this pent-up his whole life.

He had never masturbated anywhere but in his own bed, so he felt kind of pathetic for doing it in a school toilet, but it couldn't be helped. Quickly cleaning up, he also left the bathroom, almost afraid of thinking about the opportunity that had just passed him by because of his phone...


Getting back to the consultation room, Yuna was already in a conversation with his parents.

It seemed Yuna was apologizing for the wait, while his father didn't seem particularly offended. This was expected, however, as his father had always been quite a carefree person. Noticing his arrival, the conversation regarding Tom's future began.

His parents initiated the conversation with the declaration that Tom would be working at his father's company after graduating college. This was the one point his father had always been insistent on, not allowing for any negotiation.

He had already known that this would be how the consultation would go, so he didn't intend to say anything either. His future was written in stone, for better or worse.

When he was younger, he had tried rebelling, feeling like his parents were limiting his future. After growing older, however, he had lost interest. He also became more aware of his fortunate family situation, with a secure future career waiting for him, so he felt he really didn't have any basis to complain.

Silently, he looked out the window, feeling bored as usual.

Yet that was when Yuna's voice reached his ear, "Then what do you want, Tom?"

Tom looked over at her. When his eyes met hers, he felt like he did the first time they met, like she could read all his thoughts. For some reason, he felt spurred on by those eyes, like they were supporting him, "Well, I kind of wanted to try becoming a personal fitness trainer..."

"Nonsense, Tom," his dad interrupted him with a stern tone, "we have discussed this, so stop trying to suddenly make changes to our agreement."

It was true. One of the reasons his parents had allowed him to live alone was because he had promised to inherit his dad's position if they let him. Tom knew how insistent his father was over this matter, so he decided to argue no further.

However, that was when Yuna's voice sounded again, "Well, if Tom wants to try becoming a personal fitness trainer, he should be able to decide on his own. There is plenty of potential in such a field."

"Miss Nakamura, I understand your position and that you are obligated to let your students dream, however, I find it irresponsible to allow your students to take a less financially stable future."

Tom felt slightly irked at those words, as it almost seemed like his father was accusing Yuna of being a bad teacher, "Father, I—"

As he was about to tell off his father, he was, instead, stopped by a stern look in Yuna's eyes, telling him to not intervene.

After that, ensued a heated discussion between Yuna, who argued for Tom to follow his dreams, and his father, who argued for him to take the road laid out before him.

Tom had never seen anyone be able to go toe to toe with his father on this matter, yet Yuna did exactly this and even seemed to be having the edge.

Stunned and mesmerized, he sat by the side and watched Yuna defend his dreams where he couldn't himself. The voices seemed to become distant as only the sound of his heartbeat remained in his ear. Tom had never felt like this toward another person, yet Yuna made him feel this way. He realized that he no longer would be able to live without this person in his life.

After a long back and forth, it was finally decided that Tom would be free to choose his future, but only if it didn't directly affect his academic performance. Also, if he didn't find any success after three years, he would return to his father's company.

That was all Tom wanted, so he agreed to the decision. With a face beaming with smiles, he looked over at Yuna, who also smiled back at him, though much more conservatively.

Meanwhile, his dad was still huffing and puffing. This was the first time anyone had ever bested him in an argument, making him both angry and surprised.

On the other hand, Tom's mother, who had been silent the whole time, watched the small interaction between Tom and Yuna, as a glint passed through her eyes. A mischievous smile covered her lips. Grabbing hold of Tom's dad's arm, she said, "Well, it is also time for us to leave. Thank you for the insightful conversation. I hope you will continue to take care of our son in the future."

After saying that, she pulled Tom's dad out of the room. Yuna noticed something from Tom's mother's last sentence, which caused her to blush slightly. 'Has she noticed something?'

Meanwhile, Tom was still just smiling stupidly. Once the doors closed, leaving only the two of them in the room, Tom could no longer hold back, "You are incredible, Yuna, to think you even bested my father, haha. Well, now I better start reading up on this personal fitness trainer stuff, I guess."

"What do you mean, isn't this something you wanted to become?"

"Umm, truth is, I haven't really ever thought about becoming anything else other than working for my father's company, so I just said the first thing that came to mind. Ah don't get angry, I really want to do it now, so there isn't a problem, right?"

Tom noticed anger brewing on Yuna's face, as he revealed the truth.

Yuna angrily looked at Tom, yet inside she was perfectly calm. Tom's carefree personality was something she was very aware of, yet this was also one of the things which made him so charming to her, who always had been planning her life out for as long as she could remember.

As the day ended, Yuna gave Tom a ride home. Both feeling tired from all the events, and there still being an awkward tension between the two from the unfinished situation earlier, they decided to just part ways for the day when they arrived at their apartments.

Tom collapsed on his bed, a jumble of joy and regret inside him, as all the day's events passed through his mind, before falling asleep.

Meanwhile, Yuna, who had been restraining herself since the phone rang, finally had the opportunity to vent.

For the first time in years, she uncontrollably masturbated, the situation from earlier going through her head. Tom's handsome face worshipped and cleaned her armpits, and she just enjoyed it while raising her arms. His meek and submissive appearance when she towered over him at the end was particularly clear in her mind, causing her to climax, as she thought about all the things she wanted to do to him.

When she finally calmed down from her high, she instead felt dismayed, 'What is happening to me.' When had she become a person who would desire to ravage an 18-year-old student? It was barely bordering on being legal, yet she just seemed to ignore that fact. She had never been a dominant person, having only been in normal relationships up till this point, so she didn't really understand when the thought of being in control of another person made her so turned on.


The next day was a school day as usual. Tom wanted to switch gears. He was glad what happened yesterday happened, since it was an experience he would never forget for the rest of his life. Just thinking of how he basically served as Yuna's armpit cleaning rag for twenty minutes got him excited. However, he also didn't fail to notice that something seemed to be troubling Yuna when they drove home.

Afraid of things changing, he decided to wake up early to get a ride from Yuna to school, wanting to quickly end the awkward atmosphere between them. Nonetheless, he was only met with silence, as he knocked on her door. After waiting two minutes, he was certain she had left early. Getting a bad feeling, he made his way to school.

He failed to find Yuna before the first lessons began. For the rest of the day, he didn't see the shadow of her.

When he got home, he knocked on her door again, yet still with no answer. Feeling like he shouldn't be too pushy, he decided to retreat for the day.

Meanwhile, Yuna was sitting in a chair inside, feeling guilty. She had decided to make some distance between her and Tom. She knew he loved her, yet she still couldn't help thinking of the age gap. Twenty years was in no way a small amount. Even though she was holding up, this wouldn't last forever.

When she was 50, he would only be 30 years old. As she grew older, both in age and appearance, Tom would only be reaching the peak of his body age. Yuna was worried he would then regret choosing her.

And that was just her emotional baggage. There was also the major problem of him being her student. Even though it wasn't quite illegal, she would still be breaking the school rules, as well as all social conventions. What would people even say if they saw them romantically together? She was the older person, so she felt like she should be the responsible one, cutting this thorny relationship before it developed any further.

In addition to all this was the weird change she had been going through lately. For some reason, she began desiring Tom, not just as a partner, but also as a pet. Whenever she thought back to his submissive behavior in that school bathroom, heat rose in her.

She wanted to own him.

All this forced Yuna to both become afraid and guilty. So, she decided to distance herself, yet this was a thousand times harder than last time.

Her happy daily life with him was not something she could just forget. Like a drug addict going cold turkey, she had intrusive thoughts telling her to just run in next door and embrace Tom. Yuna was, however, still a 38-year-old adult woman.

Unlike a young woman in love, she was still able to listen to her rationality at this moment, to a certain degree at least.


The next few days continued without interactions between the two. Even when they had lessons together, Yuna would arrive just before class started and rush out when class ended. If he wasn't already sure she was avoiding him before, this confirmed it for him.

The last time this happened, Tom had despaired at the situation, yet decided not to do anything about it. This might be because he knew it was his own fault, but it was also because his love for Yuna was still just a sapling. However, now, with everything they had experienced together, Tom's love for Yuna was a full-grown tree. Resolve burned in his eyes as he decided to do everything he could to get Yuna to talk to him again.

That night, Yuna didn't sleep a wink. All she could think of was the pair of distraught eyes watching her leave the classroom in a rush. A stinging sensation burned in her chest, as guilt gnawed away at her. Yet, this also made it harder for her to reach her hand out to Tom again.


Without catching a wink of sleep, her alarm rang. She had been waking up at 5.00 to make sure she didn't risk meeting Tom on her way out.

Feeling like a zombie, she prepared herself. When she looked at herself in the mirror, she couldn't help looking away. She didn't feel like herself anymore. Grabbing her keys, she opened the door and walked out of her apartment. She was about to make for the elevator, when she noticed a pair of legs beside her door.

Following them up, she was shocked to see Tom's face. He was wearing the same clothes he had been wearing at school, his bag placed beside him.

Judging by the bags under his eyes, he hadn't slept a wink. His face was slightly wet, probably from sweat, but also from sitting in the hallway veranda all night, as morning dew must have fallen on his face.

It was late summer at this point, closer to autumn, so the mornings weren't particularly warm anymore.

Shocked by his appearance, Yuna didn't know what to do, only being able to stand there staring at him.

Tom's face, on the other hand, brightened when he saw her. Exhaustedly raising himself, he smiled at her, "Good morning, Yuna, getting up early for school, are we?"

Yuna felt a sting in her chest. He had clearly been waiting outside her door since school ended yesterday.

She forced the tears back as she bore a cold front, "That's right, I have an appointment with one of the other teachers," she said, lying straight to his face. She had been the one distrustful of Tom in the beginning, yet the one to lie first was her.

"I see, well, can we talk a little before you go?"

Tom's voice was silent. Clearly showing signs of exhaustion from waiting for thirteen hours.

"Now's not a good time. Well, see you for class later." Feeling like a thousand needles were pricking her chest, she brushed off Tom, as she tried making for the elevator.

When she passed him, she felt something grabbing her hand, yet before she could respond, the grip loosened, followed by a thud. As she turned around, all she could see was Tom, collapsed on the floor.

Forgetting everything else, she rushed over to him, "Tom, are you all right?"

Tom had a faint look in his eyes, staring at her, "Please don't leave me alone again."

Yuna suddenly realized that if Tom had been waiting for her since school ended, then he didn't even have the opportunity to drink water or get food.

Clearly, dehydration and sleep deprivation had caught up to him, "Wait for a moment, I'll be right back."

Yuna rushed inside to get some water and quickly rushed out again.

Placing Tom up against the wall, she gave him the water. He started slowly sipping at it, before drinking in large gulps.

Looking at Tom like this, Yuna knew she had been the cause. She thought she was acting like an adult by pushing Tom away, doing what was best for him. Instead, she ended up hurting him both emotionally and physically.

'What is the right thing to do then?' This question swirled inside, yet she wasn't able to find the answer.

Tom looked at the worried-looking Yuna, "Sorry, it seems I have acted pretty pathetic."

"Don't worry about it, just rest. Where are your keys?"

Tom got his keys from his pocket and gave them to Yuna. She opened his door and carried him inside, placing him on his bed.

After lying down, Tom felt himself growing groggy, as all the exhaustion caught up to him.

"Yuna," he said, in a voice as quiet as a whisper.

"I'm here, what is it?"

Tom looked over at her, "Please don't ignore me anymore. If you want to discard me, please just tell me, but please don't ignore me."

Hearing the desperation in Tom's voice, Yuna once again realized how mistaken her methods had been, "Don't worry, I won't 'discard' you, so just sleep."

"That's good to hear," Tom pushed out before falling asleep, finally able to relax after weeks of stress.

Yuna looked at the sleeping Tom, before deciding something for herself. She would never leave him alone again. Steeling her resolve, she called up the school, telling them she wouldn't be meeting today. Staying by Tom's side, she made sure to bring him water and stuff when he needed it.

When evening arrived, Tom finally felt better again, so Yuna went home.

When Yuna left, Tom was overcome by both relief and embarrassment. He was relieved by the fact Yuna promised not to ignore him again, yet he was also embarrassed by the way he pathetically begged her not to leave him. It wasn't really the image he wanted to leave in Yuna's mind, yet it just went to show how desperate he was for her attention.


The next day, Tom woke up early again to try to catch a ride from Yuna. Even though he was certain she wouldn't just leave him again, he still felt a little insecure.

When Yuna saw him waiting outside with a dumb smile, she smiled teasingly, "If you keep going like this, I might just report you as a stalker."

Tom's face changed, "Hey, don't be like this. Can you really blame a moth for being drawn to his flame?"

Yuna snickered at Tom's corny response, "Watch it, little man, or might just drive off."

Giving Tom a clap on top of the head, she went off, with Tom on her heels. Yuna had decided to not think too deeply over things anymore. She found that it always seemed to be leading to wrong decisions, so she ended up becoming exhausted from always deciding to do the right thing. She would just do what she felt from now on.


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