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My Beautiful Teacher

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Young student becomes the slave of mature Japanese teacher.
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*(WARNING: Check rosa-blanca.ru before reading. Contains mentions of shit.)*

Tom opened the door to the classroom and found his chair in the bottom right corner. Right after he sat down, he heard a voice beside his ear.

"Yo, Tom, why so late today," a casual male voice came from his friend Brian.

"Slept a little over myself, something up? There seems to be a lot of buzz today." Tom noticed that his other classmates seemed to be discussing something when he walked into the classroom.

"What, you haven't heard? We are apparently getting a new teacher today."

"Hmm, that doesn't seem like something that would gather this much attention, though?"

"True, but rumor is this new teacher is smoking hot, so all the boys are waiting with butterflies in their stomachs, haha." Brian laughed.

Tom noticed that, true enough, it was the boys that were most enthusiastic in their discussions.

"Hmm, even if the new teacher is hot, it's still just a teacher. No student will have a chance with her anyways, so why get so worked up? I don't get it."

"There you go again, being a killjoy. Don't you know that it's every boy's dream to get into a forbidden relationship with a hot teacher? Why don't you learn to dream a little," Brian shook his head with a sage-like expression on his face.

Tom shook his head. Of course, he also found the idea of being with a teacher attractive, but he also knew that the prospect of something like that happening was close to zero.

Soon the homeroom bell rang, and all the students returned to their chairs. Most of the boys sat with anticipating expressions on their faces, watching the door to the classroom.

The door opened, and the classroom teacher, Mister Clarkson, walked in.

Behind him, followed a woman. Mister Clarkson was 6'1" and the woman behind him was only slightly shorter, so probably around six feet. Tom was 5'7", so he instantly knew that he had no chance with the woman. Not that there was any chance in the first place, she being a teacher.

Just as he was about to turn his attention out the window, his sight fell on the face of the teacher.

To his surprise, an Asian face entered his eyes, and the face lived up to the expectations of all the boys. Sharp, cat-like eyes, seemingly able to pierce one's soul. She was wearing silver-rimmed glasses, which further enticed one's eyes. She had a thin, pink mouth with a small, sharp nose. Her long black hair was tied tightly back in a bun, making her face stand out even more.

Her body was also a sight to behold. She was currently wearing a black business suit, which sat tightly around her body. Her chest wasn't big, but not flat either. Following her thin waist, her wide hips caught one's attention. Her perky, round buttocks caused all the boys' eyes to sway with her every movement.

She was beautiful in every meaning of the word.

Some of the boys were disappointed because they were shorter than her, and some of the breast-loving boys were disappointed by her size, yet the one thing that shut down the dreams of most of the boys was something else.

Her face was stiff as stone, showing not an ounce of friendliness. Her demeanor froze and shattered all the intentions of the boys in the class, instantly breaking any youthful ideas from developing.

All the boys instantly gave up on trying anything with the new teacher. That was, except for Tom, who was still dumbstruck by the sight of this new teacher.

"All right, we have a new teacher joining us today. This is Miss Nakamura; she will be your new literature teacher," Mister Clarkson introduced. The former literature teacher had gone on maternity leave, so everyone knew that a replacement would soon arrive.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Yuna Nakamura, pleased to meet you all. I have been going over with your former teacher Miss Thompson, about what you have been through and what projects you have done, so I will be picking up where you left off. You can rest assured that I won't change the curriculum, or make you go through the same topics again."

Miss Nakamura introduced herself. Even though she was fully Japanese, she had no accent, speaking fluent English. Her voice was light and smooth, making it easy for the ears to listen to.

After introducing herself, she stood to the side and let Mister Clarkson take over.

Mister Clarkson began giving out some other important information, yet Tom retained none of it, still having his attention entirely consumed by Miss Nakamura. He wasn't usually the romantic type; yet, it was love at first sight.

He couldn't really explain what it was, but her entire being attracted Tom as soon as she had walked into the classroom. Her face, her figure, her demeanor. They all matched what Tom desired. Even though she still appeared young, there were some signs of age, which gave away that she was probably over 30.

Tom was 18 now, having just had his birthday a month ago. That was at least a 12-year gap; yet, this just enticed him further.

Tom had always been attracted to women over him, whether it was height, age, intelligence, or something else. The thought of being dominated by a woman superior to him had always turned him on.

He had a suave face with medium-length light-brown hair. A lot of girls wanted to be with him, yet not one girl could live up to his high standards.

Therefore, when he saw Miss Nakamura, who was older, taller, prettier, and seemingly more intelligent than him, to just mention a few, he was instantly interested. Adding her cold, queen-like demeanor to this, there wasn't a better word than perfect in Tom's mind.

As he was staring at her, unsurprisingly, their eyes ended up meeting. Feeling her sharp gaze, Tom suddenly felt like she could peer directly into his mind, like all of his thoughts were revealed to her. Feeling embarrassed, he quickly averted his gaze.

Once he looked away, he was able to calm himself. This wasn't some fictional universe, so, of course, she wasn't able to read his thoughts.

On the other hand, the one who met his eyes was feeling frustrated at this moment. Yuna had been peering over the classroom, satisfied with the results of her strategy.

She knew she was pretty. This fact had been jammed in her face her whole life. Sometimes, it was to great convenience, making it easier for her to get what she wanted. Often, however, it just made her get involved in a bunch of unnecessary drama.

She even ended up having to quit her last job because it had caused a bunch of problems between the boys in her former classroom, which resulted in the parents filing a complaint to the school. Of course, she wasn't forced to quit; yet, she still felt both betrayed and isolated by her workplace, which made meeting up to work there a chore.

Therefore, when she got offered to work in this new job, she promised herself she would do everything to distance herself from this kind of drama.

At her last job, she worked hard to help the students. She purposely exuded friendliness, so that the students wouldn't fear asking her questions, yet this just ended with a bunch of male students fantasizing that she was only nice to them. When they found out that this wasn't the case, they would either become demotivated or hostile to the other boys.

To prevent this, she decided to put on a cold front to prevent anyone from developing any fantasies towards her and speaking very formally, to make the standing between teacher and student clear.

At first, she was quite satisfied with the results. Most of the boys who had been staring at her when she entered the classroom had turned their attention elsewhere, or, instead, looked at her with respect rather than lust or affection.

This satisfaction ended though, when her gaze met the gaze of one of the students in the back. It was a handsome face with pretty brown hair. The eyes staring back at her were also a pair of pretty brown eyes, yet they carried a lot of complicated emotions. At first, she was surprised that the student met her gaze so casually, yet after a second or two, he averted his gaze with haste, as if he had first noticed then that they were looking directly at each other.

Yuna wasn't some delusional woman, who thought just because someone was looking at her, they were in love or interested in her. However, with years of experience, she had learned to be able to tell when someone was staring at her with lustful intentions and when someone was just looking. This was obviously the former.

Sighing internally, she knew this might prove to be trouble. She wasn't entirely let down, however.

After all, it only bore down to one student. With her 38 years of experience, she felt it shouldn't be too hard to kill the interest of one 18-year-old high school boy.

On top of this, it wasn't like she didn't have experience with younger males trying to court her. It usually just stemmed from a curiosity towards the unknown, yet they would soon lose interest.

No one was immune to the effects of age. Even she had begun developing loose skin in some areas, as well as skin blemishes. Usually, the younger males would lose interest either from being disillusioned by these signs of age, or the fact that the age gap caused there to be no real connection between them and her, stemming from a difference in interests, as well as lifestyles.

Usually, the younger they were, the quicker this would happen.

Mister Clarkson finished his briefing on important information, and that was her cue to leave, as the class was about to begin.

That evening, she left work feeling quite satisfied. This new demeanor had proven to be even more useful than expected. Not only did it wall off interest from students, but it also seemed to make a clear line between her and her colleagues. To no surprise, it wasn't unusual for there to be one or two male co-workers who tried making moves on her at her old workplaces.

This time, it seemed she wouldn't have to worry about that.

Getting into her car, she drove home feeling quite satisfied.

She lived in a ten-story apartment complex. Nothing fancy, yet still something requiring a decent wage. Getting into the elevator, she pressed on the '7' button and waited for the doors to close.

The doors started closing, when a hurried male voice sounded, "Wait!"

Feeling in a happy mood, she quickly tapped the 'open doors' button on the elevator panel.

As the doors started opening again, she saw the face of the one who shouted, and instantly regretted her actions.

A handsome boy ran up to the elevator, before looking at her in surprise, "Miss Nakamura?"

She stared at the boy before her. It was the kid who was the only one not affected by her cold demeanor, still showing signs of affection earlier. If she remembered correctly, his name was Tom Coleman. Looking at him again, his face was really quite pleasing to the eye. He was around 4 inches shorter than her, so she had to peer down a bit to look him in the eyes.

"Did you follow me home?" she asked impulsively; yet, she soon realized that this was highly unlikely. She had driven home, so unless he had a license, as well as knowing all the specifics of how she traveled home, there was no way he could have followed her.

"No, no, I didn't. I live here," the boy seemed a bit flustered, quickly denying that he had followed her.

Even though it still seemed like too much of a coincidence, she had already written off the chance he had followed her.

"I see, well get in." He had been standing outside the elevator for some reason, so she hurried him to enter so she could get home.

"Ah, yes, thank you..." The boy still seemed flustered as he entered the elevator.

"Don't you have to press the bottom of your floor?" She was purposely trying to act annoyed. Since she had the opportunity, she might as well try to scare him off her a bit.

"Well, actually, I also live on the seventh floor..."

She began getting suspicious again, yet she had already pressed the seventh-floor button. No use trying to hide anything now, "All right."

Soon, the doors to the elevator began closing again. As the two people stood in the elevator, an awkward silence ensued.


The elevator reached the seventh floor. Standing a bit back, she wanted him to leave the elevator first, yet annoyingly, he smiled up at her and gentlemanly said, "Ladies first."

"Thank you," she said, as she walked out of the elevator and began making her way to her apartment.

The footsteps behind her continued nearly all the way to her door. Then, as she passed the room right next to hers, the footsteps behind her stopped. Looking back, she saw the student entering her neighboring apartment. She couldn't believe this coincidence. She had just moved in here this weekend, not having a chance to greet her neighbors.

The boy seemed to notice her gaze, as he looked over with an awkward smile, "Haha, what a coincidence. I swear I didn't know."

She sighed internally again. It seemed it wouldn't be as easy to get rid of this one. Shaking her head, she entered her apartment, closing the door behind her.

On the other hand, Tom was left standing in front of his apartment with very complicated emotions. He had been stunned when he met his new teacher in the elevator.

He didn't know if he should feel happy or sad. Even though this seemed like a major blessing, getting to live right next to the hot teacher he had fallen for, he had also ended up giving off a major stalker vibe, killing the already-small chance he had with her.

He knew he was good looking. Having worked out for the past years, he had good body proportions. Therefore, even though she surpassed him in everything, he thought he might still have a chance if he tried hard enough; yet now, that endeavor seemed even more unattainable than before.

"Hahhh," releasing a sigh, he decided not to overthink it. If it wasn't meant to be, then it wasn't meant to be. He would not regret getting shut down, only not trying.

Reaffirming his resolve, he entered his apartment.

He had been living alone since senior year. His parents were quite well off, and could even be called rich, so when he requested to live alone, they readily agreed, sending him a deposit every month to live off. It wasn't like he had money to do anything he wanted, yet he still had money for rent and food, with money to spare for some self-enjoyment.

Feeling tired from all the day's turmoil, he tried going to bed but ended up having a hard time falling asleep from all the thoughts of Miss Nakamura. Twisting and turning in his bed, he ended up having to release some steam in the sheets, before being able to fall asleep.

Meanwhile, Yuna also had problems falling asleep, just for entirely different reasons. Still in turmoil from the coincidences, she ended up staying awake to try to think of a good strategy for avoiding Tom. However, after thinking it over a bit, she decided that there really wasn't a reason to try to avoid him so much. Since there didn't seem to be anyone else at school courting her, it likely wouldn't turn into a large problem.

Deciding to just let things be, she began thinking of all the other things which had happened on her first day at her new job. She then began to prepare for her first lessons which would be held tomorrow.

It ended up being quite late before she was able to go to bed.

The next morning, she opened her eyes to the ringing of her phone alarm. Sitting up in her bed, she stretched a bit. She leisurely grabbed her glasses and looked at her phone.

'7.30' it read on the phone clock, causing Yuna to nearly have a heart attack.

School started at 8.05, yet it was expected teachers would arrive at 7.45. It took around five minutes in a car to drive to school, which meant she only had ten minutes to get ready, and that was already cutting it close.

Jumping out of bed, she quickly ran to the bathroom. There was no time for showers or getting new clothes. She grabbed the same clothes she had on yesterday, before quickly beginning to brush her hair a bit and putting on a little extra perfume to hide the fact she was wearing the same clothes.

She looked a little more unkempt than usual, yet she had to live with it. Better than being late on her first day of work. Grabbing her keys, she was about to leave her house when—


A rumble sounded from her stomach. Being in a rush, she hadn't realized her hunger. Quickly checking the watch on her wrist, it was 7.37. Thinking there was still time, she quickly grabbed an apple from the fridge before rushing out the door.

Getting out the door, she quickly locked it behind her.

Coincidentally, the neighboring door also opened then, as Tom walked out. He had overslept once again, yet he wasn't really worried. Reaching senior year, he had begun slacking both in his studies and attendance.

As their eyes met, Tom quickly noticed the slightly more unkempt appearance of Miss Nakamura. It wasn't like it was blatantly obvious, yet she had basically been living in his mind since yesterday, so it was easy for Tom to tell the difference.

"Good morning, Miss Nakamura," he led with a friendly greeting.

Yuna looked at the carefree face of the boy before her, calming down slightly, "Good morning."

After leaving that remark, she quickly walked to the elevator.

Sensing that she was in a rush, Tom made sure not to delay the elevator by following her at a quick pace.

Like yesterday, the elevator ride was completely silent.

Right after getting out of the elevator, Tom remarked, "See you at school later, Miss Nakamura."

"Yes, see you there," Yuna responded dismissively, before pacing over to her car.

Looking at Miss Nakamura's hurried appearance, Tom guessed she was probably late from oversleeping like him. Grabbing his bicycle, he began walking with it, instead of riding, in no rush to get to school.

On the other hand, Yuna was basically running to her car at this point. Reaching the door, she looked at her watch. 7.40. She got into the car, quickly inserting the car keys and turning them. Then—

*grrr, grrrr*

Like the world was playing a prank on her, the car was actually stalling at this moment. She kept turning the key, yet no response.

She remembered having problems with the lights in the car not shutting off when leaving the car. She had decided she would take it to a mechanic, but was putting it off, being busy with the new job. It seemed the lights had been running all night, which had caused the battery to run dry.

Turning the keys a few more times to no success, she hit the wheel in frustration.It was no longer about not meeting the required teacher meeting time; she would not even be able to meet for her first lesson.

It took thirty minutes on foot to get to the school at a fast pace. Looking at her watch, the time was already 7.43, meaning she would earliest be there at 8.13.

She might have been able to handle this if it wasn't her first real day at work, yet it was. Not even being able to meet for her first lesson, there probably wasn't a worse first impression to leave her superiors.

Tears welling up in her eyes, she, instead, bit her lip before rushing out of the car and running in the direction of the school. She was a 38-year-old veteran. Even though she felt despair at the situation, she still did everything in her power to resolve it. She could despair after.

However, even though there was the will, it had been ten years since she visited a gym.

Running in a business suit and high-heeled shoes, it didn't even take two minutes for her to be out of breath and sweating. Even though it was September, it was still sixty-two degrees Fahrenheit out with a clear, sunny sky overhead.

Heaving for air and drenched in sweat, her will to keep going also began waning. Yesterday had been such a good day, she felt quite enthusiastic about this job, which just made this situation even harder to tolerate.

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