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My Bully Takes My Mom Ch. 04

Story Info
A son confronts, forgives, and betrayed.
6.5k words

Part 5 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 05/27/2021
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Editor's note: this story contains scenes of incest or incest content.


I don't know how long I ran for, just that I ran till my lungs were on fire and my heart beat so hard I thought it was going to explode. When I did stop, I hutched over, huffing and puffing for a few minutes till I got my breath. Finally I looked up and saw I was at the forest on the edge of town. I continued to walk in till I found a big rock and sat down.

As I sat down I felt my cell phone vibrate. I pulled it out of my pocket and saw it was my mom calling. I waited for it to go to voice mail and then saw 13 missed calls, all from her. I turned my phone off.

I took a deep breath and when I exhaled, all the delusions I had made up crumbled. Mom wasn't forced the first two times, she gave in to his seduction. Mom wasn't too drunk on Friday, she invited him to come over. She wanted it. She wanted him.

Tears started to fall but I didn't sob. I had done that too many times because of Marcus and, now, because of her.

I started to question what I was going to do next. I had nowhere to go. I didn't have any friends so I couldn't go to them. I could go to aunt Cindy's but as soon as I walked in the door she would call mom and mom would come over. I could get a hotel room, but needed money.

That's when it dawned on me. I did have money. A lot of money. I could get an apartment and get out of the house. It would take some time with packing and moving.

I realized if I was going to actually do that, I wouldn't take anything she bought me. Not my clothes, not my bed or furniture. Just my computer I had built and laptop.

Only problem I saw was that mom had access to my banking information. That was an excuse I thought. She wasn't on my accounts. She just had the log in and password, which was easy to change.

I went to pull out my phone but remembered I turned it off. I didn't want to turn it on and get interrupted by her calls, texts or having to listen to her voice mails. I decided I would wait.

I sat on that rock for a long time. My emotions running all over from depression and anxiety to fear and horror. As night started to fall I settled on anger and rage.

I had no idea what time it was when I finally stood up and started walking in no direction in particular. It wasn't till I was a block or two away that I realized I was nearly home. No, not home. Marcus had destroyed my home. I was going to a place I could sleep.

I walked to the back door and took a deep breath before I opened it and walked in. I tried to be as quiet as possible. I glanced at the clock. It said 1 AM.

I started to walk towards the living room to get to the stairs to go down to my room. The sound of pounding of feet coming towards me told me I hadn't been quiet enough. When I was halfway across the room the light turned on.

"Oh god! Kevin! Where have you been? I have been so worried!" Mom said as she ran towards me with open arms.

"Don't you dare fucking touch me!" I said with pure hate in my voice.

She stopped dead in her tracks. It was probably the first time she heard me swear. I don't know if it was that or the tone of my voice that stopped her.

I slowly turned to face her. Her eyes were swollen and puffy. Tear lines streaked her face. She had a look of shame and hurt.

"I am so sorry." She started to say as new tears started to form. "I don't know how or why. It-it-it was the first time. I swear. It will ne..."

"Liar." I spat at her. "For 8 years I have told you what a piece of shit Marcus is. How many times have I told you the only thing he enjoys more than torturing me is bragging?

"Do you honestly believe he didn't tell anyone that would listen about eating your hairy pussy in the shed? Or that you shaved it after he told you and then fucked you multiple times? Do you think he wasn't on the phone bragging 5 minutes after he left on Friday?"

I didn't know for sure if that was true, but I had no doubt it was. She looked at acted like every word I said was a slap to her face. She collapsed down on the couch. Her face went white, her mouth fell open.

"Oh don't worry. He hasn't said anything to me. He just let's EVERYONE ELSE FUCKING DO IT FOR HIM!"




"You weren't trash! Not to me!" A sob escaped my before I could control it.

I turned and started to walk away when I glanced at dads recliner. I guess mom had thrown a towel on it. I walked over grabbed the towel off and looked at the stains. I turned towards her. She was cowering as I through the towel at her.


Mom slumped off the couch onto the floor holding the towel and staring at the recliner. She was near hysterical as she cried. I turned and walked towards the stairs.

"Kevin!" She called. I ignored her and kept walking.

"KEVIN!" She screamed as I turned the corner and walked down the stairs.

I skipped school on Thursday but went on Friday. I knew no matter what I was going to be ridiculed, even if only behind my back. I figured going the Friday they could get it out of their system and have the weekend to move on.

Over the weekend, I started looking for apartments. I realized I getting an apartment in town was still to close. I started looking in the small city 30 miles away. Only problem with that was I needed a car.

In between doing the last of the game testing, I started looking at cars. I found a few I liked and was considering booking test drives.

I didn't see mom till Sunday night. She had been making me meals and leaving them on the table. I didn't want to touch anything she had touched. It may have been petty, but I just couldn't.

The Sunday night, I had gone up to meet the delivery driver dropping off my order. Once the door closed, I turned and saw her standing in the hall. She looked at me then looked at the floor.

"Kevin." She said as I started to go downstairs. I don't know why, but I stopped.

"I wanted you to know. I blocked him and deleted his number. I will never seen him again. I swear to you on your father's grave, on being your mother. Never again."

I wasn't expecting that. I didn't know what to expect anymore. "Okay." Was all I could say.

" you think you can ever forgive me?" I could hear the pain and sorrow in her voice.

I stood there for a moment. I wanted to scream not a chance or go to hell, but before I knew it I said "I don't know." I quickly ran down the stairs before she could answer.

Over the next few weeks we both tried to work through things. It was small steps. First being in the same room. Then it was talking about nothing that mattered and been guarded with what was said. Slowly things started to go back to the way they were.

I sent into the copyright request for the game, the title, and logo. It took a while to do all the paperwork. I was hoping to get it back before my birthday.

It was a week before mid terms when I had a meeting with the guidance counselor. She told me cause of my GPA and current grades that if I scored 85% or higher on all mid terms, I would qualify for early graduation. She advised that after midterms, I could submit the application. I would still have to come to school in the morning, just for attendance, but could check in with her. After I did that, I was free for the day.

I went home and during dinner I told mom. She looked like she was trying to look happy but holding back so I asked her.

"It is just that I wanted to see you walk across that stage to get your diploma, but I know why this is best for you. So study hard!"

"Thanks Mom." I replied.

That made her smile. It was the first time I had called her Mom since that day.

"One other thing. I have been looking at getting a car. I mean, with going to college I am going to need one."

"For sure, but after mid terms. You don't need the distraction.

"Also, I was thinking. Your birthday is the week after midterms. Why don't we go away? Go to New York or something. I know we didn't do much for your last one, so let's make up for it!"

"That sounds great." I said and actually meant it.

"Good . I will book tickets and hotels. Oh, there was one other thing."

"Okay. What's that?" I asked.

"Well, the last few weeks I have thought about what will happen after you are gone. So I decided to try to grow the renovation business. And I may have landed a new client. Mary Chamberlain.

"Wow! The one married to the lawyer who's face is plastered on all the billboards?"

"Yes. I am meeting her tomorrow. If it goes well, it could be really big for me."

"Good for you." I said.

"Don't count anything yet." She said with a smile. "I wanted to tell you because if does go well, I won't be around as much. She said she wants to start small, but could grow bigger."

Over the next few weeks I was studying harder than ever. I wanted to get out so bad. Mom was helpfully. Bringing me snacks and dinners.

She was also very busy. I would get home from school and she would be gone till later. She would get home looking exhausted but happy.

The week after midterms was my birthday week. Mom had booked flights so we would leave Friday afternoon and come back Sunday evening.

Mom had booked a hair and pedicure appointment for Thursday afternoon. I decided to go look at cars. I found out I loved. It was sporty but not too flashy and was in the price range so I bought it.

We were going to go for test drives Friday morning. I figures I would surprise her.

When Friday morning rolled around, mom had an excited look on her face. She was staring at her phone and didn't hear me come in.

"Good news?" I asked.

She jumped and pulled her cell close to her. She let out a small laugh. "Maybe." Mom said. "It was a text from Mary. She said she was impressed with the work so far. She said she wanted to introduce me to a good friend of hers. But it has to be this morning

"I'm sorry, Kevin. I know I promised I would go test driving with you, but this good be very good for me."

"It's all good." I replied. I figured I could surprise her when she got home. "I know this is important to you. It would probably be a boring few hours for you anyway."

"Thanks honey." Mom said. "I better go get ready!" She bounced out of the kitchen, happier than I had seen her in a long time. I didn't even get a chance to ask for a ride. I had time to kill so not a big issue.

I decided on my walk to the dealership, I will swing by the po box to see if the copyright requests had come back. Sure enough, they were there. I tore up each of the envelopes.

I read over each one and then reread them. Every single one was approved. I I couldn't wait to tell mom. Now I could post the game on sites for customers to download for a small charge. Maybe 5 or 10 dollars

I was smiling ear to ear when I walked into the dealership. My car was all plated and ready to go. I signed the last of the paperwork. Then I jumped in.

I was so excited. I thought about going for a drive, but I wanted to get home. Maybe I could catch Mom before she went to see Mary. Plus with a few hours before our flight, I could get the game uploaded to the sites.

When I got home I pulled into the driveway. I was pleasantly surprised to see the garage open and Moms SUV inside.

I thought mom had said she was going out to meet them but figured I was wrong. I decided to go through the front door in case Mary and Donna were in the kitchen with mom.

I enter quietly and went downstairs. I jumped on my computer and started uploading my game to some sites for customers to download.

I heard the scratching of chair across the floor from upstairs and a light thump. I figured they were done so I went upstairs to check.

I moved quietly just in case they were not done. I rounded the stairs and cut through the living room and peaked into the kitchen.

I could tell Mom had spent a lot of time getting ready. She wore black heels to march the black fishnet stockings and guarder belt she was wearing. She had a black dog collar with a silver loop below her chin. Her hair was in a pony tail, held in place by a black hand. Besides that, she was completely naked.

She was riding a cock reverse cowgirl. There were pair of black hands up on her hips helped her move up and down as she bounced on a cock. Both of her hands were wrapped around another cock. They were twisting to the sides as her head back and forth.

"Oh fuck!" I heard a familiar voice moan. "You have been watching those videos I sent you, haven't you?"

I peaked around the corner a little more to see that it was Marcus looking down at my mom and smiling as she was sucking and rubbing his cock.

Stupid fucking bitch! I thought.

"Mmhmmm." Mom said not allowing her lips to leave his cock.

"You were right! This is a good pussy!" The man who mom was riding said. I knew that voice too. It was Davis, Marcus's best friend and another tormentor of mine. "How, wet, and just tight enough."

"May not be as tight as it was the first few times, but still grips a cock firmly."

"Hot and wet!" Davis said again as he grunted.

"Mmmm!" Mom moaned obviously pleased by the compliments.

"If you grab those titties, give them a pinch and twist, gets her hotter and wetter." Marcus said. "Like turning on the dishwasher!"

Marcus and Davies laughed as Davis reached up and grabbed moms breasts. Mom giggle but continued to suck Marcus. Davis did exactly what Marcus said, pinched and twisted.

"You know what I like, baby!" Mom moaned as she pulled her lips off Marcus. She looked up at him and smiled in both pleasure and appreciation. She let out another moan and wrapped her lips around Marcus's cock again.

"Oh fuck!" Davis groaned.

"Hey man. No cumming in my pussy!"

Mom looked up at Marcus and smiled around his cock. She was happy to be called his.

I was disgusted. If it had been any other woman I would have been turned on and jerking. But it was Mom. It was the woman who promised this would never happen, that she was done with Marcus. She swore on dads grave, on being my mother. I realized that was it. She wasn't my Mom anymore. Marcus had turned her into another one of his sluts to use whenever and however he wanted.

"I want to suck on those tits." Davis said.

"Have at them!" Marcus replied as he stepped back, pulling his cock away from her.

Mom looked up at him as disappointment crossed her face. A second later she stood up, turned around, and lowered herself on to Davis cock. Davies grabbed moms breast with one hand and wrapped the other around her waist. He wrapped his lips around her nipple and started sucking.

"Oh yes!" Mom moaned. She wrapped her arms around Davis head and held it to her breasts. She wasn't bouncing on his cock, by grinding on it, moving her hips back and forth.

Marcus walked over to the fridge, opened it and pulled out the jug of milk. He started drinking straight out of the jug. He turned to watch as his best friend was ridden by my mom.

"Good girl!" He said as he wiped his mouth. "Wearing the plug like a good little slut."

I looked down at her ass. I could only see it when she moved into Davis and squeezed her ass. There was a blue gem where her asshole should be.

My eyes went wide and I had to put a hand over my mouth to keep them from hearing my gasp of horror. Mom was fucking Davis while she had a butt plug in her.

"Of course." Mom said as she turned to look at Marcus, a big smile on her face. "I have been every day like you told me to."

"Good." Marcus said as he took another drink. "Still on the first one?"

"" Mom moaned as she continued to grind. "I am on the second. The first almost fell out last week."

Marcus and Davis both started to laugh, although Davis's was muted by the nipple in his mouth.

"I bet that scrawny little shit would have blown a load in pants if he saw that." Marcus said.

Mom scowled at him but didn't say anything other than to moan louder.

"Fuck my cock!" Davis said with a grown.

"No cumming in my pussy!" Marcus said.

"Whatever Mary!" Davis said with a laugh.

"Shut the fuck up Donna!" Marcus said before they started laughing. Even my mom was giggling.

As if things couldn't get worse. To know that mom had never stop fucking Marcus. That every time she had said she was going to meet Mary for work, she was fucking that asshole. As if I needed more confirmation that she was his!

I was hurt but more enraged. I was about to turn and walk away, but I heard Marcus say "What the fuck is this?" I peaked back around the corner. He was holding a cake in front of the open fridge.

"Kevin's birthday cake." Mom moaned as she moved on Davis's cock and turned to see.

I could see that Evil grin appear on Marcus's face. He shut the fridge and walked to the counter and put the cake down on it.

Davis bit down on mom's nipple and pulled. He put his hands on her hips and lifted her off of his cock. She looked down at him in surprise and disappointment.

"Can't cum in that pussy." Davis said with a laugh.

"Damn right." Marcus said. He looked over at mom. "Come here and get in position."

Mom smiled as she step around Davis and the chair. She quickly move toward Marcus turned around and started to bend over beside the cake.

"Here." Marcus said and grabbed her waist and moved her to the side. She was now leaning over the cake.

"W-what?" Mom asked as Marcus stepped behind her.

"You like to lay down when I fuck you doggy style. I want you upright." Marcus said as he grabbed his cock and start to slid in. "Now you have proper motivation. That or the scrawny little shit gets a titty cake for his birthday."

Marcus and Davis started to laugh as Marcus started to fuck her. Mom bit her lip, then closed her eyes as she got lost in the pleasure of his cock.

I guess Marcus figures Davis stretched her out enough for him. He went straight to pounding her. Davis stood up and walked over. He moved his hands under her and started to grab and pinch her breasts.

"Oh fuck yes!" Mom moaned.

A moment later Marcus stopped thrusting. Almost from instinct, mom started to push back into him. Marcus smiled as he took his hand off her hip and grabbed the plug in her ass. He started to slide that in and out of her.

"Oh!" Mom exclaimed from the new sensation. She turned head to look to see what was happening. She smiled while watching as Marcus moved the plug in and out of her, then up at Marcus.

"You like that, don't you?" He asked as he smiled back at her.

"Of course I did." Mom moaned as he continue to fuck her with the plug and she continue to fuck him. Every once in a while she would bounce up onto her toes instead of just moving straight back and forth. I assume for the ass fucking she was getting with the plug. "I can't wait till it is your cock in there!" She closed her eyes and got lost again.

I was disgust. Not from the idea of anal sex but because just a little over two months ago she was saying never. Now she was almost begging for it

"Soon." Marcus said the a combination of a moan and laugh. "Once your ass can handle the third plug I got you, then you are ready for my cock. Probably right around the state championship."

"Mmmmm." Mom moaned as she closed her eyes in anticipation.

She missed the smirk Marcus gave Davis. Having been tormented by them for years, I knew that smile. They had something planned. And it probably wasn't good.

"You love my cock, don't you? Marcus asked as he slid the plug in and left it there.


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