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My Best Friend Alice Pt. 02


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"Um Sean, I've got a confession to make sorry."

"Really, what's that?" I asked a little confused.

"Do you know yesterday, when I said I dropped your phone?"

"Um, yeah."

"Well that was just part it, when your phone dropped, it began playing the last video you watched."

I was a little confused. Last video, last video. Oh my god, Alice watched my porn.

"You know the one where the woman was..." Alice said helpfully filing in the blanks.

"Do you like that sort of stuff Sean?"

"I mean, it helps when I'm you know, taking care if business."

"Oh, would you like me to do it to you? I haven't stopped thinking about it since I saw it, I don't really watch any porn, but I thought it might be fun to try it."

"Wait, what?" I said quickly coming to my senses.

"Do you want me to do the same as the woman on your video?"

Alice didn't wait for an answer, she grabbed my wood and started tugging. The movement of her hand, made her breasts jiggle. I gripped the edge of the bed.

"Jesus Alice, oh jesus." I moaned out.

She jerked hard, switching hands every so often. Before trying both hands at the same time.

"Oh fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck."

I knew I wouldn't last long at the rate Alice was going.

"Are you close Sean?"

"Ah huh, ah huh."

It was finally too much, I couldn't hold it back any longer. I grunted as I unloaded over Alices breasts. She smiled a smile of satisfaction as I coated her. She then rubbed the tip of my cock around her nipples.

"Uuhhhhhh." I cried out tilting my head back, while my body spasmed with orgasm.

It was exactly like the video, she had just recreated my most recent fantasy. I fucking love this woman!!!

Tilting my head forward again, I could see what I had done to Alices chest. There were strands of cum clinging to her.

She looked down at her chest.

"I guess I'll be having the first shower then."

Alice got up and disappeared to the bathroom. I on the other hand just collapsed backwards on to the bed, my morning wood had now been felled.

Alice had rocked my world, so many times over. It seemed like she was going out of her way to please me. I don't know what's come over her.

I felt smitten, I didn't think it was possible to love her anymore. I felt so complete with her in my life. I just hope I can return the feeling. I knew I had to tell her how I felt, but how?

Alice wasn't in the shower long and soon returned to the bedroom wrapped in a large towel, with her hair wrapped up in another.

"There we go, nice and clean." She said patting herself down.

I lifted myself up off the bed, my dick just hanging loose between my legs. There wasn't any point in being modest anymore, Alice had seen everything now.

"The shower is all yours Sean."

I stood up and stretched a little. I noticed Alice checking out my naked body as I did.

"Thanks, I won't be long."

"Take your time." She shouted back at me.

As I got into the shower, I turned the water on and let it wash over me. I kept thinking about Alice and how much she was turning me on. I could feel myself getting hard just thinking about it. I turned the cold water on full blast, the sudden temperature change calmed things down again.

When I finished my shower, I slid the door back and looked around the bathroom for a towel. The only one that was left was one of her small face towels. I could just about tie it around my waist and went into the bedroom to find Alice.

Alice was now dressed and doing her hair while sitting on the bed.

"Um Alice, do you have anything larger?"

Alice burst out in laughter.

"Oh my gosh Sean, I'm so sorry, I should have left you a bigger towel." She said smiling.

"Here take this one." She said throwing me her old towel.

As I reached out to catch it the small one fell to the floor.

"Sean, are you flashing me again?"


"It's Ok, I think your little thing is cute." She said running her brush through her hair.

"Little?" I said pretending to be offended.

"Ok maybe not so little then."

I wrapped the larger towel around me and grabbed my bag and went back into the bathroom to finish off getting ready.

Once I was done, Alice had moved downstairs, so I went down to join her.

"What do you want to do today?" Alice asked whilst pouring two glasses of orange juice.

"I don't know Alice, yesterday is going to be a tough one to beat, but this morning started well." I said giving her a playful wink.

"So you're enjoying yourself then?"

"Enjoying myself? I'm having the time of my life Alice." I responded with a massive smile on my face.

"I'm glad and thanks again for keeping me company this weekend."

"Not a problem bestie."

Alice handed me a glass of Orange juice.


"Yes Sean."

I was thinking if now was a good time to speak to her about how I felt, but I just couldn't get the words out. Maybe I should try tonight instead.

"How about.... we go to the mall?"

"Love it. We haven't done that in ages."

"Okay then. Mall it is."

We made our way out and caught the bus to the mall.

We spent the afternoon at the food court, before browsing through the various levels of shops. As we walked along the upper floors we eventually found ourselves outside the display window of Victoria Secret. There were mannequins dressed in racy lingerie, mixed with posters of attractive women scantily dressed, leaving nothing to the imagination.

I always felt super uncomfortable outside this shop, like I was a pervert. But Alice was taking her time looking through each of the lingerie sets on display.

"Which one do you like Sean?"

"Urm, argh. They all look good I guess." I said nervously.

"Do you think I could pull this one off?" Alice said pointing to a purple silk baby doll.

"Yeeeees." I said desperately hoping that was the right answer.

"Hmmm!" Alice pondered.

She looked at my face as I tried to not stare at any of the sexy models on display.

"Is this making you uncomfortable Sean." She said teasingly.


"Then you won't mind if we go in then." She said grabbing my arm and pulling me towards the store entrance.

"Fine, fine I'm uncomfortable, please don't make me go in there. People will stare at me."

"Awww little Sean is embarrassed. Fine I'll let you off this time."

Alice grabbed my hand and we carried on walking past the shop window. Then it happened so naturally I didn't even notice. Alice and I were now holding hands, like couples do.

We passed a few more stores before reaching a perfume kiosk, a women approached us, the strong smell of perfume clung to her.

"Excuse me, would you like to try one of our latest perfumes?" She asked Alice with a sample bottle in her hand ready to go.

"Sure." Alice said.

The woman dabbed some on Alice's wrist. Alice raised her wrist to her nose and took a sniff.

"That's really nice, what do you think Sean?" She asked wafting her wrist underneath my nose.

"Hmm, nice."

The sales woman turned to Alice.

"If you like it, maybe your boyfriend here can treat you." She said trying her best to close the deal.

"Oh she's not... we're not... we're not together. We're just friends." I foolishly said all embarrassed and then mentally kicking myself.

"That's a shame you two would make a really cute couple."

Both our faces turned red with the compliment.

"Aww you're both blushing, that's so cute."

"So how about it? Can I interest you in the perfume? It's called Attraction."

"Mmm, I'll have a think and maybe catch you on the way back." Alice said.

"Well ok then, you two have a lovely day."

We left the sales woman, who had already jumped on to the next person.

After that, we goofed around a bit and decided to head over to the mini golf zone.

Turns out Alice was really bad at mini golf, so had to resort to distraction tactics to make me miss all the time. She would wait until I lined up a putt then suddenly make a loud noise or she wound pinch my ass.

We had finally reached the last hole, when Alice declared how much she sucks at mini golf.

"I'm so bad at this." She said.

"Just take your time, don't rush it." I replied trying to be helpful.


I walked on to the course and approached Alice. I stood closely behind her and wrapped my arms around her and grabbed her hands as they held the club. I then positioned my head between her neck and shoulder so I could see the ball beneath her. I was so close to her face now.

"Now all you have to do, is line up the shot, pull the club gently back and then... tap."

Our bodies swayed together as we directed the ball straight towards the hole. We watched as if in slow motion the ball heading towards the hole, then circle around the edge of the hole, before eventually dropping in.

"Woo hoo, I did it Sean, it went in." Alice said excitedly and then quickly turned and pecked me on the cheek.

That small kiss on the cheek sent a tingle down my spine.

"Well done, see I knew you could do it." I said congratulating her and also really wanting to kiss her back.

We finished up and decided to head back home.

"Shall we order in a pizza?" Alice asked.

"Definitely, I'm starving."

Let's get comfortable in our PJs first and then I'll order up. We quickly got changed, me in my pyjama bottoms again and her in a white snoopy nighty.

She ordered and 40 minutes later, we were sitting at the kitchen table helping ourselves to slices of pepperoni pizza.

"It was such a blast today Alice."

"Yeah it was, I had really good time Sean, and your face when we were outside Victoria Secret. I wish I took a picture. You looked so scared." Alice said whilst laughing.

"No I wasn't, shut up."

"Yeah you were." She teased again.

"Well... well what about you at the mini golf - little miss cheater, pinching my ass all the time to distract me."

"Well you shouldn't have such a cute little tushy then should you." She said all mockingly, then trying to pinch it again.

I peeled off a pepperoni and playfully threw it at her.

"Sean!" Alice screamed at high pitch.

We both laughed at each other and then both did that thing when you come down from a laughing high.

"But seriously Alice, I had a really good time. Thanks for an incredible weekend."

"Awww Sean, it was my pleasure." Alice replied and put her hand on the table.

This was it, it's now or never. I was going to tell her. I reached over to touch her hand.

"Alice. I like you."

"I like you too Sean." Alice casually took another bite of pizza.

I gripped her hand.

"No Alice, I really like you, like you."

"What are you saying Sean?" She replied putting the pizza slice down.

I took a deep breath and blurted it out.

"Alice I think I'm in love with you."

"Oh Sean." She cupped her hand to her mouth in shock.

There was a silence. In my head I was screaming at Alice, say something, say something.

"Oh Sean. I...I"

"Damn, I shouldn't have said anything. I'm so sorry, I..."

"Sean! Shut up for a second and let me finish." She said with a little smile on her face.

I stopped talking immediately.

"Sean, I love you too. I've always loved you."

"Wait, you have?"

"Of course I have silly, I thought I was making it obvious, I mean I let you cum on my chest, I don't allow just anybody to do that Sean. And because you never acted on it, I just assumed you didn't feel the same way."

I stood up from the table and then Alice did the same thing.

"So if I love you and you love me...Then."

Alice kissed me on the lips and stopped me from finishing my sentence.

When we parted, we stared in to each others eyes, a look that could only be described as 'Take me now'.

With the spark ignited. We immediately kissed again, Alice jumped up on me wrapping her legs around my waist. I grabbed hold of her while she kissed me passionately.

I stumbled backwards, my back now against the kitchen counter, which provided much needed balance. I turned again, this time pushing Alice up against the fridge, the magnets clattering on the floor as our bodies writhed against each other, my hands feeling her thighs.

I turned again, carrying her to the edge of the kitchen table, I swept the pizza box off the table with one arm and it fell to the floor, the pizza slices skidding out of it.

I grabbed Alices nighty and hurriedly pulled it up over her head and threw it to the floor begind me.

I was hard as a rock by this point and wanted her so badly. I pushed Alice backwards on to the table and parted her legs and immediately went down on her, my tongue lapping up her excitement and lashing her clit with an intensity she had never felt before. I swirled my tongue around her clit, every so often sucking at.

Her legs were now propped up on my shoulders, her body squirmed in delight, she gripped onto the edges of the table.

As I continued to lick her clit, I pushed in my finger in and proceeded to penetrate her, she moaned in ecstacy and her legs tightened around my head. I slipped in another finger, it slid in with ease.

The noises she was making at this point was something else. It only encouraged me further. She grabbed the back of my head pushing my head where it needed to go.

Alices grip began to loosen, before falling away again. I couldn't hold back any longer, I pulled my trousers down, which were now soaked with precum and edged my way onto the table, kissing my way up her body, her mound, her pubic hair, her stomach, then up to her breasts then her neck before finally finding her lips.

I lined myself up, now fully on top of Alice, hoping that the table could hold the both of us. I pushed myself into Alices dripping wet pussy and oh my god, I just slid right inside her. She gasped as I entered her, then I started to thrust, again and again. Alices nails were now digging into my back.

"Oh Sean, Oh Sean. Fuck me." she panted.

I moaned with every thrust.

"Sean it feels so good, god it feels so good."

"Oh fuck." She screamed out followed by a deep long groan.

I was getting ready, I increased the frequency and power of my thrusts. The table began to creak loudly. Alice reached down and grabbed my ass with both hands, helping to push me deeper inside her.

She screamed loudly, I could feel her body tense up as she climaxed, The tightening of her muscles was too much for me to bear. I came inside her, arching my back and holding my body weight like a press up. She held me inside of her, as my cock pulsed as it pumped her full of my hot cum.

I withdrew and rolled to the side of her, both our chests were heaving.

We turned to face each other, where Alice kissed me softly on the lips.

"I love you Sean."

I stroked the side of her face.

"I love you too Alice."

She traced her finger down my chest until she reached my now flaccid cock and casually started to play with it.

" long do you need before you can go for round two?"

"I don't know, maybe fifteen, twenty minutes."

"Hmmm." Alice sat upright and looked at the kitchen, which was in a bit of state. The pizza box was on the floor, with slices of pizza everywhere as well as all the things that were stuck to the fridge door.

"Twenty minutes should be plenty of time to clean this mess up." She said then looking at me.

I sat up alongside her and looked around.

"Hmm, we made quite the mess didn't we."

"We did. I'll grab a bag, you grab a cloth and wipe table down. My folks would have a melt down if they knew what we just did on their kitchen table."

We scooched off the kitchen table and went to work cleaning up, not bothering to put our pyjamas back on.

The magnets were back on the fridge, the food was in the bin and all the surfaces were wiped down and clean.

"Okay, I think we're done." Alice said taking one last look around the kitchen.

"Right then mister, ready for round two?"

She pressed her naked body against mine, before grabbing hold of my dick and leading me away towards the stairs to continue our fun.

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RowWithFlowRowWithFlow4 months ago

👍Well played!!

Secretauthor2021Secretauthor202112 months agoAuthor

More than happy for assistance. I’ve got another story (not part of this one) almost ready to go.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Sorry, can't give it a 5 until prefixes are joined to the words they modify, e.g., up stairs, pop corn, and spoken lines have the correct punctuation: "I love you," he said; not "I love you." He said. Reply I COULD USE HELP and I'll work with you.

Russ43ChandlerRuss43Chandler12 months ago

Well done. Thanks. 5 ⭐️

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

They were supposed to be virgins learning the art of lovemaking. They were both experts and didn’t need practice. As inexperienced lovers they should have fumbled a little. They were too expert

martiwillImartiwillI12 months ago

Loved it. The build up was intense but why did it take them so long to admit they were in love?

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

A great series so far, but there are too many typos (punctuation errors). I suggest you find an editor to check your stories before they appear on Literotica.

Ilovetophoto68Ilovetophoto6812 months ago

Part 2 was excellent. I love their relationship.

Monagamous_NowMonagamous_Now12 months ago

Very good... more?

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