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My Boss's Big Surprise

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When Grant works late to help his boss things turn erotic.
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Lets get the easy stuff out of the way first. My name is Grant Lang. I'm an office drone at a company called Anders and Stevens. It's not really important what we do. I just push paper and help make things happen for the guys who bring in the real money and sign my checks. I'm making it sound worse than it is, really. The work isn't difficult and it allows me to flex my creative muscles writing up proposals and such. In fact, writing proposals is exactly where this whole story starts.

I've been here for a few years now and at first it was so laid back as to induce comas in some of us. My boss at the time was an older gentleman without much ambition, which was understandable given how close he was to retirement when I started. Well, that retirement happened a few months back and my new boss couldn't be any less like him if she tried. Starting with that, in fact. She's a woman and quite the knockout, too. She always dresses smartly and professionally, but only just barely so.

A typical outfit for her might be a form fitting black skirt several inches above the knee, to the point where if you caught her at just the right moment in her stride you might see a hint of the lace tops of her stockings. On the other end of those stocking she always wears heels. I don't think I've ever seen her in anything less than four inchers. She's already fairly tall for a woman, so even though I'm somewhere around six feet tall we see just about eye to eye. Above her waist the norm is a tight fitting blouse inside a smart suit jacket, pinched at the waist to accentuate her hourglass figure. Her full breasts always look to be fighting with her wardrobe and one of these days I swear they'll win. It should be noted, by the way, that I described this typical outfit because it's what she's wearing today and I'll be god damned if it doesn't make concentrating on my work difficult. It also doesn't help that she's got something approaching super model good looks in the face department as well. Her lips are always painted bright and shiny and her vibrant red hair is smartly done. Usually she wears it up in a bun, but today she's sporting a high ponytail tied with a black and white scrunchie that matches her outfit perfectly. She also wears a fashionable pair of glasses that I think enhance her beauty rather than detract from it.

Anyway, what I was going to say before I got sidetracked by... something... is that as a boss she's nothing like the last guy. (Oh right, how about a name? Hers is Gloria, Gloria Libbey) Gloria is an achievement oriented woman looking to advance in this company. As such she expects a lot more out of her employees than we were used to and she gets it. That was a welcome change for me since without much effort I was already one of the top employees of the department. Now that she's the boss the people that used to be dead weight are pulling their fair share and I can do a much better job with my now smaller workload. In fact the only coworker who was my equal here was her. She even gave me the professional courtesy of informing me that she was going for the position, but I think part of that was that she knew I had no desire to have it for myself. I've got little interest in the world of management whereas she was made for it. I think she was also gauging how I'd feel to have a female boss and hey, call me progressive, but I don't care what's in someone pants (or skirt) so long as they can do the job well.

This workday was finally winding down and I was putting the finishing touches on one of several projects I'd been working on lately when Gloria's door swung open and she casually made her way to my desk.

"Lang," she called as she closed in. Since getting the promotion she'd taken to calling her employees by last name, possibly as a way to distance herself from those who had till a few months back been her peers, I'm not sure. Some hate it, but honestly I quite like it. It's like she's playing formal and I can't deny that because of the way she presents herself, having a woman in charge has quickly become a turn on for me.

"Yes, Miss Libbey?" I like to play formal right back.

"You're a team player, right?"

Her expression was friendly but neutral. I couldn't tell what she was getting at.

"I'd like to think so."

"You know the Michaelson contract, right," she continued.

"You know I do." Of course I had. It's one of several I'd been working on lately.

"I just now received word from the higher ups, the timeline has been shifted."

I raised an eyebrow. "And?"

"You know I hate to drop something like this on you last minute," Gloria spoke, appearing to choose her words carefully, "but they need the preliminary proposal tomorrow morning which means I need it tonight. Can I count on you to help me with this?"

"I'm supposed to meet with friends for drinks later, but I'm sure they'll understand."

"I knew you'd understand, too, Lang," she smiled and rubbed my arm in a friendly manner. "It's going to be a lot of work, but I think we can get it done."

"Would you like a pleasant surprise, Miss Libbey?" I asked with a wide grin.

"What's that," she asked, her interest piqued.

"I've had some free time lately," I began as I spun around to face my computer, "so I'm a lot farther along on the Michaelson account than the timeline demanded. I opened the project folder and began clicking through it, showing her much more than we should have had finished by now.

"This looks very promising," Gloria said, sounding much closer than I expected her to be. I turned towards her voice and found my face inches from one of her heavy breasts. I looked up just in time for her to look down at me. "You're quite the wordsmith, Lang. Tell you what, I'll crank away at the graphics and you on the text. We'll meet and compare in an hour."

"Sounds like a plan, Miss Libbey," I agreed.

"Ohh and by the way, they've made a few minor changes, here," she straightened up and handed me a thin folder, "I'm sure it won't take much to incorporate them. I'll ring you soon."

"Yes ma'am," I agreed and got to work as she left my desk. A moment later I looked up to watch her hips sway as she walked the aisle back to her office. Her news wasn't exactly the most welcome, but at least I could watch the messenger's beautiful ass wiggle she walked away.

I looked over the updates in the folder Gloria had handed me and she was right. It wasn't going to be very tough to work the changes in with what I already had so I got down to it. I was hammering away at it as one by one my coworkers filtered out. It was twenty minutes past office hours when Parker, the resident suck up, finally decided to give up on the day. Usually he made sure to be seen as the last one out and I wished he could be. Once the door closed behind him I was alone in the office, aside from Gloria, of course. Only a couple minutes later my phone went off and I grabbed it on the first ring. God I hate that noise.

"Yeah, boss." I answered. Knowing it could be no one else.

"You ready to compare notes, Lang?"

"Sure thing."

"Door is open."

I hung up, knowing Gloria didn't care for time wasting formalities on the phone. I quickly saved my work to the project folder and headed to her office. I walked in and took a seat at the desk opposite Gloria, who wore a satisfied expression.

"How's your end coming along," she inquired.

"I think I'm nearly there, and you?"

"That's what I wanted to hear, Lang. Good progress on my end, too. We can't get much done with you over there, though. Grab a seat on this side and we can go over what we have."

I stood again and made my way to her side of the desk. From my vantage over her I had a fantastic view down the front of her blouse, aided by the few buttons unfastened at the top. I was sure those had been buttoned when she delivered the bad news earlier. Well, now they weren't and not only could I see plenty of cleavage, but I could also see a generous amount of her bra, white silk with fine black lace trim. On her side of the desk now I pulled the stool nearby up next to her and took a seat. This close to her and in her office the scent of her perfume, which I found rather intoxicating, became inescapable.

"OK, let's see what we have here."

The sound of her voice snapped me from my reverie. I blinked twice before focusing on her computer screen. She was quickly cycling back and forth through what we had of the proposal and making murmurs of approval. I must admit, her graphic work was top notch. Knowing the strengths of her people and herself had served Gloria well so far and surely it would be noticed on this project as well.

"Thanks to your prior dedication it looks like we'll finish this thing a lot sooner than I anticipated, Lang," Gloria stated matter-of-factly. "I think it's obvious where we go from here. It shouldn't take much longer before we're done. Anything you need to add?"

"Not really," I began. "It's like we were right on the same page with your graphic work and my content. Given how little we had to go by that's a nice surprise."

"I thought so, too, Lang." Gloria turned in her chair and faced me, satisfaction evident on her face. "You said you were planning to meet some friends for drinks?"

"Yes ma'am, I was," I answered quickly.

"I know we're only officemates," Gloria began as she eyed me casually over her glasses, "but I think we deserve a short break right now and I'd be happy to pour you a drink... if you'll accept."

"I'm not about to turn you down, Miss Libbey," I answered, trying not to let my excitement show. "So, what are we drinking?"

"That depends, Lang, Feeling adventurous?"

"Certainly curious, now," I answered. "How can drinks with my boss get adventurous?" I doubt she'd care to hear how I'd like to make things adventurous.

"Well, the standard route would be some top shelf scotch," she began, "but my pool guy's got some connections and I came into possession of something of a unicorn." Knowing my interest was high she ended her statement by placing a couple low balls she'd fished from a drawer on her desk as well as an oddly shaped clear bottle three quarters full of brown liquid. There was no label. "This," she stated proudly, "is 12 year oak barrel aged moonshine." She eased herself back in her chair and simply smiled ear to ear, hands behind her head.

"Well, you got me," I clapped twice and continued. "I have never had aged shine, can't say I've even heard of 12 year stuff. Everything I've had was like paint stripper."

"Turpentine this ain't. You're down, yes?"

I nodded and she poured both glasses. Over the next several minutes we took pleasant pulls from our glasses as we shot the shit. It started off about work, but quickly jumped to other topics. We each learned a little about the other and as our glasses approached empty she refreshed them, swearing that after this one we were getting back to work. The shine was damn smooth, but also damn powerful so I was feeling a little looser and I'm sure she was, too, when she bluntly asked me why I wasn't pulling in all the ladies. I guess she had heard through the grapevine that I'd been single for quite a long time now.

"To be perfectly blunt, 'all the ladies' doesn't really do it for me when I've got a specific sort of lady in mind." I told her. I didn't really put much thought into what I said, wasn't even sure what I meant by it myself, but it felt fitting.

"And what kind of lady is that?" Gloria inquired, the gears in her head obviously spinning. Did she know what I meant better than I did?

"I dunno," I said with a laugh, "but not just anyone."

"Ohh I think I know what kind of lady you're after," she said with a loud laugh, "but trust me, I'm too much woman for you."

"Wait... what?" I said dumbfounded.

"You heard me. I'd have to be blind not to notice the way you look at me."

"Whoa!" I responded. "You don't exactly make yourself easy to ignore."

She let out another raucous laugh before straightening up in her chair and giving me the eye again.

"So you admit it?"

"Admit that it's hard to keep my eyes off a beautiful woman? Sure."

"That's not what I meant, but we'll have to continue this in a bit, we've a proposal to finish."

"Sure thing, Miss Libbey," I chirped. The ability to switch gears at a moment's notice was another strength I think Gloria appreciated in me. I stood once more, again appreciating her breasts from above, but only for an instant, before heading out of her office. I found it hard to ignore my erection as I made my way back to my cube.

I did my best to put myself into work mode and mostly succeeded, but after our brief conversation I couldn't help thinking about Gloria, her stunning body and all the things I'd like to do with it. I was able to get my shit together, though and I finished my part of the proposal to my satisfaction before the phone went off so I spent the next however long it took just going over what I had with a fine toothed comb. By the time the phone rang I'd managed to find three minor errors and fixed them. Again I grabbed it on the first trill.


"You good?" she asked.

"Done and done," I replied.

"Same, come on in and we can finish this."

I dropped the phone and headed into Gloria's office. She motioned for me to again take the seat next to her. The two of us went over what we had and made sure everything aligned well. After she made the last changes Gloria saved the project and closed it out.

"This is fantastic," she gushed, "There is no way the higher ups can be anything but satisfied."

"Good to hear."

"No, I mean it," Gloria continued. "I know you'll be seeing something for this, but if for whatever reason they aren't happy with it I'll find a way to make tonight worth your while."

"Nice of you, boss, but I'm good."

"And what do you mean by that, Lang?"

"This has easily been the best shift of the year for me," I answered honestly. "It's not every day your boss shares her finest shine and some interesting conversation with you. It made the work a pleasure." I smiled to ensure she knew I was sincere.

"You're my best man here, Lang. I wouldn't have come to you with it if I didn't think so and I must admit I enjoyed our drinks as well. If it wasn't so limited a supply I'd pour us another round."

"Oh that's fine, Miss Libbey, as nice as it was I've had enough for now. I'm curious though..." I trailed off.

"Curious about..." Gloria trailed off as well.

"Whether we're going to continue that conversation where we left off."

"I knew it," Gloria laughed

"Ohh I'm mostly curious about this too much woman brag of yours," I emphasized my words with a bit of a laugh before continuing, "I'm not involved now, but I've been around the block and believe me, I've handled the vast majority of women that walked my way."

"That a fact?" She was taunting me now.

"You can bet that perfect ass of yours it is," I grinned.

Gloria's face turned an interesting shade of red before she finally responded. "I'm going to give you the opportunity to forget this conversation ever happened, Lang, but if you can't do that I'll prove myself right just for you. *IF* you want to try me this never leaves this room on penalty of your job and a sexual harassment suit on top, understand?"

I swallowed hard. I didn't expect her to bring the big guns like that. All of a sudden I wasn't so sure I wanted this.


I knew it was an insane risk given the threat she just levied, but I couldn't pass up such a tempting offer. I nodded.

And like that she was on me. She mashed herself against me and forced her tongue into my mouth in a most violent and surprising kiss. Her hands were all over my body, feeling my chest, grabbing my ass, one hand came right up and clutched my stiff member. I took hold of her ass and did some groping of my own in a sorry excuse for keeping up. It felt as spectacular as I expected it would. I just kneaded it, luxuriating in the feel. Gloria though, she was still groping me the way I'd expect the Hindu Goddess Shiva would, as it felt like she had far more than just two hands.

Finally after what seemed like an eternity Gloria broke the kiss. We were both panting. "Wow," I gasped at her.

"We're only getting started, little man," she laughed. "if you've even got the nerves to handle me, that is." Her hands were on my shoulders now and she was pushing down, with a surprising amount of force for a woman. I could have remained standing, mind you, but at this point I wanted to obey her, so I let her push me to my knees. She looked down at me with a wicked grin and grabbed the hem of her skirt. I looked on, enraptured, as she slowly lifted it, first showing me the bottom edge of her lacy black stocking tops. Gloria moved her hands at a deliberate pace, the clips to her garter belt finally appearing after what felt like an eternity. Another eternity passed and the garter straps came into view along with the pale white flesh of her thighs. Ever higher she lifted her skirt till it reached what had to be the point where I'd finally get to see her panties.

And then she just let go. Her skirt stayed where it was hiding that most precious of places. So focused on that was I that I hadn't noticed what her hands were doing now till I felt a tug on my neck. I looked up to see Gloria holding my tie taught. Our eyes locked and again she gave me that wicked grin.

"I bet you want to see my pussy, don't you?" She was again mocking me. "Don't you?"

That she asked a second time was all I needed to hear to know that she wanted an answer. "Yes, Miss Libbey," I played into her game, hoping that's what she wanted. "I want to see your pussy."

"Well, that's too fucking bad," She laughed as she released my tie, grabbed the hem of her skirt once more and yanked it to her waist. I was eye level with her crotch so I dropped my gaze to look forward, expecting to see a cute little pair of panties framed by a garter belt hiding Gloria's equally cute little pussy. That is not what I saw, however. She was wearing a pair of French cut white silk panties with black lace trim that perfectly matched both her bra and garter belt, but trapped within those panties was a sizeable lump of cockflesh. Caught completely off guard I dropped back, catching myself with my hands behind me and I just looked up at my boss, confusion painted across my face. Then I looked back down at the monster imprisoned within her panties. It felt like minutes passed as I just stared at her package.

"Yeah... I didn't think so."

I finally looked up at Gloria again. She looked disappointed.

"If that's all then..."

"Hold the fuck on."

Had I really said that? The gears in my head were spinning now. I was sharp enough to realize that even though this was a completely unexpected turn of events it was also significantly less likely than a once in a lifetime opportunity. Gay, straight, other. None of these things mattered in this moment. If I turned away something like this would never happen again and I know myself too well to know that no matter how it turned out if I did it, if I didn't I'd always kick myself over the opportunity I let slip away. Also, knowing her secret I now knew why she made the threat earlier. I could definitely forgive her, considering.

My mind was made up.

I got back up on my knees before her and reached out to touch it. Her cock felt large and hot against my right hand through her panties as I brought my left up to cup her balls below. I just caressed her womanhood for a few moments. I don't know why it took me off guard when it happened, what with having one of my own, but I was rather shocked when Gloria's penis began to grow in my hands.

"Ohh yeah, that's nice."

I was proud that she liked what I was doing with her member so I did what seemed right. I pulled her panties to the side and pulled her cock out through the leg hole. Once free it leaped out at me so I grabbed it with my right hand, sliding it down to the base. Then I brought my left hand into play, my hands touching at index and pinky fingers. What was utterly amazing was that she still had a number of inches spilling out past my left hand, ending in a large cockhead which was dripping with precum.

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