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My Cousin Jo and I Pt. 16

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Cousin Jolene makes a wish to me.
5.6k words

Part 16 of the 18 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 12/01/2015
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Sorry this took so long, but I was otherwise detained. I hope you all enjoy this chapter as much as I tore my heart out to write it.


I get dressed make my way to the kitchen. Jo smiles at me when I enter.

"Good morning." Mom and Jo say.

"Good morning ladies."

"My aren't we the gentleman today." Mom says. "Going to be a great day I think." Winking at Jo, her smiling at me. Mom asks "What's up today?"

"Well not sure depends on dad."

"I think he has settled down some." Says mom.

"I hope so I can't take his continual bitching at me I know that."

"If it gets too bad let me know. I'll talk to him and try to get him off your back."

"Thanks mom, I like Christy but I sure don't want her in trouble either. I don't think they know we even fool around at the pool either."

"Well that's good to know. If I see Hellen I will not say anything to her."

"You're the greatest mom." I go over and kiss her cheek.

"Gee if I get one of those every time it is worth it." While smiling at me.

Jo says, "Still mad at me cuz?"

"I guess not, you really had no idea how dad get over things."

"I know how my dad would have gotten. He would have wanted to know the boys name. Then would have found him and embarrassed me by threatening him. By telling him if he values his life to leave me alone."

"Really I had no idea Bob was that protective of you." Mom says

"You have no idea how dad is Aunt Nita. Especially if he has been drinking. Exactly why I don't have a boy friend of any kind."

"Well I'm sure he is just being over protective of you. I know Connie gave him a real hard time when she and Jim first got together."

"It was harder for him to control her. She is his step daughter not blood like me. Still when she was 18 she was allowed to date. Mom had more say then it seemed to me."

"I'm sure he wants you to go to college not get in relationship. I know Kate is proud of you. She definitely wants you to make something of yourself. Neither she or Francis could ever afford to go to college. That's why he is death on Richard about messing up and not going."

"I understand but still sucks as I have no social life at all." Jo says.

"Well it will get better you just have to get past the rough parts."

"I know what you mean. I have learned to deal with it." Then looking at me "Got plans for today cuz?"

"Not yet have to get past Dad before I can go anywhere." I head out to see if he needs me.

Dreading just going to talk to him. I am surprised when he says nothing about Christy at all. Tells me to help him on a small project for a couple hours. I spend the next 3 hours helping him. Then tells me I can go. Just to stay out of trouble.

Going back in the house. Mom tells me Calvin called asking if you were busy. I told him you were out in shop with dad. I told him I'd have you call when you came in.

I find Jo she is doing laundry asking how long before she is done. Tells me about an hour. I need to call Calvin I tell her as he called wanting to talk to me.

"I heard Aunt Nita talking to someone asking for you. I wasn't sure who it was."

I call Calvin to see what is up. He says he working on his car and needs some help. Could I come over to help for a while? Telling him I guess if dad is OK with it. Tell him I will ask and be over as soon as I can.

Jo asks, "What's up with Calvin?"

"He wants me to come over and help him work on his car he is fixing up."

"That sounds like fun can I tag along?"

"Sure how long before you will be ready to go?"

"This is last basket I need to hang out to dry."

"Great I'll check with dad to be sure it is OK by him if I go. Sure don't need him up my ass anymore than he was. You get that done and I will come get you."

Dad says just be home for supper is all. I go in Jo is upstairs changing. Comes down wearing blue jeans and one of my t-shirts.

"I hope you don't mind I got one of you shirts. Will it be a problem if I get it dirty."

"Oh hell no. Besides it looks better on you than me by far."

She smiles gives me a peck on the cheek. I tell mom where we are going and that we will be home by supper. On the walk over Jo is asking about Calvin's car. What kind it is, what motor it has, is it an automatic or stick shift. What is wrong with it? I tell her I am not sure he did not say. We will find out when we get there. I tell her to watch him though he has fast hands. She laughs saying she does too. Showing me her fist. I laugh and bump hips with her.

We get to Calvin's enter the garage. He is under car doing something.

"Hey what's up?" I ask

"I need help with transmission. I need to get it out to change the clutch plate. Dam thing weighs a ton."

"If it weighs a ton we are going to need more muscle then just you and me."

"Well not a ton but more than I can handle by myself."

I crawl under we manage to get it out with out smashing any fingers. It must weigh at least one hundred pounds. Calvin finishes taking out the pressure plate and clutch disc. Sure enough clutch disc is burn along with pressure plate.

"Fuck I was hoping the pressure plate was good. I have a new Disc but not a new pressure plate. Crap that's another fifty bucks I don't have. So we are done till I get it."

We get out from under car. Calvin sees Jo.

"Well shit I had no idea a hot chic was here."

"Hello Calvin and thank you for the complement." Smiling at him.

"Don't get him started Jo. His bullshit is thicker than mud."

"Fuck you Richard. Your just jealous I can hit on her and you can't because she is your cousin." Grinning at Jo

"Maybe but I can hit on you for fucking with her."

"Whoa there." Jo says "It's OK Dick. I kind of like the complements."

I just look at Jo can't believe what I'm hearing.

Calvin says come on I need to wash up and it looks like you do to DICK. I give him a look he knows I hate that name. Calvin is laughing under his breath. We go inside to wash. He tells Jo she can go to front room Jane is in there. In the bathroom he is asking if she has any boy friends back home. I tell him no her dad is a real asshole. He keeps her on real short leash. He grins saying they are usually the real wild ones that like to fuck like a mink. I tell him you talking about my cousin. He says so have I tried to tap her. I think I turn bright red, telling him no. He says, If I'm not going to try he is. I am about ready to hit him. As we finish I say you better leave her alone. He just shakes his head saying something about fair game.

We go to the front room Jo and Jane are talking. Jane is wearing a red tank top and blue jeans.

"Hi Richard." Jane says. Giving me a strange look.

"Hi Jane."

"Well maybe we better go home. Can't help Calvin any more till he gets that part."

Jane says, "What part do you need little brother?"

"Clutch Pressure plate the old one is bad. I thought all it needed was disc till got it tore apart. Then found out both were bad."

"How much is it?"

"About fifty bucks."

"I could loan you the money for it."

"That would be great. Wait a minute you never do anything unless there is something in it for you. What is the catch?"

"Nothing you will just owe me a small favor sometime."

"I knew there was a catch. OK what kind of favor?"

"Don't know yet. I'll decide when that time comes."

"Crap this sucks, If I don't it will take me at least a couple weeks to earn the money. At the same time to owe you is like a loan shark a small favor could turn out to be a big bite. Fuck I'll do it I need my car."

Jane goes get the cash gives it to Calvin. "I have two witnesses that you owe me."

"Can I use moms car to go get it?"

"I suppose just be careful. If you wreck it she will kill me and you."

"Want to go along?" Looking at me.

"Well I don't know. How long will we be?"

"Maybe a couple hours at most."

"I'll go if Dick won't." Jo says. Then gives me a weird look.

"It's a matter of time we are suppose to be home by five. It is a little after three now."

Jo says, I can call Aunt Nita telling her we are eating here." That would take care of that.

"OK whatever."

Jo makes a call talks to mom a bit.

"Good timing she was just getting stuff out for supper. She says it not a problem. Just be home by 10."

"Dam if I would have called it would have been a major problem."

Then Jane says, "I think I'll go along and drive." Keeping the keys and heading for the door.

"What the fuck? You don't need to come Jane."

"Yea I do keep you kids out of the back seat."

"Fuck you sis, More cum stains on that seat from you then I'll ever put there."

"Jealous little brother? Hell no, you ain't that good of a fuck."

"Well your nothing to brag about either."

Jo says "Excuse me did I hear you say you two have had sex with each other?"

Jane says, "Yea He thinks he some kind of stud. He got maybe 6 inches at best."

"Ain't what ya got it's how you use it." Calvin torts back.

"Well you practice on me every chance you get.But it sure doesn't seem to be getting better. Why don't you get a real girl friend. Oh that's right you're a worthless fuck." Jane is laughing at him.

I am just fucking red as a beet. I am so embarrassed listening to them.

"Well if you want a real fuck try Dick." Jo says

"What?" Calvin says. "I though you said you had not tapped that fine ass." Looking at me.

"JO! What the fuck?"

"What the hell Dick they are brother and sister, we are just cousins."

"Well well welll the truth comes out." Calvin says. "That's why you don't want me hitting on her you already tapping her."

"Sounds like we need to do a trade off." Jane says.

"Fucking hell yes! What do you say Jo want to get a real fuck. Instead of Dick's little dick." Calvin says with a laugh.

I'm so fucking mad at Jo it's not funny. Just what I didn't want to happen is now on the table. I am so jealous even thinking about him fucking Jo. I am seeing red.

Finally at the parts store Calvin gets what he needs. We start back to their house.

Jane says, "I have been thinking about Richard since the swimming pool a while back."

I'm thinking fuck it if she wants to fuck him so be it. I'll bet Jane is a better fuck anyway.

"OK When do we want to do this and where?" Jo says

"Mom is gone till late and Bob went to his woman's place for the night. We have the house all to our selves at least for three or four hours.' Jane says.

"Fucking A Jo how about it ready for some real fucking." Calvin leaning forward by her head sliding his hand over her shoulder to her tit. "Fuck baby what a set of knockers you have. I can't wait to suck on them nipples."

I'm fuming mad. I don't really want to even be in the same house with him fucking Jo. As soon as we hit the drive. The three of them head for the door. I take off running towards the alley. Fuck that, I want nothing to do with it. I am on the verge of hating Jo. I go find a place to cry like a little baby. How could she do this. My mind is muddled so badly I can't think straight. All I can think of is seeing Calvin Sucking on her tits and pounding his worthless dick in her. All the time her enjoying it. Sure I'd like to fuck Jane but not if it meant losing Jo. I don't know what to do I can't go home. Mom will want to know where Jo is. What am I going to tell her. Oh, She is just at Calvin's getting fucked. Maybe having a threesome with his sister. I walk back to Calvin's hiding behind the garage crying my eyes out.

Then I hear. "Dick?" It's Jo.

I get up wipe my eyes. I can't stop crying. She come over to me tries to hug me. I pull away. "Leave me alone, don't touch me." I start walking toward home.

"Dick we need to talk about this."

"I don't think I can right now Jo."

We walk the rest of the way home in silence. Arriving I go straight to my room. I hear mom ask where I went. It is only 8 p.m. I almost never go to bed before 10. I need a shower after being under that car. I hear the phone ring just as I get in the shower. Mom yells it's Calvin wanting to talk to me. Opening the door I yell I'm taking a shower I will call him back, NEVER that is. Fucking bastard worthless piece of shit.

I let the hot water wash away the thoughts of today. Trying to completely wipe today from my brain. But it will not happen. All I can see when I close my eyes is Jo fucking or sucking Calvin's cock. I begin to cry again. I have lost her, I guess deep in my brain I knew this time would come. I hoped never to have to face it though. As the hot water runs out I have to get out and dry my self. Then go down and face mom and Jo. Getting dressed I force myself down the stairs.

Mom tells me remember Calvin back. Thanks mom just what I want to hear. Jo is looking at me I can barely look her in the eyes. I don't understand the expression on her face.

I pick up the phone dial Calvin's number. His sister answers, asking if I'm OK. I tell her yes let me talk to Calvin. He gets on happy as can be. Fuck yea he just got the best piece of ass in his life. Then he says why did I run off. (Hard to talk about it with mom right there) I tell him, I couldn't help it. He says can't talk right now? Right is all I say. Just listen then. Man you're my best friend. When you took off I knew something was really wrong. I asked Jo where you went. She had no idea either. We went in waited a bit then we all went looking for you. We looked every where we could think of finally giving up. Just so you know Jo never let me touch her. Only time was in the car. Even then she had my hand crushing it with hers. Fuck she is strong. I'm sorry bud I would never do anything to hurt you. Hell we have known each other since we were in diapers. Have you talked to Jo? I tell him no. I'm telling you she did nothing wrong she really cares a lot about you. You know I still need you help putting that fucking tranny back in. Are we good? I tell him yea and I'll help him whenever he needs me. I hang up, I almost can not even look at Jo. I am so ashamed of my self.

I'm ready to cry again. Looking at Jo, she has this little knowing smile on her face. I want to go cry in her lap and beg her forgiveness for even thinking what went through my brain.

Mom gives me a strange look. "Are you OK?"

"Yes Calvin and I got into it. I messed up badly, it's hard to explain mom."

"Sounds like you got it worked out anyway."

"Yea I feel like a real ass too."

Jo is still looking at me with a knowing little smile.

"I still need some time to think though. I'm going for a walk to clear my head."

"You want me to come along or do you need to be alone?" I think for a minute. "Its up to you Jo." I head out the front door.

Jo looks at mom "I think he needs some moral support."

Mom just smiles at her. Jo comes after me catching up. She just walks beside me not saying a word, I'm staring at the ground as we walk.

"I'm such a fuck up Jo. I don't know what's wrong with me. I want you to be happy but I can't bear the thought of someone else touching or having you. I hurts my soul to imagine it. Calvin told me nothing happened though." I'm nearly sick to my stomach over the whole deal.

"I feel very lucky to have someone who loves me so much it hurts. You do know I have issues with sharing you too."

I stop looking at her beautiful face. "Huh?"

"Listen to me till I'm done please. You don't think it bothers me to share you with Christy and Susie? I didn't know how much till you were with them when I wasn't there. First time was real turn on with Christy. Then when we helped Susie I had a real hard time with that situation. You need to know this even if I had fucked Calvin it would have meant nothing to me. Maybe it has to do with Rick and dad as I feel nothing for them. It is just sex to get them off me. Sex to me most of the time means nothing just gets my rocks off too so to speak. But it is different when I'm with you. I have real feelings for you. So I know how you felt today at Calvins. Tell me something. Would you fuck Jane just to see how it felt to fuck her? Be truthful with me Dick."

Almost crying "I had no idea you felt this way. I knew you loved me but guess I really never thought of how Christy and Susie made you feel. I feel like a piece of shit Jo. Bad thing is I would like to have sex with Jane just to fuck her. I have no feelings for her either."

"See sometimes it's a hormone thing just a fuck. I guess it is the excitement of someone new. Just to see how good it would feel. Really has nothing to do with love or even feelings at all. Hell if given the chance and didn't know already Jon was such an ass. I'd have fucked him once, that is till I found out about his pencil dick anyway. He would hated me right off cause I'd be laughing at him as soon as I saw his cock."

"I guess am wondering where this leaves us Jo?"

"It is up to you Dick. Eventually I have to go home and you will have to deal with everything when I'm gone. I hope this has not changed anything between us."

"Phew! This is tough but I will do what ever you want. If you want to fuck somebody I will help and learn to deal with it. Especially if I know you will come back to me when it is over. I love you Jo and trust you with my life."

Jo smiles "I would never do anything to hurt you. I will always be there for you. I love you too. I promise never to leave you hurting. Just remember I have needs sometimes too. You have had a threesome, hell a foursome. But I kind of wonder a bit what it would be like to screw two or three guys at once."

I feel a pang of gut pain over her request. Still I understand where she is coming from. I do want her happy and if that's what she wants I will try to gut wrench through it. I'm just not sure how to deal with it and whom she might want to do it with.

"Jo stupid question."

"Yea what is it?"

"Do you know who you want to make this wish come true?"

"No Dick I don't. Just know this I want you involved if you can do it."

I swallow hard just thinking about it. I'm not sure if I can watch as she sucks or fucks another guys cock. Even if I am on the receiving end of her attention as one of the other guy or guys. I have never been naked with another guy let alone another guy fucking the same girl.

"You OK Dick?"

"Yea just thinking about what you said. Trying to picture that is really hard to do. But I'm willing to do anything for you."

Jo stops looks at me. "I know how tough it was for you to just say that. Let alone agree to it." Then kisses me, squeezing me so tight I can't breath. I can see it in her eyes she loves me deeply. I know I love her and would sell my soul to be with her.

"It is getting late we better get back home." She says

I take her hand as we head home. My brain is a blur with thoughts some good some bad. Some making me almost sick to my stomach they bother me so much. I try to push them out but I can't.

At home mom ask if everything is all right. I tell her yes but still feel like crap over the whole deal. I just need to sleep and then talk to Calvin. Mom smiles saying she knows I'll make the right choices she has faith in me. I tell her thanks and good night to her dad and Jo.

I'm in bed I hear Jo on the stairs. Poking her head in my room. "Are you going to be good?"

"Just feeling a bit lost at the moment."

"Would some company make you feel better?"

"Yes it would."

"Give me a bit I come in when they are in bed. I really need the company too Dick." Then winks at me.

About half-hour later I feel her slip in bed with me. Cuddles up close kissing my cheek. Placing her hand on my chest her leg over mine. Molding her body to mine I put my arm around her. She places her head on my shoulder. I love the feel of her next to me. The warmth of her body, her firm breasts on my side our thighs touching. I'm still thinking of what she said about two or three guys.


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